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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Burke.


GREETING GREETING Anger 100 Not now! {cutting off discussion because he's about to get in a fight with someone else} 1
GREETING Surprise 50 Savor this moment. {looking at something sublime} 2
GREETING Disgust 100 Shush! You're ruining the moment. {annoyed that he is being interrupted} 3
GREETING Happy 50 Wait for my summons. I will send for you after I finish some business in the Wasteland. {unusually tender and affectionate, but still commanding} 4
GREETING Happy 50 Patience my love. I will send for you in due time. {unusually tender and affectionate, but still commanding} 5
GREETING Happy 50 Patience. {unusually tender and affectionate, but still commanding} 6
GREETING Neutral 50 So. You're the genius who disarmed the bomb. Weeks of waiting and watching, ruined! 7
Neutral 50 It's a pity you acted so hastily. In the future, best sleep with one eye open. 8
GREETING Anger 50 You will come to regret your actions. {deadly serious} 9
GREETING Happy 100 My, my. Just when I had all but given up hope. My dear boy, I am very happy to make your acquaintance. I am Mister Burke. 10
Neutral 50 And you, well, you are not a resident of this putrescent cesspool. That makes you a rather valuable individual. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 My, my. Just when I had all but given up hope. My dear girl, I am very happy to make your acquaintance. I am Mister Burke. 12
Neutral 50 And you, well, you are not a resident of this putrescent cesspool. That makes you a rather valuable individual. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 You self-righteous little.... Do you have any idea what you've done to my employer's development plan? A word of advice: watch your back. {exploding with anger, then regaining a malicious calm} 14
GREETING Neutral 50 You haven't rigged the bomb yet? If it's information you need, get to it. Time is wasting. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Back again, hmm? Perhaps you've reconsidered my offer? 16
GREETING Neutral 50 The pulse charge is rigged? Excellent! Meet me upstairs at Tenpenny Tower. There you will see a most glorious sight. {normally reserved, but can't contain his giddy excitement} 17
GREETING Neutral 50 Meet me upstairs at Tenpenny Tower. {normally reserved, but can't contain his giddy excitement} 18
GREETING Neutral 50 The pulse charge is rigged? Excellent! Excellent! {normally reserved, but can't contain his giddy excitement} 19
Neutral 50 Ah. The anticipation is palpable. Isn't it? {with zeal} 20
Neutral 50 When you have finished savoring the moment, you may have the honor of pressing the button. Oh, and mind your eyes. It'll be brighter than bright. {in rapture with the knowledge something disgusting is being destroyed by an atom bomb} 21
GREETING Neutral 50 The detonator is right over there. You may have the honor. Hit the switch! 22
GREETING Neutral 50 My God... what transcendent beauty... what purifying light.... {in rapture, watching an atomic bomb explode in the distance} 23
Neutral 50 Ahem... Allow me to collect myself, as I'm sure you're anxious to collect your payment. {colelcting his composure after showing a deeply emotional side of himself} 24
Neutral 50 I've been asked to extend to you an invitation to reside at Tenpenny Tower. 25
Neutral 50 Here's the key, and deed, to your new master suite. It's on the top floor, first door on your right from the elevator. Enjoy your new accommodations. 26
Neutral 50 Oh, and if you wish to spruce the place up a bit, speak with Lydia Montenegro in the Boutique le Chic. {heartfully congratulating the player for a job well done} 27
GREETING Neutral 50 My God... what transcendent beauty... what purifying light.... {in rapture, watching an atomic bomb explode in the distance} 28
Neutral 50 Ahem... Allow me to collect myself, as I'm sure you're anxious to collect your payment. {colelcting his composure after showing a deeply emotional side of himself} 29
Neutral 50 I've been asked to extend to you an invitation to reside at Tenpenny Tower. 30
Neutral 50 Here's the key, and deed, to your new master suite. It's on the top floor, first door on your right from the elevator. Enjoy your new accommodations. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 What you did, it was a great thing. That place, those people... necessary sacrifices. Here's to a better future. Here's to Tenpenny Tower! 32
GREETING Anger 50 You will come to regret your actions. {deadly serious} 33
GREETING Happy 50 You should be proud of your accomplishment. 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Good job taking care of our little problem. Now if you'll excuse me... {self important business man} 35
MS11BombHelpChoice Messing with that bomb seems pretty technical. What if I can't do it? Disgust 60 Lack the aptitude, you mean? You're not re-wiring the thing, just attaching the Pulse Charge to the detonator. 36
Happy 75 If you get stumped, talk to Leo Stahl. He might have something to help you concentrate. He's got a bit of a reputation. 37
MS11BurkeAcceptWidow I have a "proposition" of my own. Would you like to hear it, Mister Burke? Happy 100 Color me intrigued. Go on... {cautiously flirting, but maintain his cool in control demeanor} 38
MS11BurkeAcceptWidow1 You see, I live here, lover. And surely you wouldn't want to hurt me... Surprise 100 Well... I... I mean... Of course not... I must admit, I've never met a woman quite like you before. This changes everything... {flustered and completely charmed and infatuated. Not sure what to say} 39
Disgust 50 I'm not sure what I'm going to tell Tenpenny... I'll think of something... {thinking aloud to himself} 40
Happy 100 You wait here my dear. I have some important business to attend to. But you won't be waiting long. I shall send for you soon. {telling his lover to be patient, and making an exit} 41
MS11BurkeAcceptWidow2 Burke, you silly man. You'll pay me 500 extra caps... and like it. Happy 100 Five hundred you say? Well... Um... Yes. Yes, I think that can be arranged. {a powerful man flirting with a dangerous woman} 42
Neutral 50 I must admit. I find you... enchanting. Do this for me, and there's no telling how far my gratitude will reach. {a powerful man flirting with a dangerous woman} 43
Neutral 50 Take the Fusion Pulse Charge. Place it into the bomb. Then meet me at Tenpenny Tower. There I will show you what true power is. 44
MS11BurkeAccpetObjectiveChoice1 Throw in an extra 500 caps, and you've got yourself a deal. Happy 100 Well played! An extra 500 caps, in addition to the base fee, when Megaton lies in ruins. Here's the Fusion Pulse Charge. Place it in the bomb. 45
Neutral 50 When it's done, meet me at Tenpenny Tower. It's southwest of here, well out of harm's way. You can't miss it. Any questions? 46
MS11BurkeAccpetObjectiveChoice2 Megaton is under my protection. You're going to leave... now. Disgust 80 Oh. I see. I didn't realize Megaton had any guardian beyond its intrepid sheriff. Very well, then. I'll take my leave, as you suggested. 47
MS11BurkeAccpetObjectiveChoice3 All right, Mister Burke. I'll do it. Megaton will burn. Happy 80 Excellent! I had a feeling about you. Here's the Fusion Pulse Charge. It needs to be installed inside the bomb. 48
Surprise 70 When it's done, meet me at Tenpenny Tower. It's southwest of here, well out of harm's way. You can't miss it. Questions? 49
MS11BurkeAccpetObjectiveChoice5 You're out of your mind, Burke. There's no way I'm helping you. Sad 70 Now that is a disappointment. Well, if you change your mind, the offer still stands. Good day. 50
I'm not going to do it. Disgust 10 I'm beginning to lose my patience with you. But the offer still stands should you come to your senses. 51
MS11BurkeDisarmedChoice I've disarmed the bomb, Burke. That thing will never explode now. Anger 100 You did WHAT? Are you out of your goddamned mind? Do you have any idea how long we've pained to put this plan into motion? {Incredibly angry} 52
Anger 100 Weeks of preparation, destroyed. No words of mine can express my utter contempt for you. 53
Disgust 100 You have made a very poor error in judgment, my friend. One day... one day it WILL come back to haunt you. 54
MS11BurkeExplainChoice1 Go on. I'm listening. Surprise 50 The undetonated atomic bomb for which this town is named is still very much alive. All it needs is a little motivation. 55
Happy 50 I have in my possession a Fusion Pulse Charge constructed for a singular purpose the detonation of that bomb. 56
Happy 70 You'll rig it to the bomb. Then you'll get paid. Handsomely. What do you say? 57
MS11BurkeExplainChoice2 Wait... You're going to destroy the town? Happy 50 No, no, I'm merely a recruiter. YOU get to have the real fun. 58
Neutral 50 The undetonated atomic bomb for which this town is named is still very much alive. All it needs is a little motivation. 59
Happy 50 I have in my possession a Fusion Pulse Charge. Once rigged to the bomb, it will be detonated, by you, at a secure location. Easy money, my friend. 60
MS11BurkeExplainChoice3 You're a sick man, Burke. This conversation's over. Neutral 50 It seems I have misjudged you. Very well. I'll simply find someone with more entrepreneurial spirit. Good day. 61
MS11BurkeExplainTattleTail Simms wants me to disarm the bomb... Disgust 75 Simms is an idiot. He prides himself on his position as mayor and sheriff of this scrapyard. {with loathing} 62
MS11BurkeExplainTattleTail1 All right. Say I decide to help you. What's in it for me? Happy 50 You mean besides doing the world a favor by removing this pestilent scab of a town? {joking about a disgusting town he wants to destroy} 63
Happy 75 Why, you'd be rewarded most handsomely! My employer is a very generous man. If it's bottle caps and luxury you're seeking. You shall have it! {slyly playing on the player's greed and vanity} 64
MS11BurkeExplainTattleTail2 Too many lives are at stake, Burke! I'm going to defuse that bomb. Neutral 50 I advise you against that particular course of action. If you interfere with my employer's wishes, you will find he can be quite disagreeable. {deadly serious... veiled threat} 65
MS11BurkeExplainTattleTail3 Forget I mentioned it. Anger 10 You would do well to side with my employer in this little matter. Life could otherwise become quite unbearable for you. {calm, very real, very serious threat} 66
MS11BurkeExplainTattleTailSpeech I told Simms I'd disarm it. Maybe some extra caps would change my mind... Surprise 50 Indeed. A man's word is worth his weight in caps. I suppose I could arrange for a bonus of say, 500 caps in addition to the base fee. {slimy business man agreeing to a bribe} 67
Neutral 50 When it's done, meet me at Tenpenny Tower. It's southwest of here, well out of harm's way. You can't miss it. Any questions? 68
MS11BurkeFollowupChoice3 We're talking a lot of innocent lives here, Burke. Can I warn them? Disgust 60 Absolutely not! The place, the people, they're one and the same! Sacrifices for a nobler future. 69
Happy 50 I assure you, they are worth ten times as much in death, as they are in life. 70
MS11BurkeGreetingChoice1 Mister Burke, is it? Please, continue. I find myself... enthralled. Happy 65 Finally, someone with a modicum of civility and common sense. 71
Happy 50 I represent certain... interests. And those interests view this town, this "Megaton," as a blight on a burgeoning urban landscape. {;Megaton is spat out with distaste} 72
Happy 50 You have no connections here. No interest in this cesspool's affairs, or fate. You could assist us in erasing this little accident off the map. 73
MS11BurkeGreetingChoice2 It does? Surprise 50 Don't you see? You're a free agent! You've no ties here, no interest in this settlement's affairs. Megaton means nothing to you! 74
Fear 50 I represent certain... interests who view this town, this "Megaton," as a blight on a burgeoning urban landscape. 75
Neutral 50 If this settlement were to... go away. Why, who would really care? Certainly not you, or I... 76
MS11BurkeGreetingChoice3 If you've got a point, make it. Happy 50 As you wish. I'm looking to employ an individual with no ties to Megaton, no interest in its future. 77
Disgust 50 Megaton is obsolete. The last vestige of a cobbled, desperate past. It needs to... go away. And you are going to see that it does. 78
It's time for me to go. Happy 60 Don't let me keep you. {saying goodbye} 79
MS12Basement I've heard this place has a basement. How do I get to it? Surprise 50 That area is off limits to residents and visitors. Only Gustavo and authorized technicians are allowed down there. {surprised at the apparent randomness of the question and making sure it is understood the player is not to go there} 80
Disgust 25 That emergency access door is currently keeping out Ghouls and other vermin. So you can see why people aren't allowed to picnic down there. {(mildly annoyed) explaining the seriousness of the regulation} 81
MS12ResidentsBranch What's it like living at Tenpenny Tower? Neutral 50 It's a piece of Utopia jutting up from the Wasteland. Tenpenny is a true visionary. I do my part to assist him in unfolding his Master Plan. {with vicarious self satisfaction} 82
Happy 100 This tower is the symbol of true progress in this world! People are dying to get in here. Just ask those Ghouls. {("dying to get in" is ironic because it's true) dismissing the deaths of lowlife scum who don't deserve to live here.} 83
About these Ghouls...
Are you doing something about those Ghouls? Neutral 50 We have the situation... contained. {Bureaucratic slyness} 84
Contained? Don't you want a permanent solution? Disgust 5 If you can do a better job than Chief Gustavo, perhaps you can go enlighten him. I have important matters to attend to. If you'll excuse me? {mild sarcasm} 85
For an evil minion, you're not very bright. You can't "contain" Ghouls. Anger 100 Ahem. I advise you to speak more civilly. Perhaps you can go enlighten Chief Gustavo. I have pressing "evil minion" things to do. {angry sarcastic indignation} 86
Whatever. Disgust 5 If there's nothing else, I have better things to be doing right now. {mild annoyance} 87
MS12ResidentsNeighbors How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Disgust 50 I spend most of my days out acquiring and managing various... assets for Mister Tenpenny. So it matter's little to me personally. {self important bureaucrat} 88
Neutral 50 However, the Ghoulish state is a bitter reminder that things aren't yet in line with Mister Tenpenny's vision for a pure and stainless future. {self important bureaucrat} 89
Neutral 50 So you see, Ghouls living here is simply out of the question. {self important bureaucrat} 90
MS12ResidentsNeighborsBad Ghouls are disgusting, aren't they? Neutral 50 It best not to dwell on such things. {self important bureaucrat} 91
Neutral 50 In time, after Tenpenny's projects have come to fruition, things like Ghouls and other deformations nature will be a thing of the past. {self important bureaucrat} 92
MS12ResidentsNeighborsGood Tenpenny seems rather heartless. Neutral 50 In time, after Tenpenny's projects have come to fruition, things like ghouls and other aberrations of nature will be a thing of the past. {self important bureaucrat} 93
Neutral 50 These times are the crucible for a glorious future. One shouldn't be overly concerned with who gets burned in the process. {self important bureaucrat} 94
MS12ResidentsNeighborsNeutral Whatever. Neutral 50 Apathy is a condition of the present blight. In the future men will have passion and ideals again. Like Mister Tenpenny. Now, if you'll excuse me. {self important bureaucrat} 95
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Have you ever heard of a Mister Crowley? Neutral 50 Never heard of him. 96
Surprise 50 Wait. I think I do remember Allistair Tenpenny mentioning him once. Something about a job. It was before I met him. 97
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Put that away. Unless you plan on using it. {confidently and calmly } 98
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 I've had guns leveled at me before. If you are wise, you will pause to consider that I am still around to talk about it. {confidently and calmly } 99
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Only small men require guns to do their persuading. {confidently and calmly} 100
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Most civilized people consider waving guns around to be rather uncouth. {confidently and calmly } 101
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Why don't you put that away? Or do I need to give you a lesson in manners? {confidently and calmly} 102
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Is that the best you can do? I'm afraid I'm not impressed. 103
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Charming. I feel I should tell you that your negotiation skills aren't quite up to par. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself again. {sarcastic} 104
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Ha ha. Really now? I'm afraid you aren't as agile tongued as you'd like to think. {amused and sarcastic} 105


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Time is wasting. 106
I have to go now. Neutral 50 You'll live just long enough to regret your error in judgment. 107
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Do it! Detonate the bomb and together we'll usher in a new age of prosperity! 108
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 109
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 110
I have to go now. Happy 25 I'm afraid I can't stop and chit chat. {mildly sarcastic} 111
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Who do we have here? 112
HELLO Happy 75 Excellent. {subtly sinister glee} 113
HELLO Disgust 50 You're not going to ask me to hold your hand through this are you? {annoyed} 114
HELLO Disgust 10 Yes? Are you having trouble with your little assignment? Do I need to find someone else? {annoyed} 115
HELLO Neutral 50 Yes? 116
HELLO Surprise 25 Tsk. To think you could have been rich. And now all you'll be is sorry. VERY sorry. {sarcastically apologetic, and hinting that he will kill the player for double crossing him} 117
HELLO Disgust 25 I would advise staying clear of me for awhile. A LONG while. {calmly promising violence} 118
HELLO Surprise 25 Tell me. Do you have a death wish? {calmly promising violence} 119
HELLO Happy 50 It was a wonderful thing you did. Inspirational. Truly. {basking in the glow of pure evil genius} 120
HELLO Happy 50 Yes friend? Is there something I can assist you with? {basking in the glow of pure evil genius} 121
HELLO Happy 50 Thanks again for you part in paving the way towards progress. {basking in the glow of pure evil genius} 122
HELLO Happy 25 I'm afraid I can't stop and chit chat. {mildly sarcastic} 123
HELLO Happy 25 I'm afraid I can't stop and chit chat. {mildly sarcastic} 124
MS11BattleTopic MS11BattleTopic Neutral 50 I'm sorry? Sheriff, what are you hollering about? {calm, cool, like a panther about to pounce} 125
MS11BattleTopic Anger 25 Sheriff. I’m afraid there’s been a misunderstanding. Someone has surely been spreading rumors. I’ll be sure to address the situation... personally. {calm, cool, like a panther about to pounce} 126
MS11BattleTopic Anger 40 And I'M afraid I won't be able to oblige your request, Sheriff. I have pressing matters to attend to. Now... step aside. {"Sheriff" with venom. escalating tension} 127
MS11BattleTopic Anger 100 Why do you knuckle draggers always insist on doing things the hard way? Very well, Sheriff. Lead the way. { } 128
MS11BurkeAndPhillips MS11BurkeAndPhillips Neutral 50 Is that so? Do it then, Phillips. Set you feral pets upon me. I could use a bit of sport. After I’ve dealt with them, I'll turn my attention to you. 129
MS11BurkeAndPhillips Neutral 50 After all, you've destroyed my home, murdered my employer. I’ve something of a score to settle, wouldn't you say? 130
MS11BurkeAndPhillips Neutral 50 Correct. You and your friends may have killed Tenpenny, but the man gave me a task, and I intend to complete it. 131
MS11BurkeAndPhillips Neutral 50 There's a detonator on the balcony. When that switch is activated, the bomb at the center of Megaton goes... boom. THAT will conclude my business. 132
MS11BurkeAndPhillips Neutral 50 All right. Water under the bridge, then. Truth be told, I'm a firm believer in natural selection. What you people did here was... inspired. 133
MS11FinBurkeThreatenPlayer MS11FinBurkeThreatenPlayer Anger 100 You've made a grievous error in judgement. Watch your back. {a deadly serious death threat} 134
MS11NukeView MS11NukeView Happy 100 Now that, my friend, is beautiful. {Watching an atomic bomb explode in the distance} 135
MS11NukeView Happy 50 I'm glad you're pleased. I had help, of course. {flattered but extending due credit to his assistant} 136
MS11NukeView Happy 50 I'll send someone up as soon as I've completed business with our friend here. {sincere, though trying not to be amused by an old mans antics} 137


AcceptYield AcceptYield Disgust 50 Now, can we please behave like civilized adults. {condescending and threatening} 138
Assault Assault Disgust 50 I can assure you, I'm NOT someone to trifle with. {smugly threatening an assailant} 139
Attack Attack Disgust 50 So, you're a masochist... {smugly taunting an opponent he is certain to beat} 140
Attack Disgust 50 Any moment now, you'll be dead. Are you excited to see what that's like? {smugly taunting an opponent he is certain to beat} 141
DeathResponse DeathResponse Disgust 50 There. You see? Natural selection at it's finest. {smugly indifferent to another man's death} 142
DeathResponse Disgust 50 Death can be so messy, can't it. {smugly indifferent to another man's death} 143
DeathResponse Disgust 50 I hope someone deals with that body soon. I detest the smell of rotting flesh. {smugly indifferent to another man's death} 144
Flee Flee Fear 50 I've underestimated you. Let's continue this another time! {retreating away from a fight} 145
Hit Hit Pained 100 I just had this suit tailored! {gritting through the pain of getting shot and taunting his attacker} 146
Murder Murder Disgust 50 Hmm. Some people have no respect for the sanctity of life. {smugly indifferent to the death of another man} 147
Murder Disgust 50 Natural selection at it's finest. {smugly indifferent to the death of another man} 148
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Disgust 50 Hmm. Some people have no respect for the sanctity of life. {smugly indifferent to the death of another man} 149
MurderNoCrime Disgust 50 Natural selection at it's finest. {smugly indifferent to the death of another man} 150
Pickpocket Pickpocket Anger 50 If you wish to keep all your fingers, you'll keep them to yourself. {caught a pickpocket} 151


AlertIdle AlertIdle Surprise 50 Oh goodie. Hide and seek. I haven't played this game in years. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 152
AlertIdle Surprise 50 You can't hide forever. You're stink will eventually give you away. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 153
AlertIdle Surprise 50 I do so enjoy a good hunt! {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 154
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Aha! There you are! That was fun. Pity you'll be dead soon so we can't play again. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 155
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Not very clever are you? {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 156
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 And here I was so enjoying our little cat and mouse game. It's a shame I have to kill you now. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 157
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Tsk tsk. I had thought you were more clever than that. Oh well. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 158
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 So are you going to let me kill you now, or are you going to run away again? {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 159
CombatToLost CombatToLost Surprise 50 Oh goodie. Hide and seek. I haven't played this game in years. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 160
CombatToLost Surprise 50 You can't hide forever. You're stink will eventually give you away. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 161
CombatToLost Surprise 50 I do so enjoy a good hunt! {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 162
LostIdle LostIdle Surprise 50 Oh goodie. Hide and seek. I haven't played this game in years. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 163
LostIdle Surprise 50 You can't hide forever. You're stink will eventually give you away. {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 164
LostIdle Surprise 50 I do so enjoy a good hunt! {condescendingly smug, searching for an enemy he wants to kill} 165
LostToCombat LostToCombat Surprise 50 Aha! There you are! That was fun. Pity you'll be dead soon so we can't play again. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 166
LostToCombat Surprise 50 Not very clever are you? {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 167
LostToCombat Surprise 50 And here I was so enjoying our little cat and mouse game. It's a shame I have to kill you now. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 168
LostToCombat Surprise 50 Tsk tsk. I had thought you were more clever than that. Oh well. {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 169
LostToCombat Surprise 50 So are you going to let me kill you now, or are you going to run away again? {smugly taunting an enemy who was hiding but now found and about to be killed} 170
NormalToCombat StartCombat Surprise 50 Well now! This should be fun! {smugly enjoining combat with someone who attacked him} 171
StartCombat Surprise 50 And here I thought I was going to have a boring day. {smugly enjoining combat with someone who attacked him} 172
StartCombat Surprise 50 Do you know who I am? {smugly enjoining combat with someone who attacked him} 173
StartCombat Surprise 50 What luck! I was hoping I'd get to shoot an idiot today. {smugly enjoining combat with someone who attacked him} 174