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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 gameplay help > MOTHERSHIP ZETA Questions

Hi, I am on XBOX360, 240 hrs into game, done about everything you can do, found all the underground hard to get to places etc... I have tons of ammo, weapons etc... More money then I ever will spend.. I want to buy Mothership Zeta before I finally end the game at the Jefferson memorial. I already bought and did everything you could do at PointLookout, I felt it was worth the $10.00. I have a few questions about Mothership Zeta. 1- Is it worth it? 2- IF you go up to the ship, can you come back to earth and do other stuff then go back to the ship quest? I liked that about Point Lookout, you could go and come home when ever... 3- All the things I have read about people losing all their belongings once they go up to the ship? Are they losing the things they had on them or ALL THE THINGS YOU EVER COLLECTED AND HAVE AT HOME??? Thanks for any help... Iam waiting to buy it or not based on those that have played it before.Cincykidscott 02:36, September 2, 2009 (UTC)Cincykidscott

1.It is really a matter of opinion. Some people find it fun, and others find it lacking. I got broken steel first(which imo is way better than MZ)

2. Not right away. After you beat the DLC most of the ship will become inaccessible, but you can return to earth.

3. You will break out of your cell in the beginning. If you look around you will find a container with all of your belongings.

Extra Note:Check this page [[1]]. For more help go to that page, and click the upper right corner button labeled discussion. Jericho's own cigarette 02:46, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

The only people who "lost" anything were those careless enough to not look around. You get everything back. Unfortunately, once you start the quest you're stuck up there and the only way to come back down is to finish the quest. As for if it's worth it, I would say that the quest isn't really up to par with the other ones, but the alien weapons make up for that. Echelon3User talk:Echelon3 05:59, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
