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The War brought misery and death all over the world. I sure hope that something like that never happens again. But from what I've seen, there's not much hope for humanity.

Katja is a scavenger living in the streets of the Boneyard, and a recruitable companion in Fallout.


A slender, young woman fond of dark leather clothing and with a seemingly permanently smudged face, Katja is a Boneyard thief.[1] She was born and raised in Adytum, and spent a part of her life as a scav, trawling the derelict Los Angeles for anything of use. The dangers of the job, coupled with the drudgery of living in the fenced-off town resulted in her leaving.[2][3] Since then, she has lived a life of thievery and survival among the bones of Los Angeles, with the streets around central and southern Boneyard becoming her turf.[4] A turf filled with a lot of humans, very few mutants, aside from the odd three-eyed rat,[5] and even less worthwhile salvage.[6]

Katja knows the Boneyards like the back of her hand, and the network of warring factions that splits what remains of Los Angeles apart.[7] The hostile ruins are both her home and her bane, and she is looking for a way out, to avoid spending the rest of her life in the hellhole, trapped between sinister cults, greedy merchants from the Hub, and the population at large.[8] As far as she is concerned, nine out of ten people in the Boneyards fall into three categories: rapists, murderers, and thieves. She can tell thieves apart from others on account of being one, and developed a keen survival instinct to keep the other two categories at bay.[9] If it fails, Katja can always fall back on her skills as a scrapper, including knife fighting, submachine guns, and throwing sharp objects accurately.[10] In fact, she always keeps a knife handy and feels wrong when unarmed.[11]

As a result of her experiences, Katja has a very cynical outlook on life. While she hopes that humanity learned from its mistakes and the untold misery and death brought by the Great War all over the world, what she's seen thus far means she has very little hope in humanity:[12] Adytum, her hometown, prefers to withdraw from the world and indulge in paranoia,[13] the Boneyard is torn apart by violence, the Cathedral is obsessed with a dark god,[14] and the only positive force in the Boneyard, the Followers of the Apocalypse, preach peace, tolerance, and are thoroughly unfit for survival (at least from Katja's perspective).[15] Meanwhile, the friends she has are swallowed by the Boneyards. One suffered a particularly unpleasant fate, dying from an overdose of Psycho.[16]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Paving the Way
This character is a permanent companion.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
33 Protector
This character is allied with the following faction(s).

Shady Sands


  • Recruit Katja: The player can recruit Katja into their team, in return for another gun and 200 XP.


  • Katja is a recruitable NPC located in the Boneyard Library. She can be recruited simply by being asked to join. Afterward, she can be used to lockpick closed doors. She is also a decent ally with some small arms (e.g. .223 pistol, 14mm pistol, 10mm SMG. Sprite limitations prohibit her from using the 10mm pistol and Desert Eagle .44).
  • She is highly skilled with a power fist or a Ripper, typically capable of dealing huge amounts of damage with those weapons. Her biggest drawbacks are her low Strength and HP, that she has a below average Carry Weight, and that she will often need to be supplied with stimpaks to be able to endure some battles, especially so as the game progresses.
  • Outside combat, Katja can lockpick two locks in the game for the Vault Dweller. The first is Doc Morbid's locker under his clinic (requiring 75% Lockpick normally), however, she does not disarm the explosive trap protecting it. The second lock is the outer door to the Mariposa Military Base, but only if the player failed to lockpick it at least once.
  • She is also the only non-player character in the game to actually place the Cathedral on the worldmap when talking about it.

Other interactions[]

  • Katja is not a dog person and will note that she hates dogs if Dogmeat is in the party.[17]
  • If the player has made Shady Sands hostile, Katja will be hostile as well, likely due to a scripting oversight.

Tell me about[]

Katja's Tell me abouts
Query Response
Merchants, Police, Experiments, Lieutenant, Razlo, Aradesh, Military, Vats, Scribes, Seth, Tolya, Petrox, Gwen, Diana, Alya, Tandi, Khans, Paladins, Initiates, Exodus, Casino, Gizmo, Killian, Vault 13 overseer, Boneyard Library, Hall, Watershed, Set, Unity, Master, Garl I don't know any more about that than you do.
Boneyard The Angel's Boneyard is all that's left of the old city of Los Angeles. Mostly divided among warring factions, these days.
War The War brought misery and death all over the world. I sure hope that something like that never happens again. But from what've seen, there's not much hope for humanity.
Adytum Adytum used to be my home, but those people are just too paranoid and reclusive. They'll never survive by withdrawing from the world.
Followers The Followers of the Apocalypse preach peace and tolerance. Too bad it just doesn't cut it in this world.
Cathedral The Cathedral is a monumental structure south of Adytum by about a day's walk or so. It's run by a weird cult that worships some sort of dark god.
Chip, Water I don't know where you could find such a relic of old technology.
Necropolis What, the city of the dead? Isn't that a myth?
Medic The Followers have a medic on hand at all times.
Healing You should go see the medic at the Followers if you need healing.
Vault, Vault-13, Vault13 Weren't the Vaults like big underground shelters?
Junktown Um, small town north of the Hub, I think.
Shady Shady what?
Sands Shady Sands? Never heard of it.
The Hub The Hub's a huge trading center, with all sorts of stores and merchants.
Store The Gun Runners sell stuff, and there's a store in Adytum.
Deathclaw Ugh! The Deathclaws are all over in the Boneyard. I'd rather not even

think about them. Huge and aptly named.

Children I don't like kids.
Brotherhood I hear they're some sort of high-tech monks.
Base I suppose there must be some remnants of the old military.
Apocalypse You mean the big war? Wow, you sure have led a sheltered life if you

don't know anything about that.

Mutants I've seen a rat with three eyes once. That's about all I know about


Morpheus I think he's a High Priest for the Cathedral, or something.
Booze No thanks.
Chems Ugh. No, I'd rather not. I watched a friend die from an overdose of Psycho once. Not pretty.
Zimmerman He's the mayor of Adytum. A fair, if somewhat vacillating, man.
Regulators They watch over Adytum and keep it under control.
Scavs I used to be a scav. We'd go out at night and try to find useful stuff in the ruins of the Boneyard. Very dangerous job. I got sick of Adytum, though.
Blades They're a group of cast-offs who live outside of Adytum.
Nicole She's the leader of the Followers. An intelligent woman, and good hearted, too.
Psychics I get "feminine intuition" occasionally, if that's what you mean.
Merchants Merchants trade with Adytum occasionally, and sell to the Gun Runners.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Katja's leather jacket (equivalent to combat armor) 5x Throwing knife 2x Stimpaks


Katja appears only in Fallout.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Katja was included in the early versions of the Boneyard, with the Blades/Rippers and Followers/Children gang wars, and was apparently working with the Followers. Follower scholars at the Boneyard Library would wonder where she is.[18]
  • Furthermore, it seems there was a banter system planned at one point, where companions would talk to each other. Very little remains of this functionality and almost none functions, aside from Katja's remark about Dogmeat. Ian would have remarked to Katja, while at Mariposa, that he thought the Boneyard was worse than the military base.[19] Tycho would reply to one of Katja's comments with "Yeah, if you like your lizard well-done."[20]


  1. Katja's character description: "{100}{}{You see a slender young woman with a smudged face and dark clothing.}"
    "{101}{}{You see Katja, the thief.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{1058}{}{Scavs}"
    Katja: "{1158}{}{I used to be a scav. We'd go out at night and try to find useful stuff in the ruins of the Boneyard. Very dangerous job. I got sick of Adytum, Though.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{135}{}{What can you tell me about Adytum?}"
    Katja: "{139}{}{Adytum is my original home. A little too boring for me, though. It's a fenced-off and self-sufficient town in the south end of the Boneyard, but not as far as the Cathedral. We trade sometimes with the Hub.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  4. The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{I might ask the same of you.}"
    Katja: "{117}{}{You might, but you're on my home turf, not vice-versa. So put up or shut up.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{1042}{}{Mutants}"
    Katja: "{1142}{}{I've seen a rat with three eyes once. That's about all I know about Mutants.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  6. The Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{I'm looking for a replacement water chip for my Vault.}"
    Katja: "{119}{}{A water purification chip? Sorry, don't know anything about that. Don't see much of that kind of tech here in the Boneyards, except maybe the stuff Miles works on.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  7. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Boneyard}"
    Katja: "{1101}{}{The Angel's Boneyard is all that's left of the old city of Los Angeles. Mostly divided among warring factions, these days.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{130}{}{I need to know about the area around this city.}"
    Katja: "{144}{}{The Boneyard is a pretty hostile place. I've never had the opportunity to leave, though I suppose I'd take it. Let's see . . . just south of here you have the Cathedral. There's some sort of cult there, but I stay away from them. Something sinister is going on there. Also, I've heard about the trading center called the Hub, and caravans occasionally show up, but I've never been there.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{145}{}{I don't plan to stay in this place too much longer, myself.}"
    Katja: "{148}{}{No kidding. If you're looking for another hand, I'll sign on. Better than spending the rest of my existence in this hellhole, right?}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{Why so hostile?}"
    Katja: "{154}{}{Look, 90% of the people in this city fall into one or more of three categories - rapists, murderers, or thieves. I'm a thief and you actually seem polite, so that makes me wonder, okay? Call it a survival instinct.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  10. The Vault Dweller: "{177}{}{What kinds of combat skills do you have?}"
    Katja: "{178}{}{I learned how to be a scrapper from my time in the Boneyard. I'm good with knives and submachine guns. My favorite is throwing knives, of course.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{174}{}{Put your weapons away.}"
    Katja: "{179}{}{All right, although I don't feel right without a good knife.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  12. The Vault Dweller: "{1002}{}{War}"
    Katja: "{1102}{}{The War brought misery and death all over the world. I sure hope that something like that never happens again. But from what I've seen, there's not much hope for humanity.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  13. The Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Adytum}"
    Katja: "{1103}{}{Adytum used to be my home, but those people are just too paranoid and reclusive. They'll never survive by withdrawing from the world.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  14. The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Cathedral}"
    Katja: "{1105}{}{The Cathedral is a monumental structure south of Adytum by about a day's walk or so. It's run by a weird cult that worships some sort of dark god.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  15. The Vault Dweller: "{1004}{}{Followers}"
    Katja: "{1104}{}{The Followers of the Apocalypse preach peace and tolerance. Too bad it just doesn't cut it in this world.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  16. The Vault Dweller: "{1052}{}{chems}"
    Katja: "{1152}{}{Ugh. No, I'd rather not. I watched a friend die from an overdose of Psycho once. Not pretty.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  17. Katja: "{175}{}{I hate dogs.}"
    (Katja's dialogue)
  18. Follower scholar: "{114}{}{Katja must be around here somewhere. Katja!}"
    (Follower scholars' dialogue)
  19. Ian: "# Translation note
    # The following line is directed at Katja, a female scavenger, not at the player.
    # Ian is noting that he thinks that the Boneyard was a worse place than the
    # mutants' military base.
    {175}{}{I thought the Boneyard was worse.}"
    (Ian's dialogue)
  20. Tycho: "# TRANSLATION NOTE: The following line is not spoken to the player, but instead
    # is spoken to Katja, a female thief who may be a member of the player's group.
    # (See Katja.msg for particulars about Katja).
    {167}{}{Yeah, if you like your lizard well-done.}"
    (Tycho's dialogue)