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The following is a treatment for the telemovie Fallout: Seattle Plague. It was written by Paladin117 in 2013 and was stolen by the nefarious Nukapedia one day later. The official script has not been written nor stolen, yet.

Document start icon The following is the original document or a transcript thereof.
  • Ron doing normal narration. See black-and-white about the Great War. Switch to war in Mojave. NCR fighting to annex the Mojave, then Mojave fighting against them. Anarchy surprises soldiers, they're forced out of the Mojave. People belief this will be a great time, but Ron ends with famous line "War. War never changes."
  • Lydia in small town, casually in an alley. Steals an apple from a store and walks away, no one notices. Sees a paper, reveals it's been 20 years since the Mojave War. Lydia stops near the town center and looks over, seeing a bounty board. Her picture is on one of them -- with the MFR and BoS seals on it -- revealing she's wanted for murder. Lydia continues walking as normal, leaving the town.
  • At Shady Sands, Senator Hanlon and Chief Sarrano argue with each other in Hanlon's office. Sarrano storms out without noticing Ethan -- a Veteran Ranger -- standing in the corner of the waiting room. Ethan enters Hanlon's office and Hanlon decides to explain some NCR politics. After failing at the Mojave, the rest of the Senate hopes to expand to the north, to Seattle. They hoped to capitalize on the city's recent plague, but the city turned to the MFR for help instead. As the former chief of the Rangers, Hanlon doesn't trust his replacement -- Sarrano -- and with half the Senate in a rage, he asks Ethan to head to Seattle, hoping there's no foul play. Despite Hanlon no longer being Ethan's boss, he agrees to the favor and heads out.
  • Benjamin works at a make-shift lab in secret, in some corner of Seattle's underground. Holotapes playing in the background reveals he was sent to Seattle with other Followers members to try to cure the "Green Death" plague. He has since been ex-communicated from them, but refuses to give up finding a cure. Along with testing various water, blood and unknown samples, reveals a small weapon -- looks like make-shift laser pistol -- that Benjamin believes will help him with his plans.
  • At another point of the underground, Dominique returns home with some food and fresh water. Finds her father in bed... not breathing. Reveals the sores covering much of his body, he was infected with Green Death. Dominique is surprisingly calm as she picks up a note -- his last words-- which simply states "I'm sorry." Dominique is now making a grave for him in the tunnel, camera starts zooming out. Reveals graves for the rest of her family. Dominique returns home -- an old ticket booth -- and briefly examines her stomach, showing the same green sores her father had.
  • Sam -- a super mutant -- is walking on a highway. Sam seems almost in a daze, just keeps repeating "North." A Merchant is being attacked by a radscorpion. Looks like Merchant may be killed when Sam appears, killing the bug with her bare hands. Merchant is more than grateful. When asked, Sam reveals she doesn't remember much past childhood, not even remembering becoming a super mutant. She just feels the need to go north. Merchant tries to stop her, only thing north is Seattle and it's dangerous for super mutants. Sam doesn't listen, so Merchant gives her food and water to help.
  • Lancer is in Big MT -- a MFR science facility -- fighting against robo-scorpions. In a nearby room, General Howl listens as Arcade and Veronica explain Lancer's implants and equipment upgrades. As the first member of the Mojave Commandos, Lancer easily dispatches the robo-scorpions. Howl speaks with Lancer alone, stating that their closest ally -- the Brotherhood of Steel -- are beyond angry over the death of a Knight and break-in at HELIOS One. Howl orders Lancer to find and capture the two criminals before the Brotherhood becomes impatient. Lancer opens the folder he is handed, revealing wanted posters of Lydia and Benjamin.
  • Lydia is walking through a different town. She's reading a map when a couple thugs approach her, recognizing her bounty. They heavily underestimate her, however. When they grab her, she responds by turning around, slashing both of their throats with a knife from her sleeve and turning back around as they fall to the ground. Looking back at the map, like nothing happened, reveals her next stop is Cedar River.
  • The Seattle City Council is in session. The only item on the list is the Plague. Riots keep springing up and super mutants are being killed in the streets regularly. Despite the MFR's best efforts, policing the city is becoming more difficult as the Emerald Guard loses more men to the chaos and plague. The City Councilor is still positive that asking the MFR is their best hope of saving the city. Some of the other councilors grumble but none have any better ideas.
  • Sam arrives at Seattle, passing a couple of Mojave soldiers. The soldiers try to stop her from entering the city, but Sam becomes angry and pushes past them. Sam doesn't realize they were trying to stop her for her protection and two of the soldiers run in after her. Sam walks through ruined and abandoned streets till running into a mob defiling a dead super mutant. The mob turns their attention to Sam and attacks her as Sam is angered at the sight. Sam is quickly overwhelmed by the mob, but is saved by the arrival of the soldiers, firing shots into the air to disperse them.
  • Reveals Riot Leader amongst the crowd, who makes a short speech about the MFR ruining their city. This successfully angers the mob who once again proceed to attack both Sam and the soldiers. Not wanting to kill the group, the trio runs but one of the soldiers is knocked unconscious. Sam picks him up and -- seeing no other option -- runs into a nearby metro entrance, leading to the underground. The other soldier quickly follows suit.
  • Three of them run through tunnels, ultimately escaping. The unconscious soldier will be fine. The other explains to Sam that after the plague started, many began blaming the super mutants for it. Most super mutants now live in the underground as a result. The other soldier wakes up and the two of them need to get back to their posts. Sam decides to stay, wishing to meet the other super mutants.
  • Dominique prepares for another trip, needing food and water. As she walks through the underground, she runs into Mutant Leader, who is trying to break down a door. It's obviously futile, so Dominique intervenes and begins picking the lock. As she works, she admits a bit of envy towards super mutants. Unlike her, they are strong and immune to the plague. Mutant Leader says little, seems to be in thought about what she said. She successfully forces the lock, opening to a room full of junk. He thanks her and she wishes him luck as she walks off.
  • Late at night, Benjamin still in his lab. Obviously frustrated, he decides to record himself taking about his past. Reveals he believes he is going to die soon. He was born in a Vault, his role was a doctor. When his Vault left -- he sounds more than resentful there -- he joined the Followers hoping to make a difference for people. When he started researching the Seattle Plague he realized something... it's man-made. No one else could see it, but his Vault education tells him it's a specifically modified version of the pre-war New Plague. When he tried to explain, things only got worse. Ends this with an apology to his wife, hoping she understands.
  • Following morning, Dominique is fishing and collecting water from the Cedar River. The water is completely pure and the area is beautiful and green. Dominique hears a crash from a nearby building and decides to investigate. Discovers Lydia in there, who is tearing the place apart. The building is an old education center -- about the river -- from before the war, however there's more recent signs of activity, notably a lab. Lydia reveals she's looking for the man who was here, claiming he ruined everything. When Dominique asks who, Lydia reveals a wanted poster of Benjamin.
  • Lydia is walking west on I-90, heading towards Seattle. She stops and complains about Dominique following her. Dominique counters that she lives in Seattle. The two of them start walking together, having an awkward conversation. Dominique reveals she started these trips because her father thought pure water and non-mutated animals would be better for infected people. Lydia notices the sadness in Dominique's voice, but it only annoys her.
  • Sam is meeting with the other super mutants. She is angry over their choice to hide underground, believing it to be cowardly. Super mutants -- some of which are nightkin -- argue with each other. They seem to have had this argument several times. Things get a bit heated until the arrival of Mutant Leader. He reminds everyone why they came here in the first place and that attacking the rioters will only make things worse. They found their first home here in decades and everything was great until the plague started, some hope that can return. Mutant Leader leaves for a meeting, with Sam following.
  • Sam seems a bit conflicted, not even knowing what or where her home is, or even if she has one. Mutant Leader can't help her, saying she's welcome to stay if she wishes. The two enter a new room with Benjamin waiting for them. He hands Mutant Leader his test results, confirming that the mutants are not the source of the plague. Mutant Leader is relieved that they at least have some proof, however Sam questions how useful a piece of paper from one doctor will be. Benjamin actually agrees with Sam, but Mutant Leader still believes this can all be resolved eventually.
  • Ethan is in a bar, listening to random chatter. Overhears mention of boats traveling the canal into Lake Washington almost every night. Ethan decides to check it out, leaving for Mercer Island. Meanwhile, Lancer is traveling the underground and asks two men if they've seen someone like Benjamin's description. They laugh and say yes, but won't tell him where unless he pays them 500 caps. Lancer responds with violence, beating up one of them and twisting the other one's arm till he tells him what he wants to know.
  • It's now night time at Mercer Island, where Lydia and Dominique are crossing to get to Seattle. Dominique mentions reports of caravans being attacked on the island recently, but Lydia isn't concerned. The two hear a noise, and look over to find multiple catfish mirelurks staring at them. Dominique states they never come near the road, but suddenly large numbers appear, practically surrounding them, then attack the two. Lydia and Dominique try to defend themselves but are overwhelmed and start running south. They are saved when gunfire kills some mirelurks and scare the others away. The men that fired the shots come out, but attack the two women, using dart guns to knock them out.
  • Benjamin is working on a boat just outside a metro exit, when Sam emerges. Sam questions why Benjamin tried helping the mutants, with Benjamin simply stating "I'm a doctor." Benjamin reveals he believes Mercer Island has something to do with all of this and asks if Sam would help him. Sam agrees and the two get in and head towards the nearby island. Sam notices Benjamin's odd weapon and asks about it. Benjamin is vague, but believes it will be key to solving Seattle's problems.
  • Lancer arrives at Benjamin's lab. Seeing Benjamin's holotape recorder, Lancer hits play as he starts searching through documents. The tape is of Benjamin as he explains that there are actually two strains of the plague. After searching much of the city's water supply, Benjamin found that the first strain is airborne. The more recent strain, however, is waterborne, infecting the people of the underground through Lake Washington. After more searching, he is positive the waterborne strain is coming from Mercer Island.
  • Lancer finds a holotape talking about Lancer's break-in at HELIOS One and plays it. Reveals that the items he stole were actually a cover so no one would notice the access codes he stole. He has used the codes and the blueprints he's copied earlier to make a copy of a pre-war weapon. Lancer searches more frantically until he finds the blueprints mentioned. They show a pistol-like weapon -- similar to the one Benjamin has -- and are labeled "AII - Euclid." Lancer curses and runs out, planning to intercept Benjamin before he can activate the weapon.
  • Benjamin and Sam find a large building with men moving about it, offloading materials from boats. Despite Sam's help, Benjamin wishes for Sam to stay there while he goes inside alone. Sam protests but Benjamin insists till Sam finally agrees to not going in. Benjamin successfully enters through the second floor and overhears two of the men talking, revealing the men are from the NCR. Benjamin isn't completely surprised, and reveals his plan involves alerting the Mojave of this.
  • Benjamin turns on his weapon and prepares to fire it, but is stopped when he sees men arriving with Lydia and Dominique in tow. Benjamin knows who Lydia is and stumbles a bit, revealing his location to the men and alerting the entire building. Hearing this, Sam defies her promise and runs in. Benjamin turns off his weapon and runs to help Lydia but instead runs into Sam. This proves little help as the men fire dart guns at them, knocking the two of them out.
  • The four of them wake up and meet two Veteran Rangers, the Ranger Officer and Rickter. Despite Sam and Dominique's confusion, Lydia and Benjamin are more focused on each other and start arguing. Ranger Officer shuts them up, reveals he thinks the four of them are MFR spies. Rickter confirms the two of them and other Rangers are here under orders from Chief Sarrano. Benjamin is able to explain things to the others: the NCR desperately needed to annex Seattle, but they refused, so the NCR used the plague to create a crisis, forcing Seattle to ask for outside help. This backfired, however, when Seattle asked the MFR for help instead, requiring them to improvise.
  • Benjamin stops, however, and questions the point of poisoning Lake Washington, as only those in the underground drink from it. Sam is actually able to explain this, mentioning the riots against the MFR, and that another outbreak affecting the one area that was considered safe would only make it worse and force the MFR out of the city. Rickter laughs and confirms all of this, but is stopped by Dominique. Dominique shows her unstable side, as she becomes enraged over the death of her family and charges at Rickter. This prompts Rickter to pull out a pistol and shoot her in the head.
  • Ranger Officer is annoyed with all of them, telling a nearby man to dispose of Dominique's body then the other three quietly. Ranger Officer and Rickter leave, needing to take a boat to an unknown place. Sam exploits the opportunity, breaking free from her restraints and quietly taking out the two guards. With the three of them free, they are able to escape quietly, seeing the two Rangers getting away. Just as they think they're safe, Sam is attacked by plasma weapons.
  • Lancer appears nearby, demanding Lydia and Benjamin to surrender. The two run in a nearby destroyed house and go upstairs. Lancer quickly catches up and holds them hostage. Benjamin points his weapon at Lancer, demanding he let her go. Lancer calls his bluff. Reveals that Lydia and Benjamin are in fact husband and wife and Benjamin wouldn't kill her like that. He is interrupted when Sam emerges and attacks Lancer, grabbing him and throwing him back at the building the three of them escaped from.
  • Sam collapses, revealing her plasma injuries are severe. Lydia demands why Benjamin is doing all of this. Benjamin explains by telling her about how dangerous pre-war weapons are. The NCR is using one, the New Plague, to cause all of this, and the MFR even has one, a solar power plant -- HELIOS One -- that launches a superweapon powered by the sun. Benjamin states he needed the MFR to find out about the plague, but no one would listen to him. He needed to do something drastic, something the MFR could not ignore. Benjamin pulls out his weapon, calling it a c-finder and fires it at the NCR's building.
  • BoS Scribe is working at machines in HELIOS One when several computers turn on and activate ARCHIMEDES II. Shows Lancer getting back up, annoyed but uninjured. Two Rangers approach him -- not taking him seriously -- and he shoots them in the legs. He notices their NCR flags but is distracted when he sees ARCHIMEDES' targeting lasers. Jumps into the water below just as the beam comes down and destroys most of the building. Lydia is more than a bit shocked by the sight. Nearby, Ethan sees the laser and heads in their direction.
  • Lydia and Benjamin are carrying the injured Sam to a nearby shelter, arguing as they do. After putting Sam down so Benjamin can heal her, Lydia suddenly collapses. Inspecting her, Benjamin finds green sores on her side, meaning she's infected with the plague. Meanwhile, Ethan arrives at the Mercer Island building, which is oddly quiet until Ethan hears a noise. Investigating, he finds Dominique, still alive. Ethan sees multiple boats from the city's Emerald Guard approaching, he carries Dominique away without them noticing. The Guard finds Lancer who demands to use their radio.
  • Back at Big MT, General Howl has been informed that Benjamin has hacked into ARCHIMEDES and the NCR appear to be the culprits of the plague all along. Howl orders the codes for the weapon to be changed immediately and for three more divisions of the Motorized Infantry to be sent to Seattle. He also notes that the Brotherhood will most likely want to come along as well.
  • At Shady Sands, an emergency Senate hearing has been called. The Senators have been informed that the MFR's ARCHIMEDES was used to kill multiple NCR Rangers. Some see this has an act of war, but others, like Hanlon, question why the Rangers were in Seattle to begin with. The Senate seems to be deadlocked until news arrives that the MFR has sent reinforcements to Seattle. The Hub Senator gives a speech swaying some of the Senators. The vote is passed, the NCR will now forcibly annex Seattle and declare war on MFR if they interfere. Hanlon seems more than frustrated.
  • Ranger Officer is visibly upset, he didn't want this to escalate to a full out war. Reveals he has disliked the plague from the beginning and reveals Unknown Man is listening to him. Reveals Unknown Man is the one that supplied the NCR with the Seattle Plague, but also reveals that he has wanted this war from the beginning. Ranger Officer realizes he's been tricked and attacks him but gets shot. Rickter walks in, but betrays Ranger Officer and shoots him in the head, killing him.
  • Rickter and Unknown Man walk out of the room to find City Councilor and Riot Leader waiting for them. City Councilor had the MFR called to protect the city to create the tension leading to this event, while Riot Leader caused much of the anarchy in the city to distract them from the truth. With the corrupted NCR Rangers, angry over the NCR simply giving up the Mojave, helping and dozens of his own men, Unknown Man's secret plans will soon be able to start.
  • Following morning, news stations from both nations are reporting on what appears to be an all out war. President Marcus of the MFR states any attack on Seattle by the NCR will be considered an act of war. Reveals multiple locations as borders are secured and troops are readied.
  • Various dream-like scenes shown, of a female in a prison break, then in a Vault then travelling with a group of raiders north. Sam awakes frantically, revealing the scenes are some of her memories returning. Benjamin is sitting nearby, and comments how there's something different about Sam's mutation compared to the others in the city. When Sam relates what she saw, Benjamin is able to reveal what they mean. Sam was an NCR prisoner, she was part of a prison break and became a powder ganger. She was specifically part of a group that joined the Great Khans as they left the Mojave and headed north than east to Wyoming, explaining in part Sam's obsession with going north earlier.
  • Lydia moans in her sleep, Benjamin states she over exhausted herself, the plague is weakening her. When Sam questions what happened between the two of them, Benjamin explains how they first met, how she changed her ways for him, and how she became a Followers guard to be with him. When he was kicked out of the Followers, she began tracking him and somehow caught up to him as he was fleeing from HELIOS One. When a Brotherhood Knight tried to capture him, Lydia attacked and killed the Knight, which is why she's now wanted.
  • Lydia awakens, apparently listening to them for some time, and questions a part of the story: Why Benjamin ran away from her at HELIOS One. Sam questions the same thing, remembering that Benjamin ordered her to wait outside the NCR building. Benjamin finally reveals the final part of the plan... his death. He was going to aim the ARCHIMEDES at himself, that way when the MFR came looking for him, they would spend years looking for a pile of ash. That way he could assure they would find out the truth. Lydia jumps up and hits him, calling him an idiot and shows actual emotion for the first time.
  • Later, Dominique awakens to find Ethan sitting nearby. He questions her and she reveals to him everything about Sarrano sending the Rangers to spread the plague. Ethan gets up and prepares to leave, but first questions her about the bullet. Reveals that Dominique removed the bullet in her head by herself before he showed up, which shouldn't be humanly possible. Dominique has brief flashback of herself as a Legion slave, but remains silent. She then begins coughing uncontrollably, her plague is entering its final stages. Ethan leaves to find Mutant Leader watching them. Mutant Leader questions who did this to her, to which Ethan responds "Same people that drove you into exile." Ethan goes to find a radio, Mutant Leader seems angered.
  • Several trucks arrive as the Sun sets. Trucks offload several MFR soldiers, a squad of Brotherhood Paladins and a small number of robo-scorpions. Mojave Commander exits and talks with Lancer, confirming that eyebots spotted an army of NCR soldiers is heading north to their location. The man in charge of the Paladins, Paladin Ramos, demands to go with Lancer to find Benjamin. Lancer is able to convince him not to -- needing them to help defend the city -- and he's positive Benjamin is coming back to the city and Lancer will be able to capture him and Lydia.
  • Benjamin, Lydia and Sam come to a conclusion. Lydia being infected is a terrible thing. However, if she was infected so easily, the NCR must have some type of counter for the plague to prevent their own men from being infected. Benjamin starts rambling a bit prompting Lydia to comment about hot air. Sam -- remembering something she heard in the underground -- comes to a realization. The airborne strain of the plague is being spread through the Seattle Steam Company, which heats the people living Downtown. Agreeing it's worth the risk to check out, the three set out, back to Seattle.
  • Near morning, the three run through the Underground before exiting into Western Downtown. The city is quiet due to the time and the Emerald Guard preparing for the NCR. They arrive near Seattle Steam and -- while not recognizing the men -- recognize the barrels they are moving around in the partially ruined building. Wondering whether to alert the Emerald Guard or charge in there, they are interrupted by two of the corrupt NCR Rangers. A fight breaks out between them.
  • At the border of Downtown, the New California Republic arrives, led by General Oliver. Oliver orders his men to ready themselves, but waits for updated orders from Shady Sands. He wishes for one last confirmation before starting another war. Reveals Rickter and another corrupt Ranger in a nearby skyscraper, aiming sniper rifles at both sides of the conflict.
  • Still fighting, Lydia is able to kill one of the Rangers while the other runs away. Benjamin -- lacking some common sense -- charges after him. Lydia yells at him to stop but is too late as he runs into a room full of men, including Riot Leader. Benjamin pulls out his fake c-finder and threatens using it. Riot Leader, knowing about it, questions if it will even work, but Benjamin counters that even if it doesn't, their coordinates will be uploaded to the MFR and a platoon of soldiers will be knocking down the door within the hour.
  • Lydia is unsure what to do, attacking will get Benjamin killed. Sam whispers to her, nodding towards the machines that are being used to pump the plague into the city's pipes. Riot Leader, noticing Sam's nodding, points out the irony of their actions. Benjamin called the MFR to try to stop their plans, but using the ARCHIMEDES has done nothing but help them start this war. Benjamin is mortified, never thinking that the NCR may be the ones being manipulated here. They're interrupted by the sound of someone yelling. Looking out, two of the corrupt Rangers recognize Ethan yelling if anyone's around. The Rangers state they'll take care of him.
  • Rickter is aiming his rifle at Oliver's head. The other Ranger confirms he has a shot at the Mojave Commander. The two of them fire their shots. Mojave Commander is saved by a passing eyebot taking the shot for him. General Oliver, however, is shot in the head and killed. Colonel Moore is angered and orders the NCR to attack. The soldiers charge and the MFR opens fire. The war has begun. The eyebot that was shot gets back up, calculates the source of the shot and heads towards it.
  • The two Rangers approach Ethan. They all know each other, but none of them want to say why they're there. Ethan notes how he was investigating their nearby boat when he heard a gunshot. The Rangers pull out their guns and point them at Ethan, stating he shouldn't walk around like this alone. Ethan snorts a bit, asking why they think he's alone. Shimmers appear as multiple nightkin deactivate their Stealth Boys, surrounding them. More super mutants appear from down the street, pulling out various weapons.
  • Riot Leader and some of his men are distracted by the sounds of gunfire and screaming from outside. Lydia takes the chance, throwing a knife at Riot Leader's throat. Benjamin and Sam also proceed to attack. Still outnumbered, they run to the nearby room, but overhear a Ranger ordering the machinery to be taken out, destroying any evidence and releasing one last wave of the plague. Sam realizes she has to stop them. Remembering powder gangers have an affinity for explosives, Benjamin yells at her to create an explosion to kill the plague before they get free. Sam runs to circle around to the machinery as Benjamin and Lydia run upstairs, hoping to get sight of the possible antidote and get a height advantage over their enemy.
  • Lancer is in the middle of Downtown listening to his wrist-mounted computer -- similar to a Pip-Boy but not quite -- as details pour in of the battle. NCR losses are higher than the MFR's, but the NCR has greater numbers. Lancer seems sad over the development and chaos when he hears gunfire from a different source. Already knowing they must be involved, Lancer heads out to catch Lydia and Benjamin.
  • Lydia grabs a Ranger's dart gun and starts firing at enemies as Benjamin -- over-eagerly -- searches for an antidote. The super mutants outside break into the building, easily overwhelming the men. Sam kills the man trying to rig the machines and begins instinctively pressing buttons and breaking parts. Whether by instinct or coincidence, this begins a massive pressure increase that starts to overload the machines. Ethan arrives in the building, questioning why none of the Emerald Guard seems aware of this.
  • Lydia tries to stop Benjamin, yelling they can find the cure after the battle is over. Benjamin is determined though to save Lydia. They are stopped by the sudden appearance of Lancer, who points guns and orders both of them to come with him or he'll kill them. Things get more complicated when Ethan walks up the steps, questioning what's going on. Benjamin reveals to the two of them that this entire war is a set up and needs to be stopped before its too late. His speech seems to affect Lancer and Benjamin gives him the C-Finder as a peace offering. Lancer questions Ethan if a cease fire is possible, with Ethan giving a very cryptic yes. Lancer gives the two a warning and runs away, needing to convince the Mojave Commander to cease fire.
  • At Shady Sands, Hanlon, four Veteran Rangers and multiple military police walk down a hallway. Sarrano, the Hub Senator and other men have a toast, believing despite the detours, the plan to annex Seattle with the plague will work. The toast is interrupted when the Veteran Rangers force open the door, pointing guns as the MPs come in with handcuffs. The men yell at them, Sarrano ordering the Rangers to stand down, but no one listens as Hanlon lists the charges against them. At the battlefield, Moore gets contact from General Hsu, ordering a cease fire. Moore complies, but notes her group of NCR Rangers have already infiltrated the city.
  • Lancer arrives and orders a cease fire. Mojave Commander states his men will continue to fire for as long as the NCR attacks. The two of them step into the open, where Rickter and his partner prepare to try to shoot the both of them. They are stopped when eyebot appears behind them, attacking but failing to hit them. Rickter turns and shoots the eyebot, but it's able to send a picture of them before exploding. Mojave Commander receives the image and Lancer -- seeing the image then the explosion -- grabs a laser rifle and fires several shots, injuring Rickter and killing his partner. Rickter is able to get a shot off, hitting Lancer's shoulder. Mojave Commander catches Lancer, who continues to insist they stop this. Ramos comes forward, revealing the NCR has indeed stopped charging and are now waving a white flag. Mojave Commander orders all men to cease fire immediately.
  • The Seattle Steam fight is still on-going. Benjamin notices several containers and believes them to be the antidote. He's stopped when the machinery finally gives, exploding and causing the entire building to begin collapsing. Everyone begins fleeing except for Benjamin who runs to get the antidote and Lydia who tries to stop him. When dust settles, Benjamin and Lydia find themselves alright and opens a box to find several vials of the antidote. Picking up two of the boxes and walking towards the destroyed entrance, where they are greeted by more NCR Rangers.
  • The Rangers approach but reveal they're actually the Rangers that arrived with Moore, as Ethan appears and orders the Rangers to help them with the antidote. Around the corner, the super mutants are seen tying up the last of the antagonists. Ethan secretly pulls out two vials of the antidote from the boxes. Handing one of them to Benjamin, he suggests getting out of here before the Brotherhood and Lancer arrives. Seeing Sam with the rest of the super mutants, Benjamin agrees and thanks him before the two depart.
  • Hear various radio broadcasts confirming the war has been avoided. Talking about multiple conspirators involved with the Seattle plague have been arrested. Reveals City Councilor being approached by Emerald Guard, who would like to question him. Men carry the antidote to a Followers outpost where they begin curing the critically ill and send some to Big MT to look at. Senator Hanlon gives a speech, voting in a bill that the NCR will leave Seattle independent. Ethan approaches Dominique, revealing she reminds him of his only living relative. He administers the antidote he stole, which has almost immediate effects.
  • Benjamin and Lydia try to heal each others' wounds a bit as they talk. They're interrupted by Lancer, who comments that Benjamin needs to hide his Pip-Boy's radio signal. Lancer admits he dislikes the idea of arresting them after everything, but he has no choice. Lydia proposes another option. Without the blueprints, Benjamin couldn't construct another c-finder even if he wanted to, making him useless. She states she will go willingly if Lancer leaves Benjamin alone. Lancer agrees after a second, but Benjamin refuses to let her take the fall for him. She responds with a -- somewhat -- loving statement, before shooting Benjamin with her dart gun, knocking him unconscious.
  • Lydia is taken in by Lancer and they meet up with the Brotherhood of Steel Paladins and proceed to board a truck heading for Big MT. Ethan talks with Dominique, revealing that Rickter and the Unknown Man escaped and he plans on catching them. Dominique asks to go with him. Wanting not just revenge but hoping to become stronger like him. Sam is seen leaving Seattle, planning to find her way to Wyoming to find her past. Benjamin wakes up some time later, refuses to let Lydia suffer for his stake, and plans to break her out, even if it means tearing down Big MT.
  • During final credits, get one extra scene. A meeting between the NCR and MFR about the incident. Reveals that all suspects captured have been found dead in prison, apparent suicide. For this reason, the NCR has little information to give to the Mojave about what happened. Reveals Boone as he pulls out a file marked with NCR labels and Top Secret stamps. Scene ends with him asking: "Who is Dr. Presper?"

See also[]
