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This is a transcript for dialogue with James Garret.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Angry} Well, I hate to support the damn NCR, but it looks like they're the only thing between us and mass slavery at the hands of the Legion. 1
Neutral 50 Here's to the slaughter of every last one of those brahmin-poking meatheads, Caesar's Legion. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wary} Doesn't look good, this build-up of forces between the NCR and Legion. Not good at all for business in the long run, if the Legion wins. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {Concerned} I hear the Legion is camping out across the river. I hope they're not planning to attack, but those bloodthirsty molerats are never up to any good. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {excited} Some guys were in here earlier saying you survived Benny's goon squad. That's one hell of a feat, bud. Have a drink on me. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {Amused} I hear Benny got force-fed a little slice of heaven. Man what I would have paid to see that loathesome little weasel eat it. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {Snarky} So Benny went MIA, huh? I always figured him for a coward. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 {Confident} You made a run on The Tops, eh? Admirable work, but don't try that crap in Freeside. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} I don't care how you get your work done, but keep you nose clean in Freeside. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} {Chuckle} Here comes trouble. What can I do for you? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} I can see you appreciate the gray areas of life. Got anything in particular you're looking for? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} Welcome back, wild man. What can I do for you. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} Welcome back, wild woman. What can I do for you. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 {Good Natured Rascal} {Heya} Hey, chum. Welcome back. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked} Welcome back, friend. What can I get you? 15
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} People in Freeside are talking, bub. We don't serve punks. Change your attitude, or find another place to drink. 16
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} I don't have all day. What do you need? 17
GREETING Neutral 50 {Hated} You're a real piece of work, bub. You're lucky to be alive with your rep around here. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Welcome to the Atomic Wrangler. What can I get you? 19
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Welcome back. What can I get you? 20
JamesGarretHadrian I'd like to get Hadrian out of his contract. Surprise 20 Now why would I want to do that? His performances make me quite a lot of money. 21
I'm back to talk about Hadrian's contract. Disgust 20 Oh really? Are you going to waste my time again, or do you have something substantive to offer? 22
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic000 The Followers need to find someone to trade with for supplies. Neutral 50 Really now? This is news. We could possibly supply what they need, but they would need to supply us in kind. 23
Neutral 50 They have the tech know-how to make our stills work more efficiently. Purer alcohol means we can get our customers drunk quicker. 24
Neutral 50 Getting our customers drunk quicker means more caps spent at the tables and stuffing slots if you know what I mean. 25
Neutral 50 Plus, the extra alcohol can serve as surgical disinfectant for their needs. The Followers are a good lot. They've stitched up our boys in the past. 26
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic001 I might be able to work something out. Neutral 50 Good. We can supply them with all the Med-X they need. For the Fixer, we'll only be able to send over some basic drug components. 27
Neutral 50 We're not in the business of getting people off drugs, so we don't really dabble in that side of things. 28
Neutral 50 The Followers should be able to whip some up with what we have available, though. 29
Neutral 50 They just need to agree to fix up our stills and keep them maintained plus cover the cost for raw materials needed to make the alcohol. 30
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic002 Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Sure. Take a look. 31
Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Not for someone like you. My customers would shit a brick if they knew I sold anything to you. 32
Neutral 50 If you need help cleaning up your rep around Freeside, I might be able to help... for a price. 33
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic003 I spoke with Julie Farkas. She says the Followers will accept your offer. Neutral 50 Hey, that's great. We'll get some supplies sent over today as a show of good faith. 34
Neutral 50 Once our stills are upgraded, we'll never be short on liquor for our patrons. If Jacob Hoff is sober, we might even have a few new drinks on tap. 35
Neutral 50 Most might view us as drug dealing enablers around here, but honestly we care about our patrons. It's bad business for people to get addicted. 36
Neutral 50 We've got enough crime in Freeside without a bunch of strung-out junkies robbing traders and gamblers to afford their next fix. 37
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic004 How's business? Neutral 50 House may have boxed us out of the Strip, but we also don't have to deal with their bullshit. 38
Neutral 50 I think now that the Followers are working with us, we'll be able to shape up Freeside a bit more. 39
How's business? Neutral 50 With Jacob Hoff sobered up, there are new drinks are on the menu and sales are strong. People love the new Absinthe and Rum & Nuka. 40
How's business? Neutral 50 Well, I wasn't expecting the increased NCR presence after the bombing to improve things, but I've been pleasantly surprised. 41
Neutral 50 The off-duty chumps who have been wandering through have been stopping in to buy drinks and pay for strange. I appreciate the extra income. 42
How's business? Neutral 50 The build-up of tension around the dam isn't making things safe, but it sure is bringing in a lot of hotheads looking to drink their worries away. 43
How's business? Neutral 50 With the Kings dead, business is going a bit south. It's harder to get supplies into Freeside safely without their help. 44
How's business? Neutral 50 We ain't scraping to get by, if that's what you're asking. 45
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic005 Do you have any work you need done? Neutral 50 We've got the basics covered, but now that you mention it, we have had {draw out} unusual requests from some of our wealthier customers. 46
Neutral 50 If you can recruit escorts to match these customers'... proclivities... I'd be willing to pay you finder's fees. 47
Do you have any work you need done? Neutral 50 I still need those escorts if you're interested. 48
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic006 What sort of "proclivities" are we talking about? Neutral 50 Our wealthiest client has a thing for ghouls, and a thing for cowboys. He wants an escort who can satisfy both fetishes. 49
Neutral 50 Plenty of customers have said they'd be willing to pay extra for a suave talker, someone who can fake the "boyfriend experience" real good. 50
Neutral 50 And then there's these disgusting robot fetishists you may have heard about? Well, those creeps want a sexbot. {judgemental - trying to hide that you're the one who wants the sexbot} 51
Neutral 50 Have you ever run across a sexbot? Not that I'd ever want one within 100 feet of me - but I gotta be a businessman about it. {hopeful, then pretending it's not for you} 52
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic007 Maybe later. Neutral 50 Come on back and see me if you change your mind. 53
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic008 I'll see if I run across any suitable candidates. Neutral 50 Just direct them to the Wrangler. I'll pay you when they show up. 54
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic009 I'm not going to be your pimp. Neutral 50 Oh, I'd still be the pimp - you'd just be my pissant recruiter is all. Let me know if you change your mind. {dressing down the player for his/her self-righteousness} 55
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic010 I'll expect 100 caps *minimum* for each candidate I bring in. Neutral 50 Just don't rough up the merchandise before delivery - you break it, you bought it. 56
Surely these escorts are critical to your business? How about double? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Okay, you've got yourself a deal. Find escorts to fill the positions and I'll pay double. 57
Ha! Who are you kidding! I need double! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Sorry, double is out of the question. 58
I will need more than that to recoup travel expenses. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Okay, you've got yourself a deal. Find escorts to fill the positions and I'll pay double. 59
That's chimp pay! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Sorry, but that is the best I can do. 60
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic016 I found the sexbot you're looking for. Happy 50 You did? Hot damn! I been looking for one of those for years! 61
Fear 50 {embarassed} For my customers, I mean... I'm not into that kind of shit. 62
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic017 Fisto is already programmed to respond to your commands. Neutral 50 {thrilled} It is? It will? My god! Imagine the possibilities! 63
Neutral 50 It didn't happen to come with an owner's manual, did it? {waving it off} Aw, forget it - {looking forward to it} trial and error should do it. {intently curious} 64
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 65
Fisto is already programmed to respond to your commands. Neutral 50 {thrilled} }It is? It will? My god! Imagine the possibilities! {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 66
Neutral 50 It didn't happen to come with an owner's manual, did it? {waving it off} Aw, forget it - {looking forward to it} trial and error should do it. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 67
Fisto is already programmed to respond to your commands. Neutral 50 {thrilled} It is? It will? My god! Imagine the possibilities! 68
Neutral 50 It didn't happen to come with an owner's manual, did it? {waving it off} Aw, forget it - {looking forward to it} trial and error should do it. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 69
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. 70
Fisto is already programmed to respond to your commands. Neutral 50 {thrilled} It is? It will? My god! Imagine the possibilities! {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 71
Neutral 50 It didn't happen to come with an owner's manual, did it? {waving it off} Aw, forget it - {looking forward to it} trial and error should do it. 72
I could use some help with my reputation in Freeside.
I could use some help with my reputation in Freeside. Neutral 50 {Curious} For the right caps I might be able to put in a good word or let people know you're not such a bad guy. What do you have in mind? 73
Thing is, Fisto's a *heavy-duty* piece of equipment, built to last... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hey, I'm amazed you even found the thing in the first place. 74
Neutral 50 Here is double for your trouble. Those freaky fetishists ought to be satisfied now. 75
First I'd like to discuss payment. This wasn't a cakewalk. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hey, I'm amazed you even found the thing in the first place. 76
Neutral 50 Here is double for your trouble. Those freaky fetishists ought to be satisfied now. 77
I need double before we talk more. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I don't think so. We agreed to a price, and that's what you're getting. 78
Thing is, Fisto's a *heavy-duty* piece of equipment, built to last... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You're right, you're right! Something like this, it's worth a little extra because it's going to keep on satisfying you... {thrilled - you ordered the sexbot for yourself} 79
Neutral 50 {embarrassed cough} Those disgusting fetishists, I mean. Something wrong with someone if they got to fuck a machine. 80
Thing is, Fisto's a *heavy-duty* piece of equipment, built to last... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You're right, you're right! Something like this, it's worth a little extra because it's going to keep on satisfying you... {thrilled - you ordered the sexbot for yourself} 81
Neutral 50 {embarrassed cough} Those disgusting fetishists, I mean. Something wrong with someone if they got to fuck a machine. 82
Seems like... maybe a robot would be worth more? You think? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Believe me - these things is a mess of trouble to keep maintained! They wear out on you, at the worst possible moment! {remembering a disappointing encounter} 83
Neutral 50 {embarrassed cough} So say those disgusting fetishists, anyway. Something wrong with someone if they got to fuck a machine. 84
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic021 I need people to forget about some things I've done. Neutral 50 All right, you let your caps do the talking. How much exactly are you looking for the locals to forget? 85
I need people to forget about some things I've done. Neutral 50 Sorry, bub, but I'm fresh out of ideas. I've done all I can to scrub up your rep around here. What's done is done. 86
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic022 I want people to like me. Neutral 50 All right, I can chat you up, but it is going to cost you. I'm not risking my reputation around here for nothing. 87
I want people to like me. Neutral 50 Sorry, chum, but I've done all I can to chat you up to the locals. 88
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic023 You wanted a smooth-talker for an escort? I found one. Neutral 50 And who would that be? 89
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic024 Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 That honey-mouthed sonofabitch? Fine. At least he'll have to shut up occasionally. 90
Neutral 50 Those pretty lips of his are going to see more traffic than a Brahmin trail in low summer! 91
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. 92
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 That honey-mouthed sonofabitch? Fine. At least he'll have to shut up occasionally. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 93
Neutral 50 Those pretty lips of his are going to see more traffiic than a Brahmin trail in low summer! 94
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 95
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 That honey-mouthed sonofabitch? Fine. At least he'll have to shut up occasionally. {[DUPLICATE LINE]} 96
Neutral 50 Those pretty lips of his are going to see more traffic than a Brahmin trail in low summer! 97
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 That honey-mouthed sonofabitch? Fine. At least he'll have to shut up occasionally. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 98
Neutral 50 Those pretty lips of his are going to see more traffic than a Brahmin trail in low summer! {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 99
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 {Hmph!} That honey-mouthed sonofabitch owes me a scad of caps! He'll feel like a Brahmin hitching post by the time he's worked off his debt! 100
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 101
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 {Hmph!} That honey-mouthed sonofabitch owes me a scad of caps! He'll feel like a Brahmin hitching post by the time he's worked off his debt! 102
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 103
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 {Hmph!} That honey-mouthed sonofabitch owes me a scad of caps! He'll feel like a Brahmin hitching post by the time he's worked off his debt! {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 104
Santiago's your man. Neutral 50 {Hmph!} That honey-mouthed sonofabitch owes me a scad of caps! He'll feel like a Brahmin hitching post by the time he's worked off his debt! {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 105
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic025 I actually found you an escort who's a ghoul *and* a cowboy. Neutral 50 Imagine that! What's his name and when's he start? 106
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic026 Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately. Neutral 50 A she, huh? Well... I guess the customer who made that request can't get {emph} everything he wants. 107
Neutral 50 Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference. 108
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 109
Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately. Neutral 50 A she, huh? Well... I guess the customer who made that request can't get {emph} everything he wants. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 110
Neutral 50 Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 111
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE]} 112
Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately. Neutral 50 A she, huh? Well... I guess the customer who made that request can't get {emph} everything he wants. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 113
Neutral 50 Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 114
Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately. Neutral 50 A she, huh? Well... I guess the customer who made that request can't get {emph} everything he wants. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 115
Neutral 50 Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 116
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic028 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 117
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic029 Never mind. Neutral 50 What do you need, then? 118
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic030 <Pay 250 caps> Just a few things here and there. I'm no monster. Neutral 50 Very well, I'll let the townsfolk know you had your reasons, and convince them they were of the most benevolent means. 119
<Pay 250 caps> Nothing big, just a few things. Neutral 50 Okay, I'll reassure the townies your intentions are good, but if you keep it up, they aren't going to believe me in the future. 120
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic031 <Pay 500 caps> I think they may have gotten me mixed up with someone else. Neutral 50 You've got yourself a deal. I'll let the townsfolk know some ill-tempered goon has been spreading nasty rumors about you. 121
<Pay 500 caps> Someone is still spreading horrible rumors about me! Neutral 50 All right, but this is the last time I can use this line with the townies. I can only discredit so many people. 122
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic032 <Pay 1000 caps> I must have been possessed by the Devil to have done what I did. Neutral 50 This'll take some work, but I'm sure I can convince them you were off your rocker in the past and you've changed your ways. 123
Neutral 50 However, this is a once-only affair. Screw me once, shame on you, and all that jazz. 124
Neutral 50 People aren't going to believe me if you go on another spree and claim the Devil made you do it. 125
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic033 <Pay 250 caps> Just a few things here and there. Neutral 50 Great, I'll let the townsfolk know you help old ladies across the street and do your best to keep the town clean if you notice litter. 126
<Pay 250 caps> Just a few things here and there. Neutral 50 Okay, I'll tell the locals you've been keeping an eye on local thugs as a sort of neighborhood watch. 127
<Pay 250 caps> Just a few things here and there. Neutral 50 I'll see what I can do, but there isn't much more I can say about you that won't require more caps. 128
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic034 <Pay 500 caps> I'm a great guy. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 That'll do nicely. I'll spin some stories about how you stopped a mugging or two and saved a kid's pet rat from certain doom! 129
<Pay 500 caps> I'm a great guy. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 Thanks, I'll spin up some tales of you slaying some nasty critters infesting some of the local homes and donating the leftovers to charity. 130
<Pay 500 caps> I'm a great guy. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 Okay, but this is the last story I can tell without a bigger risk to my rep. 131
Neutral 50 I'll tell them you took out a band of NCR raiders planning to rob locals as they left Freeside. 132
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic035 <Pay 500 caps> I'm a great gal. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 That'll do nicely. I'll spin some stories about how you stopped a mugging or two and saved a kid's pet rat from certain doom! 133
<Pay 500 caps> I'm a great gal. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 Thanks, I'll spin up some tales of you slaying some nasty critters infesting some of the local homes and donating the leftovers to charity. 134
<Pay 500 caps> I'm a great gal. I do my best to help those in need. Neutral 50 Okay, but this is the last story I can tell without a bigger risk to my rep. 135
Neutral 50 I'll tell them you took out a band of NCR raiders planning to rob locals as they left Freeside. 136
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic036 Old Ben has the experience and skill you need. Neutral 50 I've heard stories of that old guy. I'm amazed he's still alive with how much he's been through. 137
Neutral 50 If the stories are true, he'll be a valuable commodity here at the Wrangler. I appreciate the find. 138
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. 139
Old Ben has the experience and skill you need. Neutral 50 I've heard stories of that old guy. I'm amazed he's still alive with how much he's been through. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 140
Neutral 50 If the stories are true, he'll be a valuable commodity here at the Wrangler. I appreciate the find. 141
Neutral 50 Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 142
Old Ben has the experience and skill you need. Neutral 50 I've heard stories of that old guy. I'm amazed he's still alive with how much he's been through. {[DUPLICATE LINE]} 143
Neutral 50 If the stories are true, he'll be a valuable commodity here at the Wrangler. I appreciate the find. 144
Old Ben has the experience and skill you need. Neutral 50 I've heard stories of that old guy. I'm amazed he's still alive with how much he's been through. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 145
Neutral 50 If the stories are true, he'll be a valuable commodity here at the Wrangler. I appreciate the find. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 146
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic037 <Pay 1000 caps> I'm a damn beacon of morality here! People should be lining up to shake my hand. Neutral 50 Great, this is going to require an epic tale of heroism... 147
Neutral 50 I've got it! I'll say you slew a nest of Deathclaws living in the sewers! It was bloody work, but you waded through the pack like a man possessed! 148
Neutral 50 Just to make this clear, I can only spin a whopper this big once. There's only so much people will believe before they see through the bullshit. 149
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic038 I'm not interested. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 150
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic040 Any idea where I should look for the sexbot? Neutral 50 The best place to start would be with Ralph at Mick & Ralph's over on the east end of Freeside. Other than that, your guess is as good as mine. 151
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic041 I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 152
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 153
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 154
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 155
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 156
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 157
I wasn't able to find all of the escorts you're looking for. Neutral 50 That's unfortunate, but it's not like we're losing any existing business over it. Thanks for looking. 158
My time isn't cheap, Mr. Garret. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Oh all right. You did the legwork, so I suppose you deserve a tip. Here. 159
Hey, don't I get a bonus or something? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Here's a tip, kid. If you want to get paid, get the job done to completion. 160
VFreeformFreesideVFSJamesGarretTopic043 Pleasure doing business with you. Neutral 50 Yep, thanks for the help. 161
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic000 I could pay you. Happy 10 Now, you see, you should have opened with that. I'll sell you his contract, but it will cost you. 162
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic001 He's not the right fit for this place. You'll find better performers. Pained 15 [SUCCEEDED] I suppose you've got a point. Plenty of Brahmin on the prairie, and all that. Fine, I'll cut him loose. He's all yours. 163
He's not the right fit for this place. You'll find better performers. Anger 20 [FAILED] That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. I'm not letting my star performer go without some guarantee of new incomes. 164
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic002 But how much do you lose on folk not coming into a place with a ghoul performer? Pained 15 [SUCCEEDED] I admit that thought had crossed my mind. Maybe you're right - maybe I'd do better with a human act. He's all yours. 165
But how much do you lose on folk not coming into a place with a ghoul performer? Anger 10 [FAILED] That may be the case, but I can't risk that kind of cash-flow. You'll have to do better than that. 166
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic003 If you don't I'll tear out your spleen and then rip this place down. Anger 40 Ah. I suppose that's a very... compelling negotiating stance. Fine. The contract is yours. I hope you choke on it. 167
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic004 I'll pay you 100 and not a cap more. Pained 15 [SUCCEEDED] Well, I see there's no fooling you in a horse trade. Fine - you've got a deal. 168
I'll pay you 100 and not a cap more. Anger 25 [FAILED] No, no I don't think you will. The deal is final. 169
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic005 I've been a lot of help to you already. You can do me this one favor. Pained 15 You have been a useful associate, that I'll grant you. Okay, he's yours for a discount. Just make sure the stage is downwind of the audience. 170
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic006 Here you go, 150 caps. Happy 10 Pleasure doing business with you. 171
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic007 I'll come back when I have enough. Disgust 10 Take your time - the ghoul's not going anywhere. 172
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic008 Here you go. Happy 10 Pleasure doing business with you. 173
VMSTopsTalentPoolVFSJamesGarretTopic009 I'll come back when I have enough. Disgust 15 Take your time - the ghoul's not going anywhere. 174