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Forums: Index > Fallout 4 gameplay help > Danse is bugged after "Airship down" (at least)

After finishing with "Blind Betrayal" I left Danse in Listening Post Bravo and continued with the main game - in this case becoming enemy with BoS via "Mass Fusion". I returned to "Bravo" only after destroying the Prydwen ("Airship Down" / Institute). Danse is now unresponsive/ignores me. The only interactions I can undertake are pickpocketing or killing him. None of the usual companion-options are offered. Does anyone know if it's possible to work around it? My theory is, that you have to do (or not do) something in the interspace between "Blind Betrayal" an "Mass Fusion".

I am on PS4, so console is not an option.

--Jetjunky (talk) 09:14, August 24, 2016 (UTC)

As I understand, becoming an enemy of the BoS puts Danse in that state. I recall there being a mod, which as you're on PS4 may not be much help, but must mean the situation is known. I don't believe there to be any fixes available without the use of console or mods. 10:33, August 24, 2016 (UTC)

Thank you Sam,

I did a bit of reading in the meantime and think you are right. Except for an exploit, which has seemingly been patched lately, there is no way of being enemy with the brotherhood and having Danse as a companion at the same time. Which is kind of logic. Have to keep this in mind forthe next playthrough!

PS: perhaps one can farm the BoS hood from Danse now. I am gonna check that today.

--Jetjunky (talk) 14:11, August 24, 2016 (UTC)
