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Welcome to the Hole!

The Hole
The Hole is a weekly contest that forces two or more characters to fight. Any suggestions about the guests or the challengers can be put on the talk page.

Each Week Lord Ashur invites Wastelanders, including you, to join him to watch the fiercest combatants from around the known world into the Pitt's Hole. We'll crown 4 divisional champs and then we'll throw them all back in the Hole to battle it out again... until only one remains as the ultimate King of the Hole (as well as his Queen and Jack).

This week's battle is sponsored by the New Vegas medical clinic. The ancient craft of implant surgeries are known wide. It is just the matter of knowing how to pay them.

In the previous week, antagonists around New Vegas had a "meeting". Ulysses hit Elijah and Salt-Upon-Wounds, with 73 votes earning a spot in semi-finals.

This week, we feature the battles of half-machines half-humans!

Division III: Triple The Fun
Maroboaa se
Christine DM
Christine Royce
Who will be this week's winner?
Microphone and Stand
This week in the Hole... - Energy X
TALK - 19:02, October 21, 2014 (UTC)
Energy X

Hey ya, kids, welcome to another edition of the Hole, where you can watch great battles!

Kings Gambit

It is not like we kill puppies or something...

FO02 NPC Sulik G

You can be watching de great battles but you need to be subscribing to de classic battle bundle in order to qualify to be subscribing to de Great battle Channel.

Horace Pinkerton

I can watch it without your unnecessary NCR taxes. Hmph!

Energy X

Oh wait, that is Prof. Pinkerton. He is going to give us analysis of the challengers.

FO02 NPC Sulik G

We and I not be liking dis, de buffet table already be being bare

Kings Gambit

This guy makes me feel like an open book.

Horace Pinkerton

Oh, a talking dog. A voice module, probably stolen from the pre-War base called-

Kings Gambit

Arf! Arf! People don't want to know that.

Energy X

Well, master Pinkerton, what can you tell us about the challengers?

Horace Pinkerton

All have been touched by biomodifications, though Skynet much more than most. Christine can sneak around easily, but that does not give her too much advantage. Harkness, aka A3-21, is my fine model and will win.

FO02 NPC Sulik G

Harkness be being too soft. De Sierra Tin Can be deflecting his challenge without breaking a sweat

Kings Gambit

Skynet has the cyber-brains to target and snipe both of them down.

FO02 NPC Sulik G

Good Puppy

Energy X

Okay, now that this is settled, this is all for the week. Now, shoo, old man. You smell like irradiated seaweed or something.

Horace Pinkerton

I shall return back, stronger than ever! You and Dr. Li will regret this decision. I twisted one's appearance, I can do much greater than that!

FO02 NPC Sulik G

De dog be smelling better than the fossil

Energy X

Hey Rex, wanna watch Dal-mac-ians 101?

Kings Gambit

Hmph. Should've been a star in that movie... heck, I heard there are 102 of them now.



The Hole concept was originally adapted for Nukapedia by The NemesisX.

The winners of previous battles of the Hole
Fo2 Mike the Masticator
Masticator (34 votes)
Opponent: Ranger Stella (30 votes)
Garl Death-Hand (23 votes)
Ulysses profile
Ulysses (373 votes)
Opponent: Elijah (20 votes)
Salt-Upon-Wounds (6 votes)

The finalists

The winners of previous battles of the Hole
Fo2 Goris wo robe
Goris (58 votes)
Opponent: Arch Dornan (42 votes)
Edgar Hardin
Edgar Hardin (60 votes)
Opponent: Jingwei (42 votes)