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The console is a debugging tool in the PC version of Fallout 4. It is useful for altering content while in-game, but may be used to cheat as well.

To access the console, use the grave accent key (`) while in-game. The grave accent key shifts to tilde (~) on US keyboards, and the not symbol (¬) on UK keyboards. Other keyboard layouts will differ, but the key is usually to the left of 1, and just under the Escape key (Esc).

The HUD will disappear and you will get a prompt (|) in the lower left corner of the screen where you can input commands. While the console is open, the game will pause and the camera will freeze. If the left side of the console is not visible, one may need to edit the Fallout4_Default.ini file in the installation folder. Increasing the iConsoleTextXPos variable will move the prompt further right into the field of view. Fallout 4 does not require you to turn off an Xbox/PS Controller if you are using one, to use the console. If you are using a controller, simply use your keyboard to enable the console.

Debugging and mapping

  • help <itemName> <int from 0 to 4> – Searches for item IDs, perk names, and even other commands. Use PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll through the console.
    • Example: help leather 0 – This will list everything - item IDs, perk names, and commands - with "Leather" in the name.
    • Example #2: help "leather armor" 0 – If your search term contains a space, surround it in quotation marks.
    • Example #3: help "legendary raider" 4 – then use player.placeatme ID you find on the help console to summon it. Example: player.placeatme 00184752 10. will summon 10 legendary raiders
  • tmm #Toggle Map Marker: #=1 Enables all locations to your Pip-Boy with fast travel (Does not update the "locations discovered" statistic in the Pip-Boy 3000). #=0 Disables all map markers. tmm 1,0,1 adds only unexplored map markers without fast travel.
  • tgmToggle God Mode: Gives the player invincibility to damage, radiation and oxygen underwater. It also gives unlimited ammo, carrying capacity and AP (reloading does use AP with some weapons) and stops item degradation. Rad-Away and Stimpaks do not work while tgm is active, but Power armor Fusion Cores will still drain. In addition, it provides unlimited resources for building items at Settlements.
  • timToggle Immortal Mode: Character will still take damage, but their health will never reach zero. No radiation invincibility, no infinity AP and ammo.
    • Warning: This will irreversibly screw up your character should you encounter a kill animation (e.g. Deathclaw evisceration) which can lead to your limbs or head being replaced by gibs causing permanent crippling debuffs (perception or agility at 0), inability to equip gear for the affected slots and all your character's dialogue being skipped (in case of a mauled head). While the visual effects can be solved by entering/exiting power armor, the permanent 0 for SPECIAL stats and your mute player character are impossible to restore and force you to reload a previous save.
  • tclToggle CLipping: Enables the player to move in any direction, including through solid objects and/or empty space. (A.K.A. "noclip"). It allows you to "fly" over an area and view it or get unstuck from a location. Make sure to click on an empty space to clear any IDs that are being used in the console for this to work, prid with no parameters also serves the same purpose.
    • Note: You will still be unable to pass outside the invisible walls at the boundaries of the map.
  • tgpToggle Game Pause: Puts the game in a frozen state, even when leaving the console. Useful in combination with tfc and tm to line up perfect screenshots. Type again to resume the game.
  • fov <Third person FOV> <First person FOV> – The angle of the game camera's horizontal Field Of View settings in degrees. Higher values make more of the world around you fit on screen, but also distort the image more.
    • fov or fov 0 0 - Sets the default of 70 degrees.
    • fov 90 - Sets the Third person camera to 90 degrees, and the first person camera back to 70. If you are in first person mode, this can make it seem as if the setting was ignored.
  • tfcToggle Freefly Camera: tfc 1 freezes all animations, useful for screenshots.
  • setufocamspeedmult <int> or sucsm <int> - Changes the Freefly camera movement speed. 20 is default.
  • tmToggle Menu: Toggles UI Overlay (including console, type TM again to show.)
  • screenshot – Takes a screenshot without removing any HUD elements. Screenshot is stored in the root Fallout4.exe directory named "ScreenShot#.png". Use in conjunction with tm to make the console and HUD invisible for a better screenshot.
  • clCharacter Light: Enable/Disable/Edit the rim lighting that is used on character models. Character Light can also be applied to other models that currently do not use it. It can also be removed from models.
  • gr – Enable/Disable/Edit God-Ray
  • coc <cell edid>Center On Cell: Teleports the player to the specified cell. For example, to teleport to the Pre-War Sanctuary Hills from the beginning of the game type coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01 Red Rocket gas station which is next to Sanctuary would be "coc RedRocketExt".
  • scof <filename> – Writes console output to the specified file.
  • bat <filename>BATch: Executes specified list of commands as defined by a text file (.txt).
  • tgToggle Grass: Toggles grass display.
  • tllToggle Low LOD: Toggles distant LOD display.
  • tsToggle Sky: Toggles sky display.
  • twsToggle Water System: Toggles water display.
  • qqq – "Fast quit", immediately closes the game.
  • csbClear Screen Blood: Removes current blood splatter, dust from explosions and similar screen effects.


  • setstage <QuestID> <Quest stage number> – Moves the quest in your quest log to the indicated quest stage. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.
  • sqtShow Quest Target: Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs.
  • completequest <QuestID> – Completes the given quest.
  • showquestobjectives <QuestID> or sqo <QuestID> – Shows all current quest objectives, even completed ones for the given quest or all quests if without ID.
  • completeallobjectives <QuestID> – Completes all current objectives for the given quest.
  • resetquest <QuestID> – Resets the given quest.
  • caqsComplete All Quest Stages: finishes every quest, granting you all quest items and quest related achievements. Very buggy and may cause the game to crash.
  • movetoqt <QuestID> – Teleports the player to the questtarget.
  • sqs <quest id>Show Quest Stages: Used to display all the stages of a quest.

Inventory manipulation

  • player.additem <base_id> <amount> <flag> – Add any item to your inventory. Use the "help" command to find the base ID.
    • Example: player.additem 0006907A 1 to add 1 Aluminum. The command is not case-sensitive. If the ID begins with 0's, they can be omitted ("6907a" will work fine in the above example).
    • Note: "Flag" appears to be useless. Experiment with inserting 1000 combat armor pieces lead to receiving of approximately 300 of each possible prefix regardless of prefix used. Armor insertion appears to be random.
  • player.removeitem <base_id> <amount> – Remove any item from your inventory.
  • player.showinventory or player.inv – Lists Inventory with object IDs.
  • player.equipitem <object_id> – Equip an item from the inventory. Useful for equipping items that don't appear in Pip-Boy inventory.
  • player.unequipitem <object_id> – Unequip inaccessible items (e.g. Pip-Boy).
  • GetPlayerGrabbedRef Gives Item ID of currently held Item (e.g. Press and hold E on item and type command in console)

NPC Manipulation

  • player.placeatme <base_id> <amount> – Spawn an enemy/creature/item/object on top of the player. While the console is open, you may also click on an NPC to target it, then simply use "placeatme" without the "player." to spawn on top of the target.
    • Example: player.placeatme 1db4c 1 to spawn 1 Deathclaw on top of you.
  • showinventory – Lists NPC's Inventory with object IDs.
  • kill – Kills the target (unless essential).
  • resurrect – Resurrects NPC.
    • Warning: Be aware that NPCs with crippled limbs/head can spawn without them and look glitchy.
  • killall – Kills all NPCs and creatures in the area except for companions and "essential" NPCs that are too important to die. They will instead slump down until healed with a Stimpack.
  • unequipall – Unequips all items from an NPC.
  • openactorcontainer 1 – Opens any NPC's Inventory as if they were a container. Equipped clothes do not show.
  • tai – Toggles the AI on an NPC. This basically freezes them until toggled again.
  • tcaiToggle Combat AI: Toggles all AI combat routines.
  • tdetect – Toggle detection: Player can't be detected by enemies.
  • sexchange – Changes the sex of the NPC. Please note that this does not always come out comely.
    • Warning: Only use this on disposable NPCs. This will mess up NPCS, but it can be remedied by restarting the game and loading a previous save.
  • setessential <bool> – Allows an NPC to be permanently killed. Click on a an NPC then enter the command for it to work. Use the resurrect command to revive them.
    • setessential 0 – Allows the NPC to be permanently killed.
    • setessential 1 – Sets them to be unkillable.
  • isessential – Returns 0 or 1 depending on whether the target is non-essential or essential.
  • getav CA_affinity – Get Companion Affinity Level (Events usually triggered at 250, 500, 750, 1000 with 1000 being max)
  • setav CA_affinity – Sets Companion Affinity Level to an absolute value.
  • modav CA_affinity – Modifies Companion Affinity Level by a relative value.
  • resetAi – Resets AI.
  • tcToggle Control: Allows you to control selected AI.
    • Note: Does not (automatically) remove control of your previous character. As such all commands like moving forward will be sent to both controlled targets. Toggle player.tc to remove control from the player character.
  • pickreferenceid <id> or prid <id> – Same as clicking on a target to select its ID. Useful for executing (multiple) commands on "invisible" or unreachable targets.
  • drop <id> <amount> – Forces the NPC to drop a specified amount of an item from their inventory.


Fallout 4 factions
Name ID
Atom Cats 00048641
Brotherhood of Steel 0005DE41
Children of Atom 0002FB84
Diamond City security 00002F65
Triggermen 00083AD0
The Forged 0031010D
The Institute 0005E558
Minutemen 00068043
Player 0001C21C
Raiders 0001CBED
Railroad 000994F6
Gunners 00058303
Pillars of the Community 000C1732
Neighborhood Watch 000E1ACC
  • AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.
  • RemoveFromFaction <faction id> Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target
  • removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player from the "player faction" if used on the player.
  • setally <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally
  • setenemy <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> Makes two factions enemies with each other. 0=neutral, 1=enemy

Stats and character manipulation

character variables (use with getav, setav, modav, or forceav)

speedmult (normal is 100.00, double speed is 200.00, etc.)
perceptioncondition (head condition, 0-100)
endurancecondition (torso condition, 0-100)
leftattackcondition (left arm condition, 0-100)
rightattackcondition (right arm condition, 0-100)
leftmobilitycondition (left leg condition, 0-100)
rightmobilitycondition (right leg condition, 0-100)
braincondition (effect unknown)
invisibility (on is 1, off is 0)

  • player.getav <variable> – Prints a report of the current value of a given variable to the console. See list of character variables in this section for examples of what can be used here.
  • player.setav <variable> <amount> – Sets actor values to a given amount (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, experience, resistances, actionpoints, health, etc). Using setav will affect the perk chart and unlock new perks for the player to select from.
  • player.modav <variable> <amount> – Modify an actor value. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. set using "modav" will change in the Pip Boy but will not affect the Perk chart - use "setav" for this instead. The value will max out at its normal maximum value. A negative number lowers the variable.
  • player.forceav <variable> <amount> – Force a value.
    • Example: player.advlevel 100
    • Note: It is recommended to use ModAV instead of ForceAV, especially if you want to revert the change later. ForceAV overrides the automatic calculation of actor values, and nothing will affect that actor value again aside from another ForceAV or a ModAV. For example, with a Carry Weight of 200, a ForceAV carryweight 5000 will give the player character a carrying capacity of 5000. Getting an extra point of strength will not change that capacity, even if you ForceAV the Carry Weight back to 200 before getting the additional point of strength. On the other hand, a ModAV carryweight 5000 will result in a carrying capacity of 5200, getting an additional point of Strength will make that increase appropriately, and a subsequent ModAV carryweight -5000 will place the value back where it should be based on Strength. Also, Player.ModAV Experience ### will add or subtract experience from your XP pool. Adding experience such that the player advances more than one level will only give one perk point, rather than one perk point per level. Subtracting experience will not reduce the player level. It is recommended to only add sufficient experience to advance one level at a time.
  • player.addperk <perk ID> – Adds a specific perk and its rank. For a list of perks see Fallout 4 perks.
    • Note: This command does not add preceding or succeeding ranks within a perk - it only adds one perk rank. For example, if you want to be a Master Locksmith (rank 4/4), you must also add (or have already learned) Locksmith perk ranks 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4.
  • player.removeperk <perk ID> – Removes a specified perk.
    • Note: For some reason this does not seem to work for the V.A.N.S. perk.
  • player.sexchange - Change player character's gender.
  • player.setlevel <level> – Set level. Note that this cannot be used to level your character down.
  • advancepcskill <advskill> – Advance a point on a specific skill branch.
  • showlooksmenu <id> 1 or slm <id> 1 – Edit target's appearance.
    • showlooksmenu 14 1 – Edit player character (RefID 14).
    • Warning: Do not modify non-humans.
  • getgs <string> – Show game settings value.
  • player.resethealth – Refills health bar, leaves radiation sickness.
  • player.setav speedmult <value> – Allows you to set the value for your running speed. Default is 100.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin <value> – Allows you to set the value for your jump. The higher the number, the higher the jump. Be careful as jumping too high will cause fall damage. (Default 90)
  • player.moveto <id item/NPC> – Move to the NPC or item.
  • player.setrace <race id> – Changes the race of the player. Can be used to change into a Ghoul, Super Mutant, or a Synth. You can find a list of the race ID's using the help function.
    • Note: Changing into certain races can cause the game to crash

Items & world manipulation

This is easiest if you first click on something in the world with the console open to target it.

  • disable – Hides the selected object.
  • enable - Shows the selected object.
  • attachmod or amod – Adds a mod onto the selected item.
  • removemod or rmod – Removes a mod from the selected item.
  • coc qasmoke – Transports you to a room with access to all items in the game.Use "coc SanctuaryExt" to get back to the world.
  • setScale <int> – Set the scale of an item in game. It's usually required to "disable" then "enable" the item for the new scaling to fully take place.
    • Note: Be careful when using setscale to large numbers like 10. You may seem big and powerful, but a very small drop-off (in comparison to your size) will be fatal. Cliffs look very tiny from 50 feet up, but still kill you as if you were normal size. Additionally cells will still only load as if you were normal size, and moving through un-spawned cells can crash the game. It is suggested to use the no-clip command tcl to prevent falling.
  • getScale – Prints out the scale of the item in the console.
  • lock and unlock – Lock/Unlock doors, safes, terminals or any other locked container. Other lock states can also be set with special values. Unlock will not work on doors that are "locked from the other side".
    • Values between lock 1 and lock 100 set the difficulty to that of the Lockpick skill (0-25 novice, 26-50 advanced, 51-75 expert, 76-100 master).
    • lock 0 – Lock using the previous type of lock it had, or novice if it had none.
    • lock -1 or lock 255 – "Requires Key"
    • lock -2 or lock 254 – "Inaccessible"
    • lock -3 or lock 253 – "Requires Terminal"
    • lock -4 or lock 252 – "Chained"
    • lock -5 or lock 251 – "Barred"
  • activate – Activate an item, say a door, that is normally operated by a switch
  • markfordelete – Similar to disable, will delete any item from the game, removing it permanently. It may disappear immediately, or it may require you to exit and re-enter the area.
    • Warning: This console command can remove important parts of the map, NPCs or even the player. Use with extreme caution.
  • setopenstate <int> – Similar to activate, but will open and close it without the player having to use it.
    • setopenstate 0 – Closed.
    • setopenstate 2 – Open.
  • setownership – Make the item yours. (for instance a cabinet or a bed)
  • player.placeatme <base_id> <stack amount> <quality> – Place an item next to the player; for many items only a stack amount of 1 is valid.
  • setangle <axis> <degrees> – Rotate/level an object (typically one that was placed with placeatme) on the 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' axis. Commonly used after placing a Power armor frame before attempting to enter the frame, so that the player doesn't freeze (a bug), by clicking on the frame, and setting the X and Y axis angle values to 0.
  • player.moveto <ref_id> – Move the player to an object.
  • set timescale to <scale> – Sets the timescale, the ratio determining how fast game time moves relative to real time.
    • set timescale to 30 – 30 seconds pass in game for every second in real time (default setting).
    • set timescale to 1 – 1 second passes in game for every second in real time.
    • set timescale to 0 – Stops time of day.
    • Warning: Altering the timescale will cause the game to crash if NPCs spawned using placeleveledactoratme or movetoplayer enter into combat.
    • Note: A timescale of 0 will prevent actors to cross cell borders.
  • set gamehour to <time> – Sets the gamehour to the entered value. Change applies only when player unpauses the game. Before making any changes to the gamehour using GetCurrentTime might be useful.
  • fw <ID>Force Weather: Changes the weather. The following are confirmed to work (more are coming):
Weather IDs
Editor ID Form ID
DefaultWeather 0000015E
CommonwealthMistyRainy 001CD096
CommonwealthRain 001CA7E4
CGPrewarNukeFXWeather 001F61FD
CommonwealthClear 0002B52A
CommonwealthClear_VBFog 002486A4
CommonwealthClear2 002385FD
CommonwealthDarkSkies 001E5E60
CommonwealthDarkSkies2 002385FB
CommonwealthDarkSkies3 00226448
CommonwealthDusty 001F61A1
CommonwealthFoggy 001C3473
CommonwealthGSFoggy 001BD481
CommonwealthGSOvercast 000F1033
CommonwealthGSRadstorm 001C3D5E
CommonwealthPolluted 001EB2FF
DiamondWeather 0000116D
DiamondWeatherPastel 0000116E
FXNukeWeather 001256FB
FXWthrMoonlightOnly 00088C57
IstWeather 000016EC


player.placeatme c1aeb - will let you place a workbench anywhere that can be used to build a settlement. Note: Currently there is no known way to get settlers to move to your new settlement (other then a recruitment Beacon or sending them from another settlement).

player.placeatme 00020593 might spawn a working settler

To start building it is necessary to activate godmode tgm after placing the Workbench.

To scrap everything in your settlement enter scrapall

  • Warning: If you use the scrapall command in Red Rocket Truck Stop, several items in Sanctuary Hills may also be scrapped. Things like doors to other cells may also be scrapped with this command, the doors to the basement in The Castle for an example. You will be unable to enter these areas if they are deleted. Be very careful when using this.

Size Budget

These commands only affect workbenches in settlements. The easiest way to modify a settlement is to travel there and target the workbench with the console open.

The size budget is a combination of triangle counts and draw calls and is configured for each settlement. Each object the player creates in the settlement will use a portion of both in the budget, with more complex objects using up more. The budget itself is tracked as actor values attached to the workbench. Note that in order to use these actor values you must use the numeric id as they do not have a usable console name.

You can see your current usage with these commands. As these are calculated by the workbench, changing them with setav or the like is not recommended.

  • getav 348 - Gets the current number of triangles used by player.
  • getav 34A - Gets the current number of draw calls used by player.

These commands will let you change the actual budget. Increasing the values will allow you to build more.

  • setav 349 <value> - Set the maximum triangle budget for the settlement.
  • setav 34B <value> - Set the maximum budget for the settlement.

Note: The budgets are there for a reason, to keep players from building overly large settlements that could negatively impact performance. Using these commands to ignore the budgets could have consequences.

More Power for Fusebox in Diamond City Home

By default the fusebox only supplies 100 power. You have to target the fusebox while issuing following commands.

  • getav 32e - Show the current value
  • setav 32e <value> - Add power to the fusebox

More Food from plants

  • getav 331 - Show the current value
  • setav 331 <value> - Add food to the plants

More water from pump

  • getav 332 - Show the current value
  • setav 332 <value> - Add water to the pump

More Defense from Turrets

  • getav 333 - Show the current value
  • setav 333 <value> - Set turret defense

Cheat Scripts

On PC, place a text file (.txt) in Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout 4 with any and all of the below commands, ending with a semicolon (;) and a new command on each line. To run the script while in-game, open the console and type bat file name without the file-type extension. For example, if the file name is "test", simply type bat test in-game to run the script and all of the commands will be applied instantly.

Visual Bug Glitch

There's currently a bug going around that involves locking the imagespace mod of the Recon sight and/or the Night vision sight. Use these two codes to correct them.

rimod 00094636;
rimod 002041b6;


  • Unlike in Fallout: New Vegas, using console commands will not disable Steam achievements for the current game session.
  • When adding or removing perks you must add/remove all ranks in order to get the effect of all ranks. E.g. if you add rank 2 Lone Wanderer without adding rank 1 first, then only rank 2 will be in effect.
  • While using God Mode "tgm", in workshop mode resources might seem to be capped to "999", but actually resources are infinite, one can build items requiring more than 999 of any resource (like level 2-3 Stores).
  • It is possible to add legendary modifiers to items, however no weapon or piece of armor can have more than one legendary stat, and applying a legendary mod to an item that already has one replaces it.