Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Fallout koloup Fallout koloup 4 January 2012

Ash Land

Ash Land is an RPG video game being developed by Domino Studios with Crytek Software, and is headed by Koloup Media. The project is projected to be completed by 2013, but the development team is underfunded, and may possibly find problems with Crytek or Bethesda Softworks.

Ash Land is a video game based in a post-apocalyptic coastal city, placing the character in the middle of the action of an alien invasion 3 weeks after the attack began. The fictional city of Ashland is based on the east coast of the United States, and overlaps in similarities to the city of Ocean City, Maryland. The video game is a RPG action, horror adventure game that allows the player to decide the fate of the city through his/her actions. The video game takes ins…

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