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This is a transcript for dialogue with Nora the female Sole Survivor.


1Inst301BranchBossExtortSynthBoss: What do you say? Do I have your word?{Trying to sound sincere, but actually lying. / Confident} You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.Companion: If we walk away with somethin', you're not gonna hear me complainin'.A1a
2SynthBoss: What do you say? Do I have your word?{Fearless, said with an evil grin / SinisterSmile} Hell no. I'll think just take what I want.Companion: How about we take it off your corpse!B1a
3SynthBoss: What do you say? Do I have your word?{Dismissive.. you considered a bribe but decided to refuse it / Sarcastic} On second thought, nah.Companion: Enough talkin'... let's show them why we're here!X1a
4SynthBoss: What do you say? Do I have your word?{Cautious / Question} And if I refuse?Companion: Take the goods. Why fight for it if we can just walk away?Y1a
5Inst301SceneBossConfrontSynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?{Sympathetic, but firm} Gabriel, you aren't who you think you are. You're a synth, and we're here to take you home.A1a
6SynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?{Cold, forceful. / Angry} There's a lot of blood on your hands. That ends now.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.B1a
7SynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?B5-92, initialize factory reset. Authorization gamma-7-1-epsilon.SynthBoss: Oh, so you're a funny man, huh? We had one of those for dinner not long ago.X1a
8SynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?{Sarcastic, mocking / Sarcastic} Our chief botanist sent us to collect scum.X2a
9{Sarcastic, mocking / Sarcastic} He said it was usually found on the surface of the water. Looks like he was right.SynthBoss: Oh, so you're a funny man, huh? We had one of those for dinner not long ago.X2b
10SynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?{Sarcasm, mocking / Sarcastic} We're conducting a study of the least intelligent life-forms in the Commonwealth.SynthBoss: Oh, so you're a funny man, huh? We had one of those for dinner not long ago.X3a
11SynthBoss: So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?{Sly, greedy, opportunistic / Question} How much plunder have you got?SynthBoss: Hah! So you are here for loot, then.Y1a
12SynthBoss: Explain that to me!{Sympathetic but firm. Emphasis on "are"... "You ARE a synth." / Pleading} I know this is hard, but it's the truth. Your memories were altered. You are a synth.A1a
13SynthBoss: Explain that to me!{Cold, ruthless / Angry} I'll make this easy for you. Surrender now, or we kill you.SynthBoss: Okay, okay. I can see we're no match for you guys. Just don't kill us.B1a
14SynthBoss: Explain that to me!{Firm, serious / Stern} You're stalling. Surrender now, or we take you down. I won't warn you again.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.X2a
15SynthBoss: Explain that to me!{Probing, trying to get someone thinking, jogging old memories / Question} You sure about that? You've never felt... different from other people?Y1a
16Inst301SceneBossReturn{Friendly, about to help someone} Are you ready to go back?X6: Nice work, sir. I'll take the synth back.A
17Inst301SceneFatherEndFather: I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.{Disgust, then relief. Re-record for female player only, male already says this perfectly. / Relieved} Gabriel and his gang were sick bastards, hanging their victims up like trophies. I'm just glad it's over.Father: While we can do nothing for Gabriel's victims, we can at least take comfort in the knowledge that the threat has been removed.A1a
18Father: I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.{A refutation, stern disagreement / Irritated} The Institute created that synth, so the Institute is responsible for what it does.Father: I disagree. A synth is no more inherently evil than a handgun.B1a
19Father: I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.{Dismissive... above the politics} I don't care about who's to blame. I just wanted to stop a killer.Father: Yes, of course. Your pragmatism is admirable.X1a
20Father: I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.{Genuinely curious / Question} Why do you care what happens on the surface? You're in your own world down here.Father: Because there are forces on the surface that could pose a threat to us, and only a fool ignores a possible threat.Y1a
21Inst301SceneFatherIntroFather: The superior synth mind and body attempting to wrestle with something approaching free will can be a recipe for chaos.{Taking a stand, firm, with conviction / Confident} If the synths are intelligent and self-aware, then they have a right to free will.Father: However closely they may approximate human behavior, they are still our creations.A1a
22Father: The superior synth mind and body attempting to wrestle with something approaching free will can be a recipe for chaos.{Critical / Irritated} If they're so dangerous, you should destroy them and start over with a better design.Father: There is no need for such drastic action. We are constantly working to correct any flaws that might arise.B1a
23Father: The superior synth mind and body attempting to wrestle with something approaching free will can be a recipe for chaos.{Sarcastic, annoyed / Sarcastic} So it's like every other wonder-gizmo ever invented. When will you eggheads learn?Father: Have faith. Let me show you how we deal with such problems.X1a
24Father: The superior synth mind and body attempting to wrestle with something approaching free will can be a recipe for chaos.{Skeptical / Question} What do you mean by proper supervision?Father: I mean that while they are here in the Institute, fulfilling the purpose for which they were designed, our synths perform admirably.Y1a
25NPCMShaun60: Now that you've had a chance to see the Institute first-hand, what do you think?{Amazed / Impressed} You've got technology here that I never dreamed possible. It's amazing.Father: I'm glad you can appreciate what we've accomplished. None of it has been easy.A1a
26NPCMShaun60: Now that you've had a chance to see the Institute first-hand, what do you think?{Unimpressed} If you expect me to be impressed by a lot of fancy sci-fi gizmos, you'd be wrong.Father: I see.B1a
27NPCMShaun60: Now that you've had a chance to see the Institute first-hand, what do you think?{Indifferent, dismissive} I've seen my share of think-tank science labs.Father: Oh, I assure you, none of them were quite like this place.X1a
28NPCMShaun60: Now that you've had a chance to see the Institute first-hand, what do you think?{Question} First things first. How do I get back to the surface?Father: The same way you got in, of course.Y1a
29Father: I've dispatched a Courser to Libertalia. I'd like you to join him and reclaim that synth.{Confident / Confident} We'll bring that synth home.Father: That would be best for everyone.A1a
30Father: I've dispatched a Courser to Libertalia. I'd like you to join him and reclaim that synth.{Cold} It might not want to talk. It would be safer just to kill it.Father: That would be a terrible waste of a valuable resource.B1a
31Father: I've dispatched a Courser to Libertalia. I'd like you to join him and reclaim that synth.{Sarcasm / Sarcastic} Sure, we'll just fight our way through an army of homicidal maniacs and ask this synth to come on home.Father: I didn't say it would be easy, but I'm confident that with a Courser at your side, you'll have no trouble.X1a
32Father: I've dispatched a Courser to Libertalia. I'd like you to join him and reclaim that synth.{Suspicious / Question} Who erased his memories? And why?Father: Those idealistic radicals who call themselves the Railroad are behind it.Y1a
33Inst301SceneX6GivesResetCodeX6: Hold up a moment, ma'am. There's something important I need to tell you.{Curious} I'm listening.A1a
34X6: Hold up a moment, ma'am. There's something important I need to tell you.{Impatient, dismissive / Irritated} Not now. We're a little busy.X6: I know, but it'll just take a second and it's something you need to know.B1a
35X6: Hold up a moment, ma'am. There's something important I need to tell you.{Impatient, edgy / Irritated} Alright, but make it quick.X6: I will.X1a
36X6: Hold up a moment, ma'am. There's something important I need to tell you.{Curious / Concerned} What is it?Y1a
37X6: Once he's shut down, I can transport him safely back to the Institute.{Sincere / Confident} Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.Companion: I dunno... I was kind of hopin' for a fight.A1a
38X6: Once he's shut down, I can transport him safely back to the Institute.{Firm rejection, some anger here / Angry} I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.Companion: Yeah, I dunno about this code thing. That doesn't sound safe to me.B1a
39X6: Once he's shut down, I can transport him safely back to the Institute.{Annoyed sarcasm / Sarcastic} Jesus, what a mouthful.Companion: Sounds like a bunch of bollocks to me.X1a
40X6: Once he's shut down, I can transport him safely back to the Institute.{Reluctant / Concerned} What do you mean by "reset his cognitive processes?"Y1a
41Inst301SceneX6Intro{Matter of fact} You must be the Courser I'm supposed to meet.X6: Yes, sir. Designation X6-88.A
42X6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Confident, ready for action / Confident} Alright, let's go.X6: Right behind you, ma'am.A1a
43X6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Confident, dismissive, don't need help / Confident} I can handle these Raiders on my own.X6: I have no reason to doubt that, ma'am, but I have my orders.B1a
44X6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Resigned, a little annoyed / Irritated} Let's just get this over with.X6: Right behind you, ma'am.X1a
45X6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Question} What do we know about this synth, Gabriel?X6: Designation B5-92 is holed up in the shack on top of the up-ended cargo ship.Y1a
46-You're a synth, and we're here to take you home.


47Inst302Stage100FailureSceneShaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?It's my fault. I wasn't able to complete the mission.Shaun: I gave you this opportunity to prove yourself. Particularly to prove to the Directorate that you deserve a place here.A1a
48Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?{determined, standing your ground / Defiant} I made a choice. I let the synths go free.Shaun: Why? Why would you do something so... so stupid?B1a
49Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?You sent me in with one Courser and a handful of synths. It wasn't enough.Shaun: Why? Why would you do something so... so stupid?B2a
50Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?We were totally ambushed. They were waiting for us.Shaun: You can imagine that I find it very hard to believe, given that all the intelligence leading up to this indicated we'd take them by surprise.X1a
51Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?We got our asses kicked. Does it matter how?Shaun: The chances of failing this mission were so astronomically low that yes, it does indeed matter.Y1a
52Inst302Stage100OutdoorSceneShaun: The only hope for humanity lies below.It's not so bad, really. People manage.Shaun: Perhaps. But at costs too great to be worth it.A1a
53Shaun: The only hope for humanity lies below.It wasn't always like this. It used to be different.Shaun: I can only imagine.B1a
54Shaun: The only hope for humanity lies below.Some air fresheners, a new coat of paint, and it'll all be good as new.Shaun: If only it were that simple.X1a
55Shaun: The only hope for humanity lies below.So why come out here?Shaun: To put things in perspective, I suppose.Y1a
56Shaun: Both of us, really.{Puzzled} They kept me alive too...Shaun: They did indeed.A1a
57Shaun: Both of us, really.{Angry} They left me on ice... for sixty years...Shaun: They did, and for good reason.B1a
58Shaun: Both of us, really.{Puzzled} Kellogg called me the "backup."Shaun: Did he? Well, he was correct.X1a
59Shaun: Both of us, really.{Puzzled} But... why re-freeze me?Shaun: As a failsafe, of course.Y1a
60Shaun: Extraordinary.{Stern} So it was you. You let me out.Shaun: Yes, it was my decision.A1a
61Shaun: Extraordinary.{Angry} You could've let me out decades ago!Shaun: Until I became director, I had no idea you were there. And after, there was initially no... logical reason to do so.B1a
62Shaun: Extraordinary.{sarcastic / Defiant} Your unconditional love is... overwhelming. I think I need a moment.Shaun: I can accept that you're offended. You must understand, though... I have had no love to feel. We have been strangers until now, you and I.X1a
63Shaun: Extraordinary.{Puzzled} Why let me out now, after all this time?Shaun: That's... well, that's hard to explain.Y1a
64Shaun: Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.Shaun, you need to know... I still love you.Shaun: I can see that you do. It's... well, it's remarkable.A1a
65Shaun: Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.{Disgust} That's all this is to you... All I am to you... just another experiment!Shaun: No, that's not all. But still... I'm glad it turned out the way it did.B1a
66Shaun: Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.{Disgust} This is "science" to you? It's pathetic. All of it.Shaun: I'm sorry you see it that way. Perhaps in time you'll see it differently.X1a
67Shaun: Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.{Worried} Well, here I am... Was it worth it?Shaun: I believe so.Y1a
68Inst302Stage100SuccessSceneShaun: I hope you weren't at too much risk.There's always a risk. It was worth it.Shaun: I'm glad you see it that way.A1a
69Shaun: I hope you weren't at too much risk.The Courser could've handled it on his own. It was a waste of my time.Shaun: I disagree. It's important that you understand the work that is necessary to maintain the Institute.B1a
70Shaun: I hope you weren't at too much risk.It was a job that needed doing.Shaun: Yes, but it was also a job that you needed to be aware of.X1a
71Shaun: I hope you weren't at too much risk.What do you mean, the Synths will be "repurposed?"Shaun: Modifications will be made to correct the defects in their programming, and they'll be assigned to new duties within the Institute.Y1a
72Inst302Stage100SynthFreeScene{sympathetic, trying to explain} They were afraid. They didn't want to come back here.Shaun: Afraid? They're machines, artificial! They're incapable of being afraid!A1a
73{determined, defiant / Irritated} I made the call. I don't have to explain myself to you.Shaun: No... No. You do. You at least owe me an explanation.B1a
74{trying to explain & convince / Apologetic} It was the right thing to do, Shaun.Shaun: There's no moral choice to be made here.X1a
75So a few synths so missing. It's not the end of the world... why is this so important?Shaun: By allowing this to happen, the Institute appears weak. That is an unacceptable outcome.Y1a
76Shaun: How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?{apologizing / Apologetic} Shaun, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.Shaun: I appreciate that, but this... It makes things difficult.A1a
77Shaun: How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?{frustrated, defiant} I don't want to be involved in this, Shaun. I want out.Shaun: After all this, after... Everything you've seen, all that you've learned. You're just going to walk away?B1a
78Shaun: How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?{Stern} Let's not forget our roles here, son. At the end of the day, I'm still your mother.Shaun: I am acutely aware of our positions. I am also not a child, and have a tremendous amount of responsibility for the Institute.X2a
79Shaun: How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?{frustrated} What if I don't want to "represent the Institute?" Have you thought about that?Shaun: to be quite honest: no, I hadn't considered that. It would be such a poor decision on your part, I had not given it much thought.Y1a
80Player Default: Shaun, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.{apologetic / Apologetic} I'm sorry, Shaun. You're right - let's just forget this ever happened.Shaun: It's not quite that simple.A1a
81Player Default: After all this, after... Everything you've seen, all that you've learned. You're just going to walk away?{having a realization, shocked & disappointed / Disbelief} You may actually be completely crazy.Shaun: Well, I suppose that makes your position quite clear, doesn't it?B1a
82Player Default: I am acutely aware of our positions. I am also not a child, and have a tremendous amount of responsibility for the Institute.{matter of fact, standing your ground / Somber} I can't do it, Shaun. I can't be a part of this anymore.Shaun: I am... very sorry to hear that.X1a
83Player Default: to be quite honest: no, I hadn't considered that. It would be such a poor decision on your part, I had not given it much thought.So, where does this leave us?Shaun: I need to be sure I can count on you going forward.Y1a
84Shaun: I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.{sad, you know this is a final goodbye / Sad} Me too, Shaun.A1a
85Shaun: I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.{bitter / Disgust} I dreamed of you as an adult for so long. Here you are... and I'm so disappointed.B1a
86Shaun: I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.{cold, resigned / Defiant} Fine. If that's the way it has to be.X1a
87Shaun: I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.{bitter / Disbelief} So that's it? We're done, then?Y1a
88Inst302Stage10SceneShaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?I'd try and talk it out, see if things can be resolved peacefully.Shaun: An admirable goal. And yet we find ourselves in a situation where something more significant must be done.A1a
89Shaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?I'd teach the guy a lesson; make sure he never does it again.Shaun: Using physical force is never my first choice, but there are times when it becomes necessary.B1a
90Shaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?{surprised, mildly annoyed} After everything I've been through to find you? I think you already know.Shaun: I'm sorry, father. Of course, you're right.X1a
91Shaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?That's a loaded question. What's been stolen from you?Shaun: Institute property is not often taken from us. We cannot react lightly when it happens.Y1a
92Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.They mean well; they're only doing what they think is right.Shaun: You dealt with Libertalia. That's the result of their selfish, short-sighted plan.A1a
93Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.They're crazy, thinking machines are alive.Shaun: Agreed. However noble they may believe themselves to be, they are thieves.B1a
94Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.Railroad? Never heard of them.Shaun: Oh come now, let's not play games. I know full well they were instrumental in your reaching the Institute.X1a
95Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.What happened? What've they done?Shaun: They are in possession of technology that does not belong to them.Y1a
96Shaun: We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.Sounds pretty simple.Shaun: Hopefully, yes.A1a
97Shaun: We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.That sounds way too dangerous.Shaun: It shouldn't be.B1a
98Shaun: We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.I'm not sure why you'd bother.Shaun: Aside from taking back our property, we must teach them a lesson, as it were. And quickly, at that.X1a
99Shaun: We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.Where are the synths located?Shaun: A small settlement at the old Bunker Hill monument.Y1a
100Shaun: We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.I'll act quickly. You can count on me.Shaun: You'll have a contact waiting for you just outside Bunker Hill. Good luck.A1a
101Shaun: We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.Seriously, this is a waste of my time.Shaun: Like many things at the Institute, this has ramifications beyond the immediate objective. Keep that in mind.B1a
102Shaun: We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.There better be something in this for me.Shaun: I assure you, this operation will have very significant results in your favor.X1a
103Shaun: We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.Is it just me, or will I have backup?Shaun: A Courser will be waiting for you outside Bunker Hill. You'll have support should you need it, but we want to keep this small.Y1a
104Inst302Stage40CourserSceneSynthGen3Male01: I've been waiting for you.Sorry to have held you up.X418: Try and keep up from here out.A1a
105SynthGen3Male01: I've been waiting for you.Watch your tone, synth.X418: Next time, move faster.B1a
106SynthGen3Male01: I've been waiting for you.Yeah, the line at the car wash was super long. Took me forever.X418: Your attempt at humor is wasted.X1a
107SynthGen3Male01: I've been waiting for you.So, what's our situation?X418: I assume you've been briefed.Y1a
108X418: We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?Yeah. We've got this.X418: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.A1a
109X418: We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?Hey, I'm gonna need some of your grenades. Hand 'em over.X418: Very well. Our targets are being sheltered by a man named Stockton.B1a
110X418: We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?Let's get going already.X418: Affirmitive.X1a
111X418: We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?Should we try and avoid killing anyone?X418: Irrelevant. Any threats between us and the target are to be eliminated. Only the synths matter.Y1a
112Inst302Stage60B2SceneYou there, synth.B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.A
113B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.{name pronounced "Bee Two Fifty-Seven"; line said with flat affect} B2-57, initiate reset. Authorization code Theta 9 3 Stratus.B257: We just want to be left alone...A1a
114B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.Looks like I found you.B257: We just want to be left alone...A2a
115B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.You're off to the scrap heap.B257: No... no!B1a
116B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.Relax, you're free to go.B257: R... Really?X1a
117B257: Come on, please... just... just don't.Why are you so afraid?B257: I don't want to go back... please don't make me go back...Y1a
118Inst302Stage60F6SceneI've been looking for you.F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...A
119F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...{name pronounced "Eff Six Thirty-three"; line said with flat affect} F6-33, initiate reset. Authorization code Delta 6 2 Arcus.F633: We just wanted to... disappear...A1a
120F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...You didn't make it easy, did you? You've been hard to find.F633: We just wanted to... disappear...A2a
121F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...I'm putting you down.F633: No, no no no...B1a
122F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...You're safe, okay? I'm going to let you go.F633: Oh god, thank you...X1a
123F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...What's this about money?F633: Yes, money! Here... 60 caps. That's... that's all I've got. We're good, right?Y1a
124F633: I've... I've got money. It's yours if you let me go...{extorting money from someone / SinisterSmile} Got any more on you?F633: Yes, money! Here... 60 caps. That's... that's all I've got. We're good, right?Y2a
125Inst302Stage60Y9SceneNo sudden moves...Y915: Please, no...A
126Y915: Please, no...{name pronounced "Y Nine Fifteen"; line said with flat affect} Y9-15, initiate reset. Authorization code Beta 7 7 Tempest.Y915: We just want to live normal lives, that's all!A1a
127Y915: Please, no...{sarcastic} You're pretty popular right now. Seems like half the Commonwealth is looking for you.Y915: We just want to live normal lives, that's all!A2a
128Y915: Please, no...End of the road for you, synth.Y915: But...B1a
129Y915: Please, no...I'm not taking you back. You can leave.Y915: I don't understand...X1a
130Y915: Please, no...What's so bad about the Institute?Y915: I just... I couldn't take it anymore...Y1a
131Inst302Stage60Z3SceneAll right, synth.Z322: Please...A
132Z322: Please...{name pronounced "Zee Three Twenty-two"; line said with flat affect} Z3-22, initiate reset. Authorization code Gamma 4 9 Typhoon.Z322: We don't want any trouble. Please, just let us go...A1a
133Z322: Please...I've been looking for you...Z322: We don't want any trouble. Please, just let us go...A2a
134Z322: Please...You're not leaving here in one piece.Z322: No!B1a
135Z322: Please...You're safe. Calm down.Z322: You're not going to send me back?X1a
136Z322: Please...Why don't you want to go back?Z322: I... I don't know. I wanted... My own life, I guess.Y1a
137-{authoritative bark} Hey, synth.
138{authoritative bark} No sudden moves.
139{authoritative bark} Stay where I can see you.
140Hey, synth...
141Hey, X4...


147Inst302_BOSMaxsonSceneI have something urgent to report, Elder. The Institute is attempting to recover escaped synths at Bunker Hill.Maxson: How did you obtain this information? Our reconnaissance hasn't reported anything of the sort.A
143Maxson: How did you obtain this information? Our reconnaissance hasn't reported anything of the sort.I received the information from the Institute itself.Maxson: And you've done the right thing by reporting this to me directly. Well done, soldier.A1a
144Maxson: How did you obtain this information? Our reconnaissance hasn't reported anything of the sort.If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer not to say.Maxson: That answer's unacceptable, Knight.B1a
145Maxson: How did you obtain this information? Our reconnaissance hasn't reported anything of the sort.I have it on good authority. You'll just have to trust me.Maxson: Protecting your source, is it?X1a
146Maxson: How did you obtain this information? Our reconnaissance hasn't reported anything of the sort.I thought I was your Institute reconnaissance.Maxson: You're the only one that's been able to breach the Institute, but you're hardly the only source for information we have.Y1a
148Inst302_BOSPostQuestSceneMaxson: Do you have an explanation for your failure?We were outgunned. The Institute hit much harder than anticipated.Maxson: That's nothing but an excuse.A1a
149Maxson: Do you have an explanation for your failure?The information I'd gotten was wrong. We weren't adequately prepared.Maxson: Then you have no one to blame but yourself.B1a
150Maxson: Do you have an explanation for your failure?The synths were already gone by the time we'd gotten there.Maxson: I don't have time for your petty excuses.X1a
151Maxson: Do you have an explanation for your failure?Does it really matter at this point? We lost.Maxson: Of course it matters!Y1a
152Maxson: According to the report, you eliminated several of the targets, but not all of them. Can you explain what happened?It was my fault. I wasn't able to take them all down.Maxson: While I admire that you're taking responsibility for your actions, it doesn't excuse the fact that the mission was a failure.A1a
153Maxson: According to the report, you eliminated several of the targets, but not all of them. Can you explain what happened?I didn't have enough backup to be able to finish the job.Maxson: Shifting the blame to Kells for not providing enough support is in poor form, soldier.B1a
154Maxson: According to the report, you eliminated several of the targets, but not all of them. Can you explain what happened?I don't know what happened.Maxson: Inexcusable. You were in command of this mission, and the burden of failure will have to rest squarely on your shoulders.X1a
155Maxson: According to the report, you eliminated several of the targets, but not all of them. Can you explain what happened?Some are dead, some got away. What's the difference?Maxson: The difference is your failure to follow a simple set of instructions. I wanted all of the targets eliminated.Y1a
156Maxson: Reports indicate the operation at Bunker Hill was a success... all synths were eliminated. Do you have anything to add?The mission was a piece of cake. The opposition hardly put up a fight.Maxson: Very good. Just be sure your confidence doesn't eclipse your vigilance on future missions.A1a
157Maxson: Reports indicate the operation at Bunker Hill was a success... all synths were eliminated. Do you have anything to add?We won, they lost. End of story.Maxson: Your flippancy is unnecessary.B1a
158Maxson: Reports indicate the operation at Bunker Hill was a success... all synths were eliminated. Do you have anything to add?Let's be honest. If I hadn't been there, it wouldn't have been a success.Maxson: Every operation we undertake is a team effort. We're called the Brotherhood of Steel for a reason.X1a
159Maxson: Reports indicate the operation at Bunker Hill was a success... all synths were eliminated. Do you have anything to add?Bunker Hill's behind us. Can't we just move on?Maxson: We have a lot of data to analyse in the wake of your mission.Y1a


160Inst302_RRDesdemonaPostQuestSceneDesdemona: It was, simply put, a disaster. What the hell went wrong?We were totally outgunned. There was no way to stop the Institute.Desdemona: Even surprise wasn't enough to level the playing field. We underestimated them. Again.A1a
161Desdemona: It was, simply put, a disaster. What the hell went wrong?The mercenaries you hired were totally untrustworthy. They bailed on us.Desdemona: It was our only option. We don't have the resources to mount a defense like that on our own.B1a
162Desdemona: It was, simply put, a disaster. What the hell went wrong?It was my fault. I let you down.Desdemona: The only way we stay in business is leaning on our best agents time and time again. But sometimes we lean on them too hard.X1a
163Desdemona: It was, simply put, a disaster. What the hell went wrong?{Question} We lost; does it even matter?Desdemona: Of course it matters! We don't have the resources to absorb this kind of loss.Y1a
164Desdemona: We weren't able to save all the synths. What went wrong out there?{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. / Somber} It was the Courser. He took them out before I could stop him.Desdemona: The bastard. I'm glad you managed to save the ones you did, then.A1a
165Desdemona: We weren't able to save all the synths. What went wrong out there?{Angry} You weren't there. Shit happens. I don't need your second-guessing.Desdemona: I'm sure you did your best to save them. I was just hoping your best was a little better.B1a
166Desdemona: We weren't able to save all the synths. What went wrong out there?There were a lot of bullets flying. They just got caught in the crossfire.Desdemona: That's not surprising. It takes a lot of lead to end a Courser. Maybe we're lucky any of them made it out.X1a
167Desdemona: We weren't able to save all the synths. What went wrong out there?{Question} We saved lives. Does anything else matter?Desdemona: Of course it does! Those were lives we lost out there. Lives we've sworn to protect.Y1a
168Desdemona: For the first time ever we stood up to those Institute bastards. And thanks to you we beat them. How are you holding up?{Friendly} I'm just glad we were able to save their lives.Desdemona: Without you those synths would've surely been lost. Hell, we wouldn't even have had the chance to defend them.A1a
169Desdemona: For the first time ever we stood up to those Institute bastards. And thanks to you we beat them. How are you holding up?{Irritated} The sooner we deal with the rest of the Institute the better.Desdemona: Amen to that.B1a
170Desdemona: For the first time ever we stood up to those Institute bastards. And thanks to you we beat them. How are you holding up?Nothing to complain about. We got the job done.X1a
171Desdemona: For the first time ever we stood up to those Institute bastards. And thanks to you we beat them. How are you holding up?{Question} The Railroad's never attacked them before?Desdemona: They've always attacked from surprise. We've never had a chance to marshal a real defense. Not once.Y1a
172Inst302_RRDesdemonaSceneCan I talk to you?Desdemona: Something on your mind?A
173Desdemona: You'll probably have a Courser escort. You'll have to take him down. You've done it before, but it'll still be dangerous.Like you said, I've done it before.A1a
174Desdemona: You'll probably have a Courser escort. You'll have to take him down. You've done it before, but it'll still be dangerous.{Worried} Taking down a Courser, on top of everything else... It's too much.B1a
175Desdemona: You'll probably have a Courser escort. You'll have to take him down. You've done it before, but it'll still be dangerous.Well, this will be an interesting challenge.X1a
176Desdemona: You'll probably have a Courser escort. You'll have to take him down. You've done it before, but it'll still be dangerous.{Question} Is all this really worth it?Desdemona: We can't afford to sacrifice Stockton and the synths. There's just too few of us left. And we can't relocate them without compromising your cover.Y1a
177Desdemona: Maintaining your cover is vital -- but this... The sacrifice is just too great.Stockton and the synths are depending on us. We can't let them down.Desdemona: Well said.A1a
178Desdemona: Maintaining your cover is vital -- but this... The sacrifice is just too great.We'll lose a lot more than four synths if the Institute kicks me out.Desdemona: Then we need to make sure you stay in their good graces.B1a
179Desdemona: Maintaining your cover is vital -- but this... The sacrifice is just too great.I'm not sure it's worth it.Desdemona: Besides Stockton, we have a lot of other good men there. Plus the inevitable civilian casualties. It's just too much.X1a
180Desdemona: Maintaining your cover is vital -- but this... The sacrifice is just too great.{Question} How much damage would it cause if we let them hit us?Desdemona: We're running out of places to hide our synths. That's why we put so many eggs in one crowded basket to begin with.Y1a
181Desdemona: We wait until the enemy is in position then we hit them. Hard. No one they send out comes back alive - except you. Understand?{Confident} With me working the inside angle, this is doable.A1a
182Desdemona: We wait until the enemy is in position then we hit them. Hard. No one they send out comes back alive - except you. Understand?{Worried} So much could go wrong. It's too risky.Desdemona: With Glory, you, and additional reinforcements I believe we have a fighting chance.B1a
183Desdemona: We wait until the enemy is in position then we hit them. Hard. No one they send out comes back alive - except you. Understand?{Amused} Oh, is that all? Need anything else while I'm at it?Desdemona: No. Just keep defying the odds.X1a
184Desdemona: We wait until the enemy is in position then we hit them. Hard. No one they send out comes back alive - except you. Understand?{Question} Won't the Institute be suspicious if I'm the only one left?Desdemona: You're a lot tougher than anyone else in their outfit. If only one person could survive it would be you.Y1a
185Desdemona: Something on your mind?{Somber} The Institute knows about Bunker Hill. They're planning to re-capture the synths there.Desdemona: The timing couldn't be worse. The Old Man's been sitting on those four synths. There's nowhere else that's safe we could put them.A1a
186Desdemona: Something on your mind?Nothing springs to mind.Desdemona: If you need help with your infiltration let me or Tinker Tom know.B1a
187Desdemona: Something on your mind?Maybe later we can talk about it.Desdemona: If you need me for anything, just let me know.X1a
188Desdemona: Something on your mind?{Question} Any news on your side?Desdemona: Things we've set in motion continue to move. There are complications, always are. But nothing worth bringing to your attention.Y1a


189Inst303DirectorateFatherSceneShaun: I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.There must be something we can do to help you.Shaun: The only thing that matters now is continuing the Institute's work. It will be all right, I assure you.A1a
190Shaun: I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.Why would you joke about this? It isn't funny.Shaun: Were it a joke, I'd agree it's in poor form. But I'm afraid it's not.B1a
191Shaun: I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.This can't be happening. I... I only just found you.Shaun: I've had the same thought more than a few times. But we cannot let this stop us. Our work must continue.X1a
192Shaun: I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.You're dying?Shaun: I'm afraid so. A very aggressive form of cancer. Believe me when I say we've done everything we can.Y1a
193Inst303DirectoratePhase3SceneShaun: It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.Sounds like an important step.Shaun: That's... well, that's an understatement.A1a
194Shaun: It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.Nuclear power? That's a disaster waiting to happen.Shaun: Not in our hands. I assure you, this is the answer. This is the future.B1a
195Shaun: It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.I'm not sure what this means.Shaun: You'll see in time. I promise you that.X1a
196Shaun: It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.Can you tell me more about this reactor?Shaun: Certainly.Y1a
197Shaun: Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.In this world, I'm sure compromise is necessary.Shaun: Quite right. For far too long we've been dependent on others, on our surroundings. That time is over.A1a
198Shaun: Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.Compromise is for the weak.Shaun: That is one perspective, yes. But I think we can agree that going forward, no one can consider us weak.B1a
199Shaun: Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.Right, such hard times down here.Shaun: I would never disagree that life in the Institute is better than above ground. We have done much to ensure it.X1a
200Shaun: Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.What kind of compromises?Shaun: We have, at times, had to rely on drawing power from above-ground installations. It risks personnel and equipment.Y1a
201Shaun: Have you heard anything about Phase Three?{lying, trying to sound honest} Of course.Shaun: Really? There's no shame in being out of the loop, as it were. The project has been classified for quite a long time.A1a
202Shaun: Have you heard anything about Phase Three?I have no idea what that is.Shaun: I'll admit, I'm relieved. It's intended to be something of a classified project, which I'm sure means everyone already knows about it.B1a
203Shaun: Have you heard anything about Phase Three?I don't think so.Shaun: It's all right. I wouldn't expect you to have. The project has been classified from the beginning.X1a
204Shaun: Have you heard anything about Phase Three?What's Phase Three?Shaun: It's very important to us.Y1a
205Inst303FatherIntroSceneWhat's next?Shaun: It's time for you to become more involved in the future of the Institute.A
206Inst303Stage30FatherScene{concerned} I had no idea...Shaun: I know this is... well, it's a lot to take in at once.A
207{Neutral} What'd I miss?Shaun: I know this is... well, it's a lot to take in at once.A
208Shaun: I had the impression that you cared about what happened to me.{Apologetic} Shaun, I'm... well, I'm very sorry.Shaun: Apology accepted.A1a
209Shaun: I had the impression that you cared about what happened to me.{nonchalant} I'm a busy woman. I had things to do.Shaun: I cannot imagine what could be more important at this point.B2a
210Shaun: I had the impression that you cared about what happened to me.{Apologetic} It won't happen again.Shaun: I hope not. If you're to be the Director someday, people will need to know they can count on you to be there.X1a
211Shaun: I had the impression that you cared about what happened to me.{surprised, confused / Disbelief} You were going to name me as the Director?Shaun: That was my plan, yes. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me...Y1a
212Player Default: I trust I was not assuming too much in naming you as my replacement...I can do the job.Shaun: Of course you can. That's why I made the decision.A1a
213Player Default: In the future, you'll need to consider your priorities more carefully. Being Director will demand much of your attention.I don't want to run this place.Shaun: Are you so sure? You seem to have a natural talent for leading by example, getting things done.B1a
214Player Default: I hope not. If you're to be the Director someday, people will need to know they can count on you to be there.I don't know if I'm right for this.Shaun: Well I clearly have faith in you.X1a
215Player Default: That was my plan, yes. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me...What would it mean to be in charge?Shaun: Most divisions of the Institute are fairly autonomous, perfectly capable of functioning without intervention.Y1a
216Inst303Stage40AllieSceneAllie: So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.I'm loyal to Shaun, and to the Institute.Allie: I really hope that's true.A1a
217Allie: So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.How dare you question who's side I'm on. After everything I've been through to get here...Allie: That's exactly my point. You've been through a lot. More than most people could rationally handle.B1a
218Allie: So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.My goal is to avoid conflict as much as possible.Allie: I don't think that's really going to be an option.X1a
219Allie: So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.Why are you only just telling me about this now?Allie: Because I decided it's best if we lay it all out there. No secrets.Y1a


220Inst305PlayerRadioBarksScene{Said to self when interacting with a broken transmitter.} I'll need to find those radio parts.A1a
221{Said to self when interacting with a broken transmitter.} No wonder it isn't broadcasting at full power...A2a
222Inst305RadioSlotFillBarks{to self - plugging in parts to a machine you don't understand.} Okay, let's try this...A1a
223{to self - plugging in parts to a machine you don't understand.} Maybe this goes here?A2a
224{to self - plugging in parts to a machine you don't understand.} Alright. In you go.A3a
225Inst305SpeechScenePart02Our superior technology represents the future of the Commonwealth.Player Default: Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground ceases to exist.A1a
226Player Default: Our superior technology represents the future of the Commonwealth.Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground ceases to exist.Player Default: Ensuring that mankind has a future.A1a
227Player Default: Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground ceases to exist.Ensuring that mankind has a future.Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your...A1a
228Player Default: Ensuring that mankind has a future.We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your...Player Default: ...daily lives.A1a
229Player Default: Ensuring that mankind has a future.We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details...Player Default: ...daily lives.A2a
230Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......daily lives.A1a
231Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......of your daily lives.A2a
232Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......pathetic existences.B1a
233Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......of your pathetic existences.B2a
234Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......personal freedoms.X1a
235Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......of your personal freedoms.X2a
236Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......pointless struggles.Y1a
237Player Default: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your......of your pointless struggles.Y2a
238Inst305speechScenePart03We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations.Player Default: To do so would result in...A1a
239Player Default: We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations.To do so would result in...Player Default: ...dire consequences.A1a
240Player Default: We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations.To do so would result...Player Default: ...dire consequences.A2a
241Player Default: To do so would result in......dire consequences.A1a
242Player Default: To do so would result in......in dire consequences.A2a
243Player Default: To do so would result in......your complete annihilation.B1a
244Player Default: To do so would result in......in your complete annihilation.B2a
245Player Default: To do so would result in......tragedy for all involved.X1a
246Player Default: To do so would result in......in tragedy for all involved.X2a
247Player Default: To do so would result in......unnecessary difficulties for all parties.Y1a
248Player Default: To do so would result in......in unnecessary difficulties for all parties.Y2a
249Inst305SpeechScenePart04Rest easy. Know that the future is...Player Default: ...in safe hands,...A1a
250Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......in safe hands,...A1a
251Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......is in safe hands,...A2a
252Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is...{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} ...out of your control,...B1a
253Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is...{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} ...is out of your control,...B2a
254Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......underground,...X1a
255Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......is underground,...X2a
256Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......looking bright,...Y1a
257Player Default: Rest easy. Know that the future is......looks bright,...Y2a
258Inst305SpeechScenePart05{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} ...and that mankind will thrive under our guidance.A1a
259Inst305SpeechScenePart1People of the Commonwealth.Player Default: For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you.A
260PlayerVoiceFemale01: People of the Commonwealth.For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you.Player Default: It is true, but it is not the whole truth.A1a
261Player Default: For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you.It is true, but it is not the whole truth.Player Default: We are here, and we are...A1a
262Player Default: It is true, but it is not the whole truth.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} We are here, and we are...Player Default: ...the future.A1a
263Player Default: We are here, and we are......the future.A1a
264Player Default: We are here, and we are......your new masters.B1a
265Player Default: We are here, and we are......here to help.X1a
266Player Default: We are here, and we are...{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} ...in control.Y1a
267Inst305Stage10SceneFather: With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.I'm proud to help the Institute. Here's hoping it all pays off.Father: At this point, there is no doubt. It will succeed, and very shortly.A1a
268Father: With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.Well maybe it's because I'm the only one who seems to actually be doing anything.Father: Come now. Countless hours have been spent building and readying the reactor. True, you have endured some of the more dangerous missions...B1a
269Father: With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.Let's just get the rest of it done.Father: Yes, quite.X1a
270Father: With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.A lot of work went into this before I even arrived... Just how close are we?Father: It shouldn't take long at all. The Facilities division has it well in hand.Y1a
271Father: It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.That's a good idea. Hopefully we can prevent violence and save some lives.Father: Yes, that is one goal. And if you are to be the new Director of the Institute, you should be the one to do it.A1a
272Father: It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.You've got to be kidding me.Father: Absolutely not. You are to be the Director of the Institute. You are the only reasonable choice for so important a task.B1a
273Father: It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.Right, because no one up there suspects the Institute exists.Father: This is not a joke.X1a
274Father: It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.What kind of announcement are we talking about?Father: A broadcast. An announcement to the Commonwealth that the Institute is not to be trifled with.Y1a
275Inst305Stage40SceneFather: How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?I could use some fresh air.Father: A quaint phrase, though I'm afraid the air there is anything but fresh.A1a
276Father: How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?There must be someone else you can send for whatever this is.Father: We don't have any other reliable above-ground operatives. And the locals are somewhat familiar with you.B1a
277Father: How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?I'll go if it's necessary.Father: It absolutely is.X1a
278Father: How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?What do you want with Diamond City?Father: Nothing with the city itself. This is a bit of a shortcut, actually.Y1a
279Inst305Stage60SceneFather: It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?{Confident} Everything is in place. It's ready to go when we are.Father: Good. Once the reactor is online, we'll cut into their broadcast.A1a
280Father: It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?{mildly annoyed / Irritated} Of course it is. Wasn't hard to do at all.Father: I'm sorry, I don't mean to question you. This is... well it's just such an important moment. Decades in the making.B1a
281Father: It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?If we're going to turn this thing on, let's get to it.Father: Yes, I do believe it's time.X1a
282Father: It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?{Question} I'm all set, but what about the reactor?Father: The initial round of tests is finished. All readings are nominal. So, yes, I think we're ready.Y1a
283Inst305Stage80SceneFather: Look what you've made possible.{Confident} I did good work, didn't I.Father: Yes, yes you did.A1a
284Father: Look what you've made possible.{Apologetic} We're all responsible for this success.Father: Spoken like a true leader. I'm proud of you.B1a
285Father: Look what you've made possible.The job's done. That's what matters.Father: Don't lose sight of the fact that you're to be thanked for this.X1a
286Father: Look what you've made possible.{Question} Now that the reactor works, what's next for the Institute?Father: We'll get to that.Y1a
287Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionSceneAllieFilmore: So, where do you stand?{Confident} I agree. We hit them hard, before they have time to react to our new position.A1a
288AllieFilmore: So, where do you stand?{disagreeing / Concerned} If this has to happen, we keep the violence to a minimum. We're not out to destroy the Commonwealth.B1a
289AllieFilmore: So, where do you stand?{Concerned} I think the last thing the Institute needs now is to make things worse. We should be trying to avoid conflict, not starting it.X1a
290AllieFilmore: So, where do you stand?{Question} Shouldn't we wait and see? Give the announcement some time to sink in before acting?Y1a
291AllieFilmore: We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?{confident} Synths are the Institute's greatest strength. The more we have, the better off we are.AllieFilmore: Well said. I'll see that the necessary steps are taken.A1a
292AllieFilmore: We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?I've seen enough to know that weapons are the key to winning wars. Let's focus on weapons development.AllieFilmore: As you wish. The Advanced Systems folks will get to work immediately.B1a
293AllieFilmore: We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?{flippant} I'll tell you what, you make the call. Surprise me.AllieFilmore: Uh... Okay then. I'll... I'll come up with something.X1a
294AllieFilmore: We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?What would the results of this choice be? I'd like to make a well-informed decision.AllieFilmore: Well, if we increase synth production we'd be able to deploy more of them to the Commonwealth to aid in our operations.Y1a
295Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene{Causal, walking back into conversation you bailed on} Where were we?JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.A
296AllieFilmore: May I be the first to welcome you, sir. We're looking forward to working with you.{humble} I'm happy to be here, Dr. Filmore. I hope I do the position justice.A1a
297AllieFilmore: May I be the first to welcome you, sir. We're looking forward to working with you.{snotty} Don't patronize me, doctor. I'm the one in charge here.B1a
298AllieFilmore: May I be the first to welcome you, sir. We're looking forward to working with you.Let's just get down to business.X1a
299AllieFilmore: May I be the first to welcome you, sir. We're looking forward to working with you.What kind of work will we be doing, exactly?Y1a
300ClaytonHoldren: With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree.I'm sure the reactor will improve everyone's life. It's a great accomplishment.ClaytonHoldren: Yes, but it's not just that.A1a
301ClaytonHoldren: With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree.{eager, menacing. / SinisterSmile} So you're saying we can now wage war on the Commonwealth.ClaytonHoldren: I don't think anyone really intended that as a course of action.B1a
302ClaytonHoldren: With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree.{Confident} We'll be much better able to defend ourselves. It's a good position.ClaytonHoldren: True, but I don't think we should stop there.X1a
303ClaytonHoldren: With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree.{Puzzled} Where are you going with this? What's the Institute's goal?ClaytonHoldren: Well...Y1a
304-Rest easy. Know that the future...


305Inst306Stage10FatherLastChanceFather: Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.{conceding} Fine. I'll do it.Father: Thank you... I understand this may not be what you wanted, but I assure you it is necessary.A1a
306Father: Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.I won't kill them.Father:B1a
307Father: Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.Please, don't make me choose. I can't do it...Father: No! That is not an answer! This must be resolved, right here, right now. Will you do it or not?X1a
308Father: Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.You really expect me to agree to that? To just kill them all?Father: I have made that abundantly clear. Yes, that is what I expect. If we do not exterminate them now, they will continue to threaten our safety.Y1a
309Inst306Stage10FatherRRAllyFather: But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.They're determined, and they won't stop. I'm sure they'd burn this whole place to the ground to free the synths.Father: I know. I've been dealing with them far longer than you have.A1a
310Father: But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.They want freedom for the synths, that's all. They're not a threat to the Institute.Father: Of course. They claim they're about "rights" and "freedom" for synths. But those misguided notions have led to countless acts of violence.B1a
311Father: But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.They want to free the synths. To suggest they're out to destroy the Institute... I think that's too harsh.Father: No. No it is not harsh. It is the truth. They would see us all dead and buried.X1a
312Father: But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.{slightly accusatory} How do you know what their goals are? You've never tried to engage with them.Father: I've dealt with them far longer than you have. I've seen what they're capable of, the lengths to which they'll go to achieve their objectives.Y1a
313Inst306Stage10FatherRRNotAllyFather: They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?You don't have to worry about them any longer. They're as good as dead.Father: Thank you. Do what needs to be done, but keep yourself safe.A1a
314Father: They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?I won't do that. No more violence... There's been too much already.Father: While it might normally be a subject for debate, in this case I'm afraid we have no choice.B1a
315Father: They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?There has to be some other way to deal with them. Something less drastic.Father: No. Not the Railroad. This is our only option.X1a
316Father: They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?How do you want me to handle it?Father: The details of the operation are up to you. I think I'd prefer not knowing them.Y1a
317Father: Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?I'll get rid of them.Father: Thank you. I realize this will be dangerous; please try to stay safe.A1a
318Father: Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?I'm sorry. I'm not going to do it.Father: How can you say that?B1a
319Father: Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?I can't make that decision.Father: I'm afraid the time for indecision is behind us. I need to know if you're willing to do this or not, and I need to know now.X1a
320Father: Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?You really want me to kill them all?Father: This isn't about what I want, it's about what needs to happen for us to remain safe. Now are you willing or not?Y1a
321Inst306Stage10FatherRRQuestionFather: So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?I can take care of them.Father: Good, good. I don't enjoy asking you to put yourself in harm's way, but this is so important.A1a
322Father: So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?{shocked, defiant} I won't do that to them.Father: Even knowing that they would kill all of us, you included, to get what they want?B1a
323Father: So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?{hesitant} There has to be another solution here. Something less violent.Father: I'm afraid the time for hesitation has passed. We must act decisively, and we must act now. Will you do it?X1a
324Father: So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?Is this really necessary?Father: I'm afraid it is. I take no pleasure in it, but it must be done, for the safety of everyone in the Institute. And it must be done now. Are you willing?Y1a
325Inst306Stage10FatherSceneFather: The question is: where do you stand with them now? Do you count them amongst your allies?I can't lie. They're allies.Father: Well, I appreciate your honesty.A1a
326Father: The question is: where do you stand with them now? Do you count them amongst your allies?They mean nothing to me. Never have.Father: I'll admit, I'm relieved to hear that.B1a
327Father: The question is: where do you stand with them now? Do you count them amongst your allies?How I feel about them isn't important.Father: No, it is important. It's the only thing that matters right now.X1a
328Father: The question is: where do you stand with them now? Do you count them amongst your allies?Does it even matter? What are you getting at?Father: I think it's obvious.Y1a
329Father: It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?{Confident} It's the only way we can ensure the Institute's safety. That makes it the right thing to do.Father: I'm glad you agree. None what comes next will be easy; that conviction may help keep us all going.A1a
330Father: It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?{Apologetic} I think it's a mistake to lash out at anyone.Father: It should be clear by now that if we wait, we will be destroyed. Acting swiftly is the only way to secure our position.B1a
331Father: It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?{Concerned} There's no good answer. Taking action puts us at risk, but inaction could be deadly.Father: And yet, as a leader you must make those hard choices.X1a
332Father: It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?{Puzzled} How long has this been coming? When did they decide on this course of action?Father: The arrival of the Brotherhood's airship was the final straw, really. There's just too much at stake. We... You... can't afford to lose it all.Y1a
333Inst306Stage20DesdemonaDesdemona: So really the question is: what are you going to do about it?Of course I'm not going to go through with it. So how do I deal with it?Companion: This is so confusin'... I can't even keep track of who's screwin' who.A1a
334Desdemona: So really the question is: what are you going to do about it?I'm afraid you all have to die.Companion: Yeah, sorry cutey. Looks like your time's up.B1a
335Desdemona: So really the question is: what are you going to do about it?You're alive, so what do you think?Companion: Don't look at me... I'm not the one runnin' the show around here.X1a
336Desdemona: So really the question is: what are you going to do about it?How do I deal with this, Desdemona?Y1a
337NPCFDesdemona: Something on your mind? You don't look so good.The Institute has ordered me to kill you. All of you.A1a
338NPCFDesdemona: Something on your mind? You don't look so good.Nothing. Everything's fine.Desdemona: If you say so.B1a
339NPCFDesdemona: Something on your mind? You don't look so good.I don't know why you'd ask.Desdemona: Because I have a knack for knowing when things are about to go wrong.X1a
340NPCFDesdemona: Something on your mind? You don't look so good.Do you trust me?Desdemona: Trust is a scarce commodity in our organization. Let me answer you like this. I've put our future - and the future of all Synths - in your hands.Y1a
341Inst306Stage30FatherSceneFather: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.It was tough, yeah.Father: I assure you that there was no other way. Their fanaticism wouldn't have allowed it.A1a
342Father: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.Nope, not a problem at all.Father: I regret that it came to this, even if you don't. There was just no way to compromise with those people.B1a
343Father: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.It needed to be done, and so it's done.Father: Make no mistake. It's never that easy, not for any of us.X1a
344Father: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.You're confident the Railroad is finished?Father: As confident as we can be. It was always a loose network, but with the key players gone...Y1a
345-{Hurried, urgent / Somber} That's not all. The Institute has ordered me to kill you. All of you.


346Inst307BriefingScene{confused, curious} So, what exactly is going on?MadisonLi: We're going to cover the basics of the operation as it stands now.A
347{confused, curious} Want to fill me in on what's happening?MadisonLi: We're going to cover the basics of the operation as it stands now.A
348Rosalind: So, you know that the Brotherhood's main operation is at the airport, right?I'm aware of that, yes.Rosalind: Okay, good.A1a
349Rosalind: So, you know that the Brotherhood's main operation is at the airport, right?I don't know much about their situation.Rosalind: Okay, well I guess I just told you. It's their main base in the Commonwealth.B1a
350Rosalind: So, you know that the Brotherhood's main operation is at the airport, right?I didn't really know for sure.Rosalind: Well, I guess now you do.X1a
351Rosalind: So, you know that the Brotherhood's main operation is at the airport, right?What can you tell me about the Airport?Rosalind: Well, there are a few key buildings that are still structurally sound, but no pre-war aircraft are still in service.Y1a
352Rosalind: But they're not idiots. They've managed to generate an EM field that's messing with our ability to Relay in.So we just relay on to the airship and sabotage it.Rosalind: Won't do us any good. There's no direct connection between their robot and the airship.A1a
353Rosalind: But they're not idiots. They've managed to generate an EM field that's messing with our ability to Relay in.Synths are still the best option.Rosalind: The problem is getting them there. And you too, for that matter.B1a
354Rosalind: But they're not idiots. They've managed to generate an EM field that's messing with our ability to Relay in.Sounds like a ground assault will be necessary, then.Rosalind: Maybe, but not just that. They'll be somewhat prepared for it.X1a
355Rosalind: But they're not idiots. They've managed to generate an EM field that's messing with our ability to Relay in.What sort of EM field? What's it doing?Rosalind: Basically just scattering any suitably complex signals - like the ones from our Relay - preventing us from getting close.Y1a
356Rosalind: We can relay you in to a point at the edge of the airport, and then you can get in and take down the generators.We'll have the element of surprise, if nothing else.Rosalind: Exactly!A1a
357Rosalind: We can relay you in to a point at the edge of the airport, and then you can get in and take down the generators.So I'm by myself, out in the open? Way too much risk.Rosalind: Only at first, and it won't be that bad.B1a
358Rosalind: We can relay you in to a point at the edge of the airport, and then you can get in and take down the generators.That can't be the whole plan.Rosalind: No, it's just the first part. Your job then is to get closer to the main camp.X1a
359Rosalind: We can relay you in to a point at the edge of the airport, and then you can get in and take down the generators.Am I going to know these generators when I see them?Rosalind: You should, yeah. They're just blanketing the whole spectrum so there should be quite a light show.Y1a
360Rosalind: And... oh, I almost forgot! Take these.Oh thanks. Grenades? Sure, I can always use grenades.Rosalind: No no, they're not grenades!A1a
361Rosalind: And... oh, I almost forgot! Take these.Whatever it is, I hope it's reliable.Rosalind: Of course it is!B1a
362Rosalind: And... oh, I almost forgot! Take these.Uhh, thanks. More ammo is always useful, I guess.Rosalind: No, no... let me explain.X1a
363Rosalind: And... oh, I almost forgot! Take these.And these would be...?Rosalind: Oh, you'll like this.Y1a
364Rosalind: We've only got a few of these, so put them to good use. Don't go tossing them into the bay.Okay, that's pretty good. I'm impressed.Rosalind: I know, right? I mean... Thanks. I thought it was neat. But still, it's just to help.A1a
365Rosalind: We've only got a few of these, so put them to good use. Don't go tossing them into the bay.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. Female Voice Only.} I'm not going to beat the Brotherhood with this. Toys aren't going to help me.Rosalind: Hard to please, aren't you.B1a
366Rosalind: We've only got a few of these, so put them to good use. Don't go tossing them into the bay.{sarcastic} Oh, great... The day is won. I can see it now.Rosalind: We'll see what you think when you're neck-deep in Brotherhood soldiers.X1a
367Rosalind: We've only got a few of these, so put them to good use. Don't go tossing them into the bay.What are these reinforcements supposed to do?Rosalind: They're going to help buy you some time, while you're completing the real objective.Y1a
368Rosalind: Your real job will be to reach Liberty Prime. You know the deal with that, right?It's the Brotherhood's giant robot.Rosalind: Right. They think it's their ultimate weapon. We're going to show them it's ours.A1a
369Rosalind: Your real job will be to reach Liberty Prime. You know the deal with that, right?Not a clue.Rosalind: Okay. I'll let Doctor Li fill you in.B1a
370Rosalind: Your real job will be to reach Liberty Prime. You know the deal with that, right?I don't need the details.Rosalind: Well, you kind of do, because it's the whole point of this. Doctor Li?X1a
371Rosalind: Your real job will be to reach Liberty Prime. You know the deal with that, right?What's Liberty Prime?Rosalind: Doctor Li can give you the rundown.Y1a
372Inst307LiStartSceneDoctor Li?MadisonLi: What can I do for you?A
373MadisonLi: What can I do for you?Shaun says "it's time."MadisonLi: Ah. That.A1a
374MadisonLi: What can I do for you?It's nothing. Never mind.MadisonLi: All right...B1a
375MadisonLi: What can I do for you?{determined, angry, impatient} The Brotherhood needs to be taken down, and it needs to be done now.MadisonLi: All right, all right. Calm down.X1a
376MadisonLi: What can I do for you?What have you got to help me with Liberty Prime?MadisonLi: It's that time then, is it?Y1a
377Inst307LPBriefingSceneRosalind: The little guy is going to be exposed and vulnerable, so you'll have to keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get shot, you know?With Liberty Prime on our side, that'll give us a hell of an advantage.Rosalind: He's not going to go stomping around, and he won't be taking orders. But he will have his weapons and targeting systems overridden.A1a
378Rosalind: The little guy is going to be exposed and vulnerable, so you'll have to keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get shot, you know?I don't need some walking tin can to take them down.Rosalind: Need? Maybe not. But we want to send them a message, right? Make sure they leave us alone for good. Turning Prime against them will do that.B1a
379Rosalind: The little guy is going to be exposed and vulnerable, so you'll have to keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get shot, you know?I don't know if this is a good idea. Seems unnecessary to go to these lengths.Rosalind: Oh I think it's a great idea. I mean really, who do they think they are? Using robots, against the Institute? Come on.X1a
380Rosalind: The little guy is going to be exposed and vulnerable, so you'll have to keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get shot, you know?What exactly is this virus going to do for us?Rosalind: Well, if nothing else it'll take over the weapons systems, and establish their airship as a primary target. You can figure out what happens next.Y1a
381MadisonLi: If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. Otherwise they'll be waiting for you in the Relay room.What have I got for backup?MadisonLi: Once the generators are down, we'll be able to throw everything we've got at them. And I do mean everything.A1a
382MadisonLi: If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. Otherwise they'll be waiting for you in the Relay room.No questions. Let's do this.MadisonLi: Very well. Good luck to you.B1a
383MadisonLi: If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. Otherwise they'll be waiting for you in the Relay room.Have we got a Plan B?MadisonLi: We don't need a Plan B. This will work. Anything else?X1a
384MadisonLi: If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. Otherwise they'll be waiting for you in the Relay room.What happens to Liberty Prime after this?MadisonLi: He'll be destroyed along with the rest of the Brotherhood.Y1a
385Inst307LPHistoryLiSceneMadisonLi: With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.That's quite an achievement.MadisonLi: In objective terms, yes it was. But the things I went through, that projected included, ultimately caused me to seek out something better.A1a
386MadisonLi: With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.{Irritated} So it's your fault the thing is here now.MadisonLi: You have no idea what I went through. The awful choices I had to make... No idea.B1a
387MadisonLi: With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.Well, great. Helping the Brotherhood has really worked out well for us.MadisonLi: Oh spare me. It was ten years ago... you were sleeping peacefully in your little tube while I went through a very special kind of hell.X1a
388MadisonLi: With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.What did you do?MadisonLi: I designed and oversaw the building of the reactor that ultimately solved the power problems.Y1a
389Inst307LPHistoryWatsonSceneEvan: They never could get it up and running... until they got help from Doctor Li.I didn't realize she'd had such an impact.Evan: Yeah. It was successful enough that they brought it with them; you can guess, I think, who they plan on using it on next.A1a
390Evan: They never could get it up and running... until they got help from Doctor Li.I can't believe she was stupid enough to help them.Evan: Well, she hadn't yet joined the Institute. From what I understand, she didn't have much in the way of a choice.B1a
391Evan: They never could get it up and running... until they got help from Doctor Li.She was one of us. I never would've suspected she was a traitor.Evan: To be fair, this was before she was part of the Institute. In fact, her experience with the Brotherhood was what led her to join us.X1a
392Evan: They never could get it up and running... until they got help from Doctor Li.What did she do?Evan: Designed the power system for it. Small, but powerful enough to get the thing moving. And shooting. And apparently, throwing bombs.Y1a
393Inst307StartSceneShaun: They will know better than to ever interfere with us again.You seem pretty convinced this will work.Shaun: The Institute is nothing if not thorough.A1a
394Shaun: They will know better than to ever interfere with us again.And if we fail, we're just making things worse for ourselves.Shaun: We won't fail.B1a
395Shaun: They will know better than to ever interfere with us again.I don't know if we can pull that off.Shaun: I don't see that we have a choice. And with you leading the charge, how can we fail?X1a
396Shaun: They will know better than to ever interfere with us again.So we're just going to attack them?Shaun: There's a plan that's a little more involved than that.Y1a
397Shaun: There is, obviously, one final threat the Institute faces.Whatever it is, we can handle it.Shaun: I believe so, but in this case what matters most is how we handle it.A1a
398Shaun: There is, obviously, one final threat the Institute faces.There's just no end to this, is there.Shaun: There is, and we've almost reached it. Just one last hurdle.B1a
399Shaun: There is, obviously, one final threat the Institute faces.{sarcastic} Sure, there's always one last thing.Shaun: You're not wrong, I suppose. There will always be issues that need to be dealt with. But this... this is something else entirely.X1a
400Shaun: There is, obviously, one final threat the Institute faces.What is it? What's this last threat?Shaun: Well, perhaps it's not that obvious after all...Y1a
401Shaun: We need to destroy them before they can destroy us.You're right. We take the fight to them.Shaun: I'm glad you agree.A1a
402Shaun: We need to destroy them before they can destroy us.They can't reach us here. We wait them out, and they'll go away.Shaun: If I truly thought that was possible, we wouldn't be talking about it.B1a
403Shaun: We need to destroy them before they can destroy us.I don't know if that's a good idea. They're well fortified; attacking them would be risky.Shaun: It's necessary. That's all that matters.X1a
404Shaun: We need to destroy them before they can destroy us.Destroy them? What exactly do you mean?Shaun: I mean we eliminate all Brotherhood forces in the Commonwealth.Y1a
405Shaun: There are more of them out there in the world, father, and they too will come for us.We can defeat them now. We can defeat them again if we have to.Shaun: Possibly, yes. But it would be smarter to put an end to it now.A1a
406Shaun: There are more of them out there in the world, father, and they too will come for us.So even if we fight them here, eventually we're screwed.Shaun: Oh, not necessarily.B1a
407Shaun: There are more of them out there in the world, father, and they too will come for us.I don't believe that will happen. Teach them a lesson, and they'll stay away.Shaun: That is precisely my intent. We will teach them a lesson.X1a
408Shaun: There are more of them out there in the world, father, and they too will come for us.You have something in mind if that happens?Shaun: I'd like to prevent it from happening in the first place.Y1a
409Inst307WatsonStartSceneDoctor Watson?Evan: Did you need something?A
410Evan: Did you need something?Shaun says "it's time."Evan: Oh. Well, I guess it's been coming.A1a
411Evan: Did you need something?It's nothing. Never mind.Evan: Okay...B1a
412Evan: Did you need something?We need to go talk to Shaun right now.Evan: Okay, fine. Relax.X1a
413Evan: Did you need something?Any special projects going on that I should know about?Evan: Are you referring to something in particular? Has something happened?Y1a


414Inst308Stage10ShaunFinishShaun: I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.I'm glad I found you.Shaun: As am I.A1a
415Shaun: I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.I wish we had more time.Shaun: The time has been short, yes. But it's better than no time at all.B1a
416Shaun: I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.I don't know what to say.Shaun: It's all right.X1a
417Shaun: I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.{sad, hopeful} Do you really mean that?Shaun: Yes, of course I do.Y1a
418Inst308Stage10ShaunStartHello, Shaun.Shaun: Ah, there you are.A
419Shaun: I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.We're all safe now.Shaun: For now, yes.A1a
420Shaun: I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.At one hell of a cost.Shaun: They left us no choice. Remember that.B1a
421Shaun: I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.It's all over.Shaun: Ah, but... it's really not. It's just beginning for you.X1a
422Shaun: I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.Are you... comfortable?Shaun: It's good of you to ask. I'm fine.Y1a
423Shaun: Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.I'll do my best.Shaun: I know you will.A1a
424Shaun: Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.There's got to be something more we can do for you.Shaun: No, it's... This is what I want. It's all right.B1a
425Shaun: Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.I don't know if I can take your place.Shaun: You don't need to look at it that way. Don't worry about taking my place. Make your own place.X1a
426Shaun: Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.Isn't there some other way? Another treatment that could help you?Shaun: Nothing permanent, no. The inevitable could be delayed, but... at increasingly terrible cost.Y1a


427Inst308PostFilmoreSceneExcuse me, Allie...Filmore: Don't tell me... He's gone, isn't he.A
428Filmore: I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.{sad, appreciative / Grateful} Thank you, that's kind of you.Filmore: I'm certainly happy to do whatever I can to help going forward.A1a
429Filmore: I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.{bitter / Disgust} Good riddance. I'm glad he's gone.Filmore: Well, that's... unfortunate. I suppose it' just as well he isn't able to hear that sentiment. Moving on...B1a
430Filmore: I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.{Neutral} He mentioned you... Said he always trusted you.Filmore: That's very complimentary. Thank you. I hope you'll feel the same going forward.X1a
431Filmore: I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.What happens now?Filmore: Now you take his place.Y1a
432-{Deep sadness, finality. Saying a final farewell to your recently-deceased son. / Sad} Goodbye, Shaun.


433InstM01CedricScene{Direct. firm / Stern} You ready to be reasonable now?Cedric: You know the score, friend. If you've got the caps, we can talk.A
434{Direct. firm / Stern} We're not finished yet.Player Default: I know you're in a tough situation here, but lives are at stake. Please help me.A
435{Direct. firm / Stern} I want to know what you and Bill Sutton are planning.Cedric: You know the score, friend. If you've got the caps, we can talk.A
436Cedric: You again. Why do you care what happens on that farm?{Stern} I don't want to see an innocent man come to harm over a false accusation.Cedric: And if it's not a false accusation?A1a
437Cedric: You again. Why do you care what happens on that farm?{Stern} Bill Sutton's lost his mind, and now an innocent man might get hurt.Cedric: I know Bill Sutton a lot better than you, and I know he ain't crazy.B1a
438Cedric: You again. Why do you care what happens on that farm?{Stern} You don't need to know why. Just trust me when I say it's important.Cedric: Friend, I don't know where you're from, but let me tell you something.X1a
439Cedric: You again. Why do you care what happens on that farm?{Stern} Answer my question. Why did Bill send you here?Cedric: I heard you plenty good the first time, stranger.Y1a
440Cedric: I got no particular loyalty to Bill Sutton or to Roger Warwick, so make me an offer and let's see what happens.{Pleading / Pleading} I know you're in a tough situation here, but lives are at stake. Please help me.Companion: Cait interjectsA1a
441Cedric: I got no particular loyalty to Bill Sutton or to Roger Warwick, so make me an offer and let's see what happens.{Angry / Angry} A man's life is at stake, and you're fishing for a bribe? You're pathetic.Companion: Don't give him a single cap... the lowlife scum.B1a
442Cedric: I got no particular loyalty to Bill Sutton or to Roger Warwick, so make me an offer and let's see what happens.{Annoyed, impatient / Irritated} If that what it takes, fine.Companion: Cait interjectsX1a
443Cedric: I got no particular loyalty to Bill Sutton or to Roger Warwick, so make me an offer and let's see what happens.{Disbelief, disapproval... "What kind of man are you?" / Disbelief} You don't care about Roger's family? Not even his children?Companion: Cait interjectsY1a
448InstM01IsaacSceneCompleteI delivered the seeds.Isaac: Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?A
445Isaac: Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?Yeah, pretty much.Isaac: Splendid, splendid.A1a
446Isaac: Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?{Irritated} Hardly.Isaac: Don't tell me the simple act of carrying a packet of seeds from point A to point B proved difficult for you, hm?B1a
447Isaac: Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?{Sarcastic} Not sure I'd call it smooth, but it's taken care of.Isaac: Good enough, I suppose.X1a
448Isaac: Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?{Question} Does it really matter how smoothly it went?Isaac: Being a member of the Institute means holding yourself to a higher standard.Y1a
449InstM01IsaacSceneFailedIsaac: Now what do you have to say for yourself?{You're not sure what went wrong, but you are sorry that it did / Concerned} I'm sorry. I guess I just lost control.Isaac: That's hardly a satisfactory explanation.A1a
450Isaac: Now what do you have to say for yourself?{Icy, stern, halfway between anger and not giving a shit / Stern} I don't owe you an explanation, doctor. You have no authority over me.Isaac: Yes, well... You should know that I'll be reporting this to Father and the rest of the Directorate.B1a
451Isaac: Now what do you have to say for yourself?{Indifferent, said with a shrug / Neutral} Look, sometimes things don't go the way you planned. That's life.Isaac: Is that supposed to excuse your behavior?X1a
452Isaac: Now what do you have to say for yourself?{Curious, and a little concerned, a worrying revelation / Question} How did you know what happened up there?Isaac: We monitor our surface operations carefully.Y1a
453InstM01IsaacSceneIntroIsaac: Hopefully you can manage such a simple task.{Confident / Confident} It won't be a problem.Companion: Cait interjectsA1a
454Isaac: Hopefully you can manage such a simple task.{Angry / Angry} Don't patronize me, pencilneck.Companion: Cait interjectsB1a
455Isaac: Hopefully you can manage such a simple task.{Impatient / Irritated} Just give me the seeds.Companion: Cait interjectsX1a
456Isaac: Hopefully you can manage such a simple task.{Curious / Question} Seeds for what?Companion: Cait interjectsY1a
457Isaac: Also, you must be discrete! Do nothing to draw attention to yourself or raise suspicion.I understand.A1a
458Isaac: Also, you must be discrete! Do nothing to draw attention to yourself or raise suspicion.{Rude. Like saying "really?" / Irritated} A code phrase? What a joke.Isaac: No, sir, it is no joke. You had better start taking our work more seriously if you intend to have a future here.B1a
459Isaac: Also, you must be discrete! Do nothing to draw attention to yourself or raise suspicion.{Sarcastic, deadpan / Sarcastic} Maybe I should get a secret decoder ring, too.Isaac: A secret decoder ring? What a fascinating suggestion. I'll have to look into that.X1a
460Isaac: Also, you must be discrete! Do nothing to draw attention to yourself or raise suspicion.{Question} And if your synth has been compromised?Isaac: Then you'll have to improvise. You seem clever, I'm sure you'll manage.Y1a
461InstM01JaneySceneFemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to talk to you.{Pleading} Look, your father's in danger and I'm trying to help him.Janey: Well... okay. If you really are trying to help, then I guess I can talk to you.A1a
462FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to talk to you.{Forceful / Stern} I don't care. I need information, and you're going to give it to me.Janey: Alright... alright. I'll talk to you.B1a
463FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to talk to you.{Annoyed. Emphasis on "won't", like "I was going to, but now I'm not." / Irritated} Fine, maybe I won't try to save your father's life.Janey: No, wait... please.X1a
464FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to talk to you.{Puzzled} What do you mean? Why not?Janey: Foreman Bill says we shouldn't trust any strangers who come to visit daddy.Y1a
465InstM01JuneSceneFemaleBoston: Is this something important? Because I'm not really in the mood for a chat right now.{Sympathetic / Sad} Sounds like things are tough. I'm sorry to hear that.June: Thank you for saying so.A1a
466FemaleBoston: Is this something important? Because I'm not really in the mood for a chat right now.{annoyed / Irritated} Look lady, I don't appreciate being brushed off.June: Of course not. I'm sorry, I'm being rude.B1a
467FemaleBoston: Is this something important? Because I'm not really in the mood for a chat right now.It might help to talk about your troubles.June: Maybe you're right.X1a
468FemaleBoston: Is this something important? Because I'm not really in the mood for a chat right now.{Question} Trouble with your husband?June: As a matter of fact, yes.Y1a
469June: Meanwhile, our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.{Friendly} If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.June: You're right. I'm his wife, I should stand at his side no matter what.A1a
470June: Meanwhile, our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.{Admonishing / Irritated} If your husband's trying to be a better man, you should be more grateful.June: Oh, I suppose you're right. Maybe people really can change for the better.B1a
471June: Meanwhile, our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.{Concerned} Sounds like your foreman's lost his mind.June: I don't know what to think anymore.X1a
472June: Meanwhile, our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.{Surprised, disappointed / Surprised} And you actually believe him?June: I honestly don't know what to believe. It's true Roger's been acting different, but is he a synth?Y1a
473InstM01RogerBillDeadRoger: I know he was suspicious of me, but you didn't have to kill him!{Defensive / Stern} I did what was necessary to protect you and your family.A1a
474Roger: I know he was suspicious of me, but you didn't have to kill him!{Cold / Stern} He might have come around, but I wasn't willing to risk it. The operation comes first.B1a
475Roger: I know he was suspicious of me, but you didn't have to kill him!{Confident} Bill was a bigger threat than you realize. He had to go.X1a
476Roger: I know he was suspicious of me, but you didn't have to kill him!{Firm / Conspiratorial} What did you expect? He was turning your family against you. I had to act.Y1a
477InstM01RogerSceneIntroMaleEvenToned: Didn't run into too much trouble coming out here, I hope?{Friendly, a greeting} Some bloodbugs chased me halfway across the Commonwealth, but I made it.Roger: Yeah, those things can be pretty territorial. Glad they didn't catch you!A1a
478MaleEvenToned: Didn't run into too much trouble coming out here, I hope?{Annoyed, short-tempered / Irritated} It was terrible. Everything here is trying to kill me.Roger: Sorry to hear it, friend. Commonwealth can be a dangerous place, no doubt about that.B1a
479MaleEvenToned: Didn't run into too much trouble coming out here, I hope?{Ambivalent} I've seen better, and I've seen worse.Roger: Right down the middle. huh? Well, I'll take that over bad news any day.X1a
480MaleEvenToned: Didn't run into too much trouble coming out here, I hope?{Irritated / Irritated} Do I look like a delivery man to you?Roger: Well, let's see... dirty clothes, worn boots... yep. Looks about right. So how was your trip? Any trouble with the local wildlife?Y1a
481InstM01RogerSceneSuspectRoger: Listen, I need your help. The whole operation's in danger of being exposed.{Reassuring / Confident} Tell me the problem and I'll see what I can do.A1a
482Roger: Listen, I need your help. The whole operation's in danger of being exposed.{Annoyed.. the person you are talking to really messed up / Irritated} And you need me to bail your ass out.Roger: Hey, I'm doing the best I can, but I'm on my own up here. Now let me give you the details.B1a
483Roger: Listen, I need your help. The whole operation's in danger of being exposed.{mocking / Sarcastic} The Institute builds an underground scientific utopia, and you're their crowning achievement. The future is fucked.Roger: You try working alone with no support for months on end, see how easy it is.X1a
484Roger: Listen, I need your help. The whole operation's in danger of being exposed.{Question} Why? What happened?Y1a
485Roger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Confident / Confident} They just need to be convinced Bill's wrong. That won't be hard.Roger: I hope so.A1a
486Roger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Angry / Angry} Jesus, what a mess. You've really screwed up.Roger: Look, I'm on my own out here. I've got no backup and no support. I'm doing the best I can.B1a
487Roger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Chastising, emphasis on "your" / Irritated} They aren't your wife and kids. Don't lose perspective here.Roger: I know that, it's just... it's a habit, I guess. I've gotten used to saying it.X1a
488Roger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Concerned / Question} Just how dangerous is this foreman? Is he a real threat?Roger: I don't know, maybe. He's heard all the same boogeyman stories as everyone else.Y1a
489Roger: Cedric's vanished. Bill says he had to visit a sick relative, but I think he went to get help.{Confident} Someone must have seen where he went.Roger: I have an idea about that.A1a
490Roger: Cedric's vanished. Bill says he had to visit a sick relative, but I think he went to get help.{Irritated / Irritated} You have no idea where Cedric is? You're helpless, Roger.Roger: Of course I don't. The whole point of their plan was to keep me from finding out.B1a
491Roger: Cedric's vanished. Bill says he had to visit a sick relative, but I think he went to get help.{Sarcastic} Oh great. This just gets better and better.X1a
492Roger: Cedric's vanished. Bill says he had to visit a sick relative, but I think he went to get help.{Question} Do you have any idea where Cedric went?Roger: Of course I don't. The whole point of their plan was to keep me from finding out.Y1a
493InstM01RogerThanks{Concerned / Concerned} You okay?Roger: Yeah, mostly. I thought for sure I was a dead man.A
494Roger: Yeah, mostly. I thought for sure I was a dead man.{Relieved / Friendly} I'm just glad that you and your family are safe now.Roger: Well, we're in your debt.A1a
495Roger: Yeah, mostly. I thought for sure I was a dead man.{Scolding / Stern} You were careless. You let your guard down and it almost got you killed.Roger: I know. I just... I guess I was hoping we could convince Bill he was wrong.B1a
496Roger: Yeah, mostly. I thought for sure I was a dead man.{Question} What happened to set him off like that?Roger: Bill was already on edge, but Cedric hadn't come back yet and then you showed up.Y1a
497InstM01StandoffScene2MaleRough: You! I know you're a part of this. You probably killed the real Roger so this thing could take his place.{Careful... Trying to talk down an armed madman / Concerned} There's no need for violence here. Let's talk things over.Bill: You're stalling!A1a
498MaleRough: You! I know you're a part of this. You probably killed the real Roger so this thing could take his place.{Stern warning / Stern} Put down that gun, Bill.Bill: Not happening, stranger.B1a
499MaleRough: You! I know you're a part of this. You probably killed the real Roger so this thing could take his place.{Cautious, talking down a madman / Worried} Calm down, Bill. You're letting fear get the better of you.Bill: I should be afraid. Everyone should! These synths are everywhere!X1a
500MaleRough: You! I know you're a part of this. You probably killed the real Roger so this thing could take his place.{Cautious, talking to an armed madman. / Concerned} Is this what you really want, Bill? To kill an innocent man and destroy a family?Bill: An innocent man's already been killed, and this thing pretending to be Roger ain't him!Y1a
501Bill: That's right, I figured it out! I know you're up to something, and I ain't going to trust a word you say.{Cool, calculated / Confident} It's your decision, but I don't think you'll pull that trigger.Bill: There's no turning back now, not for me.A1a
502Bill: That's right, I figured it out! I know you're up to something, and I ain't going to trust a word you say.{Cold, foreceful, about to kill a man / Angry} I'm ending this right now.B1a
503Bill: That's right, I figured it out! I know you're up to something, and I ain't going to trust a word you say.{Ominous, a warning / Stern} Whatever action you take here, you'd better be prepared for the consequences.Bill: That goes for both of us.X1a
504Bill: That's right, I figured it out! I know you're up to something, and I ain't going to trust a word you say.{Worried} Do you really want to leave these children without a father?Bill: Their real father's long gone, and I'm guessing you people had a hand in that.Y1a
505Bill: So what do you plan to do, stranger? Are you ready to take a bullet for a synth?{Stern} If it means protecting innocent people from a madman, yes.Bill: A madman? Is that what you think I am?A1a
506Bill: So what do you plan to do, stranger? Are you ready to take a bullet for a synth?{Angry} You leave me no choice.B1a
507Bill: So what do you plan to do, stranger? Are you ready to take a bullet for a synth?{Stern, hard-edged... you're about to kill this guy / Stern} I guess we're not going to settle this with words.Bill: Now that we can agree on.X1a
508Bill: So what do you plan to do, stranger? Are you ready to take a bullet for a synth?{Stern} And you? Will you really risk your life to prove an insane theory?Bill: Guess you're about to find out.Y1a
509InstM01WallySceneMaleChild: Sorry lady, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.{Friendly} Well, I'm not a stranger. I'm a friend of your father's, and I'm here to help him.Wally: Oh good. I'm really glad you're here, because I'm scared something bad is going to happen to my dad.A1a
510MaleChild: Sorry lady, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.{Warning / Stern} I've got ways of making you talk, kid. Don't make me use them.Wally: Whoa, hold on a sec.B1a
511MaleChild: Sorry lady, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.{Irritated} You're not being very helpful here, kid.Wally: It's not my fault.X1a
512MaleChild: Sorry lady, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.{Puzzled} Who told you that?Wally: My mom. She says until she figures things out, we can't trust anybody.Y1a


513InstM02JustinReportFindingsIt's not Alan Binet that's helping the synths. It's his son, Liam.Justin: The boy? I wouldn't have thought him capable of such thing.A
514Justin: The boy? I wouldn't have thought him capable of such thing.{Certain} The kid's smart, smarter than you realize.Justin: He really is his father's son, I guess.A1a
515Justin: The boy? I wouldn't have thought him capable of such thing.{Stern} Underestimating Liam was a costly mistake.Justin: Maybe, but it's a mistake I'll shortly be correcting.B1a
516Justin: The boy? I wouldn't have thought him capable of such thing.{Confident} Believe it or don't, but I know for a fact that it's him.Justin: I won't ask how you found out, but others might. Hopefully you can prove it if needed.X1a
517Justin: The boy? I wouldn't have thought him capable of such thing.{Question} What's going to happen to him?Justin: We will teach him a... memorable lesson about the price of interfering in our operations.Y1a
518Justin: I admit, I didn't think you could pull it off.{Firm / Confident} Let's make sure this can't happen again.Justin: I intend to implement improved internal security measures, and that includes tighter monitoring of our network.A1a
519Justin: I admit, I didn't think you could pull it off.{Irritated} This better be the last time you screw up.Justin: Yes, well... I'll be taking steps to make sure this never happens again.B1a
520Justin: I admit, I didn't think you could pull it off.{Wry, sarcastic, mock injury / Sarcastic} I'll try not to take that personally.Justin: I won't make that mistake again.X1a
521Justin: I admit, I didn't think you could pull it off.{Rising anger / Irritated} That's what this was about? You wanted to embarrass me?Justin: What? No! Of course not! I resent the accusation.Y1a
522InstM02Scene1JustinIntroNPCMJustinAyo: We've got a problem here and to be honest, Father's never taken it as seriously as he should. I'm hoping you will.{Reassuring / Friendly} I'll help if I can.Justin: Good. That's what I wanted to hear.A1a
523NPCMJustinAyo: We've got a problem here and to be honest, Father's never taken it as seriously as he should. I'm hoping you will.{Annoyed / Irritated} Give me the short version.Justin: Fine.B1a
524NPCMJustinAyo: We've got a problem here and to be honest, Father's never taken it as seriously as he should. I'm hoping you will.I guess that depends on what the problem is.Justin: Of courseX1a
525NPCMJustinAyo: We've got a problem here and to be honest, Father's never taken it as seriously as he should. I'm hoping you will.{Question} What's the problem?Y1a
526Justin: The rate of escapes has been increasing lately, and I don't think it's just random chance.They could be getting help.Justin: I'm sure of it.A1a
527Justin: The rate of escapes has been increasing lately, and I don't think it's just random chance.{Mocking / Sarcastic} Must be embarrassing for you.Justin: Real leadership means taking responsibility.B1a
528Justin: The rate of escapes has been increasing lately, and I don't think it's just random chance.{Sarcastic. Mocking.} We're really underneath Salem! Now it all makes sense! What with the witch hunt and all.Justin: Of course.X1a
529Justin: The rate of escapes has been increasing lately, and I don't think it's just random chance.{Question} What are you doing to solve this problem?Y1a
530Justin: I'm convinced that someone is Alan Binet. He thinks that synths are people. He even lives with one. It's disturbing,{Defiant} There's got to be some way to prove it was him.Justin: I agree.A1a
531Justin: I'm convinced that someone is Alan Binet. He thinks that synths are people. He even lives with one. It's disturbing,{Ominous / Angry} If Doctor Binet really has betrayed the Institute, then he's going to regret it.Justin: I can see you're not a man to be trifled with. Good.B1a
532Justin: I'm convinced that someone is Alan Binet. He thinks that synths are people. He even lives with one. It's disturbing,{Irritated} Skip to the part where this has anything to do with me.Justin: I'm getting to that.X1a
533Justin: I'm convinced that someone is Alan Binet. He thinks that synths are people. He even lives with one. It's disturbing,{Question} Who else has access to the terminals in Robotics?Justin: Well, there's Max Loken and Father of course, but I know those men. They wouldn't do something like this.Y1a
534InstM02Scene2AlanInvestigateNPCMAlanBinet: Our synths are truly remarkable. Every day they manage to surprise me. Now, what can I do for you?{Sincere, concerned / Concerned} Justin Ayo thinks you're helping synths escape. I need to know the truth.Alan: I see. The man does not lack for tenacity.A1a
535NPCMAlanBinet: Our synths are truly remarkable. Every day they manage to surprise me. Now, what can I do for you?{Cold, heartless / Stern} You're helping synths escape, and I'm going to prove it.Alan: What?! I'm not doing anything of the sort!B1a
536NPCMAlanBinet: Our synths are truly remarkable. Every day they manage to surprise me. Now, what can I do for you?{Dismissive / Stern} I can't discuss it. Just go back to what you were doing.Alan: Wait a minute... did Justin Ayo send you here to look through these terminals?X1a
537NPCMAlanBinet: Our synths are truly remarkable. Every day they manage to surprise me. Now, what can I do for you?{Direct / Stern} Are you helping synths escape from the Institute, Doctor Binet?Alan: Not this nonsense again.Y1a
538Alan: If there's something specific you want to ask me, then get on with it.{Question} Why would Ayo think you were helping synths?Alan: He probably thinks my admiration for the synths might have caused me to have some delusion about setting them free.A1a
539Alan: If there's something specific you want to ask me, then get on with it.We're done.Alan: Very well.B1a
540Alan: If there's something specific you want to ask me, then get on with it.{Question} Does anyone else have access to your terminals?Alan: Unlikely. I don't let anyone else lay a finger on my terminals without my close supervision.X1a
541Alan: If there's something specific you want to ask me, then get on with it.{Question} How many synths have escaped?Alan: I'm not sure of the exact number, but I can tell you the rate of escapes has accelerated greatly in recent months.Y1a
542InstM02Scene3AlanLogin{Question} Do you ever log in from your quarters?Alan: Goodness no. When I retire for the day, I put any thought of work out of my mind.A
543Alan: Do you suspect that someone has logged into one of the laboratory terminals from my quarters?There's a remote access entry in the log. It came from your quarters.Alan: Let me guess, terminal three?A1a
544Alan: Do you suspect that someone has logged into one of the laboratory terminals from my quarters?Just trying to cover all the bases.Alan: How thorough of you.B1a
545Alan: Do you suspect that someone has logged into one of the laboratory terminals from my quarters?{Suspicious} Possibly.Alan: You're a cagey one, aren't you?X1a
546Alan: Do you suspect that someone has logged into one of the laboratory terminals from my quarters?{Question} Is there someone who would want to?Alan: The only people who have any interest in the synth lab already have access to those computers.Y1a
547Alan: Carry on with your investigation, if you wish. You'll find nothing to incriminate me, I promise you that.{Agreement, but keeping it cool and professional / Friendly} I believe you, but I still need answers.Alan: Then do what you must, but leave me out of it.A1a
548Alan: Carry on with your investigation, if you wish. You'll find nothing to incriminate me, I promise you that.{Stern} I'd better not.Alan: If you think I can be intimidated by the likes of you, I'm afraid you are quite mistaken.B1a
549Alan: Carry on with your investigation, if you wish. You'll find nothing to incriminate me, I promise you that.{Suspicious} We'll see.Alan: Indeed we will.X1a
550Alan: Carry on with your investigation, if you wish. You'll find nothing to incriminate me, I promise you that.{Thinking} What if it's a frame job? Who would benefit if you looked guilty?Alan: A frame job? What is that, some pre-war vernacular for blaming the innocent?Y1a
551InstM02Scene3LiamInvestigateNPCMLiamBinet: Oh, it's you again. What are you doing here?I'm investigating synth escapes.Liam: I already told Justin Ayo that my dad has nothing to do with that.A1a
552NPCMLiamBinet: Oh, it's you again. What are you doing here?{Direct, blunt, stern / Stern} I'm here to prove that your father is helping synths escape.Liam: No he's not! First that Ayo guy tries to accuse him and now you.B1a
553NPCMLiamBinet: Oh, it's you again. What are you doing here?{Playing coy / Friendly} Oh, just looking around.Liam: Aw, come on, you're not going to fool me that easily.X1a
554NPCMLiamBinet: Oh, it's you again. What are you doing here?{Question} Know anything about a remote computer access?Liam: Um... no, I don't know anything about that.Y1a
555Liam: I guess he could get into real trouble if they decide he's guilty anyway.{Reassuring} If your father is innocent, then there's nothing to worry about.A1a
556Liam: I guess he could get into real trouble if they decide he's guilty anyway.{Stern} You're damn right. If he can't be trusted, then he doesn't belong here.B1a
557Liam: I guess he could get into real trouble if they decide he's guilty anyway.{Concerned} Maybe. Your father is important, but so are the synths.Liam: Yeah, that's what everyone keeps saying. It's like the synths are more important than people.X1a
558Liam: I guess he could get into real trouble if they decide he's guilty anyway.{Question} Do you know anything that might help me prove his innocence?Liam: I don't know anything that would help. I wish I did.Y1a
559Liam: I mean, why is it such a big deal if a few synths escape? We have more than enough here.{Sympathetic, almost pleading / Concerned} Liam, I can only help if you're honest with me.Liam: I already told you., I don't know anything about it.A1a
560Liam: I mean, why is it such a big deal if a few synths escape? We have more than enough here.{Stern, threatening / Stern} Last chance, Liam. If you know anything, tell me now.Liam: I already told you., I don't know anything about it.B1a
561Liam: I mean, why is it such a big deal if a few synths escape? We have more than enough here.{Stern rebuke / Stern} That's not the point. It's a matter of trust and loyalty.Liam: My father's been loyal to the Institute every day of his life. Anyone who questions that is a fool.X1a
562Liam: I mean, why is it such a big deal if a few synths escape? We have more than enough here.{Question} Is there anyone else who might want to help the synth?Liam: I don't know. You figure it out. Just leave my dad out of it, okay?Y1a
563InstM02Scene4LiamConfession{Stern} You're the one helping synths escape. Why?Liam: So, you figured it out. Nice work. Nobody else down here could. I'm not surprised it took someone from outside.A
564Liam: I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.Down here, they're no better than servants. At least on the surface, they'll be free.Liam: That's all I've ever wanted for them.A1a
565Liam: I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.{Strong rebuke / Irritated} A better life? It's a living hell up there.Liam: I'm not forcing them to leave, I'm just, you know, giving them an opportunity.B1a
566Liam: I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.{Admonishment, blame / Stern} You should know that Eve is dead. She died trying to protect you.Liam: Oh no... no. I'm so sorry. I had no idea she's grown that attached, or cared that much.X1a
567Liam: I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.{Angry / Stern} Eve was going to kill me to protect your secret.Liam: Oh no... no. I'm so sorry. I had no idea she's grown that attached, or cared that much.X2a
568Liam: I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.What happens to the synths you free?Liam: I like to think they go on to live better lives. I hope so, anyway.Y1a
569Liam: When he came after my dad, that was the last straw.If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.Liam: I know just what to do.A1a
570Liam: When he came after my dad, that was the last straw.{Stern} Nice try kid, but that's not happening.Liam: Well, I guess that's it for me, then. At least now I can prove my dad is innocent.B1a
571Liam: When he came after my dad, that was the last straw.{Bargaining / Conspiratorial} Maybe if you offered me the right incentive...Liam: Well, I guess I could part with my spare glasses. My dad always says they make me look smarter.X1a
572Liam: When he came after my dad, that was the last straw.{Question} Would that really solve anything? Who would take Justin's place if he were gone.Liam: Alana Secord. She's honest, fair and good at what she does.Y1a
573InstM02Scene4LiamFinishI disabled the safeguards.Liam: Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?A
574Liam: Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?{Impressed / Impressed} You're a natural, kid.Liam: Yep. Maybe one day I'll even be head of the Robotics division.A1a
575Liam: Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?{Unimpressed / Irritated} It's nothing special.Liam: Well, maybe every kid was a computer genius back in your time, but it's pretty rare now.B1a
576Liam: Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?Whatever you say.Liam: Well, maybe every kid was a computer genius back in your time, but it's pretty rare now.X1a
577Liam: Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?{Question} So what happens now?Y1a
578InstM02SceneEveConfrontFemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry that you had to find me here.{Buying time, under threat / Pleading} Hold on. Let's just talk about this.Eve: I wish we could, but you know too much already.A1a
579FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry that you had to find me here.{Warning / Stern} Put that gun away, now.Eve: I... I want to, but I can't. You know too much.B1a
580FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry that you had to find me here.{Ironic (spoken rhetorically) / Thinking} Of course... it's the synth who's been helping synths.Eve: Me? No, I... I'm just helping.X1a
581FemaleEvenToned: I'm sorry that you had to find me here.{Surprise / Question} You're the one who's been helping the synths escape?Eve: Me? No, I... I'm just helping.Y1a
582Player Default: If you find out what's on this terminal, everyone will know it was him.Sounds like you're protecting someone.A1a
583Player Default: If I let you go, they'll find out everything and they'll take him away.{Stern, direct / Stern} I want answers, and I want them now.B1a
584Player Default: Justin was closing in, figuring things out... I offered to help so he wouldn't get caught.{Annoyed, impatient / Irritated} Stop being vague and just tell me what's going on.X1a
585Player Default: Justin was closing in, figuring things out... I offered to help so he wouldn't get caught.{Puzzled / Puzzled} What do you mean, "him"? Who are you talking about?Y1a
586Eve: I'm sorry. You seem like a good person, but I can't let you tell Justin that Liam is helping the synths.{Sincere / Confident} I promise not to tell Justin. I'll keep your secret.A1a
587Eve: I'm sorry. You seem like a good person, but I can't let you tell Justin that Liam is helping the synths.{Stern, uncompromising / Stern} Liam has to face justice for what he's done.B1a
588Eve: I'm sorry. You seem like a good person, but I can't let you tell Justin that Liam is helping the synths.{Warning / Stern} You're making a big mistake here.X1a
589Eve: I'm sorry. You seem like a good person, but I can't let you tell Justin that Liam is helping the synths.{Question} You'd really risk your life to protect Liam?Y1a


590InstM03FatherScene{Direct... you know the answer is yes / Confident} I take it you know about the situation in BioScience?Father: Of course.A
591Father: The future of the Institute might well depend on how you handle this crisis.{Confident / Confident} Then I'll do my best to resolve it.Father: I know that you will.A1a
592Father: The future of the Institute might well depend on how you handle this crisis.{Anger, resentment / Irritated} That's not fair. I hardly know these people.B1a
593Father: The future of the Institute might well depend on how you handle this crisis.{Sarcasm / Sarcastic} Hey, no pressure, right?X1a
594Father: The future of the Institute might well depend on how you handle this crisis.{Asking for help / Question} These men respect you. Can't you talk to them?Father: I could , but that would be a missed opportunity for you to show that you can be the leader these people need.Y1a
595Father: The sooner you get some real experience under your belt, the better.{Bittersweet / Friendly} You're right. It makes me proud to see the man you grew up to be, Shaun.Father: Thank you.A1a
596Father: The sooner you get some real experience under your belt, the better.{Bittersweet... concerned for a loved one / Concerned} Don't talk like that. You've got plenty of time left, and we have a lot to catch up on.Father: If only that were true.B1a
597Father: The sooner you get some real experience under your belt, the better.{Filled with doubt / Concerned} But these men have no reason to respect me. I'm just a stranger to them.Father: They know that you are my father. That will be enough.X1a
598Father: The sooner you get some real experience under your belt, the better.You know these men a lot better than I do. Do you have any advice?Father: Don't assume this is a bluff. These men are proud. They might well be prepared to die for their cause.Y1a
599InstM03LawrenceBranch1Convince{Confident understanding / Confident} I'm under no illusion that this will easy.Lawrence: Your determination is admirable, if misguided.A1a
600If I just stay out of everyone's way, it should be easy.Lawrence: If only it were that simple.B1a
601{Negotiating} Maybe, maybe not. All I'm asking is that you keep an open mind.Lawrence: I'm sorry, but our minds are made up. Both Doctor Loken and I have resolved to stand our ground.X1a
602{A challenge / Question} You'd rather everyone fight over the job? Is that what's best for the Institute?Lawrence: I agree that the transition will be chaotic, but eventually, a leader will emerge from that chaos.Y1a
603Player Default: The truth is simply this - you have no idea what it means to be the director of the Institute.{Compassionate, but firm / Confident} I know you're upset, but I'm not going to change my mind.Lawrence: There's nothing more to say, then.A1a
604Player Default: You can't hope to relate to us or understand the work we do here.{Stern, direct. Emphasis on "will". / Stern} What you've done here is inexcusable, and you will answer for it.Lawrence: There's nothing more to say, then.B1a
605Player Default: I'm sorry, but our minds are made up. Both Doctor Loken and I have resolved to stand our ground.{Stern} If neither of us is willing to change our minds, then I guess that's that.Lawrence: There's nothing more to say, then.X1a
606Player Default: Then, things will return to normal and the work will resume.{Offering an olive branch, trying to be nice / Question} Can't you at least give me a chance?Lawrence: A chance? Hm.Y1a
607InstM03LawrenceScene1WindowNPCMLawrenceHiggs: If you've come to change our minds, then you're wasting your time.{Sympathetic, but firm} I know you're angry, but there's a better way to handle this.Lawrence: No, you're wrong. You see, I've tried talking. For years I've suggested that we do things differently here, but nobody listens.A1a
608NPCMLawrenceHiggs: If you've come to change our minds, then you're wasting your time.{Menacing, implying violence / Stern} I had a more direct solution in mind.Lawrence: Oh really? Our synth guards are programmed to attack anyone who enters here.B1a
609NPCMLawrenceHiggs: If you've come to change our minds, then you're wasting your time.{Annoyed, impatient / Irritated} You're upset, I get it. You've made your point. Now open the door.Lawrence: I'm not taking orders from you.X1a
610NPCMLawrenceHiggs: If you've come to change our minds, then you're wasting your time.{Offering an olive branch / Question} Can we talk about this?Lawrence: Father chose not to talk to the Directorate before annointing you his successor, so how about I follow his fine example?Y1a
611Player Default: Let's see if anyone can afford to ignore me now!{Hopeful, trying to persuade / Confident} Father believes in me. The least you can do is give me a chance.Lawrence: How could you hope to lead us when you hardly know anything about what we do?A1a
612Player Default: Let's see if anyone can afford to ignore me now!{Hopeful, trying to persuade / Confident} Father believed in me. The least you can do is give me a chance.Lawrence: How could you hope to lead us when you hardly know anything about what we do?A2a
613Player Default: So by all means, come and join us. Just don't say I didn't warn you.{Stern warning / Stern} Don't force me to take drastic measures, doctor.Lawrence: Oh, so you mean to martyr us, then?B1a
614Player Default: You haven't earned my respect and you never will.{Irritated / Irritated} I'm not a patient person, Doctor Higgs.Lawrence: Unlike you, Doctor Loken and I are very patient.X1a
615Player Default: Father chose not to talk to the Directorate before annointing you his successor, so how about I follow his fine example?Don't you think you're being a little selfish here?Lawrence: Far from it. What we do, we do to protect the Institute.Y1a
616Player Default: Without experienced and competent leadership, the Institute could be thrown into chaos. Decades of research could be jeopardized.{Disappointed, resigned / Concerned} We seem to be at an impasse.Lawrence: Then there's nothing more to talk about, is there?A1a
617Player Default: I assure you, Doctor Loken and I are prepared to make any sacrifice in order to uphold the ideals of the Institute.You're a stubborn fool, and you're not going to like how this ends.Lawrence: Nor will you.B1a
618Player Default: You and the others will go hungry long before we do.I thought you were a reasonable man. Maybe I was wrong.Lawrence: This is much bigger than just you and I. I'm protecting decades of research and progress.X1a
619Player Default: Far from it. What we do, we do to protect the Institute.Last chance, doctor. Sure you won't change your mind?Lawrence: This is much bigger than just you and I. I'm protecting decades of research and progress.Y1a
620InstM03LawrenceScene2Violence{Firm, a little angry / Stern} It's over, Doctor Higgs.Lawrence: What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!A
621Lawrence: What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!{Stern / Stern} You're beaten, Doctor Higgs. Your plan failed, Now open the door.Lawrence: No! I refuse! Now do your worst!A1a
622Lawrence: What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!{Angry, violence is imminent / Angry} I'm ending this right now.B1a
623Lawrence: What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!{Fed up / Irritated} This has gone on long enough. Open that door, now.Lawrence: No! I refuse! Now do your worst!X1a
624Lawrence: What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!Is that what you want? To be a martyr?Lawrence: I want only what's best for the Institute! It's all I've ever wanted!Y1a
625InstM03NewtonBranchPunishmentNewton: Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.{Confident / Confident} There's no need to drag this out. I believe they learned their lesson.Newton: Your compassion and understanding speak well of you.A1a
626Newton: Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.{Stern / Stern} They were prepared to let everyone starve to death. They have to die.Newton: I... I understand. I'll make the necessary arrangements, though it saddens me to do so.B1a
627Newton: Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.{Stern / Stern} If I don't send a strong message now, this will happen again.Newton: I... I understand. I'll make the necessary arrangements, though it saddens me to do so.B2a
628Newton: Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.Put them on probation. Limit their access to quarters and non-working areas.Newton: That's more than fair. I'll see to it that everyone's notified.X1a
629Newton: Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.{Stern / Stern} Give them supplies and then throw them out. They're banned for life.Newton: I wish I could say that would be unfair, but there's no denying those men put all our lives at risk.Y1a
630InstM03NewtonScene1Intro{Curious and concerned / Question} What's going on?Newton: Doctor Higgs and Doctor Loken have decided to protest your appointment as Father's successor.A
631Newton: They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.{Confident, reassuring / Confident} I'm sure they'll calm down in time.Newton: I know these men, and I can assure you they're completely serious.A1a
632Newton: They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.{Rising anger / Angry} They've lost their minds.Newton: No, they've lost faith.B1a
633Newton: They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.{Annoyed sarcasm / Sarcastic} Oh, great. Like I don't have enough problems.Newton: Well I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced, but solving personnel issues is part of an administrator's job.X1a
634Newton: They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.{Question} Have they made any demands?Newton: Not yet, but I expect they'll demand that you renounce all ties to the Institute.Y1a
635Player Default: I know these men, and I can assure you they're completely serious.{Hopeful} Maybe I can reason with them.Newton: I believe I can help with that.A1a
636Player Default: No, they've lost faith.{Irritated / Irritated} It's one thing to protest, but this is going way too far.Newton: Look, I can see that you're angry, but please, talk to them before resorting to more violent measures.B1a
637Player Default: Well I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced, but solving personnel issues is part of an administrator's job.{Stern, unmoved / Stern} This isn't going to change anything.Newton: Well, perhaps if you could just talk to them, this could all be resolved peacefully.X1a
638Player Default: Not yet, but I expect they'll demand that you renounce all ties to the Institute.{Question} Is there a way I can communicate with them?Newton: As a matter of fact, there is.Y1a
639InstM03NewtonSceneEndBadNPCMNewtonOberly: That was... unfortunate. We don't like violence here, and I fear your actions will have consequences.{Confident that you're right / Confident} The food supply is secure. I'd still call that a win.Newton: In the short-term, perhaps, but choosing violence always carries a cost.A1a
640NPCMNewtonOberly: That was... unfortunate. We don't like violence here, and I fear your actions will have consequences.{Angry, snapping / Angry} Stop whining and be grateful I got your food supply back.Newton: Yes, of course. Sorry if I seemed ungrateful.B1a
641NPCMNewtonOberly: That was... unfortunate. We don't like violence here, and I fear your actions will have consequences.{Confident} The important thing is that we got the food supply back.Newton: You're right, of course.X1a
642NPCMNewtonOberly: That was... unfortunate. We don't like violence here, and I fear your actions will have consequences.{Angry, defensive / Angry} What was I supposed to do, let everyone starve?Newton: I don't meant to preach. I simply wish that matters could have been resolved more peacefully.Y1a
643InstM03NewtonSceneEndGoodNPCMNewtonOberly: Bravo! I admit, I was fearing for the worst, but I can see that I underestimated you.{Relieved / Relieved} I'm just glad they listened to reason.Newton: Indeed.A1a
644NPCMNewtonOberly: Bravo! I admit, I was fearing for the worst, but I can see that I underestimated you.{Stern / Stern} Keeping our food supply secure is your responsibility. This better not happen again.Newton: I'll make it my top priority.B1a
645NPCMNewtonOberly: Bravo! I admit, I was fearing for the worst, but I can see that I underestimated you.{Sarcastic / Sarcastic} I'm starting to get used to that.Newton: I apologize. I won't doubt you again.X1a
646NPCMNewtonOberly: Bravo! I admit, I was fearing for the worst, but I can see that I underestimated you.{Confused / Question} What do you mean "you feared the worst?"Newton: I just didn't want to see anyone get hurt.Y1a


647InstMassFusion_01_AyoStage5I have some information you might want.JustinAyo: Okay, I'm listening...A
648JustinAyo: Okay, I'm listening...The Brotherhood of Steel is going after something called a Beryllium Agitator in the ruins of the Mass Fusion building.JustinAyo: Are you kidding me?A1a
649JustinAyo: Okay, I'm listening...Never mind, it's nothing.JustinAyo: Well, nice talking to you, then.B1a
650JustinAyo: Okay, I'm listening...The Brotherhood of Steel is heading to the Mass Fusion building in the Commonwealth for a Beryllium Agitator.JustinAyo: Shit.X1a
651JustinAyo: Okay, I'm listening...Would you be interested in stopping the Brotherhood from acquiring a Beryllium Agitator?JustinAyo: What the...Y1a
652JustinAyo: This... This puts Phase Three in jeopardy. We need to act on this, now.{Friendly} I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can.JustinAyo: Oh, would you? How sweet of you.A1a
653JustinAyo: This... This puts Phase Three in jeopardy. We need to act on this, now.{Irritated} Leave me out of whatever it is. I just wanted to let you know.JustinAyo: No, no... No, no, no. Not a chance.B1a
654JustinAyo: This... This puts Phase Three in jeopardy. We need to act on this, now.{Relieved} Hey, relax. Maybe it's not that important.JustinAyo: Ugh, you just... Listen, trust me, this is important, okay?X1a
655JustinAyo: This... This puts Phase Three in jeopardy. We need to act on this, now.{Question} What's this Phase Three?JustinAyo: Shit. Forget you heard anything about that, okay?Y1a
656InstMassFusion_05_FilmoreStage10AllieFilmore: Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.Absolutely.AllieFilmore: All right, let's go over the details.A1a
657AllieFilmore: Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.Not a chance. I'm not doing anything.AllieFilmore: Look, I get that there's a lot going on right now, and this is all moving pretty fast. You're not the only one that feels it.B1a
658AllieFilmore: Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.I need some details here. I have no idea what I'm getting into.AllieFilmore: Of course! That's why we're talking. Otherwise you'd be up top already.X1a
659AllieFilmore: Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.What the hell is this "operation" about?AllieFilmore: Hey, relax. We wouldn't send you off without the proper information.Y1a
660AllieFilmore: You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.Consider it done.AllieFilmore: I'll consider it done when I've got it in my hands. I'm going with you.A1a
661AllieFilmore: You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.{wary} That sounds dangerous.AllieFilmore: Anyplace above ground has its risks, but that's why you're in charge. You're there to protect me.B1a
662AllieFilmore: You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.Oh man, I have one of those, but it's in my other pants.AllieFilmore: You wouldn't recognize one if it fell on your head. That's why I'm going to retrieve it.X1a
663AllieFilmore: You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.What's a Beryllium Agitator?AllieFilmore: The details would be lost on you, no offense. The point is it'll allow us to boost the reactor's power and get it running sooner than planned.Y1a
664Player Default: I'll consider it done when I've got it in my hands. I'm going with you.Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.AllieFilmore: Not as much as I'd appreciate coming back in one piece. I don't like going above ground unless there's no other option.A1a
665Player Default: Anyplace above ground has its risks, but that's why you're in charge. You're there to protect me.No way. You're not going; you'd be a liability.AllieFilmore: Well, that's about the most insulting thing I've heard in a while.B1a
666InstMassFusion_06_FilmoreStage10BoSAllieFilmore: Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?{Neutral} They wanted to send me there to get something for them.AllieFilmore: So you have been working for them... Well, don't let the SRB get wind of that.A1a
667AllieFilmore: Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?{SinisterSmile} I've been undercover, double-crossing them.AllieFilmore: Just decided to do that on your own, did you? Okay, whatever you say.B1a
668AllieFilmore: Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?{Concerned} It doesn't matter how I found out. What we do now matters.AllieFilmore: I doubt the SRB will feel the same, but I'll let it go.X1a
669AllieFilmore: Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?{Puzzled} What is this Beryllium Agitator? Why do we care if they're after it?AllieFilmore: So, that's kind of... I think "classified" is the best way to describe it.Y1a
670AllieFilmore: So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?Well, then let's get moving.AllieFilmore: All right, sounds good.A1a
671AllieFilmore: So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?No way; you're not going. It's far too risky.AllieFilmore: Really.B1a
672AllieFilmore: So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?{Concerned} You're going? That complicates things.AllieFilmore: Not really, no. I admit I'm not fond of going up top, but I promise to stay out of your way.X1a
673AllieFilmore: So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?{Concerned} Is that really necessary? I'm sure I could handle this by myself.AllieFilmore: Yes, it really is. Not only is this tech sensitive, it's old. Look, I'll take care of it; you just make sure I come back in one piece.Y1a
674InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingPlayerI don't see the Beryllium Agitator anywhere. They must have moved it.A1a
675InstMassFusion_17_RadiationTalkNPCFAllieFilmore: Looks pretty dangerous in there. You have any sort of radiation protection on you?Don't worry about me. I'm all set.AllieFilmore: Okay, good.A1a
676NPCFAllieFilmore: Looks pretty dangerous in there. You have any sort of radiation protection on you?Nope. You?AllieFilmore: Oh boy.B1a
677NPCFAllieFilmore: Looks pretty dangerous in there. You have any sort of radiation protection on you?Can't I just close my eyes and run fast?AllieFilmore: Joking in the face of mortal danger. Always a good sign.X1a
678NPCFAllieFilmore: Looks pretty dangerous in there. You have any sort of radiation protection on you?Radiation Protection? Like what?AllieFilmore: Come on, you've been around a while. You ought to be up to speed here.Y1a
679InstMassFusion_25_FilmoreEndSceneDoctor Filmore...AllieFilmore: I think that was enough excitement for... well, ever.A
680InstMassFusion_Z04_InterlocksPlayerThe Agitator is secured into the reactor. There must be a way to release the locks...A1a


681InstR01SceneEnd{Confident / Confident} Those Feral Ghouls won't be a problem any more.QuestGiver: Splendid! And you hardly seem the worse for wear. Remarkable.A
682{Confident / Confident} I cleared out those Feral Ghouls.QuestGiver: Splendid! And you hardly seem the worse for wear. Remarkable.A
683QuestGiver: Father said that you were a soldier. You must have been a good one.{Proud / Confident} I won my share of medals.QuestGiver: I don't doubt it. Not even a bit.A1a
684QuestGiver: Father said that you were a soldier. You must have been a good one.{Indifferent} Nothing special. Just a regular grunt.QuestGiver: I'm in no position to argue, but you've certainly made an impression on me.B1a
685QuestGiver: Father said that you were a soldier. You must have been a good one.{Joking} I wish my old C.O. were around to hear this.QuestGiver: Who knows, perhaps he became a ghoul and is out there somewhere even now.X1a
686QuestGiver: Father said that you were a soldier. You must have been a good one.{Asking for a reward... a little bit greedy} I did you a favor, so how about you do one for me?QuestGiver: Well, that seems only fair, I suppose.Y1a
687InstR01SceneIntroQuestGiver: We've had to recall the synth scavengers until the situation can be dealt with, hopefully by you.{Confident, swagger / Confident} I took care of them already.QuestGiver: I'm very grateful for your help.A1a
688QuestGiver: We've had to recall the synth scavengers until the situation can be dealt with, hopefully by you.{Confident / Confident} I'll take care of those Feral Ghouls for you.QuestGiver: I'm very grateful for your help.A2a
689QuestGiver: We've had to recall the synth scavengers until the situation can be dealt with, hopefully by you.{Annoyed} Send someone else. One of your Coursers, maybe.QuestGiver: That's against SRB policy, unfortunately. I'm afraid you're the only option.B1a
690QuestGiver: We've had to recall the synth scavengers until the situation can be dealt with, hopefully by you.{Doubtful, unenthusiastic, you're tired of being asked to do errands / Tired} I don't know. I've got a lot on my plate right now.QuestGiver: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. Please, there's no one else I can turn to.X1a
691QuestGiver: We've had to recall the synth scavengers until the situation can be dealt with, hopefully by you.{Question} Do you know where these Feral Ghouls are coming from?QuestGiver: We have a pretty good idea, yes. So you'll take the mission?Y1a
692InstR01SceneRepeatQuestGiver: Can you deal with those Ghouls?{Confident} Sure, I'll get rid of them.QuestGiver: I thank you, and so will the synths. Being torn to bits by feral ghouls is a fate they'd very much like to avoid.A2a
693QuestGiver: Can you deal with those Ghouls?No, I haven't.QuestGiver: I see.B1a
694QuestGiver: Can you deal with those Ghouls?{Curt, dismissive} Not right now.QuestGiver: I see.B2a
695QuestGiver: Can you deal with those Ghouls?{Question} What was it you needed, exactly?QuestGiver: It's quite simple, really. Find where the feral ghouls are making their home, and then wipe them out.Y1a


696-{Muttered under your breath... annoyed} I can see where this is going.


697InstR02SceneClaytonEndI've got that sample you wanted.QuestGiver: I'll take that from you.A
698I have another sample for you.QuestGiver: I'll take that from you.A
699QuestGiver: Yes, this will do nicely. I hope those Super Mutants didn't give you too much trouble.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. polite / Confident} No trouble at all.QuestGiver: I knew you'd be the right man for the job.A1a
700QuestGiver: Yes, this will do nicely. I hope those Super Mutants didn't give you too much trouble.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. A mix of fear and anger / Afraid} Those things are monsters. I barely got out of there.QuestGiver: Well, if this experiment bears fruit, the risk will have been worth it.B1a
701QuestGiver: Yes, this will do nicely. I hope those Super Mutants didn't give you too much trouble.{Not at the moment, no.} If there's nothing else...QuestGiver: Not at the moment, no.X1a
702QuestGiver: Yes, this will do nicely. I hope those Super Mutants didn't give you too much trouble.{Indignant / Question} What, no reward for my efforts?QuestGiver: I suppose that's a fair request.Y1a
703InstR02SceneClaytonIntroQuestGiver: I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one.I've got one right here.QuestGiver: That's right.A1a
704QuestGiver: I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one.{Matter-of-fact} You need a tissue sample from a strong Super Mutant. Got it.QuestGiver: That's right.A2a
705QuestGiver: I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one.{Annoyed, almost angry. You feel that are being asked too much. / Irritated} The hell with that. Do it yourself.QuestGiver: We're not fighters, we're scientists. We'd be no match for one of those creatures.B1a
706QuestGiver: I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one.{With trepidation / Concerned} That sounds pretty dangerous.QuestGiver: For someone as brave and skillful as yourself, I'm sure it will be a trifle.X1a
707QuestGiver: I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one.{Uncertain, with trepidation... you want me to do what?} How do I obtain this tissue sample, exactly?QuestGiver: Well, I suppose you'll just cut off some of its flesh, store it however you like and then bring it to me.Y1a
708InstR02SceneClaytonRepeatNPCMClaytonHoldren: I could use some more tissue samples, if you have the time to collect them.{Willing and able / Confident} I'll get it for you.QuestGiver: Excellent. I've made real progress thanks to your help.A2a
709NPCMClaytonHoldren: I could use some more tissue samples, if you have the time to collect them.{A dismissive no} Another time maybe.QuestGiver: Just let me know when that other time is.B1a
710NPCMClaytonHoldren: I could use some more tissue samples, if you have the time to collect them.{Noncommital} I'll keep that in mind.QuestGiver: I'll be grateful if you do.X1a
711NPCMClaytonHoldren: I could use some more tissue samples, if you have the time to collect them.{Trying to remember / Question} How do I get that again?QuestGiver: Well, I suppose you'll just cut off some of its flesh, store it however you like and then bring it to me.Y1a
712-{Annoyed... muttered under your breath, talking to yourself} Does he really think I care?


713InstR03NEWSceneEndI have some Brotherhood schematics for you.QuestGiver: Great! I can't wait to get a look at them.A
714I've got another set of blueprints for you.QuestGiver: Great! I can't wait to get a look at them.A
715QuestGiver: I guess you took a pretty big risk to bring me these. I hope I wasn't asking too much of you.{Confident / Confident} It was a cakewalk. No problem at all.QuestGiver: I'm glad to hear it.A1a
716QuestGiver: I guess you took a pretty big risk to bring me these. I hope I wasn't asking too much of you.{Relieved, a little fear / Relieved} To be honest, I didn't think I'd get out of there alive.QuestGiver: Well, I definitely appreciate it. I'm sure these plans will be a great help.B1a
717QuestGiver: I guess you took a pretty big risk to bring me these. I hope I wasn't asking too much of you.{Nonchalant} I've been in worse situations, but it's not something I'd want to do every day.QuestGiver: No kidding? I guess you've seen a lot of action, then.X1a
718QuestGiver: I guess you took a pretty big risk to bring me these. I hope I wasn't asking too much of you.{Fishing for a reward / Question} That depends. How do you plan to reward me, exactly?QuestGiver: Well, I guess I could give you you these.Y1a
719InstR03NewSceneIntroQuestGiver: The best place to start would be to study their design schematics, assuming you can get your hands on some.{Confident, pleased / Confident} I've got some right here.QuestGiver: Great!A1a
720QuestGiver: The best place to start would be to study their design schematics, assuming you can get your hands on some.{Friendly / Confident} Sure, I can do that.QuestGiver: Great!A2a
721QuestGiver: The best place to start would be to study their design schematics, assuming you can get your hands on some.{Dismissive, almost offended / Irritated} I'm not taking on the Brotherhood of Steel just for some blueprints.QuestGiver: Of course not. But, you know, if the opportunity presents itself, maybe keep an eye out.B1a
722QuestGiver: The best place to start would be to study their design schematics, assuming you can get your hands on some.{Noncommittal / Concerned} Sounds pretty dangerous.QuestGiver: Probably, but it'll be well worth it. What do you say?X1a
723QuestGiver: The best place to start would be to study their design schematics, assuming you can get your hands on some.{Question} Where can I find these schematics?QuestGiver: They probably keep them in a safe place, like a chest or locker. I'd expect guards, as well.Y1a
724InstR03NEWSceneRepeatNPCMEvanWatson: Those blueprints you brought me were fascinating. Any chance you could find more of them?{Friendly, confident / Confident} No problem.QuestGiver: Great! I'm eager to see what else we can learn.A1a
725NPCMEvanWatson: Those blueprints you brought me were fascinating. Any chance you could find more of them?{Firm.} The answer is still no.QuestGiver: Oh, okay. Never mind, then.B1a
726NPCMEvanWatson: Those blueprints you brought me were fascinating. Any chance you could find more of them?I can't right now.QuestGiver: Oh, okay. Never mind, then.B2a
727NPCMEvanWatson: Those blueprints you brought me were fascinating. Any chance you could find more of them?{Noncommittal} No promises, but I'll see what I can do.QuestGiver: Good enough for me.X1a
728NPCMEvanWatson: Those blueprints you brought me were fascinating. Any chance you could find more of them?{Question} Where were the blueprints again?QuestGiver: They probably keep them in a safe place, like a chest or locker. I'd expect guards, as well.Y1a
729-{Annoyed... whispered under your breath} Everyone thinks I'm the new errand boy.


730InstR04SceneEndI delivered the transmitter.QuestGiver: Good. I'll send a Courser when I can.A
731QuestGiver: I guess those Raiders didn't know what hit them.{Confident / Confident} It was a slaughter. They never stood a chance.QuestGiver: In that case, I'm glad you're on our side.A1a
732QuestGiver: I guess those Raiders didn't know what hit them.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} On the contrary, they were pretty well prepared.QuestGiver: I guess they knew we'd want that synth back. It's not the first time someone's underestimated us.B1a
733QuestGiver: I guess those Raiders didn't know what hit them.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Indifferent, dismissive} The synth is safe, that's all that matters.QuestGiver: I suppose so.X1a
734QuestGiver: I guess those Raiders didn't know what hit them.{Mercenary, all business} So, what's my payment?QuestGiver: Payment? I suppose I can offer you something.Y1a
735InstR04SceneIntroQuestGiver: Our tracking shows that it's still functioning, but we don't have the assets to spare for a rescue.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Confident / Confident} I'll deal with those raiders.QuestGiver: I knew I could count on you.A1a
736QuestGiver: Our tracking shows that it's still functioning, but we don't have the assets to spare for a rescue.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Pessimistic} If raiders took that synth, it's probably spare parts by now.QuestGiver: Whole or in pieces, it doesn't matter. We can't allow Institute technology to remain in enemy hands.B1a
737QuestGiver: Our tracking shows that it's still functioning, but we don't have the assets to spare for a rescue.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Skeptical} There's got to be a Courser nearby who can handle it.QuestGiver: Nothing in that area, no.X1a
738QuestGiver: Our tracking shows that it's still functioning, but we don't have the assets to spare for a rescue.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY.} Do you have a fix on its location?QuestGiver: Yeah. In fact, I can upload the location to your Pip-boy.Y1a
739InstR04SceneRepeatNPCFAlanaSecord: Got another report of an abducted synth. Any chance you can look into it?{Willing, ready} Of course.QuestGiver: Great. I'll be ready to send that Courser when you return.A1a
740NPCFAlanaSecord: Got another report of an abducted synth. Any chance you can look into it?Not right now, no.QuestGiver: I see.B1a
741NPCFAlanaSecord: Got another report of an abducted synth. Any chance you can look into it?I'll see what I can do.QuestGiver: I'll give you the location, and you can do what you want with it.X1a
742NPCFAlanaSecord: Got another report of an abducted synth. Any chance you can look into it?What do I need to do?QuestGiver: Locate the synth that the raiders abducted, and give it a transmitter.Y1a
743InstR04SceneSynth{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Reassuring} The Institute sent me. Take this transmitter, and they'll send a Courser to pick you up.Synth: I look forward to returning to my duties.A
744-{Annoyed... whispered under your breath} It never ends.


745InstR05SceneEndI've got the report from Diamond City.QuestGiver: Good, I'll take that from you.A
746I have another report from the mayor.QuestGiver: Good, I'll take that from you.A
747QuestGiver: I'll let you know when I need you to pick up the next report. That's all for now.See you around.QuestGiver: Mm hm.A1a
748QuestGiver: I'll let you know when I need you to pick up the next report. That's all for now.{Feeling unappreciated and a little insulted.} I'm not your errand girl, Doctor Ayo.QuestGiver: Mm hm.B2a
749QuestGiver: I'll let you know when I need you to pick up the next report. That's all for now.{Surprised by a rude dismissal, but you don't really care that much} Uh, sure.QuestGiver: Mm hm.X1a
750QuestGiver: I'll let you know when I need you to pick up the next report. That's all for now.{A mix of surprise and greed} Aren't you going to offer me something in exchange for my help?QuestGiver: I thought Father brought you here to help us, not to play the mercenary. I suppose I was wrong.Y1a
751InstR05SceneIntroQuestGiver: Since you visit the surface more than anyone else down here, I figured you could pick up the latest report.{Friendly, willing to help / Friendly} That shouldn't be a problem.QuestGiver: Good.A1a
752QuestGiver: Since you visit the surface more than anyone else down here, I figured you could pick up the latest report.{Annoyed, maybe a little insulted... this is beneath you / Irritated} I'm not a mailman. Send one of your robots.QuestGiver: I can't send a Courser into Diamond City without starting a panic, and that's the last thing the mayor needs.B1a
753QuestGiver: Since you visit the surface more than anyone else down here, I figured you could pick up the latest report.{Willing, if not enthusiastic} I don't see why not.QuestGiver: I'll take that as a yes.X1a
754QuestGiver: Since you visit the surface more than anyone else down here, I figured you could pick up the latest report.{Question} How do we do this without raising suspicion?QuestGiver: You'll meet with the mayor privately, away from prying eyes.Y1a
755InstR05SceneNPCNPCMMayorMcDonough: Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well.{Polite, curt} He's fine.NPC: I'm glad to hear it.A1a
756NPCMMayorMcDonough: Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well.{Rude / Irritated} To be honest, he's a pain in the ass.NPC: Yes, well, sometimes it's the best way to get things done.B1a
757NPCMMayorMcDonough: Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well.{Impatient} You know why I'm here, so let's get on with it.NPC: I like a man who gets to the point. A mayor's time is valuable, after all.X1a
758NPCMMayorMcDonough: Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well.{All business} You have something for me?NPC: I like a man who gets to the point. A mayor's time is valuable, after all.Y1a
759NPC: Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands.{Confident / Confident} You've got nothing to worry about.NPC: I have every confidence in you.A1a
760NPC: Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands.{Annoyed / Irritated} I know how to do my job.NPC: Of course, of course. I'm sure that you do.B1a
761NPC: Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. MALE ONLY. Sarcastic / Sarcastic} So if this shows up in Publick Occurrences, that's bad. Got it.NPC: Very funny.X1a
762NPC: Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands.{Question} Anything else I should know?NPC: I think that's enough for now. When I have more, I'll let our mutual friends know.Y1a
763InstR05SceneNPCRepeatNPCMMayorMcDonough: Ah, the courier. I hope your journey here was uneventful?{Polite / Friendly} It was fine, thanks for asking.NPC: Good, good.A1a
764NPCMMayorMcDonough: Ah, the courier. I hope your journey here was uneventful?{Rude / Irritated} As if you really care. Just give me what I came for.NPC: Very well.B1a
765NPCMMayorMcDonough: Ah, the courier. I hope your journey here was uneventful?{Impatient} Let's not waste time with small talk.X1a
766NPCMMayorMcDonough: Ah, the courier. I hope your journey here was uneventful?I take it your next report's ready?NPC: Quite right.Y1a
767InstR05SceneRepeatNPCMJustinAyo: The McDonough synth has another report ready for pick-up. Can you make the trip?Yeah, I'll go get it.A1a
768NPCMJustinAyo: The McDonough synth has another report ready for pick-up. Can you make the trip?{A rude dismissal} Find someone else.QuestGiver: There isn't anyone else, but I can see you're not willing to help.B1a
769NPCMJustinAyo: The McDonough synth has another report ready for pick-up. Can you make the trip?{Unenthusiastic} I guess so.X1a
770NPCMJustinAyo: The McDonough synth has another report ready for pick-up. Can you make the trip?What was the job again?QuestGiver: You're collecting a report from our synth plant in Diamond City. It's the one impersonating Mayor McDonough.Y1a
771-{Annoyed, impatient... muttering under your breath} Just get on with it.