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Sorry, kiddo, but I'm not in the mood for jokes.

Martha Simpson is one of the inhabitants of Vault 112 trapped inside the Tranquility Lane virtual reality simulation in Fallout 3.


Resident 227 of Vault 112, Martha has been trapped with her fellow dwellers by Stanislaus Braun for over 200 years.[1] Tormented to death an uncountable number of times, including the slow death by scurvy at the Toucan Lagoon, her latest role is that of a sexually frustrated housewife, pining for another woman's husband.[2] The object of her desire is Roger Rockwell, married to Janet Rockwell. Martha is despised by Janet, who would kill her if she could find proof of her husband's infidelity.[Non-game 1]

The irony is that while there was some chemistry between Roger and Martha, Rockwell pushed her away and denied it, much to Martha's frustration. He wanted to keep his marriage intact. Janet noticed that chemistry too, but after a bitter fight in front of an open window earlier in the year, she finally believed Roger's word.[3] As such, the sorry state of their marriage became public knowledge,[4] while Martha had to listen to a long list of insults that Janet used to described her. Simpson kept her feelings to herself and decided to give the Rockwells a wide berth, just in case.[5]

It seems that she's also been ostracized from the community to a degree. Only Mabel Henderson shows consistent interest in her life, and the two are good friends.[6] They only disagree on robotics: While Mabel dislikes her Mister Handy, Martha is an enthusiast of RobCo technology, believing it to be completely safe, merely a machine that simply does as its told. She's even suggested that Mable exchange it for something from the "new" RobCo catalog, although Mabel's been less than enthusiastic.[7]

Henderson's vitals indicate a state of elevated stress: 92 beats per minute, 150/80 mmHg of blood pressure, 98.9°F/37.16°C temperature, and 20 breaths per minute, similar to Timmy Neusbaum.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Tranquility Lane: Martha Simpson is one of the residents one may have to kill if they choose to do all of Betty's tasks. She is also involved in one of Braun's tasks to creatively torment his prisoners: The player can choose to murder Martha with Janet's rolling pin, then pin the slaying on Janet, to break up their marriage.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Pre-War casualwear


Martha Simpson appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 112 terminal entries; Lounger Monitor -- Subject: M. Simpson
  2. Tranquility Lane terminal entries: "I've finally come to the realization that the Toucan Lagoon simulation has run its course.
    I'm tired of the beating sun and ceaseless pounding of the lagoon's waves upon the shore. I no longer take pleasure in watching Simpson wither away from scurvy, or hearing Neusbaum's screams as he's devoured by the mako shark.
    I am, quite simply, bored. It is time to reset the simulation once again.
    I haven't been skiing in ages. "
  3. Lone Wanderer: "Oh, come on. You know something, don't you? What's the story?"
    Martha Simpson: "There's no story. Never was. Roger and I... Nothing ever happened. I wanted... Oh, I don't know. I thought there was something between us. No, that's not true. I know there was. But Roger pushed me away. Tried to deny it. Even Janet knew it was there. She fought with him over it. I think she still suspects something. I try to stay away from Roger, just to avoid giving her a reason to hate me more."
  4. Lone Wanderer: "What do you mean, "worked everything out"?"
    Mabel Henderson: "Oh, I... Well, I'm not one to talk, but there was that fight last year. Everyone could hear them arguing. Janet thought there was something going on with Roger and Martha Simpson. He eventually convinced her it wasn't true. But I've seen the way Martha looks at him. Janet may believe him, but I sure don't."
  5. Lone Wanderer: "So they've had some problems in the past?"
    Mabel Henderson: "Well sure, sweetie. Doesn't everyone? Of course, not everyone decides to fight about it in front of an open window, so the whole neighborhood can hear... Martha Simpson must've been mortified, hearing Janet call her all those names. She's never said one word about it, though."
  6. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Mabel Henderson?"
    Martha Simpson: "Mabel's been a good friend to me. She's always interested in what's going on with my life, which is more than I can say for some people. I'll sometimes go over to her house and chat while she's baking. She really loves to bake... Uses that oven all the time."
  7. Mabel Henderson: "Hi, Martha. " or "Say, Martha... "
    Martha Simpson: "Mabel, I meant to ask you. Have you seen the new RobCo catalog? I thought you might be interested, since you don't seem to like your Mr. Handy." or "Oh, Mabel. Did you want to look for a new robot? I know you're not comfortable with yours."
    Mabel Henderson: "No, no. I don't like robots. Don't like the one I have, and don't want a new one. If I didn't rely on the thing so much, I'd just get rid of it." or "I don't want a new one. I don't even really want the one I have now... I don't trust it, Martha. Not a bit."
    Martha Simpson: "You know there's nothing to worry about, right? It's perfectly safe. They build them so they won't ever hurt their owners." or "Really, Mabel. It's fine. There's no reason to feel uncomfortable. It's just another machine."
    Mabel Henderson: "Well, maybe you feel that way. I really don't like it. What if something goes wrong?" or "Just the same, I don't trust it. I swear it watches me sometimes."
    Martha Simpson: "Oh Mabel, you worry too much. It's fine." or "It's perfectly safe, I'm sure. Everyone here has one, and no one's ever had a problem."


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 84:
    "Martha Simpson:
    She swears, if looks could kill, Janet Rockwell would have put her in hospital by now. Thankfully, Janet's husband is always there to smooth everything over, but Martha is worried about her friend Janet. Perhaps she should speak to Mabel Henderson about it."