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I...well, I...it's my husband Joshua. He...got into some trouble in...the bar. He accidentally struck a Citizen and was arrested. He didn't mean to, but he'd been drinking, and...Amanda

Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua is a quest in Fallout 2.

Amanda is a woman who lives in the eastern corner of the Vault City courtyard. She will ask you to rescue her husband, Joshua, who is currently in the Servant Allocation Center in the inner city.

Quick walkthrough

Side Quest: Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua 
Speak with Amanda
Agree to spend some time with her. (optional) 
Go to the Servant Allocation Center and speak with Barkus
Bribe or convince Barkus to let Joshua free. 
Return to Amanda. 
Reward: 500 XP, $32 or -15 Karma 

Detailed walkthrough

By talking to Barkus you can arrange Joshua's release in one of several ways:

  • Convince the guard that Joshua has contracted the (insert Chosen One's name)'s Syndrome (Speech 80% or Doctor 75%).
  • Offer a bribe (from $250 to $1000 depending on your Barter skill).
  • Citizens can tell Barkus that Joshua is a troublesome individual and should be kicked out before he causes others to act up as well or that he may be infected (Speech 75%).
  • A Captain of the Guard can just order his release.
  • Do it by force; not recommended because it starts hostility with Vault City.

In either case 500 XP if he is set free. Go to his tent in the courtyard and talk to his wife for an added reward of $32.



  • Slavers, Childkillers, or a Karma below 0 (neutral) prevents taking the quest.
  • After collecting the reward, Joshua and his family will leave after exiting the map, therefore get the wrench from Curtis first.
  • Males can ask Amanda for sex as payment instead of money, however this will net -10 Karma.

External links

FO2 VC sign