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A small, quaint farming community, surrounded by vast fields of dead or dying crops.— Modoc description, Fallout 2

Modoc is a small farming town in New California, found fifteen squares east and three squares south of Arroyo. It is divided into two districts, one cave section and two outside sections.


For a long time, it traded in leather and meat from brahmin, but as other places were offering the same goods at cheaper rates, and people began herding and raising their own brahmin, Modoc has been on the decline. It is mostly a sleepy mountain community, with a Bed and Breakfast for the weary traveler. Modoc is beginning to change to a trade city, taking its cue as a stopover place for the Vault City trade routes, but the change may not be enough to save it. In 2241, Modoc has problems with "ghosts", missing watches, gardens infested with rats and a missing boy, among other things. Modoc is one of the few places where wastelanders still can get married.

In the Bed and Breakfast district, the fenced-off building with the rocks piled in front of the door is the "chicken" (which is actually a deathclaw) coop where Rose gets her eggs for her omelets. It is guarded by dogs, and the Chosen One eventually blew up the rocks and killed the mother deathclaw in 2241, leading to the cessation of omelet production by the Rose's Bed and Breakfast.[1] By 2281, the Crimson Caravan has a branch within the town.[2]


Modoc brahmin pastures
Rose's Bed and Breakfast
Farrel's garden
Modoc caves
Modoc Main Street

Main Street[]


Welcome to the quietest town in the wasteland

Modoc caves well


Main article: Modoc Main Street

Main Street is the entrance of Modoc. Jo, the sheriff and the mayor of the city stands here, running the trading post and organizing trade between Modoc and other cities. Interesting places include the Balthas's tannery, Grisham's family home and the slaughterhouse.

Loot in Main Street

Modoc tannery:

Grisham house:


Bed and Breakfast[]


Deathclaw omelette sounds good!

Cornelius possibly built this B&B for his sweetheart Rose when they were young lovers. The B&B had a reasonably boring life since then until it was covered in goo from the outhouse explosion caused by the Chosen One in 2241.

Loot in Bed and Breakfast

Farrel's garden[]

Farrels garden

Rats, rats and more rats!

Main article: Farrel's garden

Farrel tends these crops and he is proud, but the crops are infested by rats. The Chosen One can kill the vermin for Farrel.

Loot in Farrel's garden

Brahmin Pastures[]


Some angry wild dogs are hungry

This location is only accessible during the quest "Guard brahmin herd for Grisham." It's a small brahmin pasture next to Modoc, owned by Grisham. At the moment the Chosen One enters the pasture, some wild dogs want to kill and eat Grisham's brahmin.

Modoc caves[]


Goop is everywhere!

Main article: Modoc caves

A huge cavern below the Modoc's toilet filled with goo, with a pile of rocks blocking the passage to the north to a mole rat lair. There is a large amount of methane in the cavern, so the smallest spark would blow it sky-high.

Loot in Modoc caves



Main article: Modoc characters
Img Name Dialogue file Description Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Clothing Proto Location
Npc leather Balthas McBaltha.msg Father of Jonny and a tanner. Yes Leather armor 00000192 Modoc Main Street
Commongirl2 Balthas' wife McBalWif.msg The wife of Balthas and the mom of Jonny. Farmer outfit 00000059 Modoc Main Street
FoModel BlackGuyRedShirt Bo Red outfit 00000000
FoModel Brahmin Bess McBess.msg Brahmin with a crippled leg, found in Modoc. Yes 00000191 Rose's Bed and Breakfast
FoModel OldDoc Biff Doctor outfit 00000200
FoModel WhiteBald Cornelius McCornel.msg Rose's husband, co-owner of Rose's Bed and Breakfast. Torn old outfit 00000058 Rose's Bed and Breakfast
FoModel Peasant Davin McDavin.msg Grisham's son, Miria's brother. Yes Citizen outfit 00000163 Modoc Main Street
FoModel BlackGuyRedShirt Farrel McFarrel.msg A resident of Modoc that tend to the plants. Red outfit 00000063 Rose's Bed and Breakfast
Commonguy2 Grisham McGrisha.msg Father of Davin and Miria. Farmer outfit 00000193 Modoc Main Street
FoModel BlackGuyRedShirt Jo McJo.msg Town mayor, trader and sheriff. Yes Red outfit 00000198 Modoc Main Street
FoModel Child Jonny McJohnny.msg/
The son of Balthas living under the farm. Kid outfit 00000197/
Ghost Farm/
Dog Laddie McLaddie.msg Jonny's dog in Modoc, joins over the Party Limit until you find Jonny. Yes 00000165 Modoc Main Street
FoModel StandardGirl Miria McMiria.msg/
Grisham's daughter, Davin's sister. Yes Wastelander girl clothing 00000164 Modoc Main Street
Commongirl2 Rose McRose.msg Owner of Rose's Bed and Breakfast, wife of Cornelius. Farmer outfit 00000059 Rose's Bed and Breakfast
Chicken Modoc townsperson Modoc trader Stable boy

Related quests[]

Main article: Modoc quests
Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc. Investigate and report back to Jo Jo Next quest - -
Jo is suspicious of the Slags. Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl Jo 3500 XP 700 XP
-100 Karma
Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc Vegeir AK-112 assault rifle
50 5mm JHP
2000 XP 700 XP
Go to the Den and tell Karl it's alright to come back home Jo 500 XP - -
Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him Cornelius 2000 XP
+10 Karma
1000 XP
-5 Karma
Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to Farrel Farrel 2000 XP
+10 Karma
1000 XP
-5 Karma
Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the infestation Farrel 300 XP 300 XP
1 cookie
Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas Balthas Jonny's BB gun - -
Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Jonny back home to Balthas Balthas 2500 XP
Combat leather jacket
- -
Guard brahmin herd for Grisham Grisham 600 XP
+50 Karma
- -
Help Bess the Brahmin Bess +5 Karma
Dead brahmin encounter around Modoc
- -
Kill the "chicken" Rose's chicken 1000 XP
Rose stops selling omelets
- -


  • The background music is Serenity, which was later used for Vault 21, Gomorrah and the New Vegas medical clinic in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • The injured brahmin, named Bess, in front of the slaughterhouse can be healed for 200 XP using the Doctor skill. Bess will become a temporary companion and follow the Chosen One while they stay at Modoc.
  • If the Chosen One marries the daughter of the butcher at the slaughterhouse, leaves with his daughter, then lets her die in a fight, he himself will die of a heart attack if informed.
  • With an Intelligence of less than four, a free omelet will be received every time they talk to Rose, but nothing else.
  • When trying to find the stolen watch, a toilet has to be blown up to get to the sewers beneath it. The explosion will result in the entire Bed and Breakfast district's buildings being covered in sewage.
  • If Rose is talked to about her omelets after the deathclaw is dead, she will say some fool broke into the "chicken" coop and killed her deathclaw, resulting in her inability to create any more omelets.
  • Rose is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas by her grandniece, Jas Wilkins. She tells the Courier the story about her great aunt and the "chicken."
  • In Fallout Shelter, it is mentioned in the description for the sheriff's duster.


Modoc appears in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

There is a real world location of the same name, the Modoc National Forest in Modoc County, California.


  • Since the European version of Fallout 2 removed children, the Modoc quest involving finding Jonny was not possible to solve but an unofficial fix which involved bringing children back to the game solved this.[verified]
  • In the Fallout trilogy pack, there is a bug when attempting to recruit either Miria or Davin, that directly after sleeping with them, the screen will go black. It is possible to continue to hear the sounds of the town, but it will never fade back from black. This effectively makes either companion unobtainable.[verified]



  1. The Courier: "Where did you come up with this recipe?"
    Jas Wilkins: "My great-aunt Rose ran a bed and breakfast back in California, in a town called Modoc. She's the one who created the recipe in the first place. I don't know how she managed to get a hold of a female Deathclaw, but she kept it in a shed. Aunt Rose had a steady supply of eggs for her omelets."
    (Jas Wilkins' dialogue)
  2. Crimson Caravan Company terminal entries; Gun Runner tariff
CharactersJo · Grisham · Balthas · Biff · "Chicken" · Cornelius · Farrel · Rose · Jonny · Davin · Miria · Laddie · Balthas' wife  · Modoc citizen · Modoc trader · Vegeir · Slag guard · Slag citizen (the Ghost Farm Slags) · Stable boy
LocationsModoc Main Street (Modoc trading post · Grisham's house · Modoc tannery · Slaughterhouse pen) · Modoc brahmin pastures · Rose's Bed and Breakfast · Farrel's garden · Modoc caves · Ghost Farm
QuestsSomething strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc. Investigate and report back to Jo · Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him · Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to Farrel · Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas · Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Jonny back home to Balthas · Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the infestation · Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc · Jo is suspicious of the Slags. Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl · Go to the Den and tell Karl it's alright to come back home · Kill the "chicken" · Help Bess the Brahmin