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Fallout Wiki

Michael "Mike" Robinson is a deceased vault dweller who ran for overseer in Vault 3, one of the Vault-Tec vaults.


Robinson was a staunch isolationist who was opposed to the idea of opening the Vault to the surface in fear of mutants, aliens and murderous gangs or anything else on the surface. The election of the new overseer was coming up, so he ran against his friend, George Stault, who was the current overseer, for the position to stop Stault and Michelle Dallian's plans of opening the door.[1] He ultimately lost the election as he had little support as Vault 3's water leak would mean the vault would eventually die of thirst if nothing was done.

Michelle Dallian feared Robinson would arm himself to stop the opening of the door, so the weapons that Vault 3 had were hidden so he could not stop it.[2] However, that was far from Robinson's plan, he actually proposed a compromise to Michelle Dallian in that, instead of allowing unscheduled in-out excursions, the doors be only opened and closed for reason of scavenging or other purposes, at least at first.[3] This was ignored however.

The doors opened and nothing happened that Robinson had predicted would happen, Vault 3 even found enough trade to begin operating at full capacity. Even Robinson admitted to Michelle Dallian in an e-mail that it was not nearly as bad as he expected, having set foot outside himself. However, he was still adamant in being proactive with the protection of the Vault by posting guards and arming themselves, noting the "strange helmeted freaks" lurking closer by the day. But, once again, this was ignored.[4]


Michael Robinson is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

