Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mirelurk King[]

You don't have to be a high level player to see a Mirelurk King. I was only level 5 when I was at the Anchorage War Memorial and went all the way down to the Mirelurk King. I didn't kill him. I just ran away, because he was too much for me.

Bug Speculation[]

It's possible that killing people or creatures with neutral or better karma always results in negative karma. I would suspect something along these lines than any specific intent on the part of the developers to view it as cruel to the MK.


Hello all, I edited the location pointing to the Top Right Corner of the map, that spot is confirmed, I visited it twice doesn't seem to be a random encounter. The exact location is West of the Republic of Dave. Ahmoudy 23:04, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

What are they[]

I don't get this. Mirelurks are mutated crabs, but what the hell is a Mirelurk King supposed to be? They seem to look like humans but when I take the meat from their inventory it appears as a crab claw. I think they might be a mutation of human and fish. They might have even been created by the FEV by mixing a human with a fish into a VAT. Although that's unlikely considering the fact that all FEV subjects (except Deathclaws) are not hostile to Super Mutants, and Mirelurk Kings have been seen attacking Super Mutants. So WTF?

FEV doesnt always mutate everything a ghoul is a ghoul and how you think harold is a tree? not FEV. i think like harold someone got infected with some crab like radiation and spreaded around. --Kirby888 05:01, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

Stop. Harold is FEV created. Well, Bob is, not Harold, but you get what I mean. My money is on something like a sea monkey. You know, those little things you could buy out of the backs of comic books? They are technically krill, a shrimp, delicious seafood. But, taking the "monkey" bit literally, we could get something mammalian. Maybe. Perhaps Point Lookout will provide more answers. Nitpicker of the Wastes 05:12, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
EDIT: Oh dammit. Turns out the Fallout 3 Developer's Guide, or something like that, says that they are snapping turtles. Nitpicker of the Wastes 00:28, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

Logically if they are called Mirelurk kings then they are a variant of the same species (like mirelurk hunters) but have more human DNA.--Brandon.367 12:40, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

It is EXTREMELY unlikely that the Mirelurk Kings are "part human", the only foreseeable way that a snapping turtle could have enough human DNA incorporated into its genetic code to make it bipedal is through rigorous genetic splicing...or through HEAVY incorporation of viral DNA. A virus IS capable of taking genes from one host and incorporating them into another hosts chromosomes, with the resulting viral code and genes possibly being expressed in the infected individuals offspring IF it effects the individuals gametes (sexual cells, think sperm). However, the sheer volume of human genes that would need to be transferred in this manor in order to express the "human-like" characteristics found in the Mirelurk King population would be much larger than any existing (or reasonably theoretical) virus could possibly transpose given the size limitations encountered by the virion. Biologically speaking it is pretty much impossible for a snapping turtle to evolve into a bipedal, symbiotic organism...that aside however, lets assume the FEV virus is capable of transplanting genes to BETWEEN the Mirelurks and the Mirelurk Kings. In order for the two different species to assimilate enough "in-common" genes to allow them to interbreed (we're talkin crazy-ass Fallout science now), as seems to be the case for these two species, they would have to both be getting continuously re-infected with a specific strain of FEV that solely affected these two populations. Over the course of time the virus might be able to transpose enough genes in order to allow the two different species to begin to interbreed, and once that begins to occur the two populations can start evolving as one. Here is likely where the bipedalism arose, once the species began evolving TOGETHER, not separately. Two reproductively isolated species evolving bipedalism separately at the same time is just flat-out impossible. The Mirelurk phenomenon is one of the more outlandish examples of "Fallout Science". --DashMan54 17:14, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

They are TURTLES read the article it SAYS They are TURTULESFive Star Genral Of The Dead BigDog 17:15, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

Congratulations...At no point did I dispute that fact. Rather than refer to them as "turtles" and "crabs" I simply used their in-game names to describe how they might have come about... Sorry if you weren't able to understand. --DashMan54 17:56, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

There are some places in this game where real-world science just doesn't apply. You do realise there are immortal former humans who survive by metabolising ambient radioactive isotopes in the Fallout universe, right? And be honest... can you say you know how quickly bipedalism could evolve in an environ where organisms are subjected to random, fast-paced mutations on a grand scale where survival requires radical adaptation to a dramatically changed environment? Remember, too, that snapping turtles and crabs are relatively quick reproducers, and reproduction/fertilization takes place outside the body, giving them greater exposure to mutagenic agents and a shorter generational period in which to manifest those changes. Given those factors, bipedalism is unreasonable, but not impossible. 16:41, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Well, we have a virus (FEV) capable of major redesign of species and splicing of otherwise unrelated species. And this is 50's comic book science (think spiderman), so its entirely possible. - Redmess 02:14, November 8, 2009 (UTC)
They're the Fallout universe's version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Without a rat sensei to teach them, they are just aggressive, mindless beasts. Nothing about the preceding comment should be taken seriously.

What/who says they come from turtles? Where is this info sourced from? Stevedroid 06:18, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Point Lookout[]

I just saw that gameplay video thing...anbd the reskinned mirelurk kings dont look much diffrent...just a tad darker and with glowing eyeyes...well...eyes that will be on rooftops when i shoot them with a REAL Shotgun. Butter 12:44, 20 June 2009 (UTC)


i think mirelurk kings are from utopia because they are half fish and half human!

If Mirelurk Kings are mutsnt turtles then where are their shells? Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 11:46, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

Wrong picture?[]

Curious about this: The picture you guys have displayed for the Mirelurk king was used for Swamplurk in game for me. I know it was this exact game model because I used VATS on it and the name came up "Swamplurk" Any idea about this?

Was it Mirelurk king or Swamplurk queen that you saw? They look similar to each other. Click 'em to see the full-size image; I shrunk 'em to text-size to fit in the flow of the paragraph. --Kris mailbox 13:15, August 27, 2010 (UTC)
More closer to the Queen one you showed. But still it came up calling them Swamplurks. Though I'm in the Point Lookout part for the tribals. I was in the Bog and it was the first time I had encountered them and it called them Swamplurks and they looked nothing like the picture for the Swamplurks instead more like the King/Queens
The Swamplurk Queens are simply called Swamplurk ingame. The ones called Swamplurks on this wiki are referred to as Mirelurk ingame. They're given the distinction on the wiki due to their different coloring compared to the Capital Wasteland variety, and the name "Swamplurk" comes from the G.E.C.K. where the editor ID for the Point Lookout Mirelurk is DLC04crSwamplurk and the editor ID for the Swamplurk Queen is DLC04crSwamplurkQueen. Long story short, you saw a Swamplurk Queen which is referred to ingame as a Swamplurk. --Kris mailbox 13:45, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

Deathclaw & Mirelurk King[]

Yeah i am plaing now and i am running from a 2 Deathclaws around Vault 92 then theres a Mirelurk King infront of my what do i do? Alertfiend 05:40, August 28, 2010 (UTC) Pray and think HOW IN HELL could i get in this HUGE problem?

Bug Speculation: Freeze when targeting in VATS[]

When I target a mirelurk king in VATS (especially on the face) the screen will freeze for about 3 minutes, and then work again. Anyone else has this too? (PS3)
