Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Template:Wiki policies and guidelines


Policies set general rules for the wiki's administration and its content. Their goal is to establish basic criteria for all content and rules for using administrative tools.

Guidelines describe desired etiquette and common practice in the creation, editing and organization of articles on this wiki. Their goal is to make the wiki easier to use for both editors and readers alike and to make its appearance more consistent and streamlined.

Adding or changing policies and guidelines

If you would like to propose new policies and guidelines or changes to existing ones, please create a topic in the Wiki policy discussion forum. Once the discussion has led to a final draft, call a vote. A minimum of 10 registered editors need to participate in the vote for it to be valid; a simple majority is sufficient to pass. The administrators may veto a policy; this should only be done sparingly and for good reasons.

List of policies and guidelines

Policy/guideline What it concerns
Administration policy Administrator actions in general; blocking, deletion and page protection
Article layout guideline What to put where in articles
Content organization guideline How content is organized; what makes a subject qualify for an own article, how to name, how to categorize articles, when and how to disambiguate
Content policy What content may be added to the wiki; what makes a subject qualify for an own article
Editing guideline How to write and properly format content
Image and video policy Which images and videos may be uploaded and added to articles as well as quality criteria they should fulfil
User conduct guideline How editors should behave