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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas gameplay help > CONSOLE CODE - Weapon Repair Kit

Neglected to snag the weapon repair kit code / holotape for the vending machine in Dead Money. Have tried "additem" and "placeatme" 00011b30" though "09011b30" with no luck. I have ALL expansions, including GRA and your secret hideout. (mod?)

--Orka, January 1st, 2012, 2:10Pm Pacific

You can load a Villa savegame, open the console and click on an item to see the prefix item from DM, like a Sierra Madre chip or the Police pistol to see which code it is. I loaded an early save from when I met Sunny in Goodsprings, typed player.additem 01011b30 1 and it worked. GRPeng 02:06, January 9, 2012 (UTC)
