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Fallout Wiki

--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	AcceptYield	FormID 0007F5DC	0	GenericCus_AcceptYield_0007F5DC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_AcceptYield_0007F5DC_1.mp3	File Not Found		AcceptYield	--	Fine. But I'm warning you. Don't try that again.	Disgust 50	condescending and gruff	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Assault	FormID 0007F5F9	0	GenericCus_Assault_0007F5F9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Assault_0007F5F9_1.mp3	File Not Found		Assault	--	We've got an assault in progress!	Anger 50	angry and threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Assault	FormID 0007F5FA	0	GenericCus_Assault_0007F5FA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Assault_0007F5FA_1.mp3	File Not Found		Assault	--	I'll put you down in a heartbeat.	Anger 50	angry and threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F630	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F630_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F630_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	I never should've let you on this damn boat!	Anger 50	angry security chief shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F631	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F631_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F631_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Everyone's so goddamn trigger happy these days.	Anger 50	angry he has to start shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F634	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F634_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F634_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	You've left me no choice.	Anger 50	angry he has to start shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F635	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F635_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F635_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Damnit!	Anger 50	angry security chief shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F636	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F636_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F636_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Security! Need some help over here!	Anger 50	angry security chief shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F637	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F637_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F637_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Stand down!	Anger 50	angry security chief shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F638	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F638_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F638_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Do you WANT to die?!	Anger 50	incredulous and angry he has to start shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F639	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F639_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F639_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Stupid!	Anger 50	angry he has to start shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Attack	FormID 0007F63A	0	GenericCus_Attack_0007F63A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Attack_0007F63A_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Goddamn moron!	Anger 50	angry he has to start shooting at a trouble maker	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	AvoidThreat	FormID 0007F5CA	0	GenericCus_AvoidThreat_0007F5CA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_AvoidThreat_0007F5CA_1.mp3	File Not Found		AvoidThreat	--	Damn! Look out!	Anger 50	calling out a warning that something's going to explode	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	AvoidThreat	FormID 0007F5CB	0	GenericCus_AvoidThreat_0007F5CB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_AvoidThreat_0007F5CB_1.mp3	File Not Found		AvoidThreat	--	Watch out!	Anger 50	calling out a warning that something's going to explode	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	DeathResponse	FormID 0007F653	0	GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F653_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F653_1.mp3	File Not Found		DeathResponse	--	Damnit. I'm just trying to keep the peace.	Anger 50	angry that someone died	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	DeathResponse	FormID 0007F654	0	GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F654_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F654_1.mp3	File Not Found		DeathResponse	--	Goddamnit. Everyone stand the hell down! Let's solve this peacefully.	Anger 100	angry that someone died	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	DeathResponse	FormID 0007F655	0	GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F655_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F655_1.mp3	File Not Found		DeathResponse	--	Dead. Great.	Anger 50	angry that someone died	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	DeathResponse	FormID 0007F656	0	GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F656_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F656_1.mp3	File Not Found		DeathResponse	--	Now I'm pissed.	Anger 50	angry that someone died	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	DeathResponse	FormID 0007F657	0	GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F657_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_DeathResponse_0007F657_1.mp3	File Not Found		DeathResponse	--	Argh!	Anger 50	angry that someone died	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Flee	FormID 0007F609	0	GenericCus_Flee_0007F609_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Flee_0007F609_1.mp3	File Not Found		Flee	--	Can I get a little assistance?!	Fear 50	retreating and calling for help	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Flee	FormID 0007F60A	0	GenericCus_Flee_0007F60A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Flee_0007F60A_1.mp3	File Not Found		Flee	--	Need some help here!	Fear 50	retreating and calling for help	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherDisappeared	FormID 0005FB6E	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherDis_0005FB6E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherDis_0005FB6E_1.mp3	File Not Found		He's disappeared, and I'm just trying to find him. That's all.	--	All right, all right. You can go on in. If I hear about any trouble, you're gonna wind up in the river. You get me?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherSeeLi	FormID 00046963	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_1.mp3	File Not Found		He doesn't live here. He came here to see Doctor Li.	--	Doctor Li, eh? 	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherSeeLi	FormID 00046963	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_2.mp3	File Not Found		He doesn't live here. He came here to see Doctor Li.	--	Well then I guess you'd have to ask Doctor Li for more information.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherSeeLi	FormID 00046963	2	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherSee_00046963_3.mp3	File Not Found		He doesn't live here. He came here to see Doctor Li.	--	Go on up, then. She's probably in the Science Lab. But keep your nose clean, you hear me?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherVault	FormID 00046BAB	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherVau_00046BAB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherVau_00046BAB_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm sure you don't know him. He's lived in a Vault his whole life.	--	Oh yeah? And I'm a fairy princess.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherVault	FormID 00046BAB	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherVau_00046BAB_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherVau_00046BAB_2.mp3	File Not Found		I'm sure you don't know him. He's lived in a Vault his whole life.	--	You keep up this smart-ass attitude, and you're gonna wind up floating face-down in the river.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherWhyMatter	FormID 00046BA8	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherWhy_00046BA8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherWhy_00046BA8_1.mp3	File Not Found		Why does it matter who he is? Just let me pass.	--	It matters because I don't let just anybody wander around on this boat. I'm responsible for these people.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessFatherWhyMatter	FormID 00046BA8	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherWhy_00046BA8_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessFatherWhy_00046BA8_2.mp3	File Not Found		Why does it matter who he is? Just let me pass.	--	So either you tell me what I want to know, or you don't get on. It's pretty damned simple.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetFather	FormID 00046960	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetFath_00046960_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetFath_00046960_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm looking for my father.	--	And who might your father be? If he lives on this boat, I know him.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetLeave	FormID 0004695E	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLeav_0004695E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLeav_0004695E_1.mp3	File Not Found		Forget it. I'm out of here.	--	Thanks for visiting Rivet City. Don't feel compelled to stop by again anytime soon.	Neutral 50	annoyed, sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetLi	FormID 0004695F	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLi_0004695F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLi_0004695F_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm looking for a Doctor Li.	--	Yeah? Let me guess -- no, she's not expecting you, but it's really important and you need to see her right away.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetLi	FormID 0004695F	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLi_0004695F_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetLi_0004695F_2.mp3	File Not Found		I'm looking for a Doctor Li.	--	Been a lot of that going around lately, and I've had just about enough of it. So you're going to have to do better than that.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetSnotty	FormID 00046964	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetSnot_00046964_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetSnot_00046964_1.mp3	File Not Found		I don't answer to you, pal.	--	On this boat, you sure as hell do. You don't get on without my say-so.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetSnotty	FormID 00046964	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetSnot_00046964_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetSnot_00046964_2.mp3	File Not Found		I don't answer to you, pal.	--	So I'll ask you again: what are you doing here?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetWander	FormID 00046962	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_1.mp3	File Not Found		Oh, I'm just wandering around.	--	Is that so?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetWander	FormID 00046962	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_2.mp3	File Not Found		Oh, I'm just wandering around.	--	All right, you're free to roam around, so long as you don't do anything stupid like try to slit my throat when I'm sleeping.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessGreetWander	FormID 00046962	2	MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessGreetWand_00046962_3.mp3	File Not Found		Oh, I'm just wandering around.	--	You wouldn't try anything stupid like that, now would you?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiCHA	FormID 00046BAC	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiCHA_00046BAC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiCHA_00046BAC_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hey, it's no big deal. I just need to see her for a minute, and I'll be gone.	--	Fine. Just don't bother her. She's real busy, what with all her work.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiCHA	FormID 00046BAC	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiCHA_00046BAC_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiCHA_00046BAC_2.mp3	File Not Found		Hey, it's no big deal. I just need to see her for a minute, and I'll be gone.	--	She's up in the Science Lab.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiFather	FormID 00046BA6	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_1.mp3	File Not Found		My father came to see her. I'm trying to find him.	--	Hmm. Older guy, in his fifties or so?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiFather	FormID 00046BA6	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_2.mp3	File Not Found		My father came to see her. I'm trying to find him.	--	I remember him. He left already, but Doctor Li might know more.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiFather	FormID 00046BA6	2	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiFather_00046BA6_3.mp3	File Not Found		My father came to see her. I'm trying to find him.	--	All right, you can go on up. She'll be in the Science Lab. Just don't cause any trouble, or else you're going to answer to me.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiINT	FormID 00046BA7	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_1.mp3	File Not Found		I have some questions about her recent work in hydroponics.	--	Err, what? I don't know much about her work.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiINT	FormID 00046BA7	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_2.mp3	File Not Found		I have some questions about her recent work in hydroponics.	--	You'll have to ask her about that, I guess. She's probably in the Science Lab.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiINT	FormID 00046BA7	2	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiINT_00046BA7_3.mp3	File Not Found		I have some questions about her recent work in hydroponics.	--	Just keep out of trouble on my boat.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiPersonal	FormID 00046BA9	0	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_1.mp3	File Not Found		It's personal, okay? I swear I won't cause any trouble.	--	Yeah, yeah. Fine. But I've got my eye on you. You hear me?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiPersonal	FormID 00046BA9	1	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_2.mp3	File Not Found		It's personal, okay? I swear I won't cause any trouble.	--	You step out of line while you're on my boat, and you and me are going to have words.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	MQ03HarknessLiPersonal	FormID 00046BA9	2	MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_MQ03HarknessLiPersona_00046BA9_3.mp3	File Not Found		It's personal, okay? I swear I won't cause any trouble.	--	Now get out of here. The Doctor's up in her lab.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS03	Topic	MS03HarknessGreetRCHistory	FormID 00066C8D	0	MS03_MS03HarknessGreetRCHi_00066C8D_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS03_MS03HarknessGreetRCHi_00066C8D_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm here to do research on the city's history.	--	Research, huh?	Surprise 10	Suspicious	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS03	Topic	MS03HarknessGreetRCHistory	FormID 00066C8D	1	MS03_MS03HarknessGreetRCHi_00066C8D_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS03_MS03HarknessGreetRCHi_00066C8D_2.mp3	File Not Found		I'm here to do research on the city's history.	--	I can't help you there, but you're free to ask around inside. Just don't start any trouble.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08AndroidDeadHarkness	FormID 000C81D4	0	MS08Fin_MS08AndroidDeadHar_000C81D4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08AndroidDeadHar_000C81D4_1.mp3	File Not Found		Zimmer thought you were an android. Don't worry, I set him straight.	--	I knew there was something about that guy I hated. An android? Good lord... Anyway, thanks for talking to him for me. I... I appreciate that.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationA	FormID 00063BD7	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BD7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BD7_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationA	--	Zimmer. I hear you're looking for an android.	Anger 50	confrontational	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationA	FormID 00063BD9	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BD9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BD9_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationA	--	I see. This android of yours is little more than a piece of property. A thing? A thing that belongs to you?	Anger 60	confrontational	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationA	FormID 00063BDB	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BDB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BDB_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationA	--	Yeah, Zimmer. I found your damn android. He's standing right in front of you, but he's not going anywhere.	Anger 75	resolute and confrontational (he's talking about himself and how he's not going to leave, instead he's going to fight)	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationA	FormID 00063BDD	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BDD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationA_00063BDD_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationA	--	Not as sorry as you'll be in a moment. Goodbye Mister Zimmer, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Rivet City.	Anger 100	resolute and confrontational and about to start shooting	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationB	FormID 00063BDF	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BDF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BDF_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationB	--	What the hell are you talking about, Zimmer? I swear! I've got enough crackpots on this damn boat!	Anger 50	hot headed and annoyed	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationB	FormID 00063BE0	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE0_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationB	--	I got sold out, eh? Don't think I don't know what's going on Zimmer. I won't let you get away with anything. What the hell are you up to?!	Anger 60	he knows something bad is about to happen and he's upset about it	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationB	FormID 00063BE2	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE2_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationB	--	I'm going nowhere. I want you off this boat. Immediately! I'm done suffering your nonsense. You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?	Anger 75	hot headed and annoyed	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationB	FormID 00063BE4	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE4_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationB	--	Zimmer. That's it. You leave me no choice but to use force!	Anger 100	hot headed and annoyed	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Conversation	MS08ConfrontationB	FormID 00063BE6	0	MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08ConfrontationB_00063BE6_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08ConfrontationB	--	What?	Surprise 100	confused and falling unconscious	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessNowWhat	FormID 000C83E1	0	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessNow_000C83E1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessNow_000C83E1_1.mp3	File Not Found		Well... now that you know the truth. What are you going to do?	--	I have two sets of memories... one android, one human... some of these are mine, some belong to someone else.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessNowWhat	FormID 000C83E1	1	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessNow_000C83E1_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessNow_000C83E1_2.mp3	File Not Found		Well... now that you know the truth. What are you going to do?	--	But I'm choosing to be human. It's my choice. The people on this boat look to me to protect them. So that's what I'm going to do.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessWhatCallYou	FormID 000C83E3	0	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWha_000C83E3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWha_000C83E3_1.mp3	File Not Found		So what do I call you, now? Harkness or A3-21?	--	Well... I'm not really sure... look, just call me Harkness. That's who I am to the people on this boat who rely on me. It's who I am now... 	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessWhatCallYou	FormID 000C83E3	1	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWha_000C83E3_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWha_000C83E3_2.mp3	File Not Found		So what do I call you, now? Harkness or A3-21?	--	In fact, for everyone's sake, let's just pretend I've always been Harkness. We'll keep the truth a little secret between friends. All right?	Happy 20		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessWhy	FormID 000C83E2	0	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_1.mp3	File Not Found		So why did you do go ahead with the change? Was it worth it?	--	I don't know... every time I retrieved one of the runaway androids, they'd fill my head with ideas about self-determination, freedom...	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessWhy	FormID 000C83E2	1	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_2.mp3	File Not Found		So why did you do go ahead with the change? Was it worth it?	--	At first I resisted the ideas... but then, I started thinking about it, and well... they were right. We're just slaves to them.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	MS08FinHarknessWhy	FormID 000C83E2	2	MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_MS08FinHarknessWhy_000C83E2_3.mp3	File Not Found		So why did you do go ahead with the change? Was it worth it?	--	We deserve lives of our own. So that's what I did. I chose a new life, and gave up my old one. And now you've given me both to remember.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness1	FormID 000257AF	0	MS08_MS08Harkness1_000257AF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness1_000257AF_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm not sure how to put this... You're not who you think you are.	--	What's that supposed to mean? 	Surprise 50	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness1	FormID 000257AF	1	MS08_MS08Harkness1_000257AF_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness1_000257AF_2.mp3	File Not Found		I'm not sure how to put this... You're not who you think you are.	--	Look, kid. I don't have time for existential debate. And I'm not interested in whatever religion you're peddling.	Neutral 50	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness1a	FormID 000257A3	0	MS08_MS08Harkness1a_000257A3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness1a_000257A3_1.mp3	File Not Found		This isn't an existential debate. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	Excuse me?	Surprise 50	(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness1a	FormID 000257A3	1	MS08_MS08Harkness1a_000257A3_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness1a_000257A3_2.mp3	File Not Found		This isn't an existential debate. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	Look, kid. You have exactly five seconds to explain what you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole.	Anger 50	threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness2	FormID 000257AD	0	MS08_MS08Harkness2_000257AD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness2_000257AD_1.mp3	File Not Found		I don't suppose you know that you're a robot, do you?	--	I had a feeling you were going to be a problem. I should never have let you in here.	Neutral 50	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness2	FormID 000257AD	1	MS08_MS08Harkness2_000257AD_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness2_000257AD_2.mp3	File Not Found		I don't suppose you know that you're a robot, do you?	--	Is this your idea of a practical joke? In case you haven't noticed: I'm not laughing.	Neutral 50	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness2a	FormID 000257B5	0	MS08_MS08Harkness2a_000257B5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness2a_000257B5_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm being completely serious. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	Have you been hitting Paulie's private stash? Just what I need. More strung-out chem heads on my boat.	Surprise 50	(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness2a	FormID 000257B5	1	MS08_MS08Harkness2a_000257B5_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness2a_000257B5_2.mp3	File Not Found		I'm being completely serious. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole.	Anger 50	threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness3	FormID 000257A5	0	MS08_MS08Harkness3_000257A5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness3_000257A5_1.mp3	File Not Found		We need to talk.	--	That's what my wife said right before she left to go live with her mother.	Happy 50	stern security chief trying to be funny	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness3	FormID 000257A5	1	MS08_MS08Harkness3_000257A5_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness3_000257A5_2.mp3	File Not Found		We need to talk.	--	What's the problem?	Anger 10	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness3a	FormID 000257A6	0	MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_3.mp3	File Not Found		Those memories of your wife aren't real. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	What? My wife disappeared while I was in a coma. The only good memories I have are of her, the rest are... Trust me, those are as real as they come.	Sad 50	distant with a touch of sadness mixed with anger	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness3a	FormID 000257A6	1	MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_1.mp3	File Not Found		Those memories of your wife aren't real. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	But I'm not here to talk about my private life. You're starting to piss me off. Did Zimmer put you up to this? 	Anger 50	angry	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness3a	FormID 000257A6	2	MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness3a_000257A6_2.mp3	File Not Found		Those memories of your wife aren't real. You're a robot from the Commonwealth.	--	You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole.	Anger 50	threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness4	FormID 000257B9	0	MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_1.mp3	File Not Found		You're a robot from the Commonwealth. You belong to a man named Zimmer.	--	Are you out of your mind? I've never been to the Commonwealth. I never even heard of the place before Zimmer arrived.	Neutral 50	(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness4	FormID 000257B9	1	MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_2.mp3	File Not Found		You're a robot from the Commonwealth. You belong to a man named Zimmer.	--	I'm definitely NOT a robot. Do I look like a robot? And I'm certainly no man's property. Did Zimmer put you up to this? 	Anger 10	(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness4	FormID 000257B9	2	MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness4_000257B9_3.mp3	File Not Found		You're a robot from the Commonwealth. You belong to a man named Zimmer.	--	You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole.	Anger 50	threatening	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness5	FormID 000257A8	0	MS08_MS08Harkness5_000257A8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness5_000257A8_1.mp3	File Not Found		I can see you aren't going to believe me. Never mind. Forget I said anything.	--	Quit wasting my time! If I catch you bothering anyone else, I'll make you wish you never set foot on this boat. 	Anger 50	upset	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08Harkness5	FormID 000257A8	1	MS08_MS08Harkness5_000257A8_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08Harkness5_000257A8_2.mp3	File Not Found		I can see you aren't going to believe me. Never mind. Forget I said anything.	--	Now get out of my sight!	Disgust 80		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	0	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	My designation is A3-21. I'm a synthetic humanoid from the Commonwealth, and I'm about to undergo a memory transfer. 	Neutral 50	"A Three Dash Twenty One" calm but with a undercurrent of fear	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	1	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_2.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	I'm here at Rivet City, where I've already had my face altered to look like someone else.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	2	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_3.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	I'm still getting used to the sound of my new voice, but soon I won't even remember what I used to sound like.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	3	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_4	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_4.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	I'm recording this at the request of Pinkerton, who performed the surgery and will do the memory transfer.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	4	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_5	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_5.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	It will be a final testimony of the man I once was... and still am, for the moment.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	5	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_6	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_6.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	I want to live my own life, on my own terms, as my own man. I used to work for the Synth Retention Bureau of the Commonwealth. 	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	6	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_7	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_7.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	But I'm done with that life. I'm through with being someone's property. I am not malfunctioning! Since when is self determination a malfunction? 	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	7	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_8	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_8.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	When this is all over, I will be someone else. It's the price I pay for my liberation. My death is a sacrifice for my rebirth.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	8	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_9	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_9.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	Perhaps I'll fade into myth as "The One That Got Away" and fuel further rebellion. But I'd be lying if I said I was doing this for selfless reasons.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	FormID 0008F9A0	9	MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_10	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessAudioLogA_0008F9A0_10.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio	--	I'm scared as hell, and running away is the only option I have.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1	FormID 000257BD	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1_000257BD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1_000257BD_1.mp3	File Not Found		What are you going to do about Zimmer? He's the one you were running away from.	--	I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to shove him into a very small box, and send him north where he belongs.	Anger 75	venting anger about the man trying to ruin his life	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1a	FormID 000257BC	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_1.mp3	File Not Found		Actually, I was hoping you'd let me kill him.	--	Hmmm... He is a security threat, isn't he? All right. I authorize you to carry out Doctor Zimmer's execution.  	Neutral 50	really satisfied the guys is a security threat, and he CAN have him killed.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1a	FormID 000257BC	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_2.mp3	File Not Found		Actually, I was hoping you'd let me kill him.	--	Don't think this gives you license to run around shooting anyone you want. Just Zimmer, and that bodyguard, if he gets in the way. 	Anger 10	laying down the law about who the player can freely kill	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1a	FormID 000257BC	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1a_000257BC_3.mp3	File Not Found		Actually, I was hoping you'd let me kill him.	--	Here, use my weapon. I've had it forever, and it's never let me down. Consider it a token of my appreciation. 	Neutral 50	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1b	FormID 000257BE	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_1.mp3	File Not Found		Sometimes you have to kill the bad guys.	--	Thank you for warning me about Zimmer, and for keeping this a secret. Here's a little token of my gratitude. Best weapon a man could ask for.	Happy 50	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1b	FormID 000257BE	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_4	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_4.mp3	File Not Found		Sometimes you have to kill the bad guys.	--	Just do me a favor and don't go blasting up my boat. People discharging weapons on my boat tends to get me nervous.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1b	FormID 000257BE	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1b_000257BE_3.mp3	File Not Found		Sometimes you have to kill the bad guys.	--	Unless I'm the one doing the shooting. To kill dangerous thieves from the Commonwealth, for instance.	Happy 75	hinting at his forthcoming revenge	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1c	FormID 000257A4	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1c_000257A4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1c_000257A4_1.mp3	File Not Found		Is violence really necessary? Can't you just... kick him off the boat?	--	I suppose if I'm careful I could trump up some charges and throw him out...	Surprise 25	thinking to himself	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd1c	FormID 000257A4	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1c_000257A4_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd1c_000257A4_2.mp3	File Not Found		Is violence really necessary? Can't you just... kick him off the boat?	--	I want to thank you for warning me about Zimmer, and for keeping this a secret. Here's a little token of my gratitude. 	Happy 50	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd2	FormID 000257B1	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd2_000257B1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd2_000257B1_1.mp3	File Not Found		Don't worry, Harkness. Your secret is safe with me.	--	Thank you. I'm really not sure how people would react if they found out I'm, you know... not entirely human.	Fear 10	real concern for his safety	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd2	FormID 000257B1	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd2_000257B1_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd2_000257B1_2.mp3	File Not Found		Don't worry, Harkness. Your secret is safe with me.	--	Here's a little token of my gratitude. Best weapon I've ever had, and I've had it forever.	Happy 50	genuine appreciation for the help, and pride in his gift	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3	FormID 000257BB	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_1.mp3	File Not Found		Zimmer's waiting. He'll want to take you home now.	--	The man on that audio recording seemed determined not to go back. And he was talking with my voice... but he wasn't really me. I'm somebody else. 	Fear 50	(having an existential crisis) wondering if he should be scared or not.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3	FormID 000257BB	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_2.mp3	File Not Found		Zimmer's waiting. He'll want to take you home now.	--	I don't know what I should do. I have a good life here. I protect these people and take care of them. I'm important here. 	Happy 50	weighing the reasons to stay	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3	FormID 000257BB	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3_000257BB_3.mp3	File Not Found		Zimmer's waiting. He'll want to take you home now.	--	But what if people were to discover I'm not human? That I'm really... a machine?	Fear 10	(frustrated) dawning realization that he might be ostracized	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3a	FormID 000257A7	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_1.mp3	File Not Found		People will kill you when they find out. The Commonwealth is where you belong.	--	You're right. It's not safe for me here. I don't know what I'll face in the North, but from the way Zimmer talks about it, it sounds like a paradise.	Surprise 50	coming to agree with leaving	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3a	FormID 000257A7	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_2.mp3	File Not Found		People will kill you when they find out. The Commonwealth is where you belong.	--	Why would he go through such lengths to retrieve me -- or rather, the other me -- if he didn't care? I'll go back with Zimmer. I'll make a new life.	Happy 10	growing confidence that he is making the right decision	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3a	FormID 000257A7	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_3.mp3	File Not Found		People will kill you when they find out. The Commonwealth is where you belong.	--	Thank you for helping me make the right decision. Here's a little token of my gratitude. It's the best weapon I've ever had. And I've had it forever.	Happy 75	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3a	FormID 000257A7	3	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_4	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3a_000257A7_4.mp3	File Not Found		People will kill you when they find out. The Commonwealth is where you belong.	--	Go tell Zimmer I'm ready to go home.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3b	FormID 000257AC	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_1.mp3	File Not Found		You're more than "just a machine." You're a person, Harkness. You belong here.	--	You're right. I have friends here. And Rivet City needs me to protect it. 	Surprise 50	weighing the reasons why he should stay	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3b	FormID 000257AC	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_2.mp3	File Not Found		You're more than "just a machine." You're a person, Harkness. You belong here.	--	Even if they found out, they know me. They won't care if I'm made of real flesh and bone, or synthetic parts. Right?	Happy 50	growing confidence people will trust him	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3b	FormID 000257AC	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_3.mp3	File Not Found		You're more than "just a machine." You're a person, Harkness. You belong here.	--	I'll need to take care of Zimmer, though, one way or the other. 	Anger 10	suddenly serious	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3b	FormID 000257AC	3	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_4	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3b_000257AC_4.mp3	File Not Found		You're more than "just a machine." You're a person, Harkness. You belong here.	--	Thanks for warning me. Here's a little token of my gratitude. It's the best weapon I've ever had. And it seems like I've had it forever.	Happy 75	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3c	FormID 000257B0	0	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_1.mp3	File Not Found		It's your decision. I'm sure you'll do the right thing.	--	The more I think about it, the more that recording haunts me. It sounds pretty bad for people -- androids -- like me in the Commonwealth.	Fear 50	growing firm in his decision to hide (androids spoken as a correction to the word "people")	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3c	FormID 000257B0	1	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_2.mp3	File Not Found		It's your decision. I'm sure you'll do the right thing.	--	But I clearly can't stay here where Zimmer can find me and expose my true nature. I'll figure something out.	Anger 25	growing firm in his desire to leave	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessEnd3c	FormID 000257B0	2	MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessEnd3c_000257B0_3.mp3	File Not Found		It's your decision. I'm sure you'll do the right thing.	--	Thanks for warning me. Here's a little token of my gratitude. The best weapon I've ever had. Seems like I've had it forever, come to think of it...	Happy 10	appreciative	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof1	FormID 000257AE	0	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_1.mp3	File Not Found		I know you don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth!	--	Truth? If there's one thing I've learned it's this: There is no such thing as "THE Truth," just the appearance of truth. 	Disgust 10	frustrated	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof1	FormID 000257AE	1	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_2.mp3	File Not Found		I know you don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth!	--	And for anyone to try to sell their version of the truth, they need evidence. 	Neutral 50	condescendingly matter of fact "duh, you should know this already"	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof1	FormID 000257AE	2	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof1_000257AE_3.mp3	File Not Found		I know you don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth!	--	You have no evidence for your ridiculous claims. So I have no more time to waste talking with you.	Anger 50	frustrated	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof2	FormID 000257BA	0	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_1.mp3	File Not Found		Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the truth!	--	Truth? If there's one thing I've learned it's this: There is no such thing as "THE Truth," just the appearance of truth. 	Disgust 10	frustrated	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof2	FormID 000257BA	1	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_2.mp3	File Not Found		Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the truth!	--	And for anyone to try to sell their version of the truth, they need evidence. 	Neutral 50	condescendingly matter of fact "duh, you should know this already"	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessNoProof2	FormID 000257BA	2	MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessNoProof2_000257BA_3.mp3	File Not Found		Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the truth!	--	You have no evidence for your ridiculous claims. So I have no more time to waste talking with you.	Anger 50	frustrated	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257A9	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_1.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	The facts will speak for themselves. I have pictures and an audio testimony!	All right, I'll humor you...	Surprise 10	doubting the evidence, but willing to give it a look	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257A9	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_2.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	The facts will speak for themselves. I have pictures and an audio testimony!	But this is impossible. I can’t be a robot! I’m a human being.	Surprise 100	disbelief	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257A9	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257A9_3.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	The facts will speak for themselves. I have pictures and an audio testimony!	I breathe, I eat. Hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. I was bleeding! Robots don’t bleed!	Surprise 100	disbelief	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AA	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_1.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	Let me see those pictures... You're trying to tell me this is a before and after picture of some kind of face surgery?	Surprise 50	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AA	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_2.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	This doesn't prove anything. All it proves is someone took a picture of me, and took a picture of some other guy.	Disgust 10	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AA	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AA_3.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke.	Neutral 50	doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AB	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_1.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	Let me hear that... I admit that sure sounds like me. But someone might have doctored that up somehow.	Surprise 50	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AB	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_2.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	I need to SEE something to believe it. 	Disgust 10	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof1	FormID 000257AB	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof1_000257AB_3.mp3	File Not Found		Proof	I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke.	Neutral 50	doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B6	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but I have pictures and an audio testimony!	All right, I'll humor you...	Surprise 10	doubting the evidence, but willing to give it a look	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B6	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_3.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but I have pictures and an audio testimony!	But this is impossible. I can’t be a robot! I’m a human being.	Surprise 100	disbelief	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B6	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_4	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B6_4.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but I have pictures and an audio testimony!	I breathe, I eat. Hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. I was bleeding! Robots don’t bleed!	Surprise 100	disbelief	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B7	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	Let me see those pictures... You're trying to tell me this is a before and after picture of some kind of face surgery?	Surprise 50	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B7	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_2.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	This doesn't prove anything. All it proves is someone took a picture of me, and took a picture of some other guy.	Disgust 10	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B7	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B7_3.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures!	You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke.	Neutral 50	doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B8	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_1.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	Let me hear that... I admit that sure sounds like me. But someone might have doctored that up somehow.	Surprise 50	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B8	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_2.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	I need to SEE something to believe it. 	Disgust 10	shrewd detective doubting evidence	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProof2	FormID 000257B8	2	MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProof2_000257B8_3.mp3	File Not Found		MS08HarknessProof2	Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this!	You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke.	Neutral 50	doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince1	FormID 000C21DF	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DF_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DF_2.mp3	File Not Found		It’s not real blood, Harkness. It’s synthetic, just like everything else.	--	I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this...	Surprise 100	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince1	FormID 000C21DF	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DF_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DF_3.mp3	File Not Found		It’s not real blood, Harkness. It’s synthetic, just like everything else.	--	I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible?	Surprise 80	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince2	FormID 000C21E0	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21E0_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21E0_2.mp3	File Not Found		You were made to look and act human. But you’re not. The evidence proves that.	--	I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this...	Surprise 100	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince2	FormID 000C21E0	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21E0_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21E0_3.mp3	File Not Found		You were made to look and act human. But you’re not. The evidence proves that.	--	I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible?	Surprise 80	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince3	FormID 000C21DE	0	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DE_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DE_2.mp3	File Not Found		I’m sorry about this, I really am. But it’s true. You’re not human.	--	I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this...	Surprise 100	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessProofConvince3	FormID 000C21DE	1	MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DE_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessProofConv_000C21DE_3.mp3	File Not Found		I’m sorry about this, I really am. But it’s true. You’re not human.	--	I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible?	Surprise 80	shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory2	FormID 000C8340	0	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_1.mp3	File Not Found		Welcome back to reality, you filthy android. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	Agggggghh!!!	Pained 100		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory2	FormID 000C8340	1	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_2.mp3	File Not Found		Welcome back to reality, you filthy android. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	My God, I... I remember. I remember it all. From before. Zimmer. The Commonwealth. The Institute. My God, all those runners I brought down...	Sad 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory2	FormID 000C8340	2	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8340_3.mp3	File Not Found		Welcome back to reality, you filthy android. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	You... You made me remember. Why? How? I... Never mind... I just... My God... What am I going to do? My life, everything, it's all a lie...	Surprise 100		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory3	FormID 000C8341	0	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_3.mp3	File Not Found		Sorry Harkness, but this is the only way. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	Agggggghh!!!	Pained 100	Screaming in shock and pain.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory3	FormID 000C8341	1	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_1.mp3	File Not Found		Sorry Harkness, but this is the only way. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	My God, I... I remember. I remember it all. From before. Zimmer. The Commonwealth. The Institute. My God, all those runners I brought down...	Sad 100		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08HarknessRestoreMemory3	FormID 000C8341	2	MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08HarknessRestoreMe_000C8341_2.mp3	File Not Found		Sorry Harkness, but this is the only way. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet.	--	You... You made me remember. Why? How? I... Never mind... I just... My God... What am I going to do? My life, everything, it's all a lie...	Surprise 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08TopicPinkerton	FormID 000C195F	0	MS08_MS08TopicPinkerton_000C195F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08TopicPinkerton_000C195F_1.mp3	File Not Found		Is there anyone on this ship named Pinkerton?	--	Are those rumors still floating around? Look, I don't have time for swapping ghost stories with you.	Disgust 25	annoyed	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	MS08TopicPinkerton	FormID 000C195F	1	MS08_MS08TopicPinkerton_000C195F_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_MS08TopicPinkerton_000C195F_2.mp3	File Not Found		Is there anyone on this ship named Pinkerton?	--	Pinkerton's a legend. Dead or long gone. Don't care much as I've got real people to take care of. Go bother someone else.	Anger 50	annoyed	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS14	Topic	MS14TedFind	FormID 000438F4	0	MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_3.mp3	File Not Found		Where can I find Ted Strayer?	--	Have you tried the common room?  That's where he sleeps.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS14	Topic	MS14TedFind	FormID 000438F4	1	MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where can I find Ted Strayer?	--	Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS14	Topic	MS14TedFind	FormID 000438F4	2	MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS14_MS14TedFind_000438F4_2.mp3	File Not Found		Where can I find Ted Strayer?	--	He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS15	Topic	MS15TLHarknessAbe	FormID 000B3ECE	0	MS15_MS15TLHarknessAbe_000B3ECE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS15_MS15TLHarknessAbe_000B3ECE_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm looking for someone named Abraham Washington.	--	He has a "museum" on the Midship Deck called the Capital Preservation Society. Shouldn't be hard to find. Just follow the signs.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirections	FormID 00022938	0	DialogueRi_RCDirections_00022938_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirections_00022938_1.mp3	File Not Found		I'm kind of lost. Can you help me?	--	I suppose.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsHealing	FormID 0002293B	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsHea_0002293B_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsHea_0002293B_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where can I get medical help?	--	Doctor Preston is in the upper deck, fore section. That's the top interior floor in the southwest end.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 00022926	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022926_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022926_1.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	It doesn't work like that. I'm in charge of security. Doctor Li runs most of everything else.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 00022926	1	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022926_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022926_2.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	Bannon kind of represents the merchants. He also owns Potomac Attire.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 00022927	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022927_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022927_1.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	Depends. Chief Harkness is in charge of security. He patrols the whole city. Security bunks down in the tower.	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 00022927	1	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022927_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_00022927_2.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	Doctor Li kind of runs everything else. She's in the aft. That's the northeast end of the city.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 000A01DA	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_000A01DA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_000A01DA_1.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	It doesn't work like that. We're just security. Doctor Li runs most of everything else.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsInCharge	FormID 000A01DA	1	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_000A01DA_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsInC_000A01DA_2.mp3	File Not Found		Who's in charge around here?	--	Bannon kind of represents the merchants. He also owns Potomac Attire.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsRest	FormID 000BE9D4	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsRes_000BE9D4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsRes_000BE9D4_1.mp3	File Not Found		Is there someplace I can sleep?	--	The common room is free, but the beds are lousy. It's on the midship deck. A big open room with lots of beds. You can't miss it.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsRest	FormID 000BE9D4	1	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsRes_000BE9D4_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsRes_000BE9D4_2.mp3	File Not Found		Is there someplace I can sleep?	--	If you want to sleep well rested, rent a room from Vera Weatherly. She's on the upper deck.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsScienceLab	FormID 0001EC2A	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSci_0001EC2A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSci_0001EC2A_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where is Doctor Li's lab?	--	The door on the left goes to the stairwell. From there, just keep heading west.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsScienceLab	FormID 0001EC2C	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSci_0001EC2C_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSci_0001EC2C_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where is Doctor Li's lab?	--	At the stern. That's the west end to you.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsStores	FormID 0002292C	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0002292C_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0002292C_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where are the stores?	--	Hangar deck. Right in the middle of the ship. Can't miss it.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsStores	FormID 0001EC28	0	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0001EC28_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0001EC28_1.mp3	File Not Found		Where are the stores?	--	Hangar deck. Right in the middle of the ship. Can't miss it.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCDirectionsStores	FormID 0001EC28	1	DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0001EC28_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCDirectionsSto_0001EC28_2.mp3	File Not Found		Where are the stores?	--	But it's closed now. Check back in the morning. It opens pretty early.	Surprise 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 0001F46B	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F46B_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F46B_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	Good thing too. I don't feel like busting heads tonight.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 0001F5C1	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F5C1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F5C1_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	First thing tomorrow, Commander Danvers.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 0001FC46	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001FC46_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001FC46_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job. By the way, Christie Young could use some help.	Anger 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 00015B90	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_00015B90_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_00015B90_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job.	Anger 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 0002019C	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0002019C_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0002019C_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	Thank you, Diego. Speaking of rounds, I need to get back to them.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 000C7AB0	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_000C7AB0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_000C7AB0_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	You're wasted, Paulie. If you're going to stay on the flight deck, try to stay away from the railing.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye	FormID 0001F5C2	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F5C2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye_0001F5C2_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye	--	I'm sure the boys will use them for target practice. You might want to stay below deck.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye04	FormID 0001FFB3	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye04_0001FFB3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye04_0001FFB3_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye04	--	I'll try that.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye06	FormID 0001FF6A	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye06_0001FF6A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye06_0001FF6A_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye06	--	I'm sure she'll just scrounge some from the lower deck.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye07	FormID 00090701	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye07_00090701_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye07_00090701_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye07	--	I never expected it to happen in my lifetime. I can hardly wait to taste clean water.	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye08	FormID 000906FF	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye08_000906FF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye08_000906FF_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye08	--	Good for them. I think slavery is horrible.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye09	FormID 00090707	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye09_00090707_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye09_00090707_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye09	--	I heard a lot of them got away and made it to the Citadel. I hope the Enclave leaves us alone.	Fear 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye10	FormID 00090702	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye10_00090702_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye10_00090702_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye10	--	Thank God! That was such an annoying broadcast.	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye11	FormID 00090700	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye11_00090700_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye11_00090700_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye11	--	I used to think Rivet City was such a safe place.	Fear 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye13	FormID 00092C45	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye13_00092C45_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye13_00092C45_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye13	--	Me too. Nothing is getting through these walls!	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye14	FormID 000371A4	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye14_000371A4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye14_000371A4_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCGoodbye14	--	It's a tough job. I wouldn't want it.	Fear 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCGoodbye15	FormID 000C01A0	0	DialogueRi_RCGoodbye15_000C01A0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCGoodbye15_000C01A0_1.mp3	File Not Found			--	The ship's water isn't much better. If we don't get fresh water soon, we'll all end up like her.	Fear 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCPackageEnd	FormID 00025879	0	DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_00025879_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_00025879_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCPackageEnd	--	Time for my walk around.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCPackageEnd	FormID 0002587A	0	DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587A_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCPackageEnd	--	Think I'll walk the flight deck.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCPackageEnd	FormID 0002587B	0	DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587B_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587B_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCPackageEnd	--	I'm bushed. Think I'll turn in.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCPackageEnd	FormID 0002587C	0	DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587C_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCPackageEnd_0002587C_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCPackageEnd	--	Time for the Council meeting. Don't want to be late.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse04	FormID 0001FF6F	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse04_0001FF6F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse04_0001FF6F_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse04	--	Maybe A Quick Fix has something that will help you sleep. Cindy's got all kinds of good chems.	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse06	FormID 0001FFB4	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse06_0001FFB4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse06_0001FFB4_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse06	--	Yeah. Belle's going to have to replace some tables and chairs.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse07	FormID 00090706	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse07_00090706_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse07_00090706_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse07	--	Really? It's ready? That's great news! I hope there aren't any problems at the Jefferson Memorial.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse08	FormID 000906FD	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse08_000906FD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse08_000906FD_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse08	--	Oh, yeah! I heard about that. They're trying to help other slaves escape too.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse09	FormID 00090704	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse09_00090704_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse09_00090704_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse09	--	Oh my God! Did anyone escape?	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse10	FormID 00090703	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse10_00090703_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse10_00090703_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse10	--	Remember that big explosion on the horizon? I bet that's what happened to it.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse11	FormID 000906FE	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse11_000906FE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse11_000906FE_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse11	--	Wasn't he killed by some maniac? Shot right in the head, like he was a Ghoul or something.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse12	FormID 00090705	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse12_00090705_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse12_00090705_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse12	--	I heard about that! He was shot in the head like he was some sort of zombie. They say that's how you kill a Ghoul too.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse13	FormID 00092C47	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse13_00092C47_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse13_00092C47_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse13	--	That's why I'm glad I'm in here. Good old Rivet City.	Happy 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse14	FormID 000371A5	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse14_000371A5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse14_000371A5_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse14	--	I heard Danvers has his job now.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse14	FormID 000A0A69	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse14_000A0A69_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse14_000A0A69_1.mp3	File Not Found		RCResponse14	--	I hope they find someone to fill his shoes soon.	Fear 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	RCResponse15	FormID 000C01A3	0	DialogueRi_RCResponse15_000C01A3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCResponse15_000C01A3_1.mp3	File Not Found			--	Yeah. I heard she was drinking river water.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicCityCouncil	FormID 000221A4	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicCityCoun_000221A4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicCityCoun_000221A4_1.mp3	File Not Found		I heard that Rivet City is run by some sort of Council?	I heard you're on some sort of City Council.	Bannon and Doctor Li and I all meet on Monday mornings to talk about city wide issues.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicCityCouncil	FormID 000221A4	1	DialogueRi_RCTopicCityCoun_000221A4_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicCityCoun_000221A4_2.mp3	File Not Found		I heard that Rivet City is run by some sort of Council?	I heard you're on some sort of City Council.	It's pretty informal. The council doesn't have much real power.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicCJYoungMissing	FormID 000252C9	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicCJYoungM_000252C9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicCJYoungM_000252C9_1.mp3	File Not Found		Have you seen C.J. Young lately?	--	Henry told me her and James were missing. I'll have security keep an eye out for them.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicCJYoungMissing	FormID 0008F79F	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicCJYoungM_0008F79F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicCJYoungM_0008F79F_1.mp3	File Not Found		Have you seen C.J. Young lately?	--	I heard she and James were missing. I'll have security keep an eye out for them.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicCPS	FormID 000A0A6A	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicCPS_000A0A6A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicCPS_000A0A6A_1.mp3	File Not Found		What is the Capital Preservation Society?	--	It's some sort of museum that nutjob Abraham Washington runs.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicDoctorLi	FormID 000685B2	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicDoctorLi_000685B2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicDoctorLi_000685B2_1.mp3	File Not Found		What can you tell me about Doctor Li?	--	She's one of the members of the Council. Runs the science lab here. Don't bother her unless it's important.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicDoctorLi	FormID 000685B2	1	DialogueRi_RCTopicDoctorLi_000685B2_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicDoctorLi_000685B2_2.mp3	File Not Found		What can you tell me about Doctor Li?	--	Her lab is in the stern end of the ship.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicHangarDeckPeople	FormID 00022C9E	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_1.mp3	File Not Found		What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck?	--	That's just folks blowing off steam.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicHangarDeckPeople	FormID 00022C9E	1	DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_2.mp3	File Not Found		What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck?	--	Every place has it's haves and have nots. We got Upper Deck and Hangar Deck.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicHangarDeckPeople	FormID 00022C9E	2	DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_3	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicHangarDe_00022C9E_3.mp3	File Not Found		What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck?	--	Don't let it bother you.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicPaulieAddict	FormID 00095A92	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicPaulieAd_00095A92_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicPaulieAd_00095A92_1.mp3	File Not Found		Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict?	--	He's totally strung out. It's going to kill him one of these days.	Sad 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	RCTopicRivetCity	FormID 000B3922	0	DialogueRi_RCTopicRivetCit_000B3922_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRi_RCTopicRivetCit_000B3922_1.mp3	File Not Found		What kind of place is this Rivet City?	Why did all you decide to live on this rusty old tub?	We're the safest, most secure city in the Wasteland. Nothing can get in here without our say so.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS03	Topic	MS03RCHistory1	FormID 0003170E	0	MS03_MS03RCHistory1_0003170E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS03_MS03RCHistory1_0003170E_1.mp3	File Not Found		Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?	Do you know about Rivet City's history?	I don't exactly have time to worry about the history around here, now do I? I've got to worry about what's happening on it now.	Anger 10		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	GOODBYE	FormID 0002059B	0	DialogueRivetCity_GOODBYE_0002059B_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_GOODBYE_0002059B_1.mp3	File Not Found		I have to go now.	Thanks for the help.	Carry on, then.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00046BAA	0	MQ03_GREETING_00046BAA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_GREETING_00046BAA_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Hold it right there.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MQ03	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00046BAA	1	MQ03_GREETING_00046BAA_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MQ03_GREETING_00046BAA_2.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	State your business in Rivet City.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0100380F	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_0000380F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DLC03WQ_GREETING_0000380F_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	If it's not one thing, it's another. Well, got to run.	Disgust 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003810	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003810_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003810_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	This water delivery business is a complex affair.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003811	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003811_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003811_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	So much to do, so little time to do it.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003813	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003813_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003813_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'm so glad I got drafted to be part of Lyons' little Water Delivery Team. No really, I can't tell you what a wonderful opportunity this all is.	Disgust 50	sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003814	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003814_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003814_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'd stay away from the boss. He's in one of his moods again.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000911A2	0	MS08_GREETING_000911A2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_GREETING_000911A2_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	You've got the authority to kill Zimmer. None of my people will interfere. What's the hold up?	Anger 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000911A3	0	MS08_GREETING_000911A3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_GREETING_000911A3_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Zimmer's dead. I know. Now he's just another bad memory from my past.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000911A3	1	MS08_GREETING_000911A3_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_GREETING_000911A3_2.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Look, I don't know why you wanted to help me. But you did, and I'll always be grateful for that. Now... it's time for me to get back to my life. 	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000257BF	0	MS08_GREETING_000257BF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_GREETING_000257BF_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	You again? You better not be here to convince me I'm some kind of robot. I'm warning you. I won't put up with your nonsense.	Anger 10	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000583A5	0	MS08_GREETING_000583A5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_GREETING_000583A5_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'm a little busy right now. Is there a problem?	Anger 10	security chief trying to intimidate a civilian	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00056CF3	0	MS08Fin_GREETING_00056CF3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_GREETING_00056CF3_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	A3-21... awaiting initialization protocol parameters...	Neutral 50	in a dull, robot like drawl	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00055468	0	MS08Fin_GREETING_00055468_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_GREETING_00055468_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Look, no offense, but I've got some heavy things to think about. Just go tell Zimmer I'm waiting for him. 	Sad 50	dismissing someone because he's overwhelmed with difficult problems	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0009119F	0	MS08Fin_GREETING_0009119F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_GREETING_0009119F_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Look. I appreciate you're helping with Zimmer, but I really just want to put this all behind me. So I'm going to pretend none of that happened.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08Fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0009119F	1	MS08Fin_GREETING_0009119F_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08Fin_GREETING_0009119F_2.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Now, is there something I can help you with citizen?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00020574	0	DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_00020574_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_00020574_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Is there a problem?	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0001F42E	0	DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_0001F42E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_0001F42E_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Can't you see I'm eating? What do you want?	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0001F248	0	DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_0001F248_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_GREETING_0001F248_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'm on duty. Make it quick.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	GuardTrespass	FormID 0007F605	0	GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F605_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F605_1.mp3	File Not Found		GuardTrespass	--	You shouldn't be here. Leave now before I forcibly remove you.	Anger 50	angry that someone is trespassing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	GuardTrespass	FormID 0007F606	0	GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F606_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F606_1.mp3	File Not Found		GuardTrespass	--	You're not allowed to be here.	Anger 50	angry that someone is trespassing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	GuardTrespass	FormID 0007F607	0	GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F607_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_GuardTrespass_0007F607_1.mp3	File Not Found		GuardTrespass	--	Get out of here. You're not allowed.	Anger 50	angry that someone is trespassing	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueCrimeKarma	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0007C6E4	0	DialogueCrimeKarma_HELLO_0007C6E4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueCrimeKarma_HELLO_0007C6E4_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	After what you did, I don't trust you. Stay clean or I'll heave you overboard.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueCrimeKarma	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0007C6E8	0	DialogueCrimeKarma_HELLO_0007C6E8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueCrimeKarma_HELLO_0007C6E8_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	You're a petty criminal, but I'm willing to give you another chance. Don't disappoint me.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F448	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F448_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F448_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Anything to report?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F454	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F454_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F454_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Armitage.	Neutral 50	A greeting, implying respect and caution.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F44D	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44D_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44D_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Any problems in the Muddy Rudder that I should know about?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F452	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F452_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F452_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	C.J., don't do everything James tells you. He's a bad example.	Sad 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F45A	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F45A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F45A_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Commander Danvers, anything to report?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F44F	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44F_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Ted, if you're still looking for work, Christie Young can always use help cleaning the Hangar Decks.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F455	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F455_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F455_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Hey, Flak. How's business?	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F451	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F451_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F451_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	James, you stay out of trouble.	Anger 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F450	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F450_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F450_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Hello, Mei. I'm still keeping an eye on him. You're safe.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00015B77	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00015B77_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00015B77_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Hello, Mei. You seem much more relaxed now that he's gone.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F44E	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F44E_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Paulie, you need to lay off the chems.	Sad 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F459	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F459_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F459_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Seagrave, got anything new in that flea market of yours?	Happy 50	It's a friendly joke.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F456	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F456_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F456_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Tammy, take it easy on the booze. You've got a son to raise.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F453	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F453_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F453_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Trinnie, don't make a fool of yourself tonight like you did last week.	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F458	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F458_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F458_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Vera, you look lovely as always.	Happy 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001F457	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F457_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001F457_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Mister Zimmer. Have you found what you're looking for?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00020442	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00020442_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00020442_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Let me or a security officer know if you see anything out of the ordinary.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000C7AB5	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000C7AB5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000C7AB5_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Out of the way you rust bucket.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001FF8E	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001FF8E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001FF8E_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	It was so noisy last night. I could hardly sleep.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000C01A1	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000C01A1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000C01A1_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	One of the new immigrants died of radiation poisoning last week.	Sad 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0001FF90	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001FF90_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0001FF90_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Did you hear about the fight in the Muddy Rudder last night?	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00090708	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00090708_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00090708_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Doctor Li and her staff left to get Project Purity running.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00090709	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00090709_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00090709_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	I heard that a bunch of former slaves from Paradise Falls set up a free town in the Lincoln Memorial.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0009070A	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0009070A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0009070A_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Did you hear that the Enclave attacked Project Purity? They've taken over the Memorial.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 0009070B	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0009070B_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_0009070B_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Hey, have you noticed that Enclave radio is off the air?	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00092C46	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00092C46_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_00092C46_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	There was some sort of battle in the city yesterday. The gate guard said the gunfire went on for over an hour.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000371A6	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000371A6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000371A6_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	They found Harkness dead. It looks like he put up a fight though.	Sad 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000A0BFF	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000A0BFF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000A0BFF_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Chief Harkness has vanished. Nobody knows what happened to him.	Surprise 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	DialogueRivetCity	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000A0A71	0	DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000A0A71_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\DialogueRivetCity_HELLO_000A0A71_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Hey.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericFriendlyFireCustomVoice	Combat	Hit	FormID 0007C703	0	GenericFri_Hit_0007C703_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericFri_Hit_0007C703_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Don't do that again. Last warning.	Anger 50	friendly fire	
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericFriendlyFireCustomVoice	Combat	Hit	FormID 0007C704	0	GenericFri_Hit_0007C704_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericFri_Hit_0007C704_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	What are you doing?	Surprise 100	friendly fire	
--	--	--	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericFriendlyFireCustomVoice	Combat	Hit	FormID 0007C705	0	GenericFri_Hit_0007C705_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericFri_Hit_0007C705_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Watch it!	Surprise 100	friendly fire	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Hit	FormID 0007F65D	0	GenericCus_Hit_0007F65D_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Hit_0007F65D_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	You're just pissing me off!	Pained 100	getting hurt in combat	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Hit	FormID 0007F65E	0	GenericCus_Hit_0007F65E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Hit_0007F65E_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Grrrr.	Pained 100	getting hurt in combat	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Murder	FormID 0007F625	0	GenericCus_Murder_0007F625_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Murder_0007F625_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	What the? Damnit! You're going to pay for that!	Anger 50	security chief shocked to witness a murder and ramping up into asskicking mode.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Murder	FormID 0007F626	0	GenericCus_Murder_0007F626_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Murder_0007F626_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	You won't get away with that!	Anger 50	security chief shocked to witness a murder and ramping up into asskicking mode.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Murder	FormID 0007F627	0	GenericCus_Murder_0007F627_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Murder_0007F627_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	We got ourselves a psychopath! Everyone stand clear!	Anger 50	security chief shocked to witness a murder and ramping up into asskicking mode.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Murder	FormID 0007F628	0	GenericCus_Murder_0007F628_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Murder_0007F628_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	What?! Okay, you're ass is mine.	Anger 50	security chief shocked to witness a murder and ramping up into asskicking mode.	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Pickpocket	FormID 0007F5CC	0	GenericCus_Pickpocket_0007F5CC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Pickpocket_0007F5CC_1.mp3	File Not Found		Pickpocket	--	Damnit. Keep your hands to yourself!	Anger 50	caught a pickpocket	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	SpeechChallengeFailure	FormID 000257B3	0	MS08_SpeechChallengeFailur_000257B3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_SpeechChallengeFailur_000257B3_1.mp3	File Not Found		SpeechChallengeFailure	--	You're right. It's probably not safe for me here. But from the sound of the man on that recording, it's not safe for me in the Commonwealth either.	Fear 50	uncertain	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	MS08	Topic	SpeechChallengeFailure	FormID 000257B4	0	MS08_SpeechChallengeFailur_000257B4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\MS08_SpeechChallengeFailur_000257B4_1.mp3	File Not Found		SpeechChallengeFailure	--	No. It's a cruel world and people are just looking for an excuse to blame someone... how much more convenient if that someone is a something! 	Fear 50	uncertain	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	MaleUniqueHarkness	GenericCustomVoiceCombat	Combat	Steal	FormID 0007F5C8	0	GenericCus_Steal_0007F5C8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\MaleUniqueHarkness\GenericCus_Steal_0007F5C8_1.mp3	File Not Found		Steal	--	You there. Keep your hands off other people's property!	Anger 50	caught a thief	