Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Pre-War appearance[]

There is a pre-War NPC with edid MQ101Rosa just called "Neighbor", that can be encountered at the start. Later a random encounter (REAssaultKMK_MQ101) renames a levelled ghoul to "Ms. Rosa". Things like dialogue and terminal entries match the pre-War NPC, not the ghoul. So I guess we can identify the two, despite there not being a direct link (a bit like we identify human and supermutant Virgil, even when the identity is implied stronger there). The same applies to her son (haven't found what his rename is, he can be encountered post-War by the name "Rosa's Son"?), Mr./Mrs. Donoghue, Mr./Mrs. Parker and Mr./Mrs. Sumner. --Alfwyn (talk) 17:04, January 21, 2016 (UTC)
