Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Someday we'll wipe out those slavers.

Rondo is the mechanic of the New California Rangers headquarters in 2241.


Rondo is the main mechanic of the New California Rangers, fixing their vehicles and weapons. He wears a set of grease-stained combat armor and carries a CZ-53 personal minigun he calls Old Bessy. Not surprisingly, he has little patience for anyone rummaging through his stuff.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

Rondo is primarily a flavor character in the Rangers' headquarters. However, if the Chosen One does not exercise caution when stealing the Ranger map for Vortis, Rondo will turn hostile.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Combat armor CZ-53 personal minigun $100
Stimpak x2
5mm AP x100


Rondo appears only in Fallout 2.
