Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

The engine room is a location onboard Mothership Zeta.


The engine room is mostly circular with one inaccessible door, forcing the player to explore the area in a clockwise fashion. The area inaccessible via the main room is linear, with straight hallways and corridors. Scattered throughout are aliens, support drones, and guardian drones. There are also a few opportunities for the player to sabotage turrets.

Notable loot


  • This is one of many areas of the ship that will not be accessible after the player has completed the main quest (This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...).
  • If you take Somah into the engine room she will make comments about smelling flammable gas, and wonder aloud 'what a well placed grenade would do to that thing.' There are several places where the flammable gas can be ignited.


The engine room appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


  • PCPC If exploring the area with the console command tcl, you can find a switch under the ground of the northwest room labeled "Release Control." In the GECK it's labeled DLC05ERoomGasTrapControl, and in the console it's labeled xx007A53. [verified]