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Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO4 NW
Gametitle-FO4 NW

The Nuka-World junkyard is a location in Nuka-World in 2287. The Hubologists will establish camp here once spacesuits have been delivered to Dara Hubbell.


Notable loot

  • A Commie Whacker - On a table near the fusion core described above.
  • Fusion core - In the tunnels below the junkyard, just past the metro car. The core is in the mouth of a bear statue sticking out of the wall.
  • Fusion core - On the seat of a blue teacup ride directly opposite to the main door of the 'Ultimate UFO', right near a bus.
  • Fusion core - On the top shelf of the train car below the blue teacup with the previous fusion core in it, it is near the door closest to the 'Ultimate UFO'.


The Port-A-Diner found at the Nuka-World junkyard, inside the large warehouse, has a 100% chance of giving out a perfectly preserved pie.


The Nuka-World junkyard appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

