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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 11 - Kansas City.
//Version 1.7
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// NOTE: STANDARD PHRASING FOR SUPER MUTANTS IS "Super Mutants," with a space and no hyphen.

General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

At ease Brother.\n\n

Scouts have followed one of the fleeing mutant groups to Kansas City. As we suspected, we have discovered another mutant base. But, an assault on this compound will have to wait, for our scouts have made quite a discovery.\n\n

One of our scouts stumbled upon the ghoul town of Gravestone. What little is known about the town suggests that it was a major nuclear launch site before the war. The peaceful ghoul population, which resides there, are suspected to be directly descended from the original silo staff.\n\n

They are seeking our help due to Super Mutant attacks. These attacks mean the Super Mutants are after something the ghouls have. This leads us to believe that "something" might be an intact nuclear bomb. I shudder to think what the Super Mutants would do with such a destructive device.\n\n

You will go to Gravestone and talk with the ghoul Bishop. Assure him that we will defend him and his town in exchange for the very bomb coveted by the Mutants. An attack is imminent and it will take some time to get enough squads to fully safeguard the town. Your squad must hold off the mutants until Smear and Shadow Squads arrive.
Protect the ghouls of Gravestone and don't let the Bishop die. His knowledge of the nuke will be all we have. We will send Repo Squad to collect the Nuke when the Bishop consents.\n\n

The Quarter-Master will supply you with some Rad-X and Rad-Away. We advise you to monitor your radiation levels at regular intervals.\n\n


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation 01: Mission was accomplished successfully. This is the first part of the debrief and is present in all situations.
// Tone/Mood: 1st proud, 2nd matter of fact, 3rd matter of fact/lecture

The initial Super Mutant offensive was crushed and Smear and Shadow Squads are now standing watch over Gravestone. The Bishop proved true to his word and has provided the nuclear bomb, which he kept calling "Plutonius," to the Brotherhood. The mutants' have experienced horrific losses lately and it will take some time for them to mount another attack of such magnitude.\n\n

The bomb is on its way with captured Beastlords and raiders hauling the radioactive nuke to an underground, lead shielded bunker - under armed supervision of course. Unfortunately, with both Rad-X and Rad-Away supplies used only for high priority missions, the prisoners will have to manage as best they can. \n\n

This is war, brother, and war is hell. But take heart - while they will die a delerious, vomiting death, they will do so to help restore civilization from the ashes. Not everyone in the Wasteland would be so lucky.


// Situation B01: Mission was accomplished successfully with few ghoul fatalities.
// Tone/Mood: Cheery/Proud

Only a handful of Gravestone's ghouls died during the Super-Mutant siege. The Bishop thinks his "pagan god" is responsible for this and will now freely give any documentation and knowledge about the nuclear device. This will save our scribes the time to research the bomb and allow them to continue on other high priority projects.\n\n

You are setting the standard for excellence, Brother.\n\n

You are dismissed.

// Situation B02: Mission was accomplished successfully but many of the ghouls
// were killed.
// Tone/Mood: Indifferent/Dissapointed

Many of Gravestone's ghouls now rest with their pagan god. While we weren't planning on getting any recruits from them, the bitter Bishop refused to give us any information or documentation on the bomb's properties. Our scribes should be able to uncover the device's secrets over time, but now, our other research projects will suffer.\n\n

Your inability to fully carry out your orders has been documented.\n\n


// Mini-map Information

M11_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point. The ghoul acolytes will allow you entry.

M11_MiniMap_02 = {
This is the ghoul cathedral. The Bishop resides here. Ghoul citizens have
gathered in the cathedral for protection.

M11_MiniMap_03 = {
This is the north entrance to the church wall. The town's ghouls are defending it.

M11_MiniMap_04 = {
This is the south entrance to the church wall. The town's ghouls are defending it.

M11_MiniMap_05 = {
This is the west entrance to the church wall. The town's ghouls are defending it.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M11_OBJ_01 = { Protect the ghoul Bishop. }
M11_OBJ_02 = { Defend the Cathedral. }
M11_OBJ_03 = { Eliminate the Super Mutant threat. }
M11_OBJ_04 = { Seek out and destroy the Super Mutant commanders encamped around the Cathedral. }

M11_FAILUREA_W = { Your lifeless corpse collapses to the ground as the Super Mutants break through the ghoul defenses. If only humanity had another chance...}
M11_FAILUREB_W = {You have allowed the ghoul Bishop to perish. Failure is unacceptable in the Brotherhood of Steel. Try again, warrior!}
M11_SUCCESSA_W = {The Bishop has consented. Repo Squad arrives and collects the nuke. Mission complete. Proceed to the exit grid. }
M11_SUCCESSB_W = { You have successfully eliminated all of the Super Mutant commanders. Return to the ghoul Bishop. }



// Name: Defcon.
// Role: Ghoul Bishop of Gravestone Cathedral.
// Background: Defcon is the second son of T-Minus. He is the spiritual leader
// of the ghouls of Gravestone. He is a particularly leathery ghoul, and like
// Harold, grows a little bonsai out the back of his head.
// As such, it is possible for Defcon to hand the Hammer over to a worthy cause.
// It is of little matter, for the Almighty will provide them with another one.
// There is a stockpile of nuclear weapons buried beneath Gravestone.

name_CORE_m11_Defcon = { Bishop Defcon }

//Ed, how about setting the trigger of first attack a couple of minutes after he talks to Defcon? This way the //player will have some time to look around.
// Situation A00: Before the mission is successful, Defcon will initiate the
// following speech as soon as he sees a member of the player's squad. He will
// introduce himself and explain that what he is willing to do. Ed, I'm making this guy a preacher type. He will have //three VO files for situation A. The player will decide if he wants to hear more by clicking Defcon again. If the //player listens to all three of his preaching files Defcon will give him some Rad-X. The "floating text" will //appear from time to time but it is unrelated to clicking on the Defcon character. Change into the next situation //will bring it to its normal one B file (dig?). I DIG, DADDY-O.
M11_Defcon_A00_W = {

Greetings. I am Defcon the second, son of T-minus, welcome to the holy land of Gravestone. Your Elder's want Plutonius, our idol of the supreme nuclear power. The mutants want Plutonius too, but they have no respect for our launch.

// Situation A01: If he has made his speech, and the mission is not yet
// complete, Defcon will use the following lines when the player attempts to
// reinitiate a conversation.
M11_Defcon_A01_W = {

As Bishop of Gravestone, I am the sworn caretaker of the sacred idol of Plutonius. You wish to remove our idol to within the confines of the Brotherhood, yes? If you are mighty enough to stop the Pagan-Mutant threat to my flock, you may take our divine patron of atomic fission. Can I have a Hallenneutron?!!


// Situation A02: This is Defcon's good-bye line for situation A, if the player
// persists in talking with him.
M11_Defcon_A02_W = {
Blessed are those who understand the Divine Release of Charged Atomic Particles. For those who do not shall be plagued with incapacitation and forceful vomiting.\n\n

'Welcome' to the radiant silos of Plutonius. Defend his irradiated flock of devoted gamma caretakers and be rewarded with an idol containing his heavenly fire.\n\n

Take these. For His power is harmful to mere humans.

// Situation A03: If he has made his speech, and the mission is not yet
// complete, Defcon will use the following lines when second part of the
// mission: 'Kill the remaining mutants' is initiated.
// This speech may be initiated by DefCon or it may be part of DefCon's speech
// if the player decides to speak with him after the mutants have retreated.
// He will then revert back to floating text (Sit A)
M11_Defcon_A03_W = {

(Shouting with religious fervor) And Plutonius said to Atom, "He who collides with another particle will, in turn, split the air asunder with shimmering power until his enemies are vanquished!!!"\n\n

By purging our lands of the decadent, you will prove yourself worthy of taking the sacred mortal form, of our god "Plutonius", and deliver the flesh of my mighty Lord to your "Bunker of the Holy Brotherhood!"\n\n

This is how He decrees His Will be done!


// Situation B00: After the mission is successful, and not many of the ghouls
// have died, if the Defcon has already spoken to the player, he will initiate
// conversation using the following lines. After B00, Defcon will switch to
// D00 when further addressed. Triggers Mission Complete
M11_Defcon_B00_W = {

Like a creature born of mass and energy, you have exploded onto the blasphemers' ranks, separating flesh and bone like so many unstable positrons from the decaying quantum!\n\n

I now entrust the flesh of my savior, the Lord of Internal Confinement Fission, the Sultan of Lattice Spaced Neutrinos, to you, "Avatar of Irradiated Steel."\n\n

May the "Ever Contaminating" watch over you and guide your hand.
// Check "this" you red haired pansy.
// Situation B01: After the mission is successful, and too many of the ghouls
// have died, if the Defcon has already spoken to the player, he will initiate
// conversation using the following lines. After B01, Defon will switch to
// E00 when further addressed. Triggers Mission Complete
M11_Defcon_B01_W = {
Woe be to the Holy Flock who suffers Unrighteous Wrath in spite of the Brotherly Shielding offered. And My Lord will tremble with terrible fury at the Untimely Death of his Children.\n\n

In spite of your inability to completely protect us, it is now His will to entrust you with His mortal shell containing His fiery, godly essence.\n\n

May the "Ever Contaminating" watch over you and guide your fumbling hand.

// Situation C00: After the mission is successful and not many of the ghouls
// have died, if Defcon has not already made his introduction, he will use
// the following lines instead. Both C00 and C01 are initiated automatically
// as soon as Defcon sees the player. After C00, Defcon will switch to
// to D00 when further addressed. Triggers Mission Complete
M11_Defcon_C00_W = {
Like a creature born of mass and energy you have exploded onto the blasphemers ranks, separating flesh and bone like so many unstable positrons from decaying quantum!\n\n

I now entrust the flesh of my savior, the Lord of Internal Confinement Fission, the Sultan of Lattice Spaced Neutrinos, to you, "Avatar of Irradiated Steel."\n\n

May the "Ever Contaminating" watch over you and guide your hand.

// Situation C01: After the mission is successul and too many the ghouls have
// died, if DefCon has not already made his introduction, he will use the
// the following lines instead. Both C00 and C01 are initiated automatically
// as soon as Defcon sees the player. After C01, Defcon will switch to E00
// when further addressed. Triggers Mission Complete
M11_Defcon_C01_W = {
Woe be to the Holy Flock who suffers Unrighteous Wrath in spite of the Brotherly Shielding offered. And My Lord will tremble with terrible fury at the Untimely Fate of his Children.\n\n

In spite of your inability to completely protect us, it is now His will to entrust you with His mortal shell containing His fiery, godly essence.\n\n

May the "Ever Contaminating" watch over you and guide your fumbling hand.

// Situation D00: This is Defcon's parting speech when he is pleased with the
// player's deeds. This is what he will say if the player decides to talk to
// him.
//Removed. This guy already says an earful.

// Situation E00: This is Defcon's parting speech when he is displeased with
// the player's deeds. This is what he will say if the player decides to talk
// to him.
//Removed. This guy already says an earful.

// Situation F: This is Defcon's random prayer fragments before the mission
// is completed.
M11_Defcon_F00 = { I will relieve myself in T-minus four minutes }
M11_Defcon_F01 = { Ours is the God of Nuclear Winter. }
M11_Defcon_F02 = { Up and At Them! ...oh... I mean, Up and Atom!}
M11_Defcon_F03 = { Let the countdown to battle begin. }
M11_Defcon_F04 = { Our worship will be rewarded by a long half-life.}
M11_Defcon_F05 = { We practice "Duck and Cover" religiously.}

// Situation G: This is Defcon's random prayer fragments after the mission is
// completed.
M11_Defcon_G00 = { It is the nucleus that binds us. }
M11_Defcon_G01 = { My ear just fell off... PRAISE PLUTONIUS!}
M11_Defcon_G02 = { You go, Ghoul-Friend!!}
M11_Defcon_G03 = { Up and At Them! ...oh... I mean, Up and Atom!}
M11_Defcon_G04 = { May Saints Fatman and Littleboy lend you their power.}
M11_Defcon_G05 = { The nuclear force is strong in you, my son! }



// Name: Juggoknot.
// Role: Super Mutant commander.
// Background: Juggoknot is a large, smelly muppet. He has a scarred face and
// a bad, angry attitude. He has risen through the ranks despite his lack of
// intelligence. He strongly dislikes being called stupid.
// 'Don't call me Stupid' Juggo doesn't have a big role in this mission. He is
// simply there to shout orders at the Super Mutants.

// Situation A00: If 'Don't call me Stupid' Juggo sees the player, he will
// shout out one or two random lines.
M11_Juggo_A00 = { Hoo dis fools? Bash dem! Smash dem gud! NOW! }
M11_Juggo_A01 = { Hoo you? Kill dem! You die now. NOW! }

// Situation B: If 'Don't call me Stupid' Juggo hasn't seen the player, he
// will be happily shouting out orders to his mutants.
M11_Juggo_Z00 = { Move! Wave Two, Move! }
M11_Juggo_Z01 = { Dis Squad. Yeah you! Get over dere now! }
M11_Juggo_Z02 = { Move here now! }
M11_Juggo_Z03 = { Bring rear to here now! }
M11_Juggo_Z04 = { Get over dere! }
M11_Juggo_Z05 = { Get squad dere. Yeah, you! Go! }

// Situation B: If 'Don't call me Stupid' Juggo is dying, he calls out one of
// the following random lines.
M11_Juggo_B00 = { NO! How we stop shiny monsters without "Big Boom?" Juggo no wanted to fail... }


Ghoul acolytes[]


// Ghoul Acolytes:
// The ghouls acolytes are mostly within the cathedral. They flock together
// and murmur their prayers.
// The acolytes do not have dialogue - they will ignore the player's attempts
// at conversation. They are NOT included in the death count for the ghouls.
// Only the ghoul defenders are counted. How about some murmuring floating text then? otherwise the screen
// will seem a little dead to me.

// Situation A00: The first time the player goes near one of the ghouls, if
// there is a ghoul in the squad, they will be amazed and decide that they too
// should be involved in the battle.
// The ghoul's voice should be raspy and the line should be whispered at first,
// then clearer and louder towards the end. Trigger weapons appearing in their hand so they can be armed and have a chance. Plus it looks good for effect ! Note2: Can we have a prophecy on paper or stone slab somewhere where the player can find it. It would justify this situation. I wrote something that we can use below.
M11_Acolyte_A00_W = {
What is this? Our brethren have joined the Brotherhood?\n\n

Us Acolytes are forbidden to take up arms until the prophecy is fulfilled. We were taught that Acolyte Ghouls are "Beings of Light" and that we will turn to smoking ash if we raised our hands in anger! That is why we only watch.\n\n

But my brothers here are warriors who come from afar! I see it before my own three eyes! This means the prophecy is complete! We won't turn to ash! We can help defend our beliefs!\n\n


WE ...WILL... ACT!!!
// Situation Z00: If there is no ghoul in the squad.
// The ghoul's voice should be raspy and the line should be whispered at first,
// then clearer and louder towards the end.
M11_Acolyte_Z00_W = {
Thank the Positively Charged Particles of Plutonius! It must have been his Electron Sharing Intervention.\n\n

I must divulge a secret to you about the Ghoul race! You must understand that Acolytes, like us, can only join the battle when the prophecy is fulfilled. You must be our defense and aid my brothers!\n\n

The rest of us can only watch and pray.
// Situation B: After each acolyte decides to fight (and they all decide to
// do so at the same time,) they shall immediately say one of the following
// random cries of courage. They may also random say these lines after the
// fact, during the battle.
M11_Acolyte_B00 = { Let's show them what ghouls can do! }
M11_Acolyte_B01 = { Let's kill the Super Mutant freaks! }
M11_Acolyte_B02 = { Fight! }
M11_Acolyte_B03 = { Yeah! Fuck those Super Mutants. }
M11_Acolyte_B04 = { Plutonius shall guide our hand right up their blasphemous asses! }
M11_Acolyte_B05 = { We'll strike with the speed of released energy! }

// Situation C: This is what the acolytes would normally say if they were not
// inspired by the player.
M11_Acolyte_C00 = { We will do what we can to help you... with prayer. }
M11_Acolyte_C01 = { I will now pray and say 20 "Duck and Covers." }
M11_Acolyte_C02 = { I wish I could fight by your side! }
M11_Acolyte_C03 = { "3, 2, 1, launch!" said the lord! }
M11_Acolyte_C04 = { Fear not, my scarred companions. Believe in Plutonius! }




// Prophecy
// Ed, look at this and put in on a disk or tablet. DL
M11_Holodisc = {On the sixtieth day of vomiting, St. Harold commanded that those followers closest to Plutonius shall not engage the heathens of the land. For those so close to achieving an understanding of the fire "One Cannot See" must remain pure of energy absorbing poisons.

Prayer will replace clenched fists, with Heavenly Belief as your shield.

Until the "Great Hydro-Mechanical Reckoning," you will abide by this. Until your pagan brothers return to their home ready for the Final Battle.

So it is written. So shall it be done.

St. Harold of the Leafy Scalp }



Ghoul defenders[]


// Ghoul Defenders:
// These are the ghoul citizens who are defending the town. They are group by
// location. Each dead ghoul defender adds to the count against the player's
// success.

// Situation A: This is what all the ghouls say if the player attempts to talk
// to them. They don't really have much to say to the Brotherhood of Steel.
M11_Ghoul_A00 = { Do you like Ur-235 or Ur-238 better?}
M11_Ghoul_A01 = { I had a rash, so I sprinkled some hafnium in my pants! }
M11_Ghoul_A02 = { Do you worship Plutonius? }
M11_Ghoul_A03 = { We must disrupt the mutants' molecular bonds! }
M11_Ghoul_A04 = { We will fight to the death!}
M11_Ghoul_A05 = { Even my poop glows! }

// Situation B: This is what the ghouls may say in-between battles. They will
// say this even after the mission is successful because as far as they are
// concerned, the threat isn't over yet. In fact, the player has only met the
// first waves of the mutant army.
M11_Ghoul_B00 = { Keep your eyes open. }
M11_Ghoul_B01 = { See any sign of them? }
M11_Ghoul_B02 = { Check your weapons! }
M11_Ghoul_B03 = { I need some more ammo. }
M11_Ghoul_B04 = { Did you hear something? }
M11_Ghoul_B05 = { Cover positions, everyone. }

M11_Ghoul_B06 = { May the Gamma Mother watch over us. }
M11_Ghoul_B07 = { May we absorb more Holy REMs }
M11_Ghoul_B08 = { May the Bishop's prayers be heard. }
M11_Ghoul_B09 = { May our neutrons never lose speed!}
M11_Ghoul_B10 = { May the Brotherhood be true to its word. }
M11_Ghoul_B11 = { Plutonius watches over us. }

M11_Ghoul_B12 = { I must have faith in my half-life! }
M11_Ghoul_B13 = { I scrammed my pants on the last fight! }
M11_Ghoul_B14 = { Any see Harold lately? }
M11_Ghoul_B15 = { We cut through their defenses like angry positrons! }
M11_Ghoul_B16 = { My soul is prepared! }
M11_Ghoul_B17 = { Why can't we live in peace? }

// Situation C: This is what the ghouls may say if they see the Super Mutants.
// Each ghoul will say one of the random lines below. Not all may speak as it
// would require a separate trigger for each ghoul with a reset timer so they
// don't keep firing the same random lines over after the other.
// These lines can be useful as the ghouls may have sharper eyesight than the
// player's squad. Also the player's squad will not likely start firing away
// until the Super Mutants are within range - these shouts can serve as an
// early warning system.
M11_Ghoul_C00 = { There's one! }
M11_Ghoul_C01 = { Over there! }
M11_Ghoul_C02 = { Over there!! He's a big one! }
M11_Ghoul_C03 = { Uranius! They're here! }
M11_Ghoul_C04 = { Quick, I need help. }
M11_Ghoul_C05 = { Send backup! }

Ghoul runners[]


// Ghoul Runners:
// These are special ghouls that report the status of the ghoul defense. They
// may be running around or they may be stationary. Their job is to act as a
// cheap information relay between the three entrances.

// Situation A: This is what the runners at the south and west gates may say if
// a ghoul at the north gate is killed.
M11_Runner_A00 = { Ghoul down at north gate, by Gieger! }
M11_Runner_A01 = { Protons! We're taking casualties at north gate. }
M11_Runner_A02 = { Dashing dosimeter! We just lost another at north gate. }
M11_Runner_A03 = { The north gate is taking casualties! }
M11_Runner_A04 = { Holy Hafnium! North gate just lost a ghoul. }
M11_Runner_A05 = { Enemy took one at north gate. }

// Situation B: This is what the runners at the north and west gates may say if
// a ghoul at the south gate is killed.
M11_Runner_B00 = { Curse my covalent bonds! Ghoul down at south gate! }
M11_Runner_B01 = { We're taking casualties at south gate. }
M11_Runner_B02 = { Fuck my polar bonds! We just lost another at south gate. }
M11_Runner_B03 = { We've lost one at the south gate. }
M11_Runner_B04 = { South gate just lost a ghoul. }
M11_Runner_B05 = { Enemy took one at south gate. }

// Situation C: This is what the runners at the north and south gates may say
// if a ghoul at the west gate is killed.
M11_Runner_C00 = { Ghoul down at west gate! }
M11_Runner_C01 = { By Hafnium! We're taking casualties at west gate! }
M11_Runner_C02 = { West gate! Ghoul down! Ghoul down! }
M11_Runner_C03 = { Blast my protons to hell! We're losing ghouls at the west gate! }
M11_Runner_C04 = { West gate just lost a ghoul! }
M11_Runner_C05 = { Enemy took one at west gate! }

// Situation D: This is what the runners say when Super Mutants are spotted at
// the north gate.
M11_Runner_D00 = { Alert! Super Mutants spotted at north gate! }
M11_Runner_D01 = { Enemy sighted at north gate! }
M11_Runner_D02 = { Incoming! North gate! }
M11_Runner_D03 = { Alarm! North gate alarm! }
M11_Runner_D04 = { Enemy approaching north gate! }
M11_Runner_D05 = { Taking fire at north gate! }

// Situation E: This is what the runners say when Super Mutants are spotted at
// the south gate.
M11_Runner_E00 = { Alert! Super Mutants spotted at south gate! }
M11_Runner_E01 = { Enemy sighted at south gate! }
M11_Runner_E02 = { Incoming! South gate! }
M11_Runner_E03 = { Alarm! South gate alarm! }
M11_Runner_E04 = { Enemy approaching south gate! }
M11_Runner_E05 = { Taking fire at south gate! }

// Situation F: This is what the runners say when Super Mutants are spotted at
// the west gate.
M11_Runner_F00 = { Alert! Super Mutants spotted at west gate! }
M11_Runner_F01 = { Enemy sighted at west gate! }
M11_Runner_F02 = { Incoming! West Gate! }
M11_Runner_F03 = { Alarm! West gate alarm! }
M11_Runner_F04 = { Enemy approaching west gate! }
M11_Runner_F05 = { Taking fire at west gate!! }

// Situation G: When enough Super Mutant waves have been destroyed, the mission
// will shift into a search and destroy phase. The remaining runners will let
// the player know this by shouting for joy.
// The option remains as to whether this speech is triggered all at once for
// all the runners or only to the runners of a particular gate.
M11_Runner_G00 = { They're turning tail! We stopped them! }
M11_Runner_G01 = { Enemies are disengaging! Plutonius led us to victory! }
M11_Runner_G02 = { Run pagans! Run from the might of Plutonius! }
M11_Runner_G03 = { Hey! They're retreating! }
M11_Runner_G04 = { Our internal guidance systems helped us to win. }
M11_Runner_G05 = { Hail Plutonius! We have prevailed! }

Super mutants[]


// Super Mutants:
// These are divided into various situations in which the Super Mutants may be
// encountered. All of these are floating-text only.

// Situation A: Super Mutants in general. These are the random lines before
// they see the player.
M11_SuperMutant_A00 = { Get in ranks boys! }
M11_SuperMutant_A01 = { Get ready boys!}
M11_SuperMutant_A02 = { Let's march! }
M11_SuperMutant_A03 = { Forward face. March! }

M11_SuperMutant_A04 = { Go go go go! }
M11_SuperMutant_A05 = { This is what we were made for! }
M11_SuperMutant_A06 = { Grown to kill, baby! }
M11_SuperMutant_A07 = { I was made for this! }

M11_SuperMutant_A08 = { We get bomb! }
M11_SuperMutant_A09 = { We go bash ghoulies! }
M11_SuperMutant_A10 = { Ghoulies gonna be hurt gud. }
M11_SuperMutant_A11 = { Naughty ghoulies. }

M11_SuperMutant_A12 = { How much longer? }
M11_SuperMutant_A13 = { Grrrrr! }
M11_SuperMutant_A14 = { Lets go bash! }
M11_SuperMutant_A15 = { We crush dem gud. }

M11_SuperMutant_A16 = { We go smack dem. }
M11_SuperMutant_A17 = { Smackin' time! }
M11_SuperMutant_A18 = { Hur hur. }
M11_SuperMutant_A19 = { Bruisin' time! }

M11_SuperMutant_A20 = { Me clean gun! }
M11_SuperMutant_A21 = { What's dat smell? }
M11_SuperMutant_A22 = { I smell humies. }
M11_SuperMutant_A23 = { Humies nearby. }

//Need you to add the following. Put them at the end of the doc if you like.

name_CORE_m11_Acolyte = { Acolyte }
name_CORE_m11_Commander = { Commander }
