Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I alter my clothes. Yes, I know, this may seem odd, but it saves a lot of time and money by fixing your stuff when it breaks, rather than throwing it away. I've also dismantled clothes and made entire new ones from the pieces left over. I've got a lot of nightgowns from that practice. That way, I hardly have to buy pajamas!

This Week's Trivia[]

Once a skunk sprays you, he can't go on and spray someone else if his "supply" is exhaused. It actually takes them a couple weeks or so to make a new batch of stink.

Betcha you didn't know that one!

Last Week's Polls[]

Did a Halloween party/trick-or-treating/funhouse/etc. ever not live up to expectations for you?

  • Third was it depended on who you were with. Company can either make or break the fun. What ordinarily would be a fun time would be a load of bad memories if you were there with the wrong person(s). Take it from me.
  • Second was you were totally expecting more! Note to the party thrower/people giving out candy/funhouse creators: I expected more. At least with trick-or-treating and a party, I didn't have to pay any money.
  • And first was that you're not into that sort of stuff. You're just as much of a party bummer as I am.

Ever find yourself not scared by something that's supposed to be scary?

  • Third was you're scared of everything. Was that a joke? Seriously? Otherwise...BOOO!! Gotcha!
  • Second was sometimes. I've watched some good Japanese horror films before. They have a knack for the stuff. Not that I was scared or anything...
  • And first was yes. Most things that are meant ot be scary are just...not with me. And apparently you, too. I mean, they can creep me out, but I'm almost never scared at something that the critics said was knock-your-socks-off scary. I was creeped out more than anything.

Do you ever greet someone with "Happy Halloween"?

  • Third was a tie of Comment and you do it all the time. And thus, I greet you late! Happy Halloween!
  • Second was another tie of you don't get why people say "Happy Halloween" for a scary holiday, and only when you're really into it. I'm barely into holidays, so that time when I'd say "Happy Halloween" is almost never.
  • And first was you're not into that sort of greeting. You're also likely the people who said you weren't into that party and funhouse stuff. The wet blankets unite!

This Week's Polls[]

That's all, folks![]

