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Fallout Wiki


Gwinnett Brewery is a location in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


Before the Great War, the brewery produced six types of beer: Gwinnett ale, Gwinnett brew, Gwinnett lager, Gwinnett pale, Gwinnett pilsner and Gwinnett stout.


A broken water pipe at the bottom of the ramp from the entrance leads between the brewery and the Gwinnett restaurant. The bottom level of the brewery is inhabited by approximately five mirelurks hidden in mud piles and five egg clutches.

A small plank ramp on the southeast wall leads onto some pipes for access to the pipes and catwalks of the higher levels, and from there up to the roof. On the roof are two office pods. One can be accessed by shooting the door bar through the window. The other has an Advanced lock.

Notable loot

Related quests


  • It is possible to easily access the roof directly by jumping onto the delivery semi-trailer parked in the loading dock and then to the roof.
  • A complete collection of all six types of Gwinnett Brewery beer can be found on a shelf in the easternmost house of the West Everett Estates.


The Gwinnett Brewery only appears in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes

Based on the location of the brewery it is most likely a reference to Harpoon Brewery, a Boston based company located in South Boston.

