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'''The V4ult 1RC Ch4nnel''' 1s 4n [[w1k1ped14:1nternet Rel4y Ch4t|1nternet Rel4y Ch4t]] ch4nnel th4t 4llows The V4ult Dwellers to commun1c4te w1th e4ch other v14 l1ve ch4t through the 1nternet. 1t 1s reg1stered 4s '''#w1k14-f4llout''' on [[w1k1ped14:freenode|freenode]]. 1n the ch4nnel, you c4n t4lk 4bout the w1k1, the ''F4llout'' g4mes, or 4bout 4nyth1ng else th4t comes to your m1nd (w1th1n re4son4ble l1m1ts).
'''Nukapedia IRC Channel''' is an [[wikipedia:Internet Relay Chat|Internet Relay Chat]] channel that allows Fallout Wiki Dwellers to communicate with each other via live chat through the Internet. It is registered as '''#wikia-fallout''' on [[wikipedia:freenode|freenode]]. In the channel, you can talk about the wiki, the ''Fallout'' games, or about anything else that comes to your mind (within reasonable limits).
==4ccess1ng the ch4nnel==
==Accessing the channel==
====1f you h4ve 4n [[w1k1ped14:1nternet Rel4y Ch4t#Cl1ents|1RC cl1ent]];====
====If you have an [[wikipedia:Internet Relay Chat#Clients|IRC client]];====
* St4rt your 1RC cl1ent
* Start your IRC client
* Connect to 1rc.freenode.net on port 6667 4nd jo1n the ch4nnel [1rc://1rc.freenode.net/w1k14-f4llout #w1k14-f4llout]
* Connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 and join the channel [irc://irc.freenode.net/wikia-fallout #wikia-fallout]
====1f you do not h4ve 4n 1RC cl1ent;====
====If you do not have an IRC client;====
* [http://j4v4.freenode.net/?ch4nnel=w1k14-f4llout Freenode's J4V4 cl1ent]
* [http://webchat.freenode.net/?channel=wikia-fallout Freenode's AJAX client]
Be sure you 4re jo1n1ng the #w1k14-f4llout ch4nnel
Be sure you are joining the #wikia-fallout channel
== Ch4nnel rules ==
== Channel rules ==
4s w1th everyth1ng 1n L1fe, some regul4t1ons 4re needed.
As with everything in Life, some regulations are needed.
Our host 1s the Freenode 1RC-Network, so 4bove 4ll, the1r Pol1c1es 4pply,
Our host is the Freenode IRC-Network, so above all, their Policies apply,
wh1ch c4n (4nd should, 4t le4st roughly) be re4d 4bout here: http://freenode.net/pol1cy.shtml.
which can (and should, at least roughly) be read about here: http://freenode.net/policy.shtml.
However, there 4re 4lso some 4dd1t1on4l gu1del1nes 4nd rules rel4ted to th1s spec1f1c ch4nnel.
However, there are also some additional guidelines and rules related to this specific channel.
=== B4s1c rules ===
=== Basic rules ===
# Person4l 4tt4cks 4re not perm1tted.
# Personal attacks are not permitted.
# H4r4ssment 4nd/or sexu4l h4r4ssment 1s not perm1tted.
# Harassment and/or sexual harassment is not permitted.
# Extreme Prof4n1ty or curs1ng 1s not perm1tted.
# Extreme Profanity or cursing is not permitted.
# V1ol4t1on of person4l pr1v4cy 1s not perm1tted. Th1s 1ncludes reve4l1ng person4l 1nform4t1on 4bout users (e.g. re4l n4me, loc4t1on, 4ge, gender, etc) 4nd v1ol4t1ng conf1dent14l1ty on p4rt1cul4r 1ssues (such 4s 1ssues 4sked to be kept conf1dent14l by other users or 4dm1n1str4tors).
# Violation of personal privacy is not permitted. This includes revealing personal information about users (e.g. real name, location, age, gender, etc) and violating confidentiality on particular issues (such as issues asked to be kept confidential by other users or administrators).
# L1nk1ng to extern4l sources, such 4s webs1tes, wh1ch v1ol4te the 4forement1oned rules, 1s not perm1tted. Not4bly, publ1cly l1nk1ng to webs1tes such 4s F4cebook or MySp4ce th4t v1ol4te person4l pr1v4cy, 1s not perm1tted w1thout pr1or consent from the user whose pr1v4cy m1ght be v1ol4ted.
# Linking to external sources, such as websites, which violate the aforementioned rules, is not permitted. Notably, publicly linking to websites such as Facebook or MySpace that violate personal privacy, is not permitted without prior consent from the user whose privacy might be violated.
# Troll1ng or gener4l 1rr1t4t1on or d1srupt1on of other users 1s not perm1tted. Th1s often 1ncludes, but 1s not l1m1ted to; excess1ve us4ge of c4p1t4l letters, punctu4t1on m4rks, del1ber4te d1stort1ons of the Engl1sh l4ngu4ge (such 4s "133t spe4k"), 4nd excess1ve us4ge of non-Engl1sh l4ngu4ges.
# Trolling or general irritation or disruption of other users is not permitted. This often includes, but is not limited to; excessive usage of capital letters, punctuation marks, deliberate distortions of the English language (such as "133t speak"), and excessive usage of non-English languages.
# Don't be 4 d1ck. 4s 4 gu1del1ne, don't go out of your w4y to 1rr1t4te others. ( 4nd espec14lly do NOT try to test the OPs p4t1ence 4nd l1m1ts ) V1c1ous 4buse 1s grounds for s4nct1ons.
# Don't be a dick. As a guideline, don't go out of your way to irritate others. ( And especially do NOT try to test the OPs patience and limits ) Vicious abuse is grounds for sanctions.
# No wh1n1ng. Users who 4sk for someth1ng from 4nother 1RC user 4nd 4re refused 1t should not stoop to compl41n1ng. 1t 1s 4ccept4ble to be pers1stent, but 1n 4 m4ture m4nner.
# No whining. Users who ask for something from another IRC user and are refused it should not stoop to complaining. It is acceptable to be persistent, but in a mature manner.
# Re4l-world pol1t1cs 4nd/or rel1g1on m4y only be d1scussed w1th un4n1mous consent. 1f someone doesn't w4nt to t4lk 4bout them, drop the subject.
# Real-world politics and/or religion may only be discussed with unanimous consent. If someone doesn't want to talk about them, drop the subject.
# Off1c14l l4ngu4ge: Engl1sh. We don't c4re 1f 1t's Br1t1sh or 4mer1c4n, 4s long 4s 1t's not "L33t" or "TXT." 4bbrev14t1ons 4re f1ne, but keep 1t w1th1n re4son.
# Official language: English. We don't care if it's British or American, as long as it's not "L33t" or "TXT." Abbreviations are fine, but keep it within reason.
# No sp4mm1ng. The me4n1ng should be obv1ous. Don't s4y the s4me th1ng s1x t1mes bec4use no one 1s respond1ng to you. Don't keep y4mmer1ng on 4bout 4 subject nobody c4res 4bout.
# No spamming. The meaning should be obvious. Don't say the same thing six times because no one is responding to you. Don't keep yammering on about a subject nobody cares about.
# Ple4se keep only 1 ( 1n words: One ) connect1on to the ch4nnel 4l1ve. One 1s suff1c1ent enough to re4d, wr1te 4nd m1ngle w1th the other guests.
# Please keep only 1 ( in words: One ) connection to the channel alive. One is sufficient enough to read, write and mingle with the other guests.
=== N1ckn4me ===
=== Nickname ===
The n1ckn4me gu1del1ne 1s 4 loosely enforced rule.
The nickname guideline is a loosely enforced rule.
Newer users 4re encour4ged to use the1r ex1st1ng W1k14 usern4me unt1l the1r 4ct1v1ty 4nd knowledge of the ch4nnel 4llows them to m4ke 4 custom n1ckn4me.
Newer users are encouraged to use their existing Wikia username until their activity and knowledge of the channel allows them to make a custom nickname.
However, 1mperson4t1on of 4ny user w1ll be met w1th consequences from the ch4nnel st4ff, 4nd m4y le4d to 4 b4n 1f such 4ct1v1ty pers1sts.
However, impersonation of any user will be met with consequences from the channel staff, and may lead to a ban if such activity persists.
4lso, offens1ve n1ckn4mes not 4llowed.
Also, offensive nicknames are not allowed.
=== Flood1ng ===
=== Flooding ===
Wh1le you c4n s4y 4s m4ny l1nes of text 1n 4 row 4s you w4nt, 4ny del1ber4te flood1ng of f1ve l1nes or more w1thout re4son, or 4ny sp4mm1ng of the s4me mess4ge f1ve t1mes or more, w1ll result 1n be1ng k1cked from the ch4nnel.
While you can say as many lines of text in a row as you want, any deliberate flooding of five lines or more without reason, or any spamming of the same message five times or more, will result in being kicked from the channel.
1n 4dd1t1on, users who "jo1n flood" (jo1n, le4ve, 4nd then re-jo1n the ch4nnel repe4tedly, be 1t del1ber4tely or out of techn1c4l re4sons) w1ll be b4nned from the ch4nnel for 4 per1od of t1me determ1ned by the op 1ssu1ng the b4n.
In addition, users who "join flood" (join, leave, and then re-join the channel repeatedly, be it deliberately or out of technical reasons) will be banned from the channel for a period of time determined by the op issuing the ban.
=== C4ps ===
=== Caps ===
The us4ge of c4p1t4l letters 4nd c4ps lock 1s frowned upon. Us1ng c4p1t4l letters to wr1te 4 word or 4 whole entry 1s typ1c4lly perce1ved 4s yell1ng.
The usage of capital letters and caps lock is frowned upon. Using capital letters to write a word or a whole entry is typically perceived as yelling.
Us1ng excess1ve c4p1t4l letters once w1ll often result 1n 4 courtesy w4rn1ng by 4n oper4tor, 4nd pers1stent us4ge of c4p1t4l letters m4y le4d to 4 k1ck or b4n,
Using excessive capital letters once will often result in a courtesy warning by an operator, and persistent usage of capital letters may lead to a kick or ban,
depend1ng on sever1ty.
depending on severity.
===Top1cs of d1scuss1on===
===Topics of discussion===
The ch4nnel 1s me4nt for help 4nd d1scuss1on on The V4ult 4nd d1scuss1on 4bout the ''F4llout'' ser1es, though respectful off-top1c d1scuss1ons 4re 4llowed.
The channel is meant for help and discussion on Nukapedia and discussion about the ''Fallout'' series, though respectful off-topic discussions are allowed.
=== Bots ===
=== Bots ===
4ny user w1sh1ng to br1ng 4 bot 1nto the ch4nnel should seek 4pprov4l from 4 ch4nnel 4dm1n1str4tor. Un4uthor1zed or m4l1c1ous bots 4re proh1b1ted 4nd 4re to be 1mmed14tely k1cked/p4rted from the ch4nnel.
Any user wishing to bring a bot into the channel should seek approval from a channel administrator. Unauthorized or malicious bots are prohibited and are to be immediately kicked/parted from the channel.
=== Consequences ===
=== Consequences ===
Oper4tors h4ve 4 w1de d1scret1on rel4t1ng to the 1ssu1ng of w4rn1ngs 4nd b4ns wh1ch 1nfr1nge on th1s rule.
Operators have a wide discretion relating to the issuing of warnings and bans which infringe on this rule.
The content of mess4ges w1ll gre4tly 1mp4ct on the sever1ty of the pun1shment.
The content of messages will greatly impact on the severity of the punishment.
1n cert41n p4rt1cul4r c4ses, except1ons m4y be perm1tted, 4lthough these 4re 1nfrequent.
In certain particular cases, exceptions may be permitted, although these are infrequent.
Typ1c4lly, the follow1ng h1er4rchy w1ll 4pply to 1nfr1ngements on the 4bove regul4t1ons
Typically, the following hierarchy will apply to infringements on the above regulations
(w1th the except1on of spec1f1c4lly 1mpl1ed consequences).
(with the exception of specifically implied consequences).
*F1rst offense: W4rn1ng
*First offense: Warning
*Second offense: K1ck
*Second offense: Kick
*Th1rd offense: One d4y b4n
*Third offense: One day ban
Further offenses w1ll result 1n 4n extended b4n, 4t the d1scret1on of the op 4dm1n1ster1ng the b4n.
Further offenses will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.
Oper4tors use the1r d1scret1on when 4pply1ng these rules, 4nd underst4nd1ng of the rules depends on the oper4tors percept1on of the rules.
Operators use their discretion when applying these rules, and understanding of the rules depends on the operators perception of the rules.
Particular exceptions may be granted by specific operator approval.
P4rt1cul4r except1ons m4y be gr4nted by spec1f1c oper4tor 4pprov4l.
These rules 4nd regul4t1ons, however, should be followed str1ctly by users.
These rules and regulations, however, should be followed strictly by users.
1nfr1ngement of these rules 4nd regul4t1ons w1ll le4d to pun1shment by 4n oper4tor.
Infringement of these rules and regulations will lead to punishment by an operator.
When you enter the 1RC ch4nnel, you 4re expected to h4ve pr1or knowledge of 4ll these rules.
When you enter the IRC channel, you are expected to have prior knowledge of all these rules.
==Ch4nnel ops==
==Channel ops==
Oper4tors, or ops, 4re the 1RC equ1v4lent of 4dm1n1str4tors. Some of them 4re 4lso The V4ult 4dm1ns, but 1t's not 4 un1vers4l rule. 1n most 1RC cl1ents, they 4re denoted by the @ symbol (4lthough they usu4lly 4ssume op st4tus only 1f there 1s 4 need to use the1r oper4tor r1ghts).
Operators, or ops, are the IRC equivalent of administrators. Some of them are also Fallout Wiki admins, but it's not a universal rule. In most IRC clients, they are denoted by the @ symbol (although they usually assume op status only if there is a need to use their operator rights).
L1st of 4ct1ve ch4nnel oper4tors:
List of active channel operators:
* [[User:4us1r|4us1r]] (founder)
* [[User:Yrol|Yrol]]
* [[User:Mr.Lexx|Mr.Lexx]]
* 4yum1
Inactive operators:
1n4ct1ve oper4tors:
* [[User:Ausir|Ausir]] (founder)
* [[User:Mr.Lexx|Mr.Lexx]]
* Ayumi
* BortJr
* BortJr
* [[User:J4rgner|J4rgner]]
* [[User:Jargner|Jargner]]
* [[User:M1k4elGr1zzly|M1k4elGr1zzly]]
* [[User:MikaelGrizzly|MikaelGrizzly]]
[[C4tegory:The V4ult|1RC]]
[[Category:Fallout Wiki|IRC]]
[[Category:Policies and guidelines]]

Revision as of 14:38, 23 January 2016


Nukapedia IRC Channel is an Internet Relay Chat channel that allows Fallout Wiki Dwellers to communicate with each other via live chat through the Internet. It is registered as #wikia-fallout on freenode. In the channel, you can talk about the wiki, the Fallout games, or about anything else that comes to your mind (within reasonable limits).

Accessing the channel

If you have an IRC client;

  • Start your IRC client
  • Connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 and join the channel #wikia-fallout

If you do not have an IRC client;

Be sure you are joining the #wikia-fallout channel

Channel rules

As with everything in Life, some regulations are needed. Our host is the Freenode IRC-Network, so above all, their Policies apply, which can (and should, at least roughly) be read about here: http://freenode.net/policy.shtml.

However, there are also some additional guidelines and rules related to this specific channel.

Basic rules

  1. Personal attacks are not permitted.
  2. Harassment and/or sexual harassment is not permitted.
  3. Extreme Profanity or cursing is not permitted.
  4. Violation of personal privacy is not permitted. This includes revealing personal information about users (e.g. real name, location, age, gender, etc) and violating confidentiality on particular issues (such as issues asked to be kept confidential by other users or administrators).
  5. Linking to external sources, such as websites, which violate the aforementioned rules, is not permitted. Notably, publicly linking to websites such as Facebook or MySpace that violate personal privacy, is not permitted without prior consent from the user whose privacy might be violated.
  6. Trolling or general irritation or disruption of other users is not permitted. This often includes, but is not limited to; excessive usage of capital letters, punctuation marks, deliberate distortions of the English language (such as "133t speak"), and excessive usage of non-English languages.
  7. Don't be a dick. As a guideline, don't go out of your way to irritate others. ( And especially do NOT try to test the OPs patience and limits ) Vicious abuse is grounds for sanctions.
  8. No whining. Users who ask for something from another IRC user and are refused it should not stoop to complaining. It is acceptable to be persistent, but in a mature manner.
  9. Real-world politics and/or religion may only be discussed with unanimous consent. If someone doesn't want to talk about them, drop the subject.
  10. Official language: English. We don't care if it's British or American, as long as it's not "L33t" or "TXT." Abbreviations are fine, but keep it within reason.
  11. No spamming. The meaning should be obvious. Don't say the same thing six times because no one is responding to you. Don't keep yammering on about a subject nobody cares about.
  12. Please keep only 1 ( in words: One ) connection to the channel alive. One is sufficient enough to read, write and mingle with the other guests.


The nickname guideline is a loosely enforced rule. Newer users are encouraged to use their existing Wikia username until their activity and knowledge of the channel allows them to make a custom nickname. However, impersonation of any user will be met with consequences from the channel staff, and may lead to a ban if such activity persists. Also, offensive nicknames are not allowed.


While you can say as many lines of text in a row as you want, any deliberate flooding of five lines or more without reason, or any spamming of the same message five times or more, will result in being kicked from the channel.

In addition, users who "join flood" (join, leave, and then re-join the channel repeatedly, be it deliberately or out of technical reasons) will be banned from the channel for a period of time determined by the op issuing the ban.


The usage of capital letters and caps lock is frowned upon. Using capital letters to write a word or a whole entry is typically perceived as yelling.

Using excessive capital letters once will often result in a courtesy warning by an operator, and persistent usage of capital letters may lead to a kick or ban, depending on severity.

Topics of discussion

The channel is meant for help and discussion on Nukapedia and discussion about the Fallout series, though respectful off-topic discussions are allowed.


Any user wishing to bring a bot into the channel should seek approval from a channel administrator. Unauthorized or malicious bots are prohibited and are to be immediately kicked/parted from the channel.


Operators have a wide discretion relating to the issuing of warnings and bans which infringe on this rule.

The content of messages will greatly impact on the severity of the punishment. In certain particular cases, exceptions may be permitted, although these are infrequent.

Typically, the following hierarchy will apply to infringements on the above regulations (with the exception of specifically implied consequences).

  • First offense: Warning
  • Second offense: Kick
  • Third offense: One day ban

Further offenses will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.

Operators use their discretion when applying these rules, and understanding of the rules depends on the operators perception of the rules. Particular exceptions may be granted by specific operator approval. These rules and regulations, however, should be followed strictly by users.

Infringement of these rules and regulations will lead to punishment by an operator. When you enter the IRC channel, you are expected to have prior knowledge of all these rules.

Channel ops

Operators, or ops, are the IRC equivalent of administrators. Some of them are also Fallout Wiki admins, but it's not a universal rule. In most IRC clients, they are denoted by the @ symbol (although they usually assume op status only if there is a need to use their operator rights).

List of active channel operators: None

Inactive operators: