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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 gameplay help > Missing my Items

After visiting Fort Constantine and receiving the power armor, I went to back to put my newly acquired armor in my locker at Megaton only to find all my items missing that i previously stashed away. Is there a reason for this or is this some kind of bug? It would really suck to lose all my stuff after 35 hours of gameplay.

Was it in your house?(I do not know if the Megaton house has a locker or not) If not then it probably wet "POOF" when the room reset. There is no way to get your items back that way then, let this be a lesson to everyone... DO NOT STORE YOUR VALUABLE ITEMS INSIDE PLACES INSIDE ROOMS BESIDE YOUR HOUSE!!! THE ROOM WILL RESET AND YOU WILL LOOSE YOU ITEMS FOREVER!!! MegatonDestroyer13 07:13, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

If you have a lot of stuff stored in your house, it takes a while for it to load. Try opening your locker and waiting a while and see if they appear. --MadDawg2552 15:18, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Ya it was the locker in my house and before even selecting it, it said the locker was empty. It even reset the items in the fridge that come with the house originally and items I had stored in the file cabinet were replaced with 7 or 8 bottle caps which means I lost a majority of my unique items. gay.

  • There is a known issue where the lockers and such in the player house are not set to the player's ownership, and thus, may reset every week or so. On the PC, this can be corrected using the console commands, but on PS3 and Xbox 360 there is no workaround. Snicker 19:47, 12 January 2009 (UTC)