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Smugglers roam Point Lookout, hoping to find their fortune scavenging this relatively undisturbed desolation.Fallout 3 loading screen, Point Lookout

Smugglers are hostile traffickers in Point Lookout in 2277.


Roving bands of smugglers occupy much of Point Lookout, moving in to plunder the area of its natural resources, or slaying those who venture into their camps. They carry a wide variety of equipment and seem to have a reasonably stable social order, although they have been known to execute their own from a plank high above the cliffs overlooking the Herzog Mine.[1] Ruthless, unrepentant, and well-armed, they cannot be reasoned with and must be fought.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).

Effects of player's actions[]

Smugglers will always be hostile to the player character. They will usually travel in groups of 3-4, so they can prove to be trouble for lower level characters, but more of a nuisance for the Lone Wanderer at a high level.

Other interactions[]

Smuggler at Herzog Mine[]

Above Herzog Mine is the mutilated corpse of a recently-shot smuggler, which has just fallen from some wooden planks. His corpse contains leather armor, brass knuckles, and the Smuggler's confession holotape, explaining his death in better detail. If one walks away from the mine and look up they will see two smugglers; one holding the other prisoner at gun point and then see him shoot the other in the back. The smuggler with the gun can be killed but the prisoner cannot be saved (as he is scripted to die automatically). Both smugglers appear friendly on the map.

Sometimes if the player character is at the entrance to the mine and looks up, they will see the "ghost" of the smuggler above them, only to revert to a lump of meat if one climbs back up to the planks. If Herzog Mine is approached for the first time from the water and one works their way up, the player character can actually see him fall from the planks. Also, if the smuggler is approached from the Ark & Dove Cathedral, he is still standing on the planks but unresponsive. He yells out things like "Hey!" and "Stop that!" if one attempts to pickpocket or shoot at him.


Unarmed/Melee Weapons smugglers[]

Small Guns/Energy Weapons smugglers[]

Notable smugglers[]


  • There is a band of smugglers trying to take over the covered bridge.
  • There is a smuggler on a small island off the coast of the lighthouse who carries a sniper rifle. The same smuggler will attempt to kill the player character upon their exiting of the lighthouse upon completion of the main quest by sniping them the instant that they appear from the secret lab, even if under the cloak of a Stealth Boy.
  • After the completion of the main quest A Meeting of the Minds, one will be ambushed by 4-5 smugglers upon entering the boardwalk area, close to the Ferris Wheel. This will often result in Panada's death.
  • Smugglers are referred to as "bandits" in the G.E.C.K.


Smugglers appear only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes the smuggler above Herzog Mine will appear alive and friendly. If one talks with him, they will find a blank dialogue box and he will say nothing. He does not fight back when attacked and the player character will receive experience by killing him (as much as a normal smuggler) but no karma loss/gain. He can also be pick-pocketed for leather armor, brass knuckles, and the Smuggler's confession holotape. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The smugglers may never appear at the lighthouse. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 The smugglers may never appear in the game at all, leaving their camps empty.[verified]



  1. Smuggler's confession
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.44: "Smugglers
    Riddling the southwest coast, boardwalk of Point Lookout, and the main road out of town toward the Cathedral, as well as the cliffs to the east, roving bands of smugglers occupy much of the area, moving in to plunder the area of its natural resources, or slaying those who venture into their camps. They carry a wide variety of equipment, and seem to have a reasonably stable social order, although they have been known to execute their own from a plank high above the cliffs overlooking the Herzog Mine. Ruthless, unrepentant, and well-armed, they cannot be reasoned with, and must be fought."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)