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Template:G4mesTemplate:Sh0rtcutThe V4ult 1RC Ch4nnel 1s 4n 1nternet Rel4y Ch4t ch4nnel th4t 4ll0ws The V4ult Dwellers t0 c0mmun1c4te w1th e4ch 0ther v14 l1ve ch4t thr0ugh the 1nternet. 1t 1s reg1stered 4s #w1k14-f4ll0ut 0n freen0de. 1n the ch4nnel, y0u c4n t4lk 4b0ut the w1k1, the F4ll0ut g4mes, 0r 4b0ut 4nyth1ng else th4t c0mes t0 y0ur m1nd (w1th1n re4s0n4ble l1m1ts).==4ccess1ng the ch4nnel======1f y0u h4ve 4n 1RC cl1ent;====* St4rt y0ur 1RC cl1ent* C0nnect t0 1rc.freen0de.net 0n p0rt 6667 4nd j01n the ch4nnel [1rc://1rc.freen0de.net/w1k14-f4ll0ut #w1k14-f4ll0ut]====1f y0u d0 n0t h4ve 4n 1RC cl1ent;====* Freen0de's J4V4 cl1entBe sure y0u 4re j01n1ng the #w1k14-f4ll0ut ch4nnel== Ch4nnel rules ==4s w1th everyth1ng 1n L1fe, s0me regul4t10ns 4re needed.0ur h0st 1s the Freen0de 1RC-Netw0rk, s0 4b0ve 4ll, the1r P0l1c1es 4pply,wh1ch c4n (4nd sh0uld, 4t le4st r0ughly) be re4d 4b0ut here: http://freen0de.net/p0l1cy.shtml.H0wever, there 4re 4ls0 s0me 4dd1t10n4l gu1del1nes 4nd rules rel4ted t0 th1s spec1f1c ch4nnel.=== B4s1c rules ===# Pers0n4l 4tt4cks 4re n0t perm1tted.# H4r4ssment 4nd/0r sexu4l h4r4ssment 1s n0t perm1tted.# Extreme Pr0f4n1ty 0r curs1ng 1s n0t perm1tted.# V10l4t10n 0f pers0n4l pr1v4cy 1s n0t perm1tted. Th1s 1ncludes reve4l1ng pers0n4l 1nf0rm4t10n 4b0ut users (e.g. re4l n4me, l0c4t10n, 4ge, gender, etc) 4nd v10l4t1ng c0nf1dent14l1ty 0n p4rt1cul4r 1ssues (such 4s 1ssues 4sked t0 be kept c0nf1dent14l by 0ther users 0r 4dm1n1str4t0rs).# L1nk1ng t0 extern4l s0urces, such 4s webs1tes, wh1ch v10l4te the 4f0rement10ned rules, 1s n0t perm1tted. N0t4bly, publ1cly l1nk1ng t0 webs1tes such 4s F4ceb00k 0r MySp4ce th4t v10l4te pers0n4l pr1v4cy, 1s n0t perm1tted w1th0ut pr10r c0nsent fr0m the user wh0se pr1v4cy m1ght be v10l4ted.# Tr0ll1ng 0r gener4l 1rr1t4t10n 0r d1srupt10n 0f 0ther users 1s n0t perm1tted. Th1s 0ften 1ncludes, but 1s n0t l1m1ted t0; excess1ve us4ge 0f c4p1t4l letters, punctu4t10n m4rks, del1ber4te d1st0rt10ns 0f the Engl1sh l4ngu4ge (such 4s "133t spe4k"), 4nd excess1ve us4ge 0f n0n-Engl1sh l4ngu4ges.# D0n't be 4 d1ck. 4s 4 gu1del1ne, d0n't g0 0ut 0f y0ur w4y t0 1rr1t4te 0thers. ( 4nd espec14lly d0 N0T try t0 test the 0Ps p4t1ence 4nd l1m1ts ) V1c10us 4buse 1s gr0unds f0r s4nct10ns.# N0 wh1n1ng. Users wh0 4sk f0r s0meth1ng fr0m 4n0ther 1RC user 4nd 4re refused 1t sh0uld n0t st00p t0 c0mpl41n1ng. 1t 1s 4ccept4ble t0 be pers1stent, but 1n 4 m4ture m4nner.# Re4l-w0rld p0l1t1cs 4nd/0r rel1g10n m4y 0nly be d1scussed w1th un4n1m0us c0nsent. 1f s0me0ne d0esn't w4nt t0 t4lk 4b0ut them, dr0p the subject.# 0ff1c14l l4ngu4ge: Engl1sh. We d0n't c4re 1f 1t's Br1t1sh 0r 4mer1c4n, 4s l0ng 4s 1t's n0t "L33t" 0r "TXT." 4bbrev14t10ns 4re f1ne, but keep 1t w1th1n re4s0n.# N0 sp4mm1ng. The me4n1ng sh0uld be 0bv10us. D0n't s4y the s4me th1ng s1x t1mes bec4use n0 0ne 1s resp0nd1ng t0 y0u. D0n't keep y4mmer1ng 0n 4b0ut 4 subject n0b0dy c4res 4b0ut.# Ple4se keep 0nly 1 ( 1n w0rds: 0ne ) c0nnect10n t0 the ch4nnel 4l1ve. 0ne 1s suff1c1ent en0ugh t0 re4d, wr1te 4nd m1ngle w1th the 0ther guests.=== N1ckn4me ===The n1ckn4me gu1del1ne 1s 4 l00sely enf0rced rule.Newer users 4re enc0ur4ged t0 use the1r ex1st1ng W1k14 usern4me unt1l the1r 4ct1v1ty 4nd kn0wledge 0f the ch4nnel 4ll0ws them t0 m4ke 4 cust0m n1ckn4me.H0wever, 1mpers0n4t10n 0f 4ny user w1ll be met w1th c0nsequences fr0m the ch4nnel st4ff, 4nd m4y le4d t0 4 b4n 1f such 4ct1v1ty pers1sts.4ls0, 0ffens1ve n1ckn4mes n0t 4ll0wed.=== Fl00d1ng ===Wh1le y0u c4n s4y 4s m4ny l1nes 0f text 1n 4 r0w 4s y0u w4nt, 4ny del1ber4te fl00d1ng 0f f1ve l1nes 0r m0re w1th0ut re4s0n, 0r 4ny sp4mm1ng 0f the s4me mess4ge f1ve t1mes 0r m0re, w1ll result 1n be1ng k1cked fr0m the ch4nnel.1n 4dd1t10n, users wh0 "j01n fl00d" (j01n, le4ve, 4nd then re-j01n the ch4nnel repe4tedly, be 1t del1ber4tely 0r 0ut 0f techn1c4l re4s0ns) w1ll be b4nned fr0m the ch4nnel f0r 4 per10d 0f t1me determ1ned by the 0p 1ssu1ng the b4n.=== C4ps ===The us4ge 0f c4p1t4l letters 4nd c4ps l0ck 1s fr0wned up0n. Us1ng c4p1t4l letters t0 wr1te 4 w0rd 0r 4 wh0le entry 1s typ1c4lly perce1ved 4s yell1ng.Us1ng excess1ve c4p1t4l letters 0nce w1ll 0ften result 1n 4 c0urtesy w4rn1ng by 4n 0per4t0r, 4nd pers1stent us4ge 0f c4p1t4l letters m4y le4d t0 4 k1ck 0r b4n,depend1ng 0n sever1ty.===T0p1cs 0f d1scuss10n===The ch4nnel 1s me4nt f0r help 4nd d1scuss10n 0n The V4ult 4nd d1scuss10n 4b0ut the F4ll0ut ser1es, th0ugh respectful 0ff-t0p1c d1scuss10ns 4re 4ll0wed. === B0ts ===4ny user w1sh1ng t0 br1ng 4 b0t 1nt0 the ch4nnel sh0uld seek 4ppr0v4l fr0m 4 ch4nnel 4dm1n1str4t0r. Un4uth0r1zed 0r m4l1c10us b0ts 4re pr0h1b1ted 4nd 4re t0 be 1mmed14tely k1cked/p4rted fr0m the ch4nnel.=== C0nsequences ===0per4t0rs h4ve 4 w1de d1scret10n rel4t1ng t0 the 1ssu1ng 0f w4rn1ngs 4nd b4ns wh1ch 1nfr1nge 0n th1s rule.The c0ntent 0f mess4ges w1ll gre4tly 1mp4ct 0n the sever1ty 0f the pun1shment.1n cert41n p4rt1cul4r c4ses, except10ns m4y be perm1tted, 4lth0ugh these 4re 1nfrequent.Typ1c4lly, the f0ll0w1ng h1er4rchy w1ll 4pply t0 1nfr1ngements 0n the 4b0ve regul4t10ns(w1th the except10n 0f spec1f1c4lly 1mpl1ed c0nsequences).*F1rst 0ffense: W4rn1ng*Sec0nd 0ffense: K1ck*Th1rd 0ffense: 0ne d4y b4n Further 0ffenses w1ll result 1n 4n extended b4n, 4t the d1scret10n 0f the 0p 4dm1n1ster1ng the b4n.0per4t0rs use the1r d1scret10n when 4pply1ng these rules, 4nd underst4nd1ng 0f the rules depends 0n the 0per4t0rs percept10n 0f the rules.P4rt1cul4r except10ns m4y be gr4nted by spec1f1c 0per4t0r 4ppr0v4l.These rules 4nd regul4t10ns, h0wever, sh0uld be f0ll0wed str1ctly by users.1nfr1ngement 0f these rules 4nd regul4t10ns w1ll le4d t0 pun1shment by 4n 0per4t0r.When y0u enter the 1RC ch4nnel, y0u 4re expected t0 h4ve pr10r kn0wledge 0f 4ll these rules.==Ch4nnel 0ps==0per4t0rs, 0r 0ps, 4re the 1RC equ1v4lent 0f 4dm1n1str4t0rs. S0me 0f them 4re 4ls0 The V4ult 4dm1ns, but 1t's n0t 4 un1vers4l rule. 1n m0st 1RC cl1ents, they 4re den0ted by the @ symb0l (4lth0ugh they usu4lly 4ssume 0p st4tus 0nly 1f there 1s 4 need t0 use the1r 0per4t0r r1ghts). L1st 0f 4ct1ve ch4nnel 0per4t0rs:* 4us1r (f0under)* Yr0l* Mr.Lexx* 4yum11n4ct1ve 0per4t0rs:* B0rtJr* J4rgner* M1k4elGr1zzly1RC
