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This is a transcript for dialogue with Johnson Nash.


188ClayThoughtsHow Will you sign this formal letter asking the NCR to take control of Primm? Neutral 50 So you convinced those NCR sons of bitches to take an interest, did you? Well, we need the help. I'll sign. 1
CaravanOffer Want to play a hand of Caravan? Neutral 50 You think you have what it takes, kid? 2
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I don't know what it was brought you to Primm, youngster, but you might want to rethink your plans. Town's gone to hell. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {New Line} You got that old robot up and running again? How is it working out for you? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, youngster. Still hanging about Primm, huh? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Heard it was you brought the law back to Primm, youngster. Hat's off to you. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Primm had rule of law for the blink of an eye, but now we're back where we started. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there, youngster. 8
What's the Bison Steve?
What's the Bison Steve? Neutral 50 It's an old hotel and casino here in town. Old Laurie used to rent out rooms there, but she took off months ago. 9
Neutral 50 Across the way from the Vikki and Vance, the other old casino. Can't miss it. 10
JNashAboutLaw You say Powder Gangers kidnapped Primm's deputy? Neutral 50 Well, you can call Beagle a deputy so long as you don't harbor too high an opinion of the word. 11
Neutral 50 Boy was 'bout as useful as tits on a radscorpion. Only qualification he ever had was to be brother to the wife of the sheriff. 12
Neutral 50 Still, I s'pose he don't deserve what's befell him. We would've considered paying the ransom, if we'd had caps to spare. 13
I rescued Deputy Beagle. Neutral 50 {Sarcasm} I feel safer already. {harrumphs} Meanwhile, there's still more of them Powder Gangers out there than I care to count. 14
Neutral 50 What we need around here is a real sheriff. Someone who can help fight off the next attack. 15
I freed Deputy Beagle and killed the Powder Gangers. Neutral 50 Kind of too bad you didn't do it the other way around! {chuckles} Primm ain't got no future until rule of law comes back to town. 16
I'll find Primm a new sheriff. Neutral 50 Finally decided to make yourself useful, huh? If you can bring the law back to Primm, we'll all be in your debt. 17
JNashAboutPrimm What happened to Primm? Neutral 50 Let's see. Been tough around here for a good while now. Worse since them thugs kidnapped our deputy. 18
Neutral 50 It started with that breakout from the prison up the road. First there was just a few thugs rolling through town, but then they got organized. 19
Neutral 50 Now they call themselves Powder Gangsters or something, and run around throwing dynamite and shooting people. 20
Neutral 50 Little while ago a good chunk of them left whatever kind of organization they got up there to squeeze all the food and drink out of us they could. 21
JNashAboutVikkiVance What's at Vikki and Vance? Neutral 50 That's where we are. This here little casino brought some cash and bodies into the town before them Powder Gangsters came in. 22
Anger 15 They can't rush us without eating a good bit of hot lead, but we are in kind of a box canyon. Guess this is as fitting a place for that as any. 23
Neutral 50 I reckon if they thought hard enough about it, they'd realize they got more bodies than we have bullets, but for now we're safe enough in here. 24
JNashBarter Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Sure, have a look. 25
Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Well yes and no. My shop's got plenty of stock. 26
Neutral 50 Problem is I ain't going into my shop until I know it's good and safe. 27
Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Give me a moment to get back to my shop and I'll show you my stock. 28
Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Things are pretty good with Meyers watching over us. I can give you a little bit of a discount. 29
Do you have anything for sale? Neutral 50 Yep, and I got more ammunition now that the NCR keeps supplies flowing in. 30
Neutral 50 On the other hand I'm payin' them NCR taxes, so now you got to as well. 31
JNashChipInfo Can you help me find the package I lost? Neutral 50 You take care of our problems here and I'll give you the information that you need. 32
Neutral 50 Them Powder Gangsters got our deputy locked up in the Bison Steve. Be nice to get him out of there... but this town's gonna need some real law. 33
Neutral 50 One of the first things them punks did when they came in was to kill our sheriff. You find us a new one and we can talk. 34
JNashChipInfoDUPLICATE000 Where can I get information on the man that shot me? Neutral 50 {edited line} Beagle had some notes he was taking while he was eavesdropping around the Powder Gangsters. He'll be your best source of information on that subject. 35
JNashCourier I'm a courier with the Mojave Express. Happy 10 Well, I don't got any work right now, sorry to say. 36
I lost a package I was supposed to deliver. Neutral 50 {edited line} I'll tell you whatever I can. Do you have a delivery order you can show me? 37
JNashHowLaw How can I bring rule of law back to Primm? Neutral 50 You done everything you could, youngster. It's over for Primm. Ain't nothing to be done about it. 38
Your deputy died in Bison Steve. Neutral 50 {edited line} Well I guess you're gonna have to find us a new lawman. 39
Neutral 50 I suggest talking to those NCR troopers across the bridge. I also overheard the Powder Gangsters talking about some ex-sheriff on lockdown there. 40
What can I do to help Primm? Neutral 50 Right now Beagle is the closest Primm's got to any organized law, but he's still stuck up in Bison Steve. 41
Neutral 50 First thing I'd say his get his sorry butt outta there. 42
How can I help bring rule of law back to Primm? Neutral 50 Your guess is good as mine. You might luck upon someone who's a natural-born sheriff. 43
Neutral 50 I heard of one fella what got himself locked in that NCR jailhouse up I-15. Maybe that ain't the best credential, but a sheriff's a sheriff. 44
Neutral 50 I imagine the NCR would be able to bring some law to the town, too. But from what I seen they barely got the firepower to protect themselves. 45
How can I bring back rule of law to Primm? Neutral 50 With the NCR driven off? I figure our only hope'd be for someone like you to find us someone who's crazy or dimwitted enough to take the job. 46
How can I bring rule of law back to Primm? Neutral 50 With Meyers dead and his deputies gone, Primm's only hope is to accept NCR rule. If you run across one of their patrols, tell 'em so. 47
JNashInfo100Caps I don't have 100 caps on me. Neutral 50 Well, come back and see me after you find some caps somewheres and put 'em on you! 48
Here's your 100 caps. Neutral 50 Well, I swore not to say a word, but an NCR deserter passed through some days ago and traded for supplies. 49
Neutral 50 According to him, the NCR's decided enough's enough and's going to send in a mess of troops to take back the prison any day now. 50
No, but it's worth 50 caps.
I could see giving you 50 caps, maybe. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I guess that'll do. 51
Neutral 50 I swore not to say a word to no one, but an NCR deserter passed through some days ago and traded for supplies. 52
Neutral 50 According to him, the NCR's decided enough's enough and's going to send in a mess of troops to take back the prison any day now. 53
No way I'd pay more than 20 caps to know more. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Then I guess you won't be knowing more, eh? But you know where to find me, should you change your mind. 54
JNashInfoNoThanks No thanks. Neutral 50 If you change your mind, you know where to find me. 55
Player tries to use Speech to learn about NCR activities
If the NCR won't deal with those prisoners, I'll have to risk doing it myself. Fear 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hold on there! With everything you already done for this town, I'd feel ungrateful as hell if I let you risk yourself for no good reason! 56
Neutral 50 He made me swear not to say a word to no one, but an NCR deserter passed through some days ago and traded for supplies. 57
Neutral 50 According to him, the NCR's decided enough's enough and's going to send in a mess of troops to take back the prison any day now. 58
I only ask politely the first time, old man. Now tell me. Fear 50 [SUCCEEDED] No need to get upset, youngster! We're all friends here! 59
Neutral 50 I swore not to say a word to no one, but an NCR deserter passed through some days ago and traded for supplies. 60
Neutral 50 According to him, the NCR's decided enough's enough and's going to send in a mess of troops to take back the prison any day now. 61
Um, tell me free or... I mean, can't you just tell me? Please? Fear 50 [FAILED] Sorry, youngster. I'm a trader, and if something's got value, I can't give it away for nothing. 62
What's going on in Primm?
How's Primm these days? Neutral 50 We got rule of law again, but of the martial variety. NCR orders us around like junior soldiers. Better than lawlessness, though. 63
How's Primm these days? Neutral 50 Got a new sheriff, as you know. Meyer's a bit rougher-hewn than I might've liked, but he seems like a good sort. So far, so good. 64
JNashPowderGangster Why do you keep calling them Gangsters? I thought they were called Powder Gangers. Neutral 50 Gangers, gangsters, all sounds like trouble to me. 65
JNashWhoAreYou Who are you? Neutral 50 Johnson Nash's my name. Husband to Ruby Nash. Lived in Primm going on eight years now, thick and thin. 66
Neutral 50 I'm a trader primarily, for what it's worth with things like they are. I also run the local Mojave Express outpost. 67
PrimmNashDeliveryTopic What can you tell me about this job? <Show Delivery Order> Neutral 50 Oh, so you're talking about one of {emph} them packages. That job had strange written all over it. But we couldn't turn down the caps. 68
I want to ask you some more about the delivery I was supposed to make. Neutral 50 Sure. I'll tell you what I know. 69
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic000 I have some questions about Primm. Neutral 50 Well,{deep breath} I'll answer what I can. 70
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic001 I have some more questions about Primm. Neutral 50 Ask away. 71
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic002 I'd like to ask you about something else. Neutral 50 I guess I don't have anywhere better to be. 72
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic003 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Don't go getting yourself shot. 73
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic004 What about Primm Slim? Could he be sheriff? Neutral 50 Well I guess I never thought of that. I guess he could be sheriff, if you think he could be reprogrammed for it. 74
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic007 I have some questions about your robot. Neutral 50 {New Line} That beat up old thing? What do you want to know? 75
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic008 Do you know where I can find the courier office? Neutral 50 Sure do. I run the courier office out of my shop. Leastaways I did before things went to hell around here. 76
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic009 What was strange about it? Neutral 50 That cowboy robot had us hire six couriers. Each was carrying something a little different. A pair of dice, a chess piece, that kind of stuff. 77
Neutral 50 Last word I had from the office, it looked like payment had been received for the other five jobs. Guess it was just your chip that didn't make it. 78
Anger 25 {Irritated} First deadbeat{disgust} we hired to do the job canceled. Hope a storm from the Divide skins him alive. {Beat, calms himself} Well, that's where you came in. 79
What was strange about it? Neutral 50 To start with, it was a robot that set it up! Came rolling in with a picture of a cowboy on a screen where its face should be. 80
Neutral 50 Had me send a request to the Express office in Hub, for seven couriers to be hired. Each one to carry {beat, deciding on right word, emphasis} bric-a-brac, seemed to me! 81
Neutral 50 Playing cards, dice, chess pieces, trinkets like that. Then, next thing I know, he turns around and says he wants six couriers, not seven! 82
Neutral 50 Has me send on the "corrected" order for six couriers along with a bunch of letters and numbers, like some kind of code or something! 83
Neutral 50 Don't ask me what that was about, {cuz} because I never seen anything like it. {realizing} Anyways, you must've been Courier 6, then? The Poker Chip? 84
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic010 Some men stole my package. A man in a checkered suit and some thugs. Did they pass this way? Neutral 50 {edited line} Well, now that you mention it, a few nights back one of the townies was out scavenging for supplies. 85
Neutral 50 He said he saw a fella with a daisy suit come through with some of them Great Khan misfits. They was talking about a chip. 86
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic011 Where did it come from? Neutral 50 {New Line} A courier dropped it off a couple months back. I got it working for a little while, but the darn thing pooped out. 87
Neutral 50 {New Line} I haven't been able to get it up and running again. I was hoping to use it for some courier work, but that ain't gonna happen. 88
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic012 What is wrong with it? Neutral 50 {New Line} Hell if I know. I don't think its serious, but my tinkering days are long gone. 89
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic013 Do you mind if I try to fix it? Neutral 50 {New Line} You're welcome to try. Its yours if you can get it working. 90
Neutral 50 {New Line} If I had my way I'd dump it in the scrapyard in Novac and be done with the damn thing. 91
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic014 One of those men shot me. I need to know the best way to get to them. Neutral 50 {edited line} Well for that your best bet is going to be talking to Deputy Beagle. 92
Neutral 50 Since they came to town he was keeping a good bit of notes on them, and he was slinking around Bison Steve when your pretty-boy friend came through. 93
Neutral 50 He may have heard where they were going. 94
One of those men shot me. I need to know the best way to get to them. Neutral 50 {edited line} Deputy Beagle would have been your best bet, before he met that tragic end. 95
Neutral 50 Since they came to town he was keeping a good bit of notes on them, and he was slinking around Bison Steve when your pretty-boy friend came through. 96
Neutral 50 Maybe you can track down whatever notes he was keeping and find some thing to help you there. 97
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic015 Cowboy robot? You mean the one over there? Neutral 50 Nope. Different fella. Bigger. Had himself a face on a screen, and he talked more like you or me. 98
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic016 Cowboy robot? You mean Primm Slim? Neutral 50 Nope. Different fella. Bigger. Had himself a face on a screen, and he talked more like you or me. 99
How do you know that?
He canceled? Neutral 50 {Confused, whole thing was strange, slow} Yeah, got this look when he saw you next down on the Courier list. His expression turned right around, asked me if your name was for real. {Previous text below} 100
Neutral 50 {Delivered as "right as rain"} I said, sure as lack of rain, you were still kicking. {Beat, slightly incredulous} Then he turned down the job, just like that. I asked if he was sure, it was good money. {Previous text below} 101
Neutral 50 {Slow, foreshadowing} No, let {emph} "Courier Six" carry the package, that's what he said - like the Mojave'd sort you out or something. Then he just up and walked out. 102
What are you talking about?
Do you know who he was? Where he went? Neutral 50 No idea. Sounds like you two had a history for him to act like that. And turn down the money, too. {Previous Text Below.} 103
Neutral 50 Hope he didn't see any trouble in that package of yours. Maybe he thought your name was bad luck. Not for me to say. 104
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic019 I have some questions about ED-E. Neutral 50 {New Line} That beat up old pile of bolts? What do you want to know? 105
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic020 Where did it come from? Neutral 50 {New Line} A courier dropped it off a little bit ago. I'd hoped to get it up and running for some courier work, but never could get it running. 106
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic021 Did you ever hear it say anything odd? Neutral 50 {New Line} Can't say that I have, of course I never saw it running for long, so I never heard it do much of anything. 107
PrimmNashDialoguePrimmJohnsonNashTopic022 Any idea what I should do with it? Neutral 50 {New Line} Not a bit. I imagine there must be some people around curious about that kind of technology. 108
VEndingPrimm VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Primm, already torn apart by Powder Gangers, was dealt a killing blow by the Courier. 109
Neutral 50 Though prospectors pick through the remains of the town from time to time, no one re-establishes it as a settlement. 110
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} After Hoover Dam, NCR helps rebuild Primm as a major stopping point on the Long 15. 111
Neutral 50 Though Primm's citizens chafe under NCR's taxes, they benefit greatly from the increased protection and merchant traffic. 112
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to Mr. House. 113
Neutral 50 As repayment for their NCR loyalty, Mr. House sends Securitrons to Primm to "protect" it and collect heavy taxes from its citizens. 114
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to Caesar. 115
Neutral 50 Though Caesar keeps Primm open for business, its citizens live under the constant watch of Legion soldiers. 116
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to the Courier. 117
Neutral 50 Independent again, Primm operates much as it had before the Powder Gangs arrived: full of ups and downs. 118
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} After Hoover Dam, Sheriff Meyers runs Primm with his own style of frontier justice. 119
Neutral 50 He deals with most folks fairly, but now and then someone winds up dead with little to no evidence against them. 120
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Hot-headed to the end, Sheriff Meyers choose to oppose Caesar's takeover of Primm with a standoff. 121
Neutral 50 Though the citizens take out a few Legionaries, the town quickly falls to Caesar, its citizens utterly wiped out. 122
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Primm Slim proves to be an able-minded, if not able-bodied, sheriff for Primm. 123
Neutral 50 Due to his slow speed, some crooks get away without a scratch, but Primm continues to prosper under his watchful robotic eye. 124
VEndingPrimm Neutral 50 {Narrating} Not understanding the gravity of the Legion's imminent takeover of Primm, Sheriff Primm Slim valiantly attempts to resist Caesar's will. 125
Any idea what the NCR's up to in Primm?
Do you know if the NCR is planning to attack the prison north of here? Neutral 50 I might know something. But my memory ain't what it used to be. Sometimes it needs motivating. 126
I still want to know if the NCR is planning to attack the prison. Neutral 50 Ain't that a coincidence! My mind's still hazy on the subject. 127
Do you know if the NCR is planning to attack the prison north of here? Neutral 50 I might know something. 'Bout 100 caps worth of something, let's say? 128
I still want to know if the NCR is planning to attack the prison. Neutral 50 What a coincidence! I'd still like my 100 caps! 129