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This is a transcript for dialogue with James during Following in His Footsteps.


CG04DadNoteTopic CG04DadNoteTopic Neutral 50 Hold on Jonas, I need to record this first. {muted - away from mike} 1
Neutral 50 I don't really know how to tell you this. I hope you'll understand, but I know you might be angry. {pause at the beginning, like he's trying to think of what to say} 2
Neutral 50 I thought about it for a long time, but in the end I decided it was best for you not to know. 3
Neutral 50 So many things could have gone wrong, and there's really no telling how the Overseer will react when he finds out. 4
Neutral 50 It's best if he can blame everything on me. 5
Neutral 50 Obviously, you already know that I'm gone. It was something I needed to do. You're an adult now. You're ready to be on your own. 6
Neutral 50 Maybe some day, things will change and we can see each other again. I can't tell you why I left or where I'm going. I don't want you to follow me. 7
Neutral 50 God knows life in the Vault isn't perfect, but at least you'll be safe. Just knowing that will be enough to keep me going. 8
Fear 50 Don't mean to rush you, Doc, but I'd feel better if we got this over with. {This should be in Jonas's voice will require script trickery to make it show up in Jonas's script. Muted away from mike.} 9
Neutral 50 Okay. Go ahead. {muted away from mike} 10
Neutral 50 Goodbye. I love you. {sound of vault door opening in the background} 11
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I've been hearing good things about you. 12
Neutral 50 Is it true? Did you really disarm the bomb in Megaton? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 I think we need to talk. 14
Neutral 50 I've been... hearing things. Things that have happened out there. 15
Neutral 50 Megaton destroyed... You... You didn't have anything to do with that, did you? 16
GREETING Neutral 50 I know there's a lot going on right now. This is all very sudden. 17
Neutral 50 I just want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk. You seem troubled, like there's a cloud hanging over you. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 I know there's a lot going on right now. This is all very sudden. 19
Neutral 50 I just wanted to say... I wanted to say that I'm proud of you. You're a good person, and it shows. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 It's essential that you get to the pipes as soon as you can. We can't allow the pressure to build up, or it could be a disaster. 21
Neutral 50 I'll be here for you when you get back. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Please, hurry. Once the blockage is cleared up, we'll be in good shape. 23
Neutral 50 I'll be here for you when you get back. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 You didn't have to come all the way back here, you know. You could've just gone right to the mainframe. 25
GREETING Neutral 50 Replace those fuses. Otherwise we'll never get the doors open, and there's no chance of getting the mainframe running. 26
GREETING Neutral 50 So the pumps are working, and some of the doors are opened. We're making progress. 27
Neutral 50 Problem is that the water shorted out a few key fuse boxes. Here, take these fuses and replace the ones that have burnt out. 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Once you get the Flood Control Pumps activated, that'll clear out some of the water and make it easier for us to see what else has gone wrong. 29
GREETING Neutral 50 Let's get to the control room and assess the situation. We can talk more there. {DAD_RECORD} 30
GREETING Neutral 50 Are you all right? Is it safe in there? 31
GREETING Neutral 50 We can't accomplish anything until we can get inside, but none of us are particularly capable fighters. 32
Neutral 50 I hate to ask you to put yourself in harm's way, but you seem to have learned to handle yourself. 33
Neutral 50 I need you to go in and make sure it's safe for Doctor Li and her crew. 34
GREETING Happy 50 I still need your help. I can't do this without you, you know. 35
GREETING Happy 50 Here we are. Where it all began. You remember your mother's favorite passage? {DAD_RECORD} 36
Neutral 50 Revelation 21:6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life, freely. {DAD_RECORD pronounce it "Twenty-one six"} 37
Neutral 50 Don't you see? This is what it all means. The water, the purifier. THIS is the water of life. Your mother's dream. {DAD_RECORD} 38
Neutral 50 No point in wasting time. Let's get to work. There's much to be done. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm not trying to put you off, but we need to get to Project Purity. Anything else can wait until later. 40
GREETING Neutral 50 We need to get back to Project Purity. The computer there is our best chance to locate a G.E.C.K. 41
GREETING Neutral 50 Give me a few moments to speak with Madison. Then we can decide on a course of action. Have patience. 42
GREETING Neutral 50 Good to see you again, honey. 43
GREETING Neutral 50 Good to see you again, son. 44
GREETING Neutral 50 What do you need? 45
GREETING Neutral 50 I need to reach Madison as soon as possible. Now I can make her see that Project Purity is worth finishing. 46
GREETING Happy 50 You've saved me. I was afraid I'd be trapped in there forever. {relieved; thrilled to see his child again} 47
Happy 50 It's so good to see you, but... What are you DOING here? {happy, but confused} 48
GREETING Happy 100 Son... You've saved me. I was afraid I'd be trapped in there forever. {relieved; thrilled to see his child again} 49
Happy 100 It's so good to see you, but... What are you DOING here? {happy, but confused} 50
MQ03DadHoloEntry1 MQ03DadHoloEntry1 Neutral 50 We're back at work after a full week of delays. The Brotherhood soldiers were able to repair the sentry guns, much to my relief. 51
Neutral 50 I know Madison isn't comfortable having them here, but there's no denying that we'd be lost without them. 52
Neutral 50 We're still waiting on the full analysis of the last three small-scale purification tests. 53
Neutral 50 Catherine hasn't been feeling well, and it's slowing down our research. I don't mind, but I can tell it's bothering some of the others. 54
MQ03DadHoloEntry3 MQ03DadHoloEntry3 Neutral 50 Well, there's no more mystery behind Catherine's health problems. 91
Neutral 50 The news of her pregnancy has lifted the spirits of everyone here, and given us a renewed interest in making the purifier work. 92
Neutral 50 We now have a future generation to provide for. 93
Neutral 50 The latest tests show that our methods are horribly inefficient, but I think we're on the right track. 94
Neutral 50 Catherine refuses to rest; she insists on spending all day in the lab. I've never seen her more driven. 95
Neutral 50 She's determined to resolve the power problems before the baby is born. I've tried to reason with her, but it's no use. 96
MQ03DadHoloEntry5 MQ03DadHoloEntry5 Neutral 50 The team has made plans to scale back our work once the baby is born. 97
Neutral 50 We're also trying to compensate for the increase in mutant attacks; no one is really talking about the implications of it. 98
Neutral 50 There are more of them than before. We know it, and the Brotherhood soldiers know it. 99
Neutral 50 Our relationship with the Brotherhood is straining. 100
Neutral 50 They're concerned by the lack of concrete results from the project, especially in light of the mutant attacks. 101
Neutral 50 They haven't come out and said it, but we all know what's going on. 102
Neutral 50 They're questioning whether their involvement in our project is worth the trouble it's causing them. 103
Neutral 50 They lost two good men this week, with three more injured. 104
MQ03DadHoloEntry7 MQ03DadHoloEntry7 Neutral 50 I am at a loss. My beloved wife is gone. In her place is my son, small and helpless. 105
Neutral 50 As much as this place means to me... As much as it meant to Catherine, this is no place for an infant. 106
Neutral 50 Especially an infant without his mother. 107
MQ03DadHoloEntry7 Neutral 50 I am at a loss. My beloved wife is gone. In her place is my daughter, small and helpless. 108
Neutral 50 As much as this place means to me... As much as it meant to Catherine, this is no place for an infant. 109
Neutral 50 Especially an infant without her mother. 110
MQ03DadHoloEntry8 MQ03DadHoloEntry8 Neutral 50 It's time to go. The project was in trouble before, both internally and externally. 111
Neutral 50 Progress has come to a halt, both because our re-calculations have gotten us nowhere, and because the mutant attacks occur several times a day. 112
Neutral 50 I regret that it has come to this. I know that if I leave, our work may come to an end. 113
Neutral 50 Madison has never been on the best of terms with the Brotherhood; aside from Scribe Rothchild, she'll tolerate none of them. 114
Neutral 50 If she's the one dealing with them, who knows what will happen. 115
Neutral 50 It breaks my heart to go, but I must put the needs of my child before my own. 116
MQ03DadHoloEntry9 MQ03DadHoloEntry9 Neutral 50 Well. Here we are again. Project Purity and me. It's been close to twenty years since my last entry. 117
Neutral 50 Since I left all of this behind to make a life for my son. 118
Neutral 50 We've spent that time in Vault 101, tucked away from the rest of the world. 119
Neutral 50 It wasn't perfect, but it was safe, and that's all I could have hoped for. 120
Neutral 50 Now, my son is a grown man. Handsome, intelligent, confident. Just like his old man. Hmph. 121
Neutral 50 And as hard as it was to admit it, he doesn't need his daddy anymore. 122
MQ03DadHoloEntry9 Neutral 50 Well. Here we are again. Project Purity and me. It's been close to twenty years since my last entry. 123
Neutral 50 Since I left all of this behind to make a life for my daughter. 124
Neutral 50 We've spent that time in Vault 101, tucked away from the rest of the world. 125
Neutral 50 It wasn't perfect, but it was safe, and that's all I could have hoped for. 126
Neutral 50 Now, my daughter is a grown woman. Beautiful, intelligent, confident. Just like her mother. 127
Neutral 50 And as hard as it was to admit it, she doesn't need her daddy anymore. 128
MQ03DadHoloEntry12 MQ03DadHoloEntry12 Neutral 50 So here I am, back where it all began. Project Purity. God, we wanted to change the world. We really thought the "waters of life" could be a reality. 55
Neutral 50 And that's why this is a momentous occasion. Because even after nineteen years, I still believe it. 56
Neutral 50 Project Purity can and will be operational. This is just the beginning. 57
MQ03DadHoloEntry13 MQ03DadHoloEntry13 Neutral 50 This is day two of my attempt to resurrect this project. 58
Neutral 50 I've got one of the portable fusion generators up and running, but it's just enough to power the emergency lighting and a couple of other systems. 59
Neutral 50 That will serve for now, but I'll need help powering up the mainframe. Time to visit Madison at Rivet City. 60
MQ03DadHoloEntry14 MQ03DadHoloEntry14 Neutral 50 I spoke with Doctor Li... Madison... at Rivet City. It went about as well as I expected. 61
Neutral 50 That is to say, she thinks I'm completely mad. How can I blame her? 62
Neutral 50 She's got her own life, her own team, and is making real, tangible scientific progress. 63
Neutral 50 And here I come again, the very paragon of failure and false promises. 64
Neutral 50 But the reality is I need Madison, and whatever scientific team she may have assembled. I can't do this myself. 65
Neutral 50 Project Purity is bigger than me. It always was. And without Catherine... God, I can't let this die. Not again. Not like this. 66
MQ03DadHoloEntry16 MQ03DadHoloEntry16 Neutral 50 Even in Vault 101, my work on Project Purity never really stopped. 67
Neutral 50 Soon after we arrived, my nightly routine included sneaking into the restricted areas, searching for... I don't know. Whatever I could find. 68
Neutral 50 It was a Vault-Tec facility, after all. The place was built with some of the most advanced technology this country had ever developed. 69
Neutral 50 Those excursions never turned up anything particularly useful. So... one night, after half a bottle of scotch, I broke into the Overseer's office. 70
Neutral 50 It was easy enough to hack his console, gain access to the restricted files. Most of it was garbage. 71
Neutral 50 Propaganda, spy reports, just plain rambling bullshit, really. 72
Neutral 50 But there was one thing, one name that stood out amongst all the others Doctor Stanislaus Braun. 73
Neutral 50 I knew of Braun's work, of course. 74
Neutral 50 He was a celebrity in his day, Vault-Tec's "Sorcerer Scientist," leaving his peers in awe of his technological wizardry. 75
Neutral 50 But it was in Vault 101, that night in the Overseer's office... 76
Neutral 50 I first learned of Braun's involvement in Vault-Tec's Societal Preservation Program, and his work on something called the G.E.C.K. 77
Neutral 50 The Garden of Eden Creation Kit. 78
MQ03DadHoloEntry19 MQ03DadHoloEntry19 Neutral 50 To be honest, the G.E.C.K. sounded like pure fantasy, even for someone of Braun's capabilities. 79
Neutral 50 It was nothing short of a miracle a terraforming module, capable of producing life from complete lifelessness. 80
Neutral 50 But not only was this thing a reality, it was actually distributed to several vaults, to be used after an atomic war. 81
Neutral 50 Vault 101 was, sadly, not on that list. 82
Neutral 50 I did some digging, and discovered Braun's name on the reservation list for a Vault 112. 83
Neutral 50 I'm no slouch, but this man... He could have easily succeeded where I failed. 84
Neutral 50 Does his collected knowledge remain within the halls of Vault 112? Journals, holotapes, computer records, maybe even experiments... 85
Neutral 50 If I could gain access to just a fraction of Braun's genius, Project Purity would become a reality. 86
MQ03DadHoloEntry21 MQ03DadHoloEntry21 Neutral 50 I'm off to Vault 112 to search for anything of Braun's that might help me get this purifier up and running. 87
Neutral 50 All I know is that it's west of someplace called Evergreen Mills, and it's well-hidden in some sort of garage, but I'll find it. I have to. {DAD_RECORD} 88
Neutral 50 It's so close, but that's the story of Project Purity, isn't it? An eternity of "almost theres." 89
Neutral 50 Let's see if Braun has the missing puzzle piece. 90
MQ04DadCanWeGo Can we get out of here now? Happy 50 Yes, yes! Absolutely! We need to get back to Rivet City. I've got to tell Madison that I have it. 129
Happy 50 After all these years, I finally have the key to making Project Purity a reality. 130
MQ04DadChoice1 I came here to find you. Neutral 50 Well, I'm glad you did. This certainly wasn't how I expected things to turn out. I wasn't ready for Braun, or I might've fared better. 131
MQ04DadChoice2 What are YOU doing here? You could've been killed! Surprise 100 Well I didn't expect Dr. Braun to be alive and insane. I thought I'd just find notes, or holotapes. {slightly defensive} 132
Neutral 50 I needed information about Braun, and his work on the G.E.C.K. 133
MQ04DadChoice3 I want answers from you. Surprise 50 You came all this way, and risked your life for answers? They must be important to you. {surprised} 134
MQ04DadDidntLikeDog What, you didn't like being a dog? Neutral 50 Well, I suppose it had its moments. But in the end, I much prefer having opposable thumbs. {joking, light-hearted scientist humor} 135
Neutral 50 And now that I'm back, I can get back to work. I need to tell Madison what I've learned. 136
MQ04DadDontDoItAgain Yeah, well... Don't do it again. Pained 10 I assure you, I won't. I'm going to need your help. 137
Happy 20 Now that I have what I came for, I need to get to Rivet City right away. 138
MQ04DadGoodThingIWasThere Good thing I showed up to save you. Happy 50 It certainly is! It's nice to feel like I'm on two legs again. {joking, relieved} 139
Neutral 50 And thanks to Doctor Braun, I know that Project Purity isn't lost after all. 140
MQ04DadGotInformation Did you get the information you needed? Neutral 50 I did indeed. Braun's work, the G.E.C.K., was designed to re-adapt environments for living after a nuclear war. 141
Neutral 50 It's not entirely stable, but I'm sure that components of that technology are just what we need, what we've been missing all this time. 142
Neutral 50 I need to return to Rivet City. Once Madison knows about the G.E.C.K., I can get her to see that it really will work. 143
MQ04DadGottaBeKidding You've got to be kidding me... Neutral 50 You must understand. As much as I love you, this project has been my responsibility since long before you were even born. 144
Sad 10 Too many people have made sacrifices to give up on it now. Your mother... 145
Happy 20 If you'll let me, I'd like to show you what we've accomplished. I want you to be there when we change the world. 146
Happy 20 After so many years, I can finally see it through to the end. I can't stop now. 147
MQ04DadLetsGo Okay, let's head for Rivet City. Happy 50 That's my girl! {proud, thrilled} 148
Neutral 50 Let's hurry. Now that I know what we need, I want to get back to work as soon as possible. {DAD_RECORD} 149
Okay, let's head for Rivet City. Happy 50 That's my boy! {proud, thrilled} 150
Neutral 50 Let's hurry. Now that I know what we need, I want to get back to work as soon as possible. {DAD_RECORD} 151
MQ04DadNotGoing Dad... I'm not going with you. I have other things to take care of. Surprise 50 Really? You're not going to join me? {surprised, hurt} 152
Neutral 50 Coming all this way after me... I'd have thought you'd want to help. I have to keep going; I can't stop now. {disappointed, but determined to carry on} 153
Neutral 50 I'm going back to Rivet City. Meet me there if you change your mind. I... It would be good to work with you, honey. 154
Dad... I'm not going with you. I have other things to take care of. Surprise 50 Really? You're not going to join me? {surprised, hurt} 155
Neutral 50 Coming all this way after me... I'd have thought you'd want to help. I have to keep going; I can't stop now. {disappointed, but determined to carry on} 156
Neutral 50 I'm going back to Rivet City. Meet me there if you change your mind. I... It would be good to work with you, son. 157
MQ04DadRivetCity You need to go back to Rivet City? Neutral 50 I can't do this on my own. Madison... Doctor Li has a team of scientists working at Rivet City. They'll have to help. 158
Neutral 50 The facility hasn't been used in years. There'll be enough work for a good number of people, and it will take us a while. 159
Neutral 50 The sooner I get to Rivet City, the sooner Madison and I can get to work. 160
MQ04DadScrewTheVault Screw the Vault. I didn't need that place. Surprise 50 Is that so? {surprised, disappointed} 161
Sad 20 You're nineteen years old. Are you so sure you know what you want from life already? {disappointed, lecturing a bit} 162
Neutral 50 I suppose it doesn't matter now. I suspect there's no going back for either of us. We'll just have to forge on ahead, won't we? {hopeful} 163
MQ04DadSoItsBackToRivetCity So you're going back to Rivet City right now? Happy 20 Yes. With what I've learned, Madison is sure to see that we can finally succeed where we failed so many years ago. 164
Neutral 50 I'd like you to come with me. I'd like you to be there when we finally open the floodgates. 165
MQ04DadSorryIsntGoodEnough "I'm sorry" isn't good enough. Sad 20 I'm afraid there's nothing else I can offer. When Project Purity is finished, we can sit down and really talk. I'd like to work through this. 166
Neutral 50 For now, I need to return to Rivet City. There's still much to do. 167
MQ04DadTakeABreak Don't you want to take a break, after what you've been through? Anger 10 No, no. There will be time to rest when the work is complete. This is too important! 168
Neutral 50 I need to get back to Rivet City right away. There's so much to be done. 169
Don't you want to take a break, after what you've been through? Anger 10 No, no. There will be time to rest when the work is complete. This is too important! 170
Neutral 50 I need to get back to Rivet City right away. There's so much work to be done. 171
MQ04DadWhatAboutMe What about me? What am I supposed to do? Anger 20 Yes, what about you? Why, in fact, are you outside the Vault at all? I don't even want to know HOW you got out. 172
Neutral 50 As much as I appreciate your help, you were supposed to stay there, to make a life for yourself there, not out here! 173
MQ04DadWhatDidYouLearn What did you learn? Neutral 50 I was right about Braun. The technology he developed is unstable, even dangerous, but it can be adapted for Project Purity. 174
Neutral 50 I need to return to Rivet City and talk with Madison. If we can find a G.E.C.K., we can make Project Purity work. 175
MQ04DadWhatDoingHere What are you doing here? Neutral 50 I needed information about Doctor Braun's research and development of the G.E.C.K. It's vital to getting Project Purity running. 176
Neutral 50 I was expecting to find notes, or holotapes. I didn't plan on being caught up in Braun's twisted fantasy world. 177
MQ04DadWhatsWrongWithYou What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you just leave me like that? Anger 20 That's where you belonged. You were an adult, capable of fending for yourself, and you had a good life ahead of you. 178
Neutral 50 What's out here is my task, my responsibility. I never wanted you to have any part of this insanity. 179
MQ04DadWhyLieToMe So you've been lying to me all this time? Sad 30 Yes, I lied about where you were born. About where I was born. I admit that. {regretful, apologetic} 180
Sad 10 At the time, I felt the truth would only encourage you to try and leave the Vault, to go looking for your past. {trying to explain and smooth things over, apologetic} 181
Sad 10 Perhaps I should've handled things differently. I'm sorry. {regretful, apologetic} 182
MQ04DadYouLeftMe You left me there without saying goodbye. What was I supposed to do? Anger 20 You were supposed to stay put. You could've had a good life in the Vault. {disappointed, slightly reprimanding tone} 183
Neutral 50 But I suppose it's too late to go back now, isn't it? The Overseer would likely have us shot on sight. {resigned} 184
Happy 20 Well, then you'll just have to come with me to Rivet City. You've certainly proven yourself capable enough. {proud} 185
MQ04DadYourResponsibility "Your responsibility"? What does that mean? Neutral 50 Project Purity was underway long before you were born. There were many of us, including your mother, who devoted our lives to it. 186
Neutral 50 The idea of free, clean water for everyone drove us to succeed. So many sacrifices were made for that idea. 187
Neutral 50 My responsibility is to see it through to the end, to make sure those sacrifices mean something. 188
MQ05DadAbandoningMe How could abandoning me be the right choice? Neutral 50 For almost twenty years now, I've done everything I can to see that you have a good life. 189
Neutral 50 The Vault wasn't perfect, to be sure, but it was the safest place in the Wasteland. That's why I took you there in the first place. 190
Neutral 50 I didn't see it as abandoning you. I saw it as moving on, knowing you were safe. 191
MQ05DadAboutMom Is this about mom? Are you trying so hard because of what happened to her? Sad 50 Oh, my child. If only you could have known how much it meant to her. She believed in the work we were doing, and was so determined to see it through. 192
Neutral 50 She gave up so much for the project. We all did, and I don't want that to have been for nothing. 193
Is this about mom? Are you trying so hard because of what happened to her? Neutral 50 Oh, my son. If only you could have known how much it meant to her. She believed in the work we were doing, and was so determined to see it through. 194
Neutral 50 She gave up so much for the project. We all did, and I don't want that to have been for nothing. 195
MQ05DadBadKarma1 I've done some things I'm not proud of, but I'm trying to do better. Neutral 50 I know that you're a good person. Whatever's going on, I know you'll make the best of it. 196
Neutral 50 Let's get through this, and then I'll help you in whatever way I can. I'm here for you. 197
MQ05DadBadKarma2 I'm in the real world now. I can be whoever I want, do whatever I want. Neutral 50 This place, this Wasteland... it's no more real than the Vault. You're still responsible for your actions. 198
Neutral 50 Those actions can come back to haunt you in ways you never expect. Please just keep that in mind. 199
Neutral 50 Whatever happens, know that I'll always love you. 200
Neutral 50 Well, enough of a lecture for now. Let's get back to work. 201
MQ05DadBadKarma3 Because you're such a saint yourself, right? Neutral 50 This isn't about me, or the choices I've made. We're talking about you. 202
Neutral 50 Whatever life you make for yourself out here, it's in your power to make it a good one. I just don't want to see you go down the wrong path. 203
Neutral 50 But maybe this isn't the best time to have this talk. Once we're done here, then we can work it out together. Let's just get through this. 204
MQ05DadBadKarma4 I'm just trying to survive out here. I do whatever I have to. Neutral 50 I know. We all do what we have to. 205
Neutral 50 But don't compromise who you are. It's in your power to be a good person, to do the right thing. Just please keep that in mind. 206
Neutral 50 We can talk more later. Let's get back to work. 207
MQ05DadCanWeTalk Can we just talk for a minute? Neutral 50 Of course, honey. What's on your mind? 208
Can we just talk for a minute? Neutral 50 Of course, son. What's on your mind? 209
I wanted to talk to you about some things. Neutral 50 What's on your mind? 210
MQ05DadCouldveToldMe You could have told me you were leaving. Neutral 50 Oh, be honest. Can you really say you wouldn't have tried to come with me if you knew? 211
Neutral 50 I told you, I wanted a different life for you. I had hoped the Overseer would seal the Vault, making it impossible for you to leave. 212
Neutral 50 It might mean you spent the rest of your life hating me, but... your well-being was worth that chance. 213
MQ05DadDeathWish Why would you put yourself at risk like this? You have some sort of death wish? Surprise 100 What? No. No, of course not! {surprised, defensive} 214
Neutral 50 I just... This is important work. Clean water can change the lives of so many people. It's worth the risk to help them. {slightly defensive, trying to explain} 215
MQ05DadForgetIt Just forget it. Let's get this over with. Neutral 50 I hope that you can understand why I've done the things that I've done. The last thing I want is to lose my daughter. 216
Just forget it. Let's get this over with. Neutral 50 I hope that you can understand why I've done the things that I've done. The last thing I want is to lose my son. 217
MQ05DadGoBack Can't we just go back to the Vault, back to the way things were? Neutral 50 Somehow I don't think the Overseer would agree to that. 218
Neutral 50 What's done is done. But if we succeed, if we can make Project Purity a reality, we can create a new life for ourselves out here. 219
MQ05DadGoodKarma1 Thanks, Dad. That means a lot. Neutral 50 I didn't want you to think I hadn't noticed. You've had to deal with so much... We all have. 220
Neutral 50 Once we're done here, you can tell me all about it. For now, let's get to work. 221
MQ05DadGoodKarma2 I'm just trying to find a place for myself out here. Neutral 50 Life out here is so different from the Vault. You know it's something I never wanted you to face. 222
Happy 20 I'm glad to see it hasn't changed who you are. There aren't many who can say that about themselves. 223
MQ05DadGoodKarma3 Well, you taught me everything I know. Neutral 50 As much as I'd like to, I can't take all the credit. You're the one making the choices. I'm glad to see they've been good ones. 224
Neutral 50 You make me very proud. 225
Neutral 50 Look at me, getting all sentimental. There's time for that when our work is done. 226
MQ05DadGoodKarma4 Despite what you put me through, I'm trying to make the best of it. Neutral 50 Someday I'll find a way to make it up to you. I promise. 227
Neutral 50 Let's finish our work so that we can do some good together. 228
MQ05DadHelpMe Helpling people? What about helping your own daughter? Neutral 50 I can understand that you're angry. You have a right to be. 229
Neutral 50 Perhaps the choice I made wasn't the right one. At the time, I thought I was doing what was best for you. 230
Helping people? What about helping your own son? Neutral 50 I can understand that you're angry. You have a right to be. 231
Neutral 50 Perhaps the choice I made wasn't the right one. At the time, I thought I was doing what was best for you. 232
MQ05DadHowLeaveMe How could you leave me like that? What the hell were you thinking? Neutral 50 I wanted you to be safe. I didn't want this for you a life out here in this godforsaken warzone. 233
Neutral 50 I couldn't tell you what I was doing because I didn't want you following me. 234
Neutral 50 A plan which clearly was not as successful as I imagined it would be. {joking} 235
MQ05DadJustDisappear So you just disappear without saying a word? Neutral 50 I had thought that after my escape, the Overseer would seal the vault. You'd have no choice to stay behind. 236
Happy 50 I suppose I underestimated how resourceful you are. 237
MQ05DadMegatonDestroyedReaction1 Oh, so now the father who walked out on me is going to give me a lecture? Neutral 50 What I did can't even compare to such a thing. 238
Sad 50 All those people... 239
Neutral 50 You're still my son, and I love you, but I can't begin to tell you how disappointed in you I am. 240
Neutral 50 We'll talk more about this when there's time. Right now we have work to do. 241
Oh, so now the father who walked out on me is going to give me a lecture? Neutral 50 What I did can't even compare to such a thing. 242
Sad 50 All those people... 243
Neutral 50 You're still my daughter, and I love you, but I can't begin to tell you how disappointed in you I am. 244
Neutral 50 We'll talk more about this when there's time. Right now we have work to do. 245
MQ05DadMegatonDestroyedReaction2 Nope. Nothing to do with me. <Lie.> Neutral 50 I didn't think so. You couldn't possibly do something like that. 246
Nope. Nothing to do with me. <Lie.> Neutral 50 Honestly, I have a hard time believing you. I raised you to be better than that... Better than the Wastes. 247
Neutral 50 We'll talk more about this later. There's too much work to be done now to let this get in the way. 248
Nope. Nothing to do with me. <Lie.> Neutral 50 I certainly hope not. It's not how I raised you. 249
MQ05DadMegatonDestroyedReaction3 What I do in the world is my business, not yours. Neutral 50 What you do in the world may be your business, but here, with me, you are MY son. 250
Neutral 50 I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am. That goes against everything I ever taught you. 251
Neutral 50 I want to talk more about this later. For now, let's just focus on our work. 252
MQ05DadMegatonDestroyedReaction4 Look, it's complicated. I'm not proud of it, but it needed to be done. Neutral 50 Something like that never needs to be done. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am in you. 253
Neutral 50 There's work to be done now, but I want to talk to you about this later. 254
MQ05DadMegatonSaved1 Yes, I disarmed the bomb. Neutral 50 I'm very proud of you, even though you put yourself in harm's way. 255
Neutral 50 Just please be careful out there. This is a dangerous world; far more dangerous than anyone in that Vault knows. 256
MQ05DadMegatonSaved2 Sure, I did it. But only because it paid well. Neutral 50 I see. You did a good thing, but I'm not sure I approve of your motives. 257
Neutral 50 Perhaps we can discuss it more later. We have a lot of work to do now. 258
MQ05DadMegatonSaved3 What do you care? Neutral 50 I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of you. That's all. 259
Neutral 50 Let's get back to work, then. 260
MQ05DadNevermind Never mind. Let's just get back to work. Neutral 50 All right. 261
MQ05DadPissed You know what? Fuck you, Dad. Sad 50 I'm sorry you feel that way. 262
MQ05DadRunsInTheFamily I guess it just runs in the family. Neutral 50 I suppose it does. {chuckling.} 263
Neutral 50 Look, I am sorry that I left you. I did what I thought was best for you. I don't know how else to say it. 264
MQ05DadStage25AgreeEnthused Sure thing. I'll be right back. Neutral 50 Be careful. 265
MQ05DadStage25AgreeReluctant I don't like this, but I'll do it. Neutral 50 Thank you. 266
MQ05DadStage25AllClear Everything in there is dead. Neutral 50 I'm proud of you. Now let's get in there. 267
MQ05DadStage25AllClearB Yeah, it's taken care of. Should be safe now. Neutral 50 Excellent. Let's get inside and get to work. {DAD_RECORD} 268
MQ05DadStage25HowCouldYou How could you ask me to do something like that? Neutral 50 I'm afraid I don't have many options. Please know that I would never put you in this position if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary. 269
Neutral 50 Will you do it? 270
MQ05DadStage25Kidding Are you kidding me? Neutral 50 I know, I know. Believe me, I'm not entirely comfortable with it either. 271
Neutral 50 There are sentry guns in there that may still have power. If you can turn them on, they can do at least some of the work for you. 272
MQ05DadStage25NotSafeYet It's not safe in there yet. Neutral 50 All right. We'll stay here, then. 273
Neutral 50 Do what you have to, but be careful. 274
MQ05DadStage25NotYetB I'm working on it, okay? Neutral 50 All right, all right. Do what you have to, but be careful. {DAD_RECORD} 275
MQ05DadStage25Refuse Sorry, but I'm not doing that. Neutral 50 Please reconsider. Until we can get inside and turn the computers on, we can't get any closer to finishing our project. 276
Neutral 50 I would hate to see all this effort go to waste. 277
MQ05DadStage25SureThing No problem. I'll make sure it's safe. Neutral 50 Thank you. We'll wait here until you give the all-clear. 278
MQ05DadTLBigDealAboutWater What's the big deal about water, anyway? Neutral 50 The Vault you grew up in had its own water purification system. Clean water was never a worry. Out here, things are different. {DAD_RECORD} 279
Neutral 50 Water out here is never clean, and almost always irradiated. It's barely able to sustain any kind of normal life. {DAD_RECORD} 280
Neutral 50 If we can change that, humanity has a real chance at rebuilding. Starting over. {DAD_RECORD} 281
MQ05DadTLHowDidMomDie How did mom really die? Neutral 50 I understand that you have reason to question a good many things I've told you over the years. {DAD_RECORD} 282
Sad 50 But your mother... I've never lied to you about what happened. Not once. {DAD_RECORD} 283
Neutral 50 She died giving birth to you. It was a difficult time... She was so eager to meet you, to make a place for you in the world. 284
Neutral 50 If nothing else, please believe that she loved you very much. {DAD_RECORD} 285
MQ05DadTLTravelChangedMind I changed my mind. I'm not going to go with you right now. Sad 50 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you'll consider meeting me in Rivet City. 286
I changed my mind. I'll go with you to Rivet City. Happy 50 That's good to hear. Let's not waste any time. 287
MQ05DadTLWhatHappenedToPPurity So what happened to Project Purity? Neutral 50 In the year before you were born, things became difficult. {DAD_RECORD} 288
Neutral 50 There had always been something of a "mutant problem" in the city, but it became worse. They attacked more frequently, and more aggressively. {DAD_RECORD} 289
Neutral 50 Support for the project eroded as time went on, when we couldn't produce any significant results. Progress came to a halt. And then you were born. {DAD_RECORD} 290
Neutral 50 Your mother and I had talked about what to do when that time came, but then I... We lost her, and I had to make a decision. I chose to leave. {DAD_RECORD} 291
Neutral 50 From what I understand, things happened quickly after that. It became too dangerous for the others to stay, and so the project was abandoned. {DAD_RECORD} 292
Neutral 50 Doctor Li and her team left for what became Rivet City, and Project Purity has sat waiting ever since. {DAD_RECORD} 293
MQ05DadTLWhatisProjectPurity What exactly is this "Project Purity"? Neutral 50 It started as an idea, really. Remember the Bible passage your mother loved so much? {DAD_RECORD} 294
Neutral 50 Free, clean water for everyone. What a difference it could make in the lives of everyone here in the Wastes. {DAD_RECORD} 295
Neutral 50 Over time, that idea took the form of a purifier. Not like the one in the Vault, though. {DAD_RECORD} 296
Neutral 50 This one was gigantic, capable of purifying millions of gallons of water at once. {DAD_RECORD} 297
Neutral 50 We used the old Jefferson Memorial for the location, right on DC's Tidal Basin. Someday soon, I hope you'll see it work. {DAD_RECORD} 298
MQ05DadThinkYouCanDoThis You really think you can do this? Make this thing work? Neutral 50 I wouldn't be here if I didn't. With what I've learned from Doctor Braun, I know it can work. 299
Neutral 50 That's why it's so important we find a G.E.C.K. as soon as possible. It's the key to Project Purity. 300
MQ05DadThrowAwayLife Why would you throw away the life we had? Neutral 50 You have to understand, the Vault wasn't for me. It was for you. To make sure my daughter grew up someplace safe, away from all this. 301
Neutral 50 I didn't want you to leave. I wanted you to stay there, to grow up and live your life in safety. 302
Why would you throw away the life we had? Neutral 50 You have to understand, the Vault wasn't for me. It was for you. To make sure my son grew up someplace safe, away from all this. 303
Neutral 50 I didn't want you to leave. I wanted you to stay there, to grow up and live your life in safety. 304
MQ05DadUnderstand I think I understand. I'm glad we talked. Neutral 50 So am I, my love. While this isn't what I had in mind, it's good to have you with me. 305
I think I understand. I'm glad we talked. Neutral 50 So am I, son. While this isn't what I had in mind, it's good to have you with me. 306
MQ05DadWhatDoing Just what are you trying to do here? Neutral 50 There's so much history here. So much time and energy spent on this place, because it could help so many people. 307
Neutral 50 And now, after all these years, there's a chance to finish it. To see it through to the end, and help all the people of the Capital Wasteland. 308
MQ05DadWhySoImportant Why is this so important? Neutral 50 You remember the Bible passage, about the waters of life? It's more than just a poster on a wall. 309
Neutral 50 Your mother and I, we lived by that ideal. Water, clean and free, for everyone in the Wasteland! 310
Neutral 50 Think about that for a moment. No more radiation sickness, no more mutated crops, no more struggling just to stay alive. Finally... hope. 311
Neutral 50 Isn't it worth taking a risk to give that hope to people? 312
MQ05FixPPBeBack Okay. I'll be back soon. Neutral 50 That's the spirit! 313
MQ05FixPPNoWayMan I said I'm not doing this, and I meant it. Neutral 50 All right, all right. I won't push. But please reconsider. {DAD_RECORD} 314
No way. I'm not doing this. Neutral 50 Honey, I know things are moving a bit quickly, and I'm sure you have some conflicting feelings about helping me after what's happened. 315
Neutral 50 If you need to take a moment, that's fine. I'll be waiting for you. 316
No way. I'm not doing this. Neutral 50 Son, I know things are moving a bit quickly, and I'm sure you have some conflicting feelings about helping me after what's happened. 317
Neutral 50 If you need to take a moment, that's fine. I'll be waiting for you. 318
MQ05FixPPWhatNext What should I be doing now? Neutral 50 You just need to power up the mainframe, and we can see what there is to see. 319
What should I be doing now? Neutral 50 You need to replace the fuses that shorted out in the flooding. Once they're in, the automatic doors will work and we can reach the mainframe. 320
You said something about fuses? Neutral 50 Right. The flooding shorted out some of the fuse boxes downstairs, including one that controls some of the automatic doors. 321
Neutral 50 Here, take these fuses. The box is back down in the sub-basement, near the eastern end of the level. 322
Neutral 50 Once the fuses are replaced, you'll be able to get to the mainframe. 323
What should I be doing now? Neutral 50 The flood control pumps, remember? Without those working, we can't restore power to the mainframe. 324
Neutral 50 I can use the intercom system to talk you through reaching them. 325
What do we need to do right now? Neutral 50 The Project was abandoned shortly after you were born. Things have deteriorated here since then, and there's been some flooding. 326
Neutral 50 I'll need you to get to the Flood Control Pumps and activate them so we can clear out the water and reach the mainframe. 327
MQ05FixPPWhatsGoal What's our goal here? Neutral 50 Eventually, I think we can get the whole facility up and running. But we'll need a G.E.C.K. for that. 328
Neutral 50 So we need to find a G.E.C.K. I'm hoping the Project's computer will have information on where we can locate one. 329
MQ05FixPPWhereDoIGo Okay. Where do I need to go? Neutral 50 The automatic doors sealed when the flooding occurred, so you'll have to use the access tunnels to reach the pumps. 330
MQ05FixPPWhyMe Why me? Can't someone else do it? Neutral 50 In a word? No. Everyone else has specific tasks to complete as the power comes back online. 331
Neutral 50 Don't worry. I'll guide you along the way as best I can using the intercom system. You'll do fine. 332
MQ05TravelPPComing All right. Let's get going. Happy 100 That's my boy! 333
Happy 50 It'll be good to work side-by-side with you, son. 334
All right. Let's get going. Happy 100 That's my girl! 335
Happy 50 It'll be good to work side-by-side with you, honey. 336
MQ05TravelPPDangerous Won't that be dangerous? Neutral 50 Probably. But we have to try, don't we? It's too important to the people of the Wasteland to let fear stop us now. 337
Neutral 50 We need to get moving right away. Are you coming with us? 338
MQ05TravelPPNotComing I'm not going with you. Neutral 50 Are you sure? I'm sure we could use your help. 339
Neutral 50 If you change your mind, you can always meet up with us along the way. If nothing else, come see me once we're set up. 340
MQ05TravelPPNow You have to go now? Can't this wait? Neutral 50 After twenty long years, I finally have a chance to make things right, to finish what I started so long ago. 341
Neutral 50 I owe this to Madison. I owe it to your mother. No, I can't wait another moment. Are you coming with us? 342
PLAYERDESTROYOBJECT PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 Was that really necessary? 343
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 I certainly didn't raise you to behave like that. 344
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 That was uncalled for. 345
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 Be more careful, will you? 346
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 What are you doing? That's dangerous! 347
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Stop that! Someone could get hurt. 348
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Watch where you point that. 349
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 That's not a toy, you know. 350
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Now's not really the time for that, is it? 351
PLAYERJUMP PLAYER JUMP Neutral 50 Getting some exercise, are we? 352
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 A bit clumsy today, are we? 354
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 Watch where you're going. 355
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 Be careful with that. 356
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 I trust you know what you're doing. 357
PLAYERSWINGMELEEWEAPON PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Anger 20 Would you stop screwing around? 358
PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Anger 20 Watch it, will you? 359
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Look out! 361
PLAYERZKEYOBJECT PLAYER Z KEY OBJECT Neutral 50 Do you know where that's been? 362
PLAYER Z KEY OBJECT Neutral 50 Is that really necessary? 363
Vault101DadHolotape Vault101DadHolotape Neutral 50 Well, here we are. Nestled all safe and snug inside Vault 101. It's so cold down here. Colder still with Catherine gone... 364
Neutral 50 Oh, Catherine.... I so wish you were here with me. How the hell am I supposed to do this by myself? Live down in this hole. Take care of our child... 365
Neutral 50 But this is our life now, so I guess I'd better get used to it. The Overseer who runs the place is an overbearing bully, but I've dealt with worse. 366


CG00DadSpeech CG00DadSpeech Neutral 100 Let's see... Are you a boy or a girl? {;excited, his son/daughter having just been born} 367
CG00DadSpeech Surprise 100 It's a girl? A girl! We've got a daughter, Catherine! A beautiful, healthy baby girl! 368
CG00DadSpeech Surprise 100 It's a boy? A boy! We've got a son, Catherine! A beautiful, healthy baby boy! 369
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You've got a bright future ahead of you, sweetie. I'm sure of it... {;more to himself, assuring himself that he's made the right decision bringing a child into the world} 370
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You've got a bright future ahead of you, son. I'm sure of it... {;more to himself, assuring himself that he's made the right decision bringing a child into the world} 371
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Look at you, look at you... Hi, there. I'm your daddy, little guy. Daddy. You're going to need a name, aren't you? {;softly, Dad's first words to his kid. The second "Daddy" is drawn out (Daaaa-ddy), as if trying to teach the child his first word already} 372
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Look at you, look at you... Hi, there. I'm your daddy, sweetheart. Daddy. You're going to need a name, aren't you? {;softly, Dad's first words to his kid. The second "Daddy" is drawn out (Daaaa-ddy), as if trying to teach the child her first word already} 373
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Your mother and I have been talking. What do you think about... {;smiling, talking to the baby who stares up at him blankly} 374
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 That's a good name. Don't you think? Fits you perfectly. {;} 375
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Looks like they've finished the gene projection. Let's see what you'll look like when you're all grown up. {;} 376
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You're going to look a lot like your dad. {;} 377
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 See that, Catherine? {; to his wife} 378
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 It's a big world out there, honey, full of all sorts of people. What about you? What kind of person are you going to be? {;musing, thinking about how his child might turn out in the world he's born into} 379
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 It's a big world out there, son, full of all sorts of people. What about you? What kind of person are you going to be? {;musing, thinking about how his child might turn out in the world he's born into} 380
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You're just... {;about to speak to the child, when heart monitors interrupt} 381
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 Catherine? Catherine! She's in cardiac arrest! Start compressions! Get the baby out of here! Move. Move! {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining (part of original line transferred to Doctor Li)} 382
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 One, one thousand. Two, one thousand.... Come on! {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining} 383
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 Hang on, Catherine! Hang on.... {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining} 384
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Thank you, Janice. 385
I have to go, Dad. Neutral 50 Be careful, sweetie. 386
I have to go, Dad. Neutral 50 Be careful, son. 387
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Are you all right, Madison? 388
HELLO Neutral 50 Janice, I have something for you. 389
HELLO Neutral 50 Janice, a moment please. 390
HELLO Neutral 50 Is everything all right? {DAD_RECORD} 391
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello, honey. 392
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello, son. 393
HELLO Happy 50 Father and son, side by side. This is the way it should be. 394
HELLO Sad 50 My God, can you believe the devastation out here? That's why our work is so important. 395
HELLO Neutral 50 I'm glad I've got you watching my back. I'm not quite sure I'm cut out for all this excitement. Not anymore. 396
HELLO Neutral 50 Come on, let's keep moving. 397
HELLO Neutral 50 Not much farther. We'll be at Rivet City before you know it. 398
HELLO Happy 50 What a sight we must be! If only your mother could see us now... 399
HELLO Neutral 50 Let me guess. The dog's coming with us, yes? 400
MQ05AutumnSpeech MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 Very well. Give me a few moments to bring the system online. {trying to remain calmDAD_RECORD} 401
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 Yes, Colonel. I'll do whatever you want; there's no need for more violence. {disgusted, shaken but trying to remain composed - just saw one of his co-workers executed in front of him} 402
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 Colonel, I assure you that this facility will not function. We have never been able to successfully replicate test results... {calm, even, casual} 403
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 Colonel... Is it Colonel? I'm sorry, but the facility is not operational. It never has been. I'm afraid you're wasting your time here. {calm, even trying to reason with Colonel and defuse the situation} 404
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 I'm sorry, but that's.... 405
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 Yes, I'm responsible for this project. 406
MQ05AutumnSpeech Neutral 50 That's quite impossible. This is a private project; the Enclave has no authority here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave at once. {calm but firm} 407
MQ05DadBroadcast MQ05DadBroadcast Neutral 50 ...The Enclave? What are they doing here... They're where? Madison, lock that door! {confused, distracted; then panicked} 408
MQ05DadDeathConv MQ05DadDeathConv Neutral 50 ...run... Run!... {dyingDAD_RECORD} 409
MQ05DadLiDeathScene MQ05DadLiDeathScene Neutral 50 Please. Just monitor the pumps. {calm, reassuring. Basically saying goodbye to someone he cares about.} 410
MQ05DadLiDeathScene Neutral 50 Madison, please. It's very important that you do this right now. Just step over to the panel while I access the computer in the control booth. {calm, reassuring, trying to get his point across to someone who's not listening} 411
MQ05DadLiDeathScene Neutral 50 I need you to monitor the output levels on pumps three and four. Please step over to the panel and keep an eye on them, will you? {calm, reassuring. speaking to someone who's bordering on hysterical, trying to get her to listen} 412
MQ05DadLiDeathScene Neutral 50 Madison, please. Now's not the time. I'll get the information the Colonel needs, but I need you to... {calm, reassuring} 413
MQ05DadLiStage10 MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 Thank you, Madison. It's good to be working with you again. 414
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 And you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't think this would really work. It's time, Madison. 415
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 That's why we're going to head over there right now and get things up and running as best we can. 416
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 I know, I was thinking about that. The lab at the facility had some old pre-war computers that we scavenged. One of them might be useful. 417
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 It's as important to me as ever, Madison. I know it's important to you too. Let's finish this together. 418
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 How could it not be worth improving the lives of everyone in the Wasteland? What could be a more worthy endeavor? {RE-RECORD} 419
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 Madison, I'm telling you this is real. I talked to Braun himself. He confirmed it. Don't you see? This is what we've been waiting for! 420
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 And with good news. I was right about Braun and the G.E.C.K. If we can find one, we can adapt it to work with the purifiers. 421
MQ05DadLiStage10 Happy 50 I told you it would work, Madison, and now I can prove it. 422
MQ05DadStalling MQ05DadStalling Neutral 50 Nearly finished... 423
MQ05DadStalling Neutral 50 Almost ready. I'm compiling the data now. 424
MQ05DadStalling Neutral 50 Just another minute, and I'll be done. 425
MQ05DadStalling Neutral 50 It'll only be a few more moments. 426
MQ05IntercomTalk1 MQ05IntercomTalk1 Neutral 50 Honey? Over here; the intercom. 427
MQ05IntercomTalk1 Neutral 50 Son? Over here; the intercom. 428
MQ05Talk02 MQ05Talk02 Neutral 50 It's fine, Madison. Everything is taken care of. There's no reason to be nervous. 429
MQ05Talk02 Neutral 50 We haven't forgotten anything. We're on top of the situation. Come on, we're professionals! 430
MQ05Talk02 Neutral 50 Make sure to stay in contact with Daniel and Alex. I'm waiting for a report from them. 431
MQ05Talk02 Neutral 50 When you have a moment, can you check the pressure on tanks 3 and 4? I'm concerned there may be a leak. 432


Assault Assault Anger 50 Aggh! Why are you doing this? {;being assaulted by child} 433
Assault Anger 50 What the hell has gotten into you? 434
Assault Anger 50 What are you doing? 435
Attack Attack Anger 50 Aggh! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 436
Attack Anger 50 Hunh! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 437
Attack Anger 50 Yaaaah! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 438
Attack Anger 100 Son, get your head down! 439
Attack Anger 100 Honey, get your head down! 440
Attack Anger 100 Get away from my daughter! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 441
Attack Anger 100 Get away from my son! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 442
Attack Anger 100 You see? This is why I took you to that Vault in the first place... {attacking with a pistol} 443
Attack Anger 100 This is lunacy! {attacking with a pistol} 444
Attack Anger 100 You think I'm going to let YOU stop me? After all I've been through? {attacking with a pistol} 445
Attack Anger 100 I'll kill you before I let anyone harm my child! {attacking with a pistol} 446
Attack Anger 100 First that crazy simulation, now this. Has the entire world taken leave of its senses? {attacking with a pistol} 447
Attack Anger 100 Traveling the Wasteland, shooting guns! By God, I'm getting too old for this sort of thing! {attacking with a pistol} 448
Attack Anger 100 Damnit, just leave us alone! {attacking with a pistol} 449
Attack Anger 100 Just like shooting that old BB Gun! You remember? {attacking with a pistol} 450
Attack Anger 100 Ahhhhh! {attacking with a pistol screaming in anger and frustration} 451
Attack Anger 100 Enough! Enough of this! {attacking with a pistol } 452
Attack Anger 50 Run! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 453
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step, son. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 454
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step, honey. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 455
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 456
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Careful! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 457
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch out! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 458
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch it! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 459
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch yourself! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 460
CombatIdleChatter CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Keep moving! Keep your head down! 461
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Move! Move! 462
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Take cover! 463
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Look for cover! 464
Death Death Pained 100 Hunh! {;dying gasp, sucking in air} 465
Death Pained 100 Huuuuuunnnnnhhh. {;dying gasp, sucking in air} 466
Death Pained 100 Aggghhhhh! {;dying violently} 467
FireExplosive FireExplosive Fear 100 Grenade! 468
FireExplosive Fear 100 Fire in the hole! 469
FireExplosive Fear 100 Incoming! 470
Flee Flee Fear 100 Honey, run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 471
Flee Fear 100 Run, son! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 472
Flee Fear 100 We can't handle this ourselves, son! Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 473
Flee Fear 100 We can't handle this ourselves! Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 474
Flee Fear 100 Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 475
Flee Fear 100 Get out of here! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 476
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 75 This is stupid! We shouldn't be in here, and you know it! {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 477
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Son, we should NOT be in here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 478
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Honey, we should NOT be in here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 479
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We should leave. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 480
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We should go. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 481
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Let's get out of here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 482
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We shouldn't be here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 483
Hit Hit Anger 50 Son, I brought you into this world. I think you know the rest. {;assaulted by child} 484
Hit Anger 50 Honey, I brought you into this world. I think you know the rest. {;assaulted by child} 485
Hit Anger 50 Aggh! What in God's name is wrong with you? {;assaulted by child} 486
Hit Anger 50 Stop screwing around! {;assaulted by child} 487
Hit Pained 100 Ugh! {;as if being hit} 488
Hit Pained 100 Aggh! {;as if being hit} 489
Hit Pained 100 Ooomf! {;as if being hit} 490
Hit Pained 100 Ooogh! {;as if being hit} 491
Murder Murder Surprise 100 You... you killed him. In cold blood.... {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 492
Murder Surprise 100 You... you killed her. In cold blood.... {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 493
Murder Surprise 100 What... how could you? {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 494
Murder Surprise 100 What have you done? {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 495
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 You did what you had to do, son. {;your child just killed someone, but not an innocent} 496
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 You did what you had to do, honey. {;your child just killed someone, but not an innocent} 497
Pickpocket Pickpocket Surprise 100 What in God's name has gotten into you? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 498
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Did you just try to... pick my pocket? My God, son.... {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 499
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Did you just try to... pick my pocket? My God.... {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 500
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Hey! What are you doing? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 501
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Is this how I raised you? To steal from me? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 502
PickpocketNoCrime PickpocketNoCrime Disgust 75 Honey. If you wanted it that badly, you could have just asked. {;your child has just picked a bad guy's pocket. You're not happy about it, but understand that it might have been necessary} 503
PickpocketNoCrime Disgust 75 Son. If you wanted it that badly, you could have just asked. {;your child has just picked a bad guy's pocket. You're not happy about it, but understand that it might have been necessary} 504
PowerAttack PowerAttack Anger 100 Yeeeaaagghh! {;winding up and swinging with a melee weapon, like a baseball bat} 505
PowerAttack Anger 100 Huuuurrrrgggghhhh! {;winding up and swinging with a melee weapon, like a baseball bat} 506
Steal Steal Anger 100 Stealing? What are you thinking? {;caught child stealing} 507
Steal Anger 100 Your mother would be ashamed of you. {;caught child stealing} 508


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 What's that? 509
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Is someone there? 510
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Where are you? 511
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 75 If that's the way it has to, then so be it. {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 512
StartCombat Anger 75 I WON'T let it end like this! {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 513
StartCombat Anger 75 If that's the way you want it.... {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 514
StartCombat Anger 75 I didn't want to have to do this.... {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 515


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This is madness... 516
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This isn't right. 517
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This is what we've come to. 518
TimeToGo TimeToGo Neutral 50 Come on, let's go. 519