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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 gameplay help > Walking/running bug (help?)

When playing Fallout 3 GOTY I encountered the following problem: my PC randomly stops walking or running, and I have to hit forward again in order to keep him going. This is not only annoying, but a serious problem if there is a fight going on and my character decides to start standing still like some bunghole. Hate this!

I have tried to search high and low any kind of help for this problem, but so far I have managed to find only one person having a similar problem (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090924035632AAMYXDr) and he probably didn't get any wiser with the situation. So I am asking if any one has had same problem, and been able to fix it? Crowmoore 14:28, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

I've been having this problem too, both here and in Skyrim, and I can't find any answer to this, it's annoying and it makes me want to leave the game there, have you found any answer yet? --Bbohemio (talk) 07:02, August 11, 2012 (UTC)

In my search for an answer I have come across it and maybe it can help some other people too. If u have accidently clicked ALT + left mouse click to move, it will "reserve" AP so u always got enough to shoot. it will use as much AP as their is left to fire your gun u are currently holding. For example: your character has got 10 AP and it costs 4 AP to shoot a sniper rifle, he will only move 6 places. When you have got a weapon equiped that requires 7 AP, u only got 3 AP to move. its in the options in the quick hotkeys menu aswell, if in doubt; Good luck and I hope it helps others. [Nix]
