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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > How do I get the legion assassins to start attacking me again?

O.K., so here's the deal. There are countless forums and discussions for people who are complaining about being killed by the legion assassins. My problem is just the oppossite. I'm now level 37, with all 4 DLC's and for the last 15 or 20 levels or so, even though I've been vilified by the Legion the whole time, the assassin squads haven't been coming after me anymore. My question is this; Why did they stop coming for me, how do I get them to start coming after me again, and does anyone know if there's something I may have done that would make them stop coming after me even though I'm still vilified by the Legion? These guys were one of the funnest aspects of the game, they provided a good challenge and also great gear for trading. Another theory I have is maybe the Legion only sends a set number of assassin squads after you until they stop. Anyways, some details people might wonder when trying to help me figure this out: I usually wear the chinese stealth armor, I started the quest "We Are Legion", just to have it to play around with later on (I never started killing anyone at Camp Forlorn Hope). I've already tried saving the game and then killing all Legion forces at Cottonwood Cove and Dead Sea and the others in the barracks at Nelson, then running around and waiting for hours at a time to see if they'd send more assassin squads after me, that didn't work either. I can provide more details if anyone has questions that might help me figure this out. Any info would be appreciated.


They have certain spawn points, I know one of them is at the grub and gulp rest stop. Whenever I fast travel there, I get in a fight with them. The Australian Kiwi

It doesn't matter where they spawn, they were attacking me anywhere and everywhere I wandered, even as far as the NW corner of the map, then one day there were never anymore of them coming after me. 22:47, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

Is it just the assassins you want or any legionary, because for some easy EXP and low level loot there is a raiding party that appears by searchlight every 1-3 days to attack SGT something-or-other and his NCR friends, always good for a laugh to see them get shot.
