Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Denis517 Denis517 26 May 2014

SNM post of the month.

I woke up in my underground home. I got out of bed and looked for something to throw at the hulking mass at the other side of the room.


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Denis517 Denis517 26 January 2013

Going away for a while

Hello, I am your president; Denis517. It has been presented to me that communication with Nukapedia will be slowed down because of technical problems. Nathan will be in charge for the remainder of my part-absence. I might come around for a while, but I expect to be mostly gone for 2 weeks maximum.

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Denis517 Denis517 2 December 2012

Poltergeist's Nightmare

Have you ever sat down and thought dark wishful thoughts? Thoughts centering mostly on wishing you could change the way the world worked? I did, and the way I see it, if I can do it, you can too.I was sitting in a bar far away from New Jerusalem. For those of you who haven't had a formal education; that was the capitol city of the nation America. America was founded on blood, slavery of other religions and races, and genocide. The last reason is the one that gave America the title "The nation of no forgiveness", despite what their national religion was. When the Catholics started arriving on the American shores, they thought they had arrived at another country. The man behind the entire expedition was there supposedly looking for spices, b…

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Denis517 Denis517 25 August 2012

My "Enclave"

Ever since yes-man has started up the neo-enclave, I have been having doubts about this theme. When I saw over two hundred people actually "Support the neo enclave" I finally started reflecting on all of this enclave stuff I have been basing my person around. I want to know what you guys think about me dropping this. I haven't completely made up my mind about this, mostly because I've done this for so long.

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Denis517 Denis517 19 August 2012

FO:A challenge 2: Waldo Butters

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Waldo Butters is the undertaker and doctor for relinquish. He had a very keen interest in helping people when he was a child. He learned how to be a doctor when the doctor they had at the bunker was getting old, he decided to apprentice Butters. When the undertaker died, Waldo immediately asked to be taught how to do that instead. Butters prefers dead people saying "They don't bleed and hurt if you have to do something painful to help them."

Waldo Butters in mostly in his small building where he does his undertaker job and will heal the player for ten caps.

  • Waldo Butters is a reference to a character for the Dresden Files of the same name.[1]
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