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This is a transcript for dialogue with Seagrave Holmes.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You'd better get out of here. The guards are going to close up soon. 1
GREETING Happy 50 Howdy. I'm Seagrave. Seagrave Holmes. I have a little of just about everything here. 2
GREETING Happy 50 You must be new. I'm Seagrave. If you've got anything you want to unload, stop by my shop, Rivet City Supply. 3
GREETING Surprise 50 Hey! I heard that Bannon got caught trying to frame me. 4
Happy 50 I also heard you ratted him out. I think you've earned a true, blue friendship discount. 5
GREETING Anger 50 You sneak into my room, steal my property, and then tell the world about it. 6
Disgust 50 I'd ban you from my shop if they'd let me. Instead I'll just have to settle for ripping you off. 7
GREETING Happy 50 Take a look around. I got all kinds of stuff in here. 8
GREETING Surprise 50 The shop's closed right now. Is there anything else I can do for you? 9
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
What do you know about Rivet City's history? Happy 25 Oh, I really wouldn't know. I mean, long as I can remember, she's just been here, soaking up all the repairs and attention we can give her. 10
Neutral 50 I grabbed a wrench and joined in the reconstruction pretty much first thing out of the womb, but I never really cared about the politics. 11
Well, what can you tell me about the reconstruction? Neutral 50 Oh, well, the old girl had seen a lot of damage, especially where the Mirelurks used to nest, and where the Super Mutants kept trying to get in. 12
Neutral 50 I guess the Mutants and the Mires got so busy fighting each other, it gave us the time we needed to make this place ship shape. 13
Neutral 50 Does that tell you what you need to know? Anyway, we're here in Rivet City, and she's in good hands, now. 14
Can you think of anyone from back then that might know more? Surprise 10 Last feller I remember from back then was Mr. Pinkerton, and he must've left about a decade ago, after that spat with the science team. 15
Neutral 50 He used to have a storage shed in the broken-off bow of the ship; we always thought he was crazy for keeping stuff there. 16
Neutral 50 Might have kept a couple records down there, I guess. Careful, though; ship's a bit treacherous down there in her belly! 17
MS03RCHistory2Special Vera spoke very highly of you. She says you know all about this place. Happy 50 She did? Well, I suppose I have picked up a lot over the years. I mean, no one's spent more time tinkering on this old girl than I have! 18
Surprise 20 Oh, Rivet City, I mean. Not Vera. I mean, Vera's not old. And I haven't tinkered on her, obviously. Not that I wouldn't... I mean, umm... No. 19
Neutral 50 Anyway, you might find some clues in Pinkerton's place, in the broken-off bow. He was around before me, and used to store stuff there before he left. 20
Setting the record straight is exactly my goal.
Enough about Rivet City. Happy 10 Oh, right. I sort of lose track of time talking about the old girl. 21
MS08TechnicalClue1 Do you know anything about an android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 I reckon you're talking facial surgery and memory reprogramming. 22
Happy 50 I always liked that story best. Boy, Wastelanders sure can spin a yarn. It's been a while since I heard that one. 23
MS08TechnicalClue2 What do you know about the android from the Commonwealth? Disgust 50 Some dang fool was selling android recordings. I was just as big a fool for buying one. {doubting the rumors} 24
Anger 50 Here, have mine. Nothing but a damn hoax anyway. 25
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Disgust 50 Yeah, I know. I got "DUMMY" written on my forehead. They sent those tapes to lots of people. You know, gullible and technically minded folk like me. {doubting the rumors} 26
MS08TechnicalClue3 You know anything about the mind wipe on that escaped android? Fear 50 Shhh! They might be listening. 27
Surprise 50 The Commonwealth has tried to make it out to be a hoax, but the escaped android is real I tell you! 28
Fear 50 Listen to this holotape. It will make you a believer too. 29
You know anything about the mind wipe on that escaped android? Happy 50 The Commonwealth has tried to make it out to be a hoax, but the escaped android is real I tell you! {bragging that he's in the know} 30
I found some info on a Circuit Neuralizer. Care to elaborate? Happy 50 The Commonwealth has tried to make it out to be a hoax, but the escaped android is real I tell you! {bragging that he's in the know} 31
MS08TechnicalClue3Bribe Got any info on an android mind wipe? Here's a 100 cap "research fee." Fear 50 Shhh! They might be listening. 32
Surprise 50 The Commonwealth has tried to make it out to be a hoax, but the escaped android is real I tell you! {bragging that he's in the know} 33
Fear 50 Listen to this holotape. It will make you a believer too. 34
MS08TechnicalClue3Stat You know how they rewrote engrams in a cluster of Android memory subroutines? Fear 50 Shhh! They might be listening. 35
Surprise 50 The Commonwealth has tried to make it out to be a hoax, but the escaped android is real I tell you! {bragging that he's in the know} 36
Fear 50 Listen to this holotape. It will make you a believer too. 37
MS08TechnicalClue4 Do you know who did the memory transfer on the escaped android? Neutral 50 Yep. Old Pinkerton. They say he helped found Rivet City. Must be some sort of crazy genius. {bragging that he is in the know} 38
Surprise 50 He kind of vanished a long time ago. I don't know where he went, but you might ask around the ship. 39
Do you know who did the memory transfer on the escaped android? Neutral 50 Yep. Old Pinkerton. They say he helped found Rivet City. Must be some sort of crazy genius. {bragging that he is in the know} 40
Surprise 50 He kind of vanished a long time ago. I don't know where he went, but you might ask around the ship. 41
I know you know about the memory transfer on that android... Surprise 50 Yep. Old Pinkerton. They say he helped found Rivet City. Must be some sort of crazy genius. {bragging that he is in the know} 42
Surprise 50 He kind of vanished a long time ago. I don't know where he went, but you might ask around the ship. 43
MS08TechnicalClue4Bribe I'll give you 100 caps if you know who did the mind wipe on that android. Neutral 50 Yep. Old Pinkerton. They say he helped found Rivet City. Must be some sort of crazy genius. {bragging that he is in the know} 44
Surprise 50 He kind of vanished a long time ago. I don't know where he went, but you might ask around the ship. 45
MS08TechnicalClue4Stat Do you know anything about the AI swap on that Commonwealth android? Neutral 50 Yep. Old Pinkerton. They say he helped found Rivet City. Must be some sort of crazy genius. {bragging that he is in the know} 46
Surprise 50 He kind of vanished a long time ago. I don't know where he went, but you might ask around the ship. 47
MS14TedFind Where can I find Ted Strayer? Neutral 50 Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. 48
Neutral 50 Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. 49
Neutral 50 He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows. 50
RCSeagraveAnything Anything? Chems? Guns? How about parts and junk? Happy 50 Yep. I'll take it all. One man's junk is another man's treasure. 51
RCSeagraveBannonSteal Bannon tells me you're trying to steal his Council seat. Surprise 50 Steal it? Hardly. He runs the council like it's his own personal bank account. 52
Neutral 50 He's supposed to represent all the market businesses, not just himself. It's about time he was replaced. 53
You've been doing business with Slavers, and I have a letter that proves it. Anger 50 If you had read that letter you'd know I'm no slaver and you know I'm not dealing with them. 54
Fear 50 But if that letter gets out, they won't trust me. I'll never get a seat on the council and Bannon will make me pay for trying to replace him. 55
Neutral 50 If you care about Rivet City half as much as I do, tell Danvers that Bannon is blackmailing me, but don't show her the letter. 56
RCSeagraveJunk Just what the Wasteland needs, another junk vendor... Neutral 50 Suit yourself. Sooner or later everyone has stuff to unload that only I will take. 57
RCSeagraveRipoff How do I know you won't rip me off? Surprise 50 You don't. No guarantees in the Wasteland. No rebates or exchanges either. 58
Happy 50 Oh, and you break it, you buy it. 59
RCSeagraveT51b You got a T-51b? No? Then you don't have everything. Surprise 50 A what? 60
Anger 50 Look, if you just want to crack wise, go somewhere else. But if you've got stuff you want to sell, then I'm your man. 61
RCSeagraveTooMuch Thank God! I can barely carry all this stuff. Surprise 50 Well, I'm not open just now, but I will be by daybreak. Stop by. 62
Where can I get a stiff drink?
Do you know where I can get something to drink? Happy 50 The Weatherly Hotel is a good choice. It's on the upper deck. 63
RCTopicPaulieAddict Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict? Sad 50 He's totally strung out. It's going to kill him one of these days. 64
RCTopicWedding When are Angela and Diego getting married? Happy 50 Angela and Diego. It's about time, don't you think? {First sentence is wistful} 65
Happy 50 I think I heard the ceremony is at 3 o'clock tomorrow. That's when I'm going to show up anyway. 66
I'm here to do business with you.
What have you got to sell? Anger 50 After what you did? Only because I have to. 67
What have you got to sell? Happy 50 Anything for you! You sure fixed Bannon good. 68
What have you got to sell? Happy 50 I've got a little bit of everything. 69
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Sad 30 I think most of the people from back then have either moved on or passed away, sorry to say. 70
SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 10 No way. I don't know you well enough. {doesn't think the player is worthy of the information, or can be trusted with it} 71


I have to go now.
I should leave. Neutral 50 See you later. 72
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 Hello, Vera. I just got in a new hot plate. I can sell it to you at a discount. 73
HELLO Fear 50 Vera, I know I'm not a sophisticated man, but I am a man, and I can take care of you. 74
HELLO Neutral 50 I'll have some mutfruit and noodles. 75
HELLO Surprise 50 Can I get a Nuka-Cola? 76
HELLO Surprise 50 Any news with Doctor Li's project? 77
HELLO Surprise 50 Hey, Cindy. How's that secure storage unit I made you working out? 78
HELLO Happy 50 There's the blushing bride to be! Congratulations Angela. You and Diego will make a good couple. 79
HELLO Surprise 50 Hello, Miss Angela. What brings you into my shop today? 80
HELLO Surprise 50 Hello, Bannon. Anything interesting happen in the last council meeting? 81
HELLO Happy 50 Hello, Henry. I just got in some new torc wrench and some electrical test equipment. You should take a look at them when you're done eating. 82
HELLO Happy 50 Cindy, don't forget to bring by anything interesting you might find while cleaning the deck. It might be worth some caps to you. 83
HELLO Happy 50 C.J.! You're getting bigger and prettier every day. 84
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, Flak. I'd avoid the Iguana today. It gave me the runs yesterday. 85
HELLO Surprise 50 Diego is a lucky boy. Angela agreed to marry him. 86
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome to Rivet City Supply. I've got a little bit of everything here. 87
HELLO Happy 50 Nice day, huh? 88
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Happy 50 Ha, ha! Nothing you'd be interested in. Only good stuff. {Comeback response to a joke.} 89
RCGoodbye Sad 50 If you ever change your mind, Vera. I'll be here, waiting. 90
RCGoodbye Anger 50 A man can hope, Danvers. Besides, I don't have a problem with the Upper Deck like you do. 91
RCGoodbye Happy 50 Noodles and beer. A match made in heaven, eh? 92
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Not today, Angela. Maybe next week. 93
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Closing time. I hope Vera waits for me. 94
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Goodnight Vera. 95
RCResponse01 RCResponse01 Happy 50 Vera! Wonderful to see you. You look lovely today. 96
RCResponse01 Happy 50 You know I'd do anything for you, Vera. 97