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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 general discussion > Repair and get your money back

I wonder if there are people like me who drag all their stuff to a repair-NPC, let him repair it for loads of cash and shoot the guy. That way you can get your repair money back and boost the condition and value of your stuff to make more money. It also works just before enslaving flak, since you're gone Mezz him anyway it a nice bonus. Just let him repair your stuff, Mezz him and grab your money back. I also tried this on the improved NPC's with high repair stills but pick-pocketing back your money back is just impossible if its a substantial amount of money. ( if tried stealing 4000 caps with stealth boy and 9 luck but that doesn't seem possible )

I'm currently stuffed with stuff which is in really poor condition and can boost the value of those items this way. Obviously the down side of this method is that you would lose 1 repair-NPC at the time, but then again there are enough repair NPC's in the game without being a big part of the storyline. ( like scavengers and such ) This is handy for all those crappy weapons at armories and poor condition enclave armors. Also handy for keeping some power armor in decent condition.

I know its possible to cheat using the console but that would spoil my game. ( and make the 22k caps I have buying and selling stuff meaningless )

I repair my stuff before I sell to the vendor. When you do this, you'll notice he has all the caps you just gave him from the repairs. If you have a lot of stuff you want to get rid of, this is an alternative to waiting 72 hours for the vendors to restock their caps. --MadDawg2552 19:09, 25 January 2009 (UTC)