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The Stealth Boy Mark II prototype is a world object in Fallout: New Vegas.


The Stealth Boy variant is being studied by Doc Henry in Jacobstown.[1][2] His research focuses on the effects of the device, stating that although the prototype's purpose was to use less power, unintended negative effects of the device's modulating field include permanent neurochemical changes, such as schizophrenia, especially among Nightkin.[3][4]




The item cannot be acquired in the game itself, not even by killing Lily while she is wearing it.


  1. The Courier: "Why is the Stealth Boy Mark II riskier?"
    Henry: "The stealth field has been modulated to use less power and thus last longer, but for some reason it has pronounced negative effects on the user. However, these pronounced effects will allow me to pinpoint exactly what parts of the brain they're affecting. Unfortunately, I'll need to run the test on a live subject, and Marcus has encouraged me to investigate the Nightstalker mutation first."
    (Henry's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What are you working on?"
    Henry: "The Nightkin have varying degrees of mental instability due their addiction to Stealth Boy use. I've been trying to come up with a cure. I'm currently investigating the local Nightstalker population since they seem to have developed a natural stealth field. I've also gotten my hands on a working Stealth Boy Mark II prototype, but that experiment is riskier. I'd rather not pursue that research just yet."
    (Henry's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What makes you think that the Nightstalker mutation isn't natural?"
    Henry: "I've compared the brain chemistry of a Nightkin to one of the local Nightstalkers we killed. They both exhibit similar neurochemical changes. Now, I'm not claiming that Nightstalkers are running around wearing Stealth Boys, mind you. I just don't think it's all a coincidence."
    (Henry's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "What's wrong with the Nightkin?"
    Marcus: "Nightkin suffer schizophrenia from the Stealth Boys they're always using. One of the reasons I settled Jacobstown was so they could be cured. While they're in town, the Nightkin aren't allowed to have Stealth Boys so their craziness doesn't get worse. Trouble is the Nightkin don't like being visible, either. They don't take being exposed too well."
    (Marcus' dialogue)