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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Phil at Junktown in Fallout.


{100}{}{You see a peasant.}
{101}{}{You see Phil.}
{102}{}{It ain't my dog!}
{103}{}{Damn right, shoot that beast!}
{104}{}{I wouldn't trust that beast, if I was you. That thing is a killer.}
{107}{}{ I would be really happy if you were to get rid of that damn dog.}
{109}{}{Nah, I only deal with important stuff.}
{110}{}{Where did it come from?}
{112}{}{Mebbe you can talk it to death.}
{113}{}{It won't let us back into our house, that's why.}
{115}{}{Isn't it your dog?}
{116}{}{It was the 'pet' of a traveller. When the traveller died, this damn dog just plopped its furry ass down on my doorstep and wouldn't leave. It's been there for days.}
{118}{}{Who was this traveller?}
{119}{}{What did the traveller look like?}
{120}{}{I don't know. Some guy. He came from the east, he said. Like anyone could get past the deadlands to the east. He ran afoul of Gizmo, trying to interfere with Gizmo's business.}
{121}{}{So, Gizmo had a couple of boys beat him up and throw him from the casino roof. The traveller broke his damnfool neck and died. The dog was pissed.}
{122}{}{What did the traveller look like?}
{123}{}{Oh, the guy was tall, dark-haired with a little graying around the edges. He was dressed all in black leather, like that's a good idea in the desert, and carried a shotgun.}
{124}{}{He had some funny accent. The dog was his constant companion, followed him everywhere.}
{125}{}{Appreciate the gossip.}
{126}{}{I hate that dog.}
{127}{}{Thanks for your help.}
# For PEASVICT.SSL script mainly
# KSW 9/9/97
{128}{}{Help us!}
{129}{}{We are being attacked!}
{130}{}{Thank you for helping us defend against those damn drunken raiders. For helping us we award you these }
{131}{}{ caps.}
{132}{}{We thank you for your help! We pooled these }
{133}{}{ caps together and award them to you for help in defending us against that scum.}
