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Fallout Wiki


The VAPL-66 power station is located south-southwest of Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop and northeast of the Dunwich Building.


It is a set of fenced-in power lines and transformers next to a power substation, located in the southwest corner of the map.

Notable loot

  • Dean's Electronics - On the "L" shaped desk directly in front of you when you enter.
  • Stimpaks - On the "L" shaped desk, to the right side of the destroyed terminal.
  • Mentats - On the "L" shaped desk, to the right side of the destroyed terminal.
  • Psycho - On the right side of the destroyed terminal directly beside of it.
  • Med-X - On the right side of the destroyed terminal directly under the psycho.
  • Mini nuke - To the left the "L" shaped desk, on the floor.


  • On three separate encounters, when leaving the station, three raiders slowly approach from the east. If they do not see you, they continue past the station, towards the east.
  • A drainage chamber containing Signal Sierra Victor's broadcasting station nearby, containing decent loot.


VAPL-66 power station appears in Fallout 3.
