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Fallout Wiki

The Concord Speakeasy is an unmarked location within the town of Concord in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


A two-story building with two entrances: one facing the main street leading up to the Museum of Freedom and one which leads to a side street. An Advanced-locked safe sits behind the counter. There are two X-cell chems in an unlocked room on the second floor, near the skeleton on the bed and two Day Tripper chems found upstairs in the bathroom, directly across from a bathtub surrounded by posed mannequins. One bottle is located in the sink, and the other is beneath it.

On the second floor, immediately to the left, there is an Advanced-locked door behind which are an ammo box, a suitcase, and a steamer trunk. A double set of doors on the second story leads to a tiny balcony outside.

Notable loot[]


The Concord Speakeasy appears only in Fallout 4.

