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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ted Strayer.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 Dude, you got your key. What do you want now? 1
GREETING Happy 50 Thanks for not croaking me, dude. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Ted Strayer. You can chill with me if you want, dude. 3
GREETING Surprise 50 Whoa! What's the rush, dude? 4
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Can I ask you about Rivet City's history? Neutral 50 Dude, I only just got here, myself. Ain't nothing I could tell you. 5
Can I ask you about Rivet City's history? Neutral 50 Lady, I only just got here, myself. Ain't nothing I could tell you. 6
MS14Crowley Do you know a Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 Whoa! That's a blast from the past. 7
Neutral 50 My dad knew a dude named Crowley. I never met him though. 8
Neutral 50 I think Dad said he died when they were checking out some old fort. 9
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 Hey, didn't we already talk about this? Isn't that the dude that wants to kill me? 10
Neutral 50 Like I told you, my dad knew this Crowley dude. I never met him though. 11
Neutral 50 Dad said he died when they were checking out some old fort. 12
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 Hey, didn't we already talk about this? 13
Neutral 50 My dad knew a dude named Crowley. I never met him though. 14
Neutral 50 I think Dad said he died when they were checking out some old fort. 15
MS14HereToKillYou I'm here to kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it. Fear 50 What! No, please! I'm begging you. 16
MS14TedBuyKey I'll give you 25 caps for that key. Happy 50 Oh, yeah! I'm gonna be flying high tonight. 17
I'll give you 25 caps for something I can bring to Crowley, to "prove" you died. Happy 50 Oh, yeah! I'm gonna be flying high tonight. 18
MS14TedEndNoThreat I've learned what I came for. Thank you. Happy 50 No sweat, man. I'm just chilling out here for a while. 19
MS14TedEndThreat Thanks for the info. I'm just trying to sort all of this out. Fear 50 No problem dude. Thanks for not offing me. 20
Thanks for the info. I'm just trying to sort all of this out. Happy 50 No problem dude. You're alright. 21
MS14TedGiveKey Give me that key. I'd hate to see you bleed to death. Fear 50 Uh...sure, dude. I don't know what it's for anyway. Don't need to get all thug like. 22
MS14TedIntimidate Just give me the key. Don't ask why. Fear 50 Okay, dude, Don't have a cow. Here, take it. 23
Just give me all your stuff. And don't ask any questions. Fear 50 Okay, dude, Don't have a cow. Here, take it all. 24
MS14TedTenpenny What do you know about Tenpenny? Surprise 50 Everybody knows he runs Tenpenny Tower, but I never met the dude. I swear! 25
MS14TedWantsKey Mister Crowley wants your father's security key. Surprise 50 Whoa! Is it, like, worth caps? Cause I got needs, man. 26
I'm guessing Crowley wants your father's key. Just a hunch. Surprise 50 Whoa! Is this, like, worth caps? Cause I got needs, man. 27
If you give me something personal of yours as proof, I'll lie to Crowley. Surprise 50 Whoa! Is this, like, worth caps? Cause I got needs, man. 28
MS14TedWhyFort Do you know what they were doing at the fort? Neutral 50 Nah. He said that old man Tenpenny hired him and some other guys to go in there, but he never said why. 29
Happy 50 My dad made enough caps off it to set him up good though. 30
MS14TedWhyWantDead Are you sure you can't think of any reason he might want you dead? Fear 50 Like I told you, man. I never met the dude. Why would he want me dead? 31
Can you think of any reason he might want you dead? Fear 50 No shit! That dude wants me dead? 32
RCTedStrayerAgree Sounds like a plan, man. Happy 50 All right! You and me, just hangin'. 33
RCTedStrayerDoAnything Do you actually do anything here in Rivet City? Surprise 50 You mean, like fix stuff? Nah. 34
Happy 50 I just hang out, dude. I've got enough chems to last a while. Oh, yeah! 35
RCTedStrayerLoser I know your type. You're a freeloader and a waste of breath. Surprise 50 Whoa! Dude! You don't have to get all in my face. 36
Fear 50 I'll just make myself scarce. 37
RCTedStrayerRelaxed You seem pretty relaxed. Happy 50 No point in getting all worked up. I get three squares, I got a place to crash, and nothings trying to eat me. 38
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 No way, dude. Like I said. I need the caps. 39


I have to go now.
See you later, Ted. Neutral 50 Later, dude. 40
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 So dude, did that key ever get you anything? 41
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, Security guy. This place is awesome. Don't mind me. I'm just admiring the scenery. 42
HELLO Neutral 50 So what's your story? Me, I'm just experiencing my freedom. You know, wandering the Wasteland, doing whatever I please. 43
HELLO Fear 50 Dude, what's the word? You tripping or something? You seem really bummed out. 44
HELLO Fear 50 Dude, I believe in better life through chems, but you're taking it way too far. You gotta cut back some. 45
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, squirt. 46
HELLO Happy 50 Chief Harkness! Dude, what's up? 47
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, missy. 48
HELLO Happy 50 Brock! The bouncer man! Dude, I would love your job. Free booze, drunk women, and you get to crack some skulls too. 49
HELLO Happy 50 Stay chill, dude. 50
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Dude, that would be such a drag. Last resort, man. Last resort. 51
RCGoodbye Sad 50 Dude, that sounds sweet. But, uh...I'm kinda broke. Soon as I get some caps, though, I'm there with ya. 52
RCGoodbye Happy 50 Sure thing, Mei. I'll clean it up later. Right now I've got this song stuck in my head. 53
RCGoodbye Surprise 50 Me? Read? That would be awesome. I've heard there's a lot of cool stuff in books. 54
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Dude, I will definitely not let that happen. I'll get right on that life thing though. Maybe after my nap. 55
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 No offense Father, but Saint Monica has never done anything for me. I've always had to take care of myself. 56
RCGoodbye Sad 50 I'm like, kinda short on caps. I'll just have a carrot, an apple, and some water. 57
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'm getting kind of hungry. 58
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Think I'll go exploring. 59