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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sister.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 They call me Sister. Don't ask. 1
GREETING Anger 50 You're bothering me. You don't want to bother me. {Very menacing.} 2
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Have you heard anything about the history of Rivet City? Anger 50 Do I look like someone who cares? 3
MS08SlaverClue1 I found this info about an android from the Commonwealth. Care to elaborate? Surprise 50 It's none of your God damn business. {arrogant} 4
Neutral 50 Nothing really. Just some run away slave from the Commonwealth. Naturally they asked the Paradise Falls crew for help retrieving their property. {arrogant} 5
Neutral 50 The job pays well, but so far it's been mostly a distraction. I think most have pretty much given up and forgotten about it. 6
MS08SlaverClue2 What do you know about an android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Here's a copy of the so-called "android recording." I'm done wasting my time on that old job. Don't tell Eulogy though. I kinda like it here. 7
Tell me more about this android. Neutral 50 I'm done wasting my time on that old job. Don't tell Eulogy though. I kinda like it here. 8
MS08SlaverClue3 You know anything about an android who needed some surgery? Neutral 50 I guess I can trust you not to spread it around. Zimmer has put it out that he will pay to find this slave, but he wants him alive. 9
Surprise 20 Hey! You aren't thinking of signing up with him are you? 10
Anger 50 It wouldn't be healthy for you, if you know what I mean. {threatening} 11
You know anything about an android who needed some surgery? Neutral 50 Don't know anything about a surgery, but I do know that Zimmer has put a bounty on his head. 12
Anger 20 A word of advice. You don't want to be competing with me for this one. I'd hate to have to waste a bullet on you. {threatening} 13
About this info regarding an android... Don't suppose you'd care to elaborate? Neutral 50 I guess I can trust you not to spread it around. Zimmer has put it out that he will pay to find this slave, but he wants him alive. 14
Anger 20 Don't get in my way on this one. My competition tends to end up dead. {threatening} 15
MS08SlaverClue3Bribe I'll give you 100 caps for what you've got on this android. Neutral 50 I guess I can trust you not to spread it around. Zimmer has put it out that he will pay to find this slave, but he wants him alive. 16
Surprise 20 Hey! You aren't thinking of signing up with him are you? 17
Anger 50 It wouldn't be healthy for you, if you know what I mean. {threatening} 18
MS08SlaverClue3Stat I'm losing my patience! Tell me about the android with the face job! Neutral 50 I guess I can trust you not to spread it around. Zimmer has put it out that he will pay to find this slave, but he wants him alive. 19
Surprise 20 Hey! You aren't thinking of signing up with him are you? 20
Anger 50 It wouldn't be healthy for you, if you know what I mean. {threatening} 21
MS08SlaverClue4 You have any info on where this Commonwealth android is hiding? Neutral 50 Why has Zimmer hired you too? I can't find a trace of that robot. I'm sure he's here somewhere though. Don't tell Eulogy I told you, though. 22
You have any info on where this Commonwealth android is hiding? Neutral 50 Why has Zimmer hired you too? I can't find a trace of that robot. I'm sure he's here somewhere though. Don't tell Eulogy I told you, though. 23
I found this recording from the android. Care to elaborate? Neutral 50 Why has Zimmer hired you too? I can't find a trace of that robot. I'm sure he's here somewhere though. Don't tell Eulogy I told you, though. 24
MS08SlaverClue4Bribe Here's a 100 cap "donation." Now, where's that escaped android? Neutral 50 Why has Zimmer hired you too? I can't find a trace of that robot. I'm sure he's here somewhere though. Don't tell Eulogy I told you, though. 25
MS08SlaverClue4Stat Tell me where this android disappeared to, or I'll make you disappear. Got it? Neutral 50 Why has Zimmer hired you too? I can't find a trace of that robot. I'm sure he's here somewhere though. Don't tell Eulogy I told you, though. 26
RCSisterName But you're a man. Why do they call you Sister? Anger 50 Are you making fun of my name? It's a damn good thing for you this place is crawling with security. Otherwise I'd kick your ass. 27
RCSisterOkay Hey, I don't want any trouble. Disgust 50 Smart move. What did you want? 28
RCTopicMeiWongsProblem Did you know that Mei Wong is a runaway slave? Surprise 50 No. Interesting. 29
Happy 50 Never look a gift slave in the mouth, I say. 30
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 10 Um. Yeah. Sorry. Not telling. Change the subject now. {mildly threatening} 31


I have to go now.
I've got things to do. Neutral 50 So do I. 32
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 I need another whiskey, Belle. 33
HELLO Disgust 50 You're not so tough. 34
HELLO Surprise 50 Let me buy you a drink. You and Flak have a nice shop. Have you known him long? Was he born in Rivet City? 35
HELLO Surprise 50 You'd be worth some caps in the right circles. Too bad. 36
HELLO Disgust 50 Hey, you rusty tin can. Get me some food. Meat, any kind. And don't call me Mister Sister. 37
HELLO Anger 50 You can shove your sermon up your ass, Father. We're busy drinking down here. 38
HELLO Disgust 50 You don't look so tough. 39
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Armitage. {Said like a greeting, instead of hello.} 40
RCGoodbye Anger 50 I won't be causing any more trouble, Commander...Bitch. {Long pause before"Bitch" which is said sotto voice, under his breath.} 41
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Beer. And don't let it get empty. 42
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 I'm here to drink, not to fight. 43
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Not happening, Trinnie. I already paid that debt. Go find someone else to hit up. 44
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Yeah, it's just fine. Unless of course you want to warm my bed for me? Nah? Then stop botherin' me. 45
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Step away from my beer, Father, or I'll be raising my fist. 46
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Don't call me Mister, you goddamn bucket of bolts! Just bring me an iguana on stick. 47
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Fucking junk heap. I should start eating at Gary's. 48
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 I'll get you yet, you bastard. {muttering to himself.} 49
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Time to go get drunk. 50
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I gotta go to bed. Gotta sleep this off. {slurred. He's drunk.} 51