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Fallout Wiki

The Schenzy residence is a location in Fallout 3. It is the residence of Karen Schenzy in Arefu.


A small, one-room house with a single exit. It is across from Evan King's house.


When the player character knocks on the door and Karen Schenzy asks who it is, replying that they are a member of The Family, demanding to be let in will cause her to refuse admittance. It is only when mentioning that Evan King sent them that she will allow entrance.


The Schenzy residence appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Once inside the house, Karen may have exited the house, leaving the door locked, making it impossible for the player to exit the room. [verified]