Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Scrounger is a Fallout, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas perk.


You can find more ammunition than the normal post-holocaust survivor. This perk will double the amount of ammunition found in random encounters.

Fallout 3

You will find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.


  • This perk will not affect killed enemy corpses or containers in locations that were visited prior to taking the perk, as these containers are filled when first encountered.
  • This perk has a 75% of chance of affecting a newly-generated container's contents. Conversely, this means the perk is not guaranteed to increase the amount of ammunition in any given container.
  • This perk seems to have no effect on stashes containing .32 caliber rounds.

Fallout: New Vegas

It is functionally identical to the Fallout 3 version of the perk, however with options of recycling ammunition its usefulness could be debated when applied to certain characters.


  • This perk will not affect killed enemy corpses or containers in locations that were visited prior to taking the perk, as these containers are filled when first encountered.
  • This perk has a 75% of chance of affecting a newly-generated container's contents. Conversely, this means the perk is not guaranteed to increase the amount of ammunition in any given container.

