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This is a transcript for dialogue with Wasteland adventurer.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Peace, traveler. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 You again? What 'cha need, champ? 2
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic000 Which way to Primm? Neutral 50 Sign says you go south... just look for the rollercoaster. Oh and don't go north, a caravan just got sacked up the road. 3
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic001 Who are you? Neutral 50 Just a hunter, out here killing things and hoping their hides fetch more than the bullets cost to kill 'em. 4
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Watch your back out there. 5
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Whatever. 6
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Keep your guns loaded and ready. 7
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic003 Let's trade. Neutral 50 I could use some Stimpaks... how 'bout some nice Bloatfly Steaks in trade? 8
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic004 Do you have anything to trade? Neutral 50 That's a dangerous question... asked the way a bandit might ask... but since we're close to town I'll trust your good intentions. 9
VES03DialogueWastelandHunterGSVES03WastelandAdventurerTopic009 What if I go around the caravan? Neutral 50 It just gets worse the further north you go... Deathclaws... death in general. But it's your ass, I suppose. 10