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Welcome to the Hole!

The Hole
The Hole is a weekly contest that forces two or more characters to fight. Any suggestions about the guests or the challengers can be put on the talk page.

Each Week Lord Ashur invites Wastelanders, including you, to join him to watch the fiercest combatants from around the known world into the Pitt's Hole. We'll crown 4 divisional champs and then we'll throw them all back in the Hole to battle it out again... until only one remains as the ultimate King of the Hole (as well as his Queen and Jack).

This week's battle is sponsored by the Happy Trails Caravan Company. Being together means more happiness.

Here are the last division's results!

Division IV: Tag! They are it!
Big Sal
Big Sal
Fo2 Big Jesus Mordino
Big Jesus Mordino
Fo2 Lil Jesus Mordino
Lil' Jesus Mordino
Who will be this week's winner?
Microphone and Stand
This week in the Hole... - Energy X
Energy X

Welcome, visitors to the Hole! We are at our final division! And for any of you Rex-fanboy bases, his voice has been fixed.

Kings Gambit

Yeah, though I am still trying to adjust the voice. Might want to have an extension to release voice over 25 kilohertz frequency. To yell at you and you can't hear anything.

Energy X

Heh, better not try it with other dogs. They may take offense. Anyway, we have new guests at the Hole. Like Ahzrukhal.


Oh, lookie here. We got ourselves a talking cyberdog and a sports commentator. After some time, perhaps you can come for a drink at the Ninth Circle.

Kings Gambit

Ninth Circle? Sounds as if I would walk in circles.

Energy X

Well, Rex, there are better times spent in Hell than out in the Wasteland. Anyway, Mr. Ahzaruk... er, Mr. Ghoul, we got ourselves two boss families fighting. Could you give us insight what makes a certain person a mafia boss?


There are many key things to be included. Mainly, it is knowing how to run the business, respecting your opponents and slaying the weak opposition out. With enough respect, you can run a family, who will brand you a nickname, like "Robby Ray Rex" or "the God's father". And there is always the characteristic accent. An enterprising boss like me also has some favorites.

Kings Gambit

Sounds lucrative business, but too risky for my tastes.

Energy X

Well, it is evaluation time. What do ya think of the challengers?


That is a bad accent, needs improvement. As for the challengers, a true mafia boss knows your family will never betray you, else you have to kill them. The father and son is a perfect example, so the Jesus family will win.

Kings Gambit

Yeah, I am with the ghoul. Family comes first, even if they are crooked.

Energy X

Great thoughts! People of da Hole, dis were da wise statements!

Kings Gambit

Now that is Sulik's voice.

Energy X




The Hole concept was originally adapted for Nukapedia by The NemesisX.

The finalists

The winners of previous battles of the Hole
Fo2 Goris wo robe
Goris (58 votes)
Opponent: Arch Dornan (42 votes)
Edgar Hardin
Edgar Hardin (60 votes)
Opponent: Jingwei (42 votes)
Ulysses (58 votes)
Opponent: Specimen 73 (27 votes)