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This is a transcript for dialogue with Private Watson.


GREETING GREETING Sad 50 I still haven't found my lucky helmet yet. 1
GREETING Happy 50 Thanks for finding my lucky helmet. It's my favorite! 2
GREETING Happy 25 Hey-o! 3
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonFirstTalk <First Dialog by Watson to Player> Neutral 50 Have you seen my helmet? I can't seem to find it. 4
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonTopic000 Your helmet is right over there. Neutral 50 {confused} It's always in the last place you look. I wonder why that is. 5
Happy 50 Thanks mister, you're the greatest. 6
Your helmet is right over there. Neutral 50 {confused} It's always in the last place you look. I wonder why that is. 7
Happy 50 There it is! Thanks lady, you're the greatest. 8
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonTopic001 What do you know about the President's visit? Neutral 50 He's coming to give a big fancy speech to all of us troops stationed here at the dam. 9
Happy 50 I'm pretty excited. He seems like such a nice guy and I get to meet him. 10
Happy 25 He's giving me a medal. I don't know why though. I'm just doing my job like all the other guys. I'm still excited though. 11
What do you know about the President's visit? Sad 50 I can't believe someone killed President Kimball. He was such a nice guy, why would anyone want to hurt him? 12
What do you know about the President's visit? Neutral 50 I can't believe someone wanted to kill President Kimball. I'm glad he got out of here safe. 13
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonTopic002 Tell me about yourself. Anger 5 Momma always told me not to talk to strangers, but you seem like a nice person. 14
Sad 50 Momma left me on a farm when she went out prospecting, but when she never came back, the owner didn't want me around and kicked me out on my own. 15
Happy 25 A nice guy came up and asked me if I wanted to join the NCR so I did. Now the Troopers are my family. I like it here. Everyone is so nice. 16
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonTopic008 I haven't seen it. Sad 10 That's too bad. I need it for the ceremony. I need to look my best and I need my lucky helmet. 17
Happy 10 I'll just have to keep looking. Thanks anyway. 18
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDPrivateWatsonTopic009 [Lie] Do you mean the helmet I just threw off the dam? Happy 50 Ha ha, you big joker you. You're funny. I like you. 19
Neutral 50 I really need to find my helmet though. Thanks anyway. 20


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye-bye. 21