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Pre-production for the webseries Fallout UK has begun, this is just because we're such huge fans of the series.

Since there's no canon established in the UK, we've essentially had free reign here and we wanted to try and make our series a believable part of the canon with appropriate nods to the canon.

In our timeline, the UK is split up into several wastelands, England and Wales are comprised of the Devonian Wasteland, the Cambrian Wasteland, the Southern Wasteland, the Oxbridge Wasteland and the prominent Albion Wasteland. Scotland is known only as the Highland with Ireland being virtually unheard of. The Post-War state of the UK is one of perpetual winter.

Before the Great War, the Prime Minister authorised Operation: Lockdown, a plan to preserve Britain's best and brightest in underground bunkers called Arks, 5 of these Arks were constructed throughout the UK. The Arks held 10,000 people each and the goal of O:L worked, for the most part. The swampy area near the Ark in the Midlands, Ark-D, allowed a faulty missile to sink into the earth, the undetonated nuclear warhead inside leaked radiation into the Ark. When the land was purified by the government after the War, the Ark was deemed unsalvagable and abandoned. For generations, people either died from the radiation or became ghouls, the communities faught before finally joining forces when the need to kill the sick and feral to prolong the lives of others came. It is not known why, though there were many theories, but the last child born in Ark-D had a natural immunity to radiation. When the time to leave the Ark came, he was forced to fight his way past the swarm of feral ghouls and walk into a brave new world.

D, as he came to be known due to the lettering on his jumpsuit, met Pariah, an outcast from one of the tribes in the Albion Wasteland, and many other people and creatures on his travels, their journey led them to the ultimate answers and changed the face of the world itself. Fallout UK: coming 2012 22:27, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

While I do like the set up you've made, the name would be a problem. Where Fallout: New Vegas can be put as FNV, Fallout UK would end up being FUK even with the best efforts to prevent immature behavior, you know how people can get. But other the title I thought that was good XxSick DemonxX 22:52, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Oh dear, I hadn't thought of that :P Fallout UK: coming 2012 23:18, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Kind of a problem, the UK to my understanding wasn't nuked during the Great War, in fact by time the Great War broke out, the UK and Europe were in no state to fight. There is a game that keeps getting cancelled that J.E. Sawyer wants to make called Fallout: Resource Wars set in Europe. Prior to the Great War the UK was the leading nation of both the Commonwealth of Nations (in the real world we are an equal member state and the Commonwealth is what remains of the empire) and we also lead the European Commonwealth (equivalent of the EU except it has a unified military and Britain is in charge from what I read which would explain why it is also named a Commonwealth like the Commonwealth of Nations). Anyway, prior to the Great War, Europe is dependent on oil from the Middle-East and as the Middle-East raise oil prices Europe responds violently. The war between the Middle-East and Europe becomes known as the Resource Wars and ends when resources dry up in the Middle-East and ends the motive for war and after this, the European Commonwealth breaks down and the remaining member states fight amongst each other for the few resources they have left. This happens all prior to the Great War and later the UK then suffers the loss of Canada when the Americans annex it in order to protect Alaska from the Chinese. The game of Fallout: Resource Wars when it is finally made will have you playing a member of a squad of the Royal Armoured Corps stranded in Northern Italy in post-Resource War Northern Italy (it will be set in the 2060s), in the game, you have to make your way across the ruins of Europe to the English Channel where you cross to the safety of the United Kingdom. However, by time the Great War, Britain and Europe simply didn't have the resources to get involved, after the Resource Wars, Europe fell into anarchy. It was a good idea though, just doesn't match the timeline of Fallout, however I'm sure you could blend this into your plot if you tried. It may be useful to know, both Collin Moriarty and Alistair Tenpenny crossed the Atlantic to the DC Wasteland from the UK too, Moriarty at a young age and Alistair, all I know is he came in search of wealth in what was left of the USA. Hope this helps. Lily-Robinson 20:59 21st August 2011 (BST)

Decided to send you some links on the Resource Wars, etc that could be useful:







I hope this helps.


Hi, Lily. Thank you for the information, we have worked on mentioning the European Commonwealth and the status of pre-war Britain (and Europe) including the development of the Royal Armoured Corps into the Contingent. I don't want to go too deep into details just yet (as I said it's only pre-production so little details could potentially be changed by the time it's done) but let's just say the goal of the antagonist has been one centuries in the making he's a character I'm very proud of. Oh and the name Tenpenny will pop up. I think it would stand to reason that the UK was hit, but probably only with smaller devices - I don't think we go into detail with that though. Thanks again I'll do some reading make sure the history is in check, I hope you'll enjoy it when it's finished :) Fallout UK: coming 2012 21:49, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

I just don't see what motive China would have in nuking the UK. I mean if you look at it logically, the UK has been fighting the Middle-East with Europe of which China is not a part, when the Great War starts Europe isn't in a state to fight and during the Great War, the USA annexes Canada which is a Commonwealth Nation and if in the Fallout Universe, Britain does still rule the Commonwealth of Nations, it is more likely the UK would be helping the Chinese destroy America rather than helping the Americans destroy China if the Americans have gone and stolen British Commonwealth soil. I mean, you don't ally with the guys invading your land. Lily-Robinson 22:57 21st August 2011 (BST)

Oh btw, a suggestion on the name too, perhaps you should call it Fallout: Great Britain, that way it can't be shortened to FUK, besides you said you were going to have it where Ireland is unheard of meaning it would be on the island of Great Britain. However I'd bare in mind, in post-war America they have reverted to being tribals, if that is the case in Europe, many European tribes as they have advanced in history crossed the small bits of water like the English Channel and Irish Sea and from the sounds the UK would be the least affected by the European anarchy as it has its Channel so it may not revert that far back, it may just wait on the sidelines until Europe is weak enough for it to invade with minimal effort. I don't know, just an idea though. I just really doubt the Great War would affect it that much and as for the aftermath of the Resource Wars, if Britain can maintain order within the island, it would most likely just have the Navy patrolling the coasts to protect Britain from the anarchists in Europe. User:Lily-Robinson 23:38 21 August 2011 (BST)

The tribals are only the impure, those rejected by the government, they live in the countryside as the land has been purified and most technology recovered. Fallout GB? I like it. Ireland was neglected by the government as it was deemed a waste of resources to transport materials to build an Ark, I think Ireland took the Resource War badly too so a lot of rebuilding would've been needed, it is known to the population that there is an offshore island but other than that it's not really explored. It could be interesting to explore the option of it being American nukes...or maybe even just being caught in the crossfire? That or it could just be the climate affected by the Great War which would obviously affect the entire planet and just be a stray missile that poisoned Ark-D? To be honest, I've neglected thinking about the Great War too much, my focus has been on the story and the characters, possibly a mistake on my part - I don't want any plot holes :P Fallout UK: coming 2012 23:11, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Well there are somethings that you can think about for options. Prior to the annex of Canada the European Commonwealth would have most likely have been allied with the US against communism, and since it's not confirmed that Canada was still part of the EC that might not be a factor. China, knowing that, may have left europe in its crosshairs. And its entirely possible that Canada was annexed happily in exchange for some aid to the EC(even if slight or promised but never given) or that the EC had fallen so far into decay that they didn't even care. Also, it's entirely possible that with enough weapons to kill the world over multiple times China or the US could have adopted a "If I go down, the worlds going with me" policy. You have room to run, without knowing more about the story I can't really focus my thinking. More back to the title, Fallout: The Dark Ages might give a little more flavor so you aren't just inserting a location XxSick DemonxX 05:34, August 22, 2011 (UTC)

Canada isn't in the European Commonwealth it is in the Commonwealth of Nations, also Canada didn't give in peacefully to the Americans, Canadian troops were in large tension with United States Troops who wanted to set up a front line to protect oil lines in Alaska, they were doing the same with Mexico and putting military pressure on the Mexicans, when the Canadians wouldn't co-operate with the Americans, the Americans mobilised their army to take the nation by force. It is said that when America invade Canada it is a loss to the Commonwealth of Nations and weakening blow to the UK that has just been involved in the Resource Wars, indicating it would still have been in the Commonwealth and possibly still a Commonwealth Realm (Commonwealth Nations still under the rule of the British Monarchy) and Canada for a long time has been loyal to Britain, the British in the real world had to pretty much force the country to celebrate what is now known as Canada Day, cos at first the Canadians didn't care to much for it, they were happy calling themselves Brits. If the case is the same within the Fallout Universe, which I'm sure it would be as it is set on how the 1950s imagined the future and seen as Fallout future is based largely on past cultural values, Canada would most definitely have stuck by the British like they have done up until this very day within the real world. Lily-Robinson 07:53, 22nd August 2011 (BST)

I just read some notes they put about Canada on the wikia and at one point it says: "After the Divergence, it was unlikely to be a Commonwealth Realm, and would have received entire independence from the UK. This makes sense for the US to annex it" however that is crap as the UK has given Canada full independence in the real world, it keeps Her Majesty by choice and is in the Commonwealth by choice, the UK holds no say over how Canada is run, who it chooses to be Head of State nor which international organisations it joins therefore it would most likely have remained in the Commonwealth. Lily-Robinson 08:31, 22nd August 2011 (BST)

Hi Sick Demon, nice title but I wanted to avoid giving it a subtitle like that, because I want to avoid it sounding like a chapter in a larger story, the series is finite the story ends. I like your idea of "if I'm going down I'm taking you with me" also one of my theories regarding Britain getting a few nukes sent its way could be from one superpower in the Great War wanting to eliminate any forces that could threaten them whilst they rebuild, I mean after so much effort to destroy a major enemy would they want to be conquered by a lesser foe when they're vulnerable? Fallout GB: coming 2012 18:05, August 22, 2011 (UTC)

Lily, i think your interpretations of the time line are flawed. I'm not disputing what it says but in how you see it. I fully believe that the UK would have been nuked along with the majority of the EC. i agree with sick demon. I do like the idea of UK, its pretty solid as a location and it would be.. interesting to see their take on what happened. Great Britain as a name seems too generic. I for one vote that you include Ireland at least in some capacity. if you're set against it then maybe just some nods to it like fallout does with Ronto or the commonwealth. I wonder if you guys still had any conflict with IRA over northern Ireland? JimmyDreznaut017 02:55, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

Ireland is included in a capacity, a very important one for one of the main characters but it isnt like a location that any of the story takes place in or affects the bulk of the series - it is mentioned to be lifeless now, but as I said it's impoirtant in one way. Historical events will be covered whenever appriopriate. I've been looking into the main themes and an alternative title: "Fallout: Shades of Grey" seems natural. I'm also renaming the wastelands becuase I think calling something the X Wasteland is best left to America, the primary location is now named the Albion Expanse Fallout GB: coming 2012 16:50, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

sounds like it will be pretty good. i like the name too. JimmyDreznaut017 21:58, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

I'm liking the sound of this, however as a Scot I feel as though you're neglecting our fine country in this, which is a shame. Imagine how eerie/beautiful the Scottish mountains and lochs would look in a nuclear winterised Scotland! Plus you could use the history of Scottish clans for tribes. However if pulled off badly this could be REALLY offensive, cheesy and essentially racist. Obviously sorting out the whole timeline and what likely happened to Britain thing is important, but it's mainly about the story and characters so don't get too removed from writing to do research for something that might not be mentioned. I can just imagine a BoS-like faction trekking the highlands in power armoured kilts! haha. What would make it interesting would be having a bunch of raiders rebuliding Hadrian's Wall and stopping people from travelling to Scotland or something. And China could just have sent the co-ordinates wrong and accidently nuked ARK-D? WilliamDouglasCampbell 14:22, August 28, 2011 (UTC)

Scotland now called The Highland is known as a serene haven, home to beautiful scenery and guarded by the bravest warriors. I'm a Scot too :) Fallout GB: coming 2012 17:32, August 29, 2011 (UTC)

Awesome, Can't wait for this series. :) Where will we be able to see it? WilliamDouglasCampbell 17:12, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

http://www.youtube.com/user/PANDAWOLFproductions at some point in 2012, there will be promo materials uploaded beforehand but since we're still scripting and it won't be filmed until winter I can't promise anything short of character photos will be up this year. Thanks for the interest :) Fallout: Shades of Grey, coming 2012 18:22, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

Nice! keep us in the loop. maybe it will start a trend and other people can do some productions too. fallout around the world series. JimmyDreznaut017 23:00, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

:D I'll make sure to do regular updates and q&a's. When we start filming I may move it to my user blog though Fallout: Shades of Grey, coming 2012 18:09, September 1, 2011 (UTC)

The UK is completely destroyed. After 20+ years of being completely leveled by conventional warfare, it then gets a nice nuclear barrage when the shit hits the fan and everyone starts launching (It's not just the U.S. and China). Imagine dropping an atom bomb on Dresden after the firebombing, and you essentially have Europe in the Fallout world. -- 01:51, October 16, 2011 (UTC)

Wow, most of the OP's idea was stolen blatantly from RAGE. Anyway, there won't be a Fallout game in China under Bethesda; they themselves practically said so, but wishful thinking. Q-35 22:32, October 18, 2011 (UTC)

Who said anything about China, or a game? And what's RAGE? Fallout: Shades of Grey, coming 2012 22:52, October 18, 2011 (UTC)