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Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Would that I was so wise! No, true leadership of the tribe belongs to the higher mind of the enlightened one! Although his mind has moved beyond the need for flesh, his consciousness still returns here to guide our people. I merely interpret his wishes.Jackson

Hearing Voices is a Fallout 3 quest that is added to the game with the Point Lookout add-on.

Quick walkthrough

Main Quest: Hearing Voices 
Speak with Nadine in the Ark & Dove cathedral and get the key to unlock Jackson's sacred praying grounds. 
Return to Desmond and tell him the news. 
Travel to the Wrecked Seatub
Make your way to the final room. Let Jackson and the Brain finish, then speak with the Brain. 
Report back to Desmond in the Calvert Mansion with the information you obtained from Jackson and the Brain while in the cave. 
Reward: 300XP 
Leads to: Thought Control 

Detailed walkthrough

Return to Desmond

After speaking with Nadine in the Ark & Dove cathedral and getting the key to unlock Jackson's sacred praying grounds beneath the Wrecked Seatub, return to Desmond and tell him the news. Of course, Desmond chastises you for not interrogating the Tribal's leader first. Make your way to the Wrecked Seatub and enter the caverns that hold the leader of the tribals as well as his means of communication with Calvert.

Finding Jackson

The path to finding Jackson is easy enough, follow the torches to his inner sanctum. Although there are mirelurks in the caves, you can sneak your way through without fighting them. There are two well stocked and submerged safes, one in the first room to the left of the boat, the other in a long narrow pool to the left of the walkway further into the cave. Beyond this there is a deep pool with an underwater passage to another small room with 20-30 pre-War money scattered about and in a level based locked trunk.

Upon entering the final room, you find Jackson kneeling before a table speaking to what appears to be a holographic talking brain. Let Jackson and the Brain finish, then speak with the Brain. It does not reveal who it might be straight away but explains that it is using the local tribal cult as means to destroy a signal jamming device that Desmond is using to restrict the Brain's broadcasting signal. The Brain is rather disappointed that the tribals take its instructions to mean destroying the mansion itself instead of the jamming device.

Shooting Jackson in the back while he's still conversing with the Brain causes it to react with surprise, then with satisfaction at your to-the-point method of doing things.

In any event, the Brain will tell you to locate Desmond's jamming device, and find a way to destroy it, so the Brain can expand the range of its psychic influence beyond the sea cave. This starts the Thought Control quest.

Return to Desmond Again

Report back to Desmond in the Calvert Mansion with the information you obtained from Jackson and the Brain while in the cave.


Quest stages

10 Find the location of the Tribal leader.
30 Return to Desmond with the information.
50 Find more information from the tribe's leader.
150Quest finishedLearn more about the Brain.


It is possible to skip the first conversation with Desmond (i.e., proceed directly from the cathedral to the Wrecked Seatub/Sea Cave) and still complete this quest.
