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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 gameplay help > Charon Stuck %$

Charon is stuck on top of the Jefferson Memorial. Any ideas? Or am I screwed? KTO!

This happens when you fire Charon right before the end of the main quest, Take it Back. Charon is also stuck on top of the rotunda in an inaccessible spot in my game too. Anyone know of any glitch or cheat to get up there to talk to him? 22:41, September 9, 2009 (UTC)

After about 20 minutes of trying, I was able to stack a bunch of miniguns, flamers, and laser gatling guns into a big pile and jump up to the area where Charon was standing. I recommend you have at least 7 or 8 of the guns before trying. It is tricky, don't give up, just keep stacking. Once up there, ask him to rejoin you, then just walk into him continuously to push him off the edge. Then he's all yours. 23:08, September 9, 2009 (UTC)
